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The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure

Did you click on that trailer for The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure? Because if you did, you probably lost all your marbles at seeing these Teletubbies/Garbage Pail Kids things running around! But never fear, this is an actual film coming to actual theaters on August 29th (or as the marketing says, Oogust 29th!) Toni Braxton, Cloris Leachman, Christopher Lloyd, Chazz Palminteri, Cary Elwes, and Jamie Pressly all make appearances, along with you if you have kids under 5. Sorry, that’s just how it works. But if you’re going to have to go, you might as well get educated.

Find out about the Oogieloves:

Goobie Oogieloves

The Glo Worms have mutated and gained legs!

Goobie – Goobie is the most lovable inventor on the planet. Science is his passion, and he’s always got a creative and soundly engineered solution for practically any problem. Who else is able to make a refracting telescope from cereal boxes! He’s a lover of pickles, and not just because they taste so delectably good – they also inspire his most ingenious ideas. He’s always looking out for Zoozie and Toofie with endless patience and love. Goobie plays the guitar, and his favorite word is “scientastic”.

Goobie proves that the Professor from Gilligan’s Island got off the island at some point because he sired this guy!

Zoozie Oogieloves

She's come to eat the flowers

Zoozie – Zoozie is a lover of language – all language. She’s fluent in every single dialect that exists in the entire world, including both human and animal languages. This comes in handy when she, Goobie and Toofie need to ask directions from a gaggle of geese, or have a question for a chimpanzee. And she may be a fan of pink, sparkles and all things girlie, but she’s every bit the adventurer as the boys. Zoozie plays the keyboard, and her favorite word is “sparkeliciousness”.

Anyone find it weird she speaks all languages, but her favorite word isn’t a real word in any language?

Toofie Oogieloves

A rare photo of Toofie wearing pants...

Toofie – Toofie is fearless – he faces each and every obstacle with excitement and abandon. The youngest of the Oogieloves, he’s also the one most likely to get into…predicaments – like that time he tried to play catch, with a beehive! Toofie is the very best climber in all of LovelyLoveville. He’s able to climb absolutely anything he puts his mind to, no matter how tall. It’s no wonder that J. Edgar is always certain to say, “be careful, Toofie” whenever Toofie leaves the house. Toofie plays the drums, and his favorite word is “adventurific”.

Toofie spends much time with his pants down. Just think about that! I bet J. Edgar is always beating up that no good Toofie and throwing him in jail and wearing dresses and all that stuff.

Don’t worry, like Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, there are plenty of living objects: Ruffy the goldfish, Schluufy the pillow, Wendy Window, J. Edgar the vacuum cleaner, and probably others who don’t rate an about page on the website..

SO what’s the plot? I’m glad you asked because it obviously makes logical sense:

It’s Schluufy’s birthday, and the Oogieloves (Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie), along with their friends J. Edgar, Windy Window and Ruffy, are organizing a party. (Shh! It’s a secret.) Everything is going along just perfectly until J. Edgar trips and loses the last five magical balloons in all of Lovelyloveville–OH NO! The Oogiloves set out to find the magical balloons in time to save their friend’s party. Along the way, they meet some very interesting characters indeed, including Dotty Rounder (Cloris Leachman), Bobby Wobbly (Carey Elwes), Milky Marvin (Chazz Palminteri), Rosalie Rosebud (Toni Braxton) and Lola and Lero Sombero (Christopher Lloyd and Jaime Pressly). Can these new friends help them recover the magical balloons and get back to the cottage in time to celebrate Schluufy’s surprise birthday?

There is more on the Official Oogieloves website, with an embedded, repeating audio file that will eventually drive you mad and make you kill everyone you love. Carving “Oogieloves” into their chests.


One, two, Oogies coming for you...