What the crap, a sequel to Beast of Yucca Flats? “Flag on the Moon” Yucca Flats? Seriously? Apparently so! What looks to be a micro-budget comedy/horror film where the Tor Johnson imitator runs around the desert and kills more people. Will they talk about coffee? Will it have the Coleman Francis mountain? Will it be pointless, plotless, and dialogueless? Who knows! What we do know is the
IMDB site, the company website(
Abnormal Entertainment), and some pictures Avery sent me. David C. Hayes is Desert Man Beast, with Leon Cowan directing. This looks weird, but I know people will be interested in this due to the MST3K connection.

30 Corpses… 1 Man Beast… 0 Plot
Thanks to Avery who may just be wandering in a desert near you!