Glenn Beck announced his “Plan” – aka sell a bunch of books to gullible teabaggers who will buy anything that promises to save them from Commie Obama Usurpers – and did so at a rally at a Florida retirement home. He also did so without contacting, who Glenn Beck’s 9-12 Project had been coordinating a march on DC on 9-11-10. Instead, Glenn Beck randomly announces a march on DC on 8-28-10! Yes, two weeks earlier, and on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream Speech. Prepare for your dream to be co-opted by a jerkoff using the date to sell his crappy book to a bunch of racists, Dr. King! Yes, the whole thing is to support Beck’s upcoming book, The Plan, which has a 100 year plan for America. I am sure the book will be horrible, but not as horrible as Palin’s book. But it will sell a bajillion copies, thanks to the teabagging rallies across the USA. Too bad for Resistnet, though, what with them being caught holding the bag on Beck’s other rally he summarily dropped. I am sure the reaction will not be over the top…
No he didn’t!

Darla D reveals Resistnet got blindsided by the Beckster!

She may be crazy, but at least she sees Beck is just as crazy. They recognize their own

Why let a blizzard stop you from building your Unabomber shack?

Let’s pretend that conservatives will win everywhere and pretend we are smug months before we should be!

ReddDogg trusts no one who isn’t crazy enough!

Patty Parrett is ready to empty out her 401K to give to Beck. He’s going to be rolling in teabagger dough!

How dare you question the Beckster!

If you can’t hang with the ReddDoggs, stay off the teabags!

He’s going to win elections, not with politicians, but with…..something. Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck!

ReddDogg smelled Beck’s behind and doesn’t like it

Another skeptical Beck isn’t crazy enough

More members of the Beck Fan Club!

Henry Wallace wants compromise, the true sign of a liberal appeaser!

How sweet, she thinks Beck actually cares about anything but money

Twittering RedState must be like standing in front of a guy with the stomach flu. Vomit is guaranteed to fall on you.

Secret Mormon Societies! Beck is AntiChrist 2.0!

Riot 24/7 to prove how big of babies we are!

I don’t know how to Google! Help me!

We are at war..with tea..or something…

Rocky calling for unlawful violence? Why I never!

I can’t ever see Pinkstaff’s name and not laugh. Pinkstaff.

Glenn Beck declaring himself the teabagger leader is not about leaders. Right.

We aren’t flocks of sheep, now let’s all follow Glenn Beck…

Stop complaining and mindlessly follow Glenn Beck!

Wendy A asking for a handout? What about bootstraps, you welfare queen?

Glenn Beck won’t return my phone calls and emails and pictures of his name carved into my thigh…

Glenn Beck can eat it! We totally out-crazy Glenn Beck!

Glenn Beck totally screwed them over in order to sell his crappy new book!

blah blah government injecting microchips blah blah. Get a new conspiracy, Captain Boring!

That’s enough screwing over of Resistnet for now! Join us next time as Resistnet gets screwed over by Rush Limbaugh!