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Justice League Doom legion of doom

Justice League: Doom (Review)

Justice League: Doom

Justice League Doom
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Based on JLA: Tower of Babel by Mark Waid
Directed by Lauren Montgomery

Justice League Doom cheetah
The Justice League is under attack, except this time it’s by one of their own! Okay, not really by one of their own, but by the very plans Batman developed to deal with members of the Justice League.

Justice League: Doom is based loosely on the JLA: Tower of Babel storyline by Mark Waid, Justice League: Doom changes things up enough to be a different take while providing a nice adaptation of the overall themes. The main villain is changed (from Ra’s al Ghul to Vangal Savage) and some of the Justice League’s lineup is different, but the feelings of betrayal by a paranoid Batman remain.

Doom is not direct sequel to Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, but follows it with very similar character designs and voices. Many of the DC Animated films are their own shards of a loose continuity that exists purely to tell that exact tale. It’s a perfectly fine way to operate, allowing the general mythology of the heroes to exist and leaving toom for the specifics needed to make the stories work and be unique. The return of many of the familiar voice actors helps sell the loose familiarity and provides a comfort to longtime fans so they aren’t put off by Batman sounding weird or something.
Justice League Doom space station
Justice League: Doom is one of the better DC Animated films, dividing enough characterization between the different members to give each of them their own take, while still keeping a focus on Batman. Switching the villain to Vandal Savage helps push a more minor villain into focus and provides an excuse to make the full range of the plans make more sense than eliminating reading and talking.
Justice League Doom mirror master

Justice League Crisis on Two Earths

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths (Review)

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

Justice League Crisis on Two Earths
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Directed by Sam Liu and Lauren Montgomery

Justice League Crisis on Two Earths
A popular science fiction trope is heroes who are evil, villains who are good. From alternate universe to just same universe doubles, this phenomenon appears again and again, often involving goatees. Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths continues the tradition, by utilizing the long-lived Crime Syndicate that has survived several decades of DC comics reboots and remixes. Instead of getting caught up in having characters face their dark side, the evil twins are just the setting for a tale of good versus evil that accelerates into the ultimate stakes, thanks to Owlman’s secret plan.

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths is an Easter egg hunter’s dream. There are so many alternate versions of DC Comics characters that you need a flow chart to figure them all out. Add to that several of them being not only evil mirrors, but references to other non-comic characters and you will spend each viewing discovering something new. It’s one of the better DC animated films, getting the characters correct The setting in the alternate Earth allows for much more crazy stuff
Justice League Crisis on Two Earths
We open with Lex Luthor and the Joker breaking into a secure vault. But hey, Joker is called Jester, and the two are breaking into the vault of murderous criminals. One sacrifice later, and Lex Luthor is the only hero left in a world of villains. So he warps away to our world (I’ll be referring to the DC Universe as our world, because it’s just easier), with is stuffed full of heroes like an overripe pinata.

On their planet, the Crime Syndicate is free to do whatever they want, due to a combination of fear and bribes. They only don’t kill the leaders and take over the planet due to fears of retaliatory nuclear strikes. But they’re working on their own bomb that can potentially destroy anywhere on the planet, which will tip the balance in their favor. Only a few brave souls stand up to them, as most who try don’t live to stand again.
Justice League Crisis on Two Earths


Ich Bin Ein Gummibär Film!

In wake of finding out there is a live-action/CGI Rescue Rangers film on the way, the announcement of an animated Gummy Bear movie sounds cool…until you realize it isn’t Disney’s Gummi Bears, but is something called Gummibär. Gummibär/Gummy Bear is a computer generated viral singer in the same vein as Crazy Frog, which I know almost exclusively because of that Crazy Frog Brothers viral video. But this stuff is big in Europe, and studios are hot to trot on investing in global brands that give maximum overseas returns, so when Gummibär/Gummy Bear hit the big time, a cartoon movie deal becomes inevitable.

Gummibär/Gummy Bear looks ridiculous, a crazed green bear in undies and in need of a shave. But that’s the least weird thing about the Gummy Bear movie. John Travolta has been signed on to voice Gummy Bear, because Travolta has long been associated with gummy. Or grease. G-word, they’re all the same! Hopefully this means we’ll have us some Gummy disco dancing action. And yet, this isn’t the weird thing.

The script to Gummibär/Gummy Bear is being written by George Gallo, who also wrote the action film Bad Boys. In that tradition, Gummibär will team up with his friends – a vegetarian vampire bat, a cat and a chameleon – as they battle to save an alien planet from destruction. Exactly the plot you figure a Eurodance sensation would tackle!

As someone not from Europe, I have no idea if Gummy Bear is considered cool or ridiculously annoying, nor which countries are Gummy-infected and which are Gummy-free. But I do know that for a few seconds I thought there would be a cool Gummi Bears movie, and was all set to drink some gummy berry juice and start bouncing. Maybe one day….maybe one day…

I know some of you TRUE GREEN GUMMY BEAR FANS are saying “Hey, Gummy Bear already had his first movie, The Yummy Gummy Search For Santa!” And you are right, that movie exists, and Gummy Bear battles aliens to save Santa. Perhaps these will be the same aliens? Someone go rent The Yummy Gummy Search For Santa and let me know, because otherwise I have to watch it and that would be bad. For me. Probably not you, as the review would probably be a bunch of entertaining blabbering of nonsense. I do hope there is a gummy Venus De Milo, because there needs to be. Because references.

Watching the video lets me realize I’ve seen this video at some point and somehow blanked it out of my memories. But the pain comes rushing back as the green nightmare insists he’s a gummy bear.

Via ComingSoon


We’re coming for YOU, America!

Sherlock Gnomes will soon solve your garden mysteries

Sherlock Gnomes is the sequel to Gnomeo and Juliet, which I haven’t bothered to watch, but I did see a gigantic poster for it at the mall that was like two stories tall. So I got that going for me, and that pretty much makes me a Gnomeