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Wingnut Web – Letterman makes me hate the darkies edition

Oh, David Letterman. One simple joke about a knocked up daugther of Sarah Palin has turned into fake outrage by pretending it was about a different, younger daughter and conservatives playing angels that would never insult young children, while 100% remaining silent on the onslaught of jokes about Chelsea when Clinton was in office! Even John McCain made tasteless jokes at a child’s expense, along with their lord and master, Rush Limbaugh. What was originally going to be a failed look as some random Letterman comments turned into something special thanks to my favorite racist from Resistnet.com, Ann, who goes even more off the deep end than usual to attack the Obama children while simultaneously attacking Letterman for attacking children. The trainwreck is a thing of beauty, and the thread is still ongoing.

We start out with thefoxnation.com…

I have no idea what Delores CH WV’s point is

Jim Long Beach wants to beat up a TV personality because of a joke that he doesn’t understand

Now, nothing too exciting was being posted, so I was all set to let it go. Until I checked out resistnet.com…

Ann goes balls to the walls racist

Ann hopes you aren’t offended…by her views on ugly people!

Ann’s thoughts on the appearance of black people couldn’t possibly be accepted by the community there, right?

Madison and Ann have concern for the children, whose parents are filled with hate. No, not their own children…

RikBrooks shows there is at least one semi-decent guy left on Resistnet.com (they will run him off the site soon enough!)

Ann claims she has black friends, like they all do.

RikBrooks tries to talk sense into her…

Ann declares she isn’t racist, and her imaginary black friend also thinks Michelle is “ugly”, so therefore the comments are justified, see!

RikBrooks calls her out

Ann becomes a crybaby! And Ann, you ARE a racist!

Alex Fitch chimes in about how integration destroyed America! How dare you call him racist for hating the darkies!

Mindy also joins the Ann Fan Club of Racist Resisters

Phil shows he loves underage girl incest blowjobs! Let’s hear it for Phil, posting from jail!

Ann begins attacking everyone, even supporters

Ann starts to explode like a volcano of hate!

And Ann begins to play the victim. Black people are the real racists.

That is sadly the end for now, but the thread is still ongoing and if Ann posts her sob story about how one of her racist tirades went awry I’ll add it up. Resistnet.com was laying low for a while, but the crazy racism is back, baby! Until then, Wingnut Web is out!

Wingnut Web – Specter-busters! Edition

So Senator Arlen Specter of PA announced yesterday that he is switching parties from Republican to Democratic. Specter was a more moderate Republican, and was facing a primary challenge from an extremely conservative opponent who was out-polling him by a lot. This was good news, because conservative challenger Pat Toomey would have never won the overall election, and there would be good chance a progressive candidate got elected. Instead, Specter went into self-serving mode and switched sides. The benefit is the Democrats will now have 60 seats in the Senate, the “magic number” they need to stop filibusters, but the price is we exchanged a good chance of a progressive pickup for a Blue-Dog wannabe who is more concerned with his own career than helping the country. A mixed bag at best, but since Specter is pushing 80 he might not make it to the end of the term starting in 2010 regardless.

As you can imagine, the news of the defection took the Wingnuttosphere by storm! A fury of hate ensued, with many commentors taking up the position that they kicked Specter out. Although Specter was never a real conservative, his party switching is entirely due to self-preservation, and is not because some crazy teabaggers kicked him out. If anything, his departure and primary challenge were signs that the Republican party has left mainstream American and gone down a road of 19th century policies. But you will never know that if you just go by what the wingnuts post online. Let’s go by freerepublic.com to see some typical reactions to the Specter defection:

What a totally not-racist sig this guy has…
And then you’ll be completely irrelevant!

It’s not because we’re dinosaurs from the 19th century, it’s because of ILLEGALS and MINORITIES!

Someone tell this guy that Specter is a Reagan Republican, watch his mind explode!

But the Right never does this!

Okay, maybe they do do it…

If ex-snook read his comment, he’d realize he’s advocating for progressive Democratic policies…

I got an F-word for this guy

Liberals are all about purging…KICK OT THE RINOS!!!!!

Judge Judy?

