Brett Ratner is set to make a movie of the Image comic Youngblood. Image comics was the company created when a bunch of artists left Marvel over character rights’ issues and formed their own company, only it turned out most of their creations where just X-Men rehashes and most of them couldn’t write a Goofus and Gallant article. Aside from titles like Spawn, Gen 13, and Savage Dragon, most of Image mired in average to less than average comics you can find in bargain bins. Yes, many Marvel comics are in bargain bins, stop complaining. Youngblood was created by Rob Liefeld, who was at one point the hottest artist in comics (and even got his own Levis commercial with Spike Lee!) because everyone was on drugs back then. That’s the only explanation for Rob Liefeld’s success, because he has never seen an anatomy book in his life. Check out this famous Captain America cover:
So Ratner is claiming Youngblood will be a tentpole title. Yeah. Maybe a tentpole through the heart of whatever producers back it.
I’ll just steal the plot of the comic from wikipedia (because they steal from me so I am returning the favor):
Youngblood was a high-profile superteam sanctioned and overseen by the United States Government. The members of Youngblood include Shaft, a former FBI agent and archer whose bow uses magnets to propel its arrow instead of a string; Badrock, a teenager transformed into a living block of stone; Vogue, a Russian fashion model with purple-and-chalk-white skin; and Chapel, a government assassin.
I was wondering why the heck this got tapped until I read that Leifeld hired Alan Moore (of 300 and Watchmen fame) to relaunch the title in 1998. Now it all makes sense! Someone is betting on Watchmen doing boffo and was struggling to get their hand on anything Alan Moore.

We move to more mainstream superhero fare as Superman is going to get rebooted…by the Wachowski brothers! I guess Warner Brothers hasn’t lost enough money.