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Zorro Reborn – what happens when Zorro 2110 doesn't die

Those of you who are well-versed in the crazy crap that may come down the studio pipe might remember the IMDB had a listing for Zorro 2110 around 2008 or so that had no other information except a bunch of lawsuits. Amazingly, this film has returned to life in the form of Zorro Reborn, where the Zorro of a post-apocalyptic future does Zorro things and carves Zs into spaceships or something. This film took so long to exist that someone went ahead and already made a Future Zorro cartoon series, Zorro: Generation Z.

They got Gael Garcia Bernal to star as Zorro, because he’s awesome. The director is Rpin Suwannath, who was born with a terrible condition that destroyed vowels in his first name. He is a “previsualization specialist” – which means he hasn’t directed squat. The writers Lee Shipman and Brian McGreevy also wrote a Dracula reboot called Harker, which might star Russell Crowe as a Scotland Yard detective named Harker who investigates the Dracula murders. So now you have yet another film to look forward to!

Johnston McCulley wrote the original pulp stories, for more Zorro information you can Google “Zorro” yourself.

No word on that Samson in the Future script, but at current rates it won’t be a film until 2015 at the earliest..


Zorro Generation Z

Not a lightsaber, please don't sue us, Lucas!

Romper Stomper

Romper Stomper (Review)

Romper Stomper



Russell Crowe as Hando
Daniel Pollock as Davey
Jacqueline McKenzie as Gabe
Directed by Geoffrey Wright

Before Russell Crowe was Gladiator, he was a soldier of the white race. But not a very good one. And this movie is not exceptional, either, though it isn’t that bad. It’s interesting to see a younger Crowe play a completely different character than usually seen in American films. Actually it’s interesting to see an actor I don’t really care for be a villain main character. Russell Crowe’s acting is like this introduction, it isn’t very good!