Fewer and stonger idiots! Their ignorance is so strong they make Schwarzenegger look like a pipe cleaner!

Yes, losing an election due to horrible policies=wiped out by Nazis

Freaking Negroes! Get on your knees and thank the Republicans!

Sure it was a Republican who switched sides this time, but DON’T TRUST THEM LIBS!!

The award for the most delusional post goes to:

Sarah Palin scares me, but not for any of the reasons they think she does

True Republican Patriot shows the love

dools007 makes up a point and then runs with it down the street, on the freeway, and off a bridge

Well, as FreeRepublic is insane, maybe Resistnet.com will have more sane responses!
Okay, maybe not!

That’s it for now, or at least until we better organize all the posts declare the Swine Flu a government conspiracy. Specter’s interruption changed the update, but we’ll get that huge batch of flu crazy soon enough!

Wingnut Web – Joining Al Qaeda Edition

Resistnet.com claims to be the peaceful resistance to President Obama’s agenda. Apparently, peacefully resisting means cheering on terrorists and asking if they need help! That is no surprise, their entire site is filed with hateful diatribe, racism, and treasonous statements like those that follow. Some of the members are still fighting the Civil War! It takes a special breed of crazy to stand out at Resistnet, and these guys have it in spades!

We open with the news story that started it all, a supposed warning from Al Qaeda that they will attack Washington. Kaleb Jones starts off the thread by immediately declaring it an inside job by President Obama!

Darren is all for our government getting killed! (Peacefully, of course)

It’s Obama’s fault if we get attacked, says Rev. Dr. Micheal D. D., but it is a good thing!

D Reimer, God loving patriot who wants to see the government blown up!

Help the terrorists lynch ’em all, says Darren!

Slow Poke knows it is right to help your fellow man

No one can pull a fast one on Hubert!

America is like one of those girls who cut themselves, says Anita Hughes

Don wears short skirts and carries pom-poms while forming the top of the “Go Al Qaeda!” pyramid!

The American government will use Russian nukes to blow up its own capital – someone actually thinks this!

President Bush kept us safe for 8 years. 9-11 and the anthrax things never happened ::waves hand::

Hu-yuck, kill the president! (peacefully)

Margie disagrees…kill Congress instead! (peacefully)

John C Matthews gets what he asks for sometimes!

That’s enough for now, I’m too busy contacting the FBI to continue, so until next time, keep your Wingnuts Webby!

Wingnut Web – White People Never Get a Fair Shake Edition

Wingnut Web is a fun little feature where we visit radical right wing sites just to see the crazy. Resistnet.com is one such site, filled to the brim with those who cower in fear of Obama and his horde of Kenyan ACORN private army illegal Mexicans who want a United North America, commie everything, and to ban all guns. This is after you are forcibly gay married to an abortion. Thanks to the thousands of George Soros dollars I get, I have all the time I need to rake through the sites and collect the crazies for public mocking, before the entire thing is sent off to the FBI so the posters get put on lists for the FEMA camps.

But first let’s show an example of Resistnet trying to outdo themselves for showing pride in their whiteness! Every post in this update except the first one by Chris is from the same thread. I barely had to do any work! Hooray for laziness!

Chris here asks a decent question and is berated and insulted for pages and pages for months on end until the thread is locked because there are no racists on Resistnet.com so the thread has no more use! Many of the posters seem to think Chris is a liberal plant because he is upset over the White Nationalism.

The very day Resistnet declares racism there is a non-issue, we get this lovely thread by Carl Gottstein, fresh of the boat from 1944 Germany:

Don realizes that helping poor people is nothing but liberal brainwashing, somehow got Obama elected, and will destroy the US!

Our favorite crazy, david c. hubbard, goes on a long rant about how white people=freedom

Then Dwayne Hefner chimes in about how minorities can’t walk two steps before someone pays for their college and promotes them in the army:

mftysac77 knows that the government just wants to kill whitey. Or the rap song. They’re the same thing, really…

Ruth Petersen reminds us all that the only racists are Obama supporters and the North American Union!

ThePhoenixFromTheAshes is related to everyone in Britain but also every soldier who fought for the CSA in the civil war, which was totally not about slavery except for the fact that it was.

Equal rights for cells!

William Weese joins in on the fun!

RAPTOR is too stupid to learn that Micheal Richards was never in court and the whole email forward is a lie.

Margie knows white people did everything and everyone else just stood around picking their noses

Hey, Carl Gottstein returns to give cryptic threats!

LambiesAmerica knows Obama is only president because the blacks will riot, but is NOT RACIST!

Carl Gottstein is slapped in the face with his erection upon reading that post!

Bill Mullins is one of the few posters at Resistnet who isn’t missing his brain and is a cop

Carl Gottstein demands the truth from the man in blue!

Linda knows racism stinks, but Jesus will cure it! Somehow!

Annie Conners-Maloney is the non-whitest white supremacist of them all!

Wingnut Web – Disallusioned AIDS Edition

As Obama’s presidency continues on, the Radical Right continues to freak out. They’ve built a perfect world of paranoia and insanity to insulate them from the real world and rational thought. What an amazing world they must inhabit, where Obama’s death squads will come for them every night to force them to gay marry, convert to Islam, and then blow themselves up for Allah. But luckily a drug addict radio host is leading the Republicans, so they will totally be out of the wilderness. Just look at these posts from Resistnet.com and you will see how poised they are to recapture America’s heart!

Riots in the streets, because black people are animals, see…

To be a conservative you must believe anything random homeless guys yell out

JoanO knows the truth of Bill Clinton and Holland or some country around there

Jill spends all her free time on TheObamaForum arguing with Ron Paul supporters pretending to be black people

Betz wants to get physical

Cody is making the ultimate database, he just wants you to do all the work!

david c. hubbard gets into imaginary fights with imaginary small minority children

david c. hubbard also hates violence so much he declares war on everything

Our friend RC continues to outdo himself

I’ve Ben Christian but now I am disillusioned!

Ben Christian, expert on Holy Wars

Ben Christian, expert on Race Wars

The CIA killed JFK over silver! Proof? What is that?

Sharon P is the number one target of Al Qaeda nukes

Why won’t Christian ministers call for war? It’s like Jesus was for peace or something…

That’s enough for now, because the vomit level is reaching critical mass. We don’t want to pay for extra plumbing work, so tune in next time to Wingnut Web, where you will see some troglodyte say “Osambo!”

Wingnut Web – I Have a Dream Edition

Resistnet.com continues to be crazy as a crazy house crazy. That’s pretty crazy. Besides their hobbies of patriotically resisting Obama by openly calling for armed rebellion (which they won’t do themselves because they are too lazy) they also obsess over race. You hear all the standard dumb crap, like how Martin Luther King was a Republican (because he died just as the party switched to crazy mode and absorbed the racist Dixiecrats) or that black people only voted for Obama because he was black (yet failing to explain Alan Keyes poor showing over the years, or Jesse Jackson, or many others). I have a dream that one day Resistnet.com will self-implode from all the crazy. And that dream is looking more and more likely every day!

micheal jensen knows MLK would be enraged, ENRAGED, that a black man is president

white woumb, White Woumb!

White Woumb, WHITE WOUMB!!!

See, black people should totally hate Obama!

Bruce Sims was sick that day in Bible Study when they learned about Joseph being sold into slavery

Anthony is sick of this race crap, unlike above when he was dishing out the fractions of races that Obama was

You see, black people are curse, it is in the Bible. Also, whites are enlarged, just let me unzip my pants here…

Paul is a special kind of crazy. The kind posting from inside a room with padded walls…

Any child knows this, Paul Smith

Gary is the man with the plan

This post stinks like Pepe LePew…

Claudia L Johnson takes a break from posting on the TarsTarkas.NET forums to post more at Resistnet.com

No more Harry Turtledove novels for Radical Rabbi

Washington is going to secede! What is secede?

Silly Radical Rabbi, Trix are for kids!

Old, rich, white Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example of how the Republicans are not old, rich, white guys!

That’s enough for now, but we got dozens and dozens of other crazy posts to bring you soon as soon can be! They only get nuttier from here, folks!