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Monsters sequels and prequels

We got some Monsters news from two Monsters movies, thus I’m combining them in one entry as it makes life easier to clear up the backlog.

First up, do you remember that found footage movie Monsters that was sort of interesting but ultimately went nowhere? Well, it’s getting a sequel. Gareth Edwards is off doing the Godzilla movie and some other stuff, so there’s a new writer and director and title. Monsters: The Dark Continent will feature “a teacher living outside the walled quaratined zone in Central America and his brother whom he ventures into the region to find—a former military man who has become a figure akin to APOCALYPSE NOW’s Colonel Kurtz.” written by Jay Basu and directed by Tom Green (the Tom Green who isn’t an insane comedian) No word on if the sequel will have a budget that is more than the cost of a tank full of gas. Boy, isn’t gas expensive? What’s that about? Must be because of the Monsters.

Speaking of Monsters and energy production, Pixar’s hit Monsters Inc. is getting it’s prequel, Monsters University. Find out how Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan met each other and why they hated each other for a while until hijinks ensued which caused them to be best buds. June 21, 2013 is when we’re getting this money maker! The preview trailer has just dropped. And to make the prequel even more hype-tastic, they’ve made four versions of it, where Mike says something different when Sully yanks off his covers. Watch them all for maximum joke getting. You don’t want to be the guy at the party who’s only seen three versions of the Monsters University trailer!




And the iTunes version I can’t get to embed right is here

Monsters University