Link to the RedBand Trailer, which has InAPPropriate language and boner jokes.
Lindsay Lohan does “her fantasy of taking an ultimate revenge on the salivating paparazzi who haunt her” – aka kills them in the style of all those awful shootings that make the news each day. That’s so InAPPropriate!
Adrien Brody is Flirty Harry, who is a tough cop who is gay. As in he says “Go ahead. Make me gay.” That is a joke. In 2013. InAPPropriate!
Don’t worry, Rob Schneider and Michelle Rodriguez will add some class. InAPPropriate class!
There is only one true InAPProprate —–> Clive Clemmons Inappropriate Response Channel!
Clive Clemmons Inappropriate Response Channel
Crill Bowley | Myspace Video