If you miss the chance to back Boys Will Be Boys on Kickstarter, you will be kicking yourself! But don’t take my tired joke as the final word, let’s hear from creator Ntsako Mabasa himself:
Feature Film about a Bisexual Down Low NCAA Basketball Player, who impregnates his secret Gay Friend, a Rare Reproducing Hermaphrodite.
Boys Will Be Boys deals with more social issues than you can shake a stick at! How many films about homothugs are there? Probably zero.
“Boys Will Be Boy” is a Racy Art Feature Film about a Bisexual Down Low NCAA Basketball Player, Athlete, NBA Potential Number One Draft Pick, Gang-Banger, Underground Rapper, who impregnates his private/secret Gay-Boy/Homie-Lover-Friend, who turns out to be a Rare One-Of-A-Kind Reproducing Hermaphrodite with an internal Female Organ.
What’s neat about Boys Will Be Boy(s) is that the script is already written, the cast is selected, and you can tell from the video that they’ve already done test scenes. And the description is peppered with these:

These banners rule.
You should donate today. Because you literally won’t be able to donate tomorrow, as there is less than a day left on the Kickstarter!