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A Talking Pony!?! means this is now a franchise!?!


Fun Family Features is back with what is now a series of A Talking….!?! films, A Talking Pony!?! Hey, Kristine DeBell is back! Remember A Talking Cat!?!, and how we swore we’d never talk about it… Well, we have to talk about it. We have to talk about Kevin..I mean, the A Talking…!?! franchise, because, otherwise, we’re gonna die.

16 year old JULIET BELLO lives on a ranch with her stepmother KIM and two irritating stepbrothers, CRAIG and PETE. Since her father died the ranch has been going downhill, until in desperation Kim has to entertain the offer from businessman MONTGOMERY BEETLE or else face foreclosure. But Juliet thinks she has a secret that could keep the ranch open: her horse, HORATIO, can talk!…

Starring Jason Faunt, Kristine DeBell, Jenny Cipolla, Max Wilbur, Dillon Olney, James Lastovic, Johnny Whitaker (as the voice of Horatio the pony) and Amadeus the pony as Horatio the talking pony.

Bronies are going to be all over this crap! Let’s get outta here before someone posts a letter saying they’re getting married to the A Talking Pony!?! pony!

Via Fun Family Features
A Talking Pony!?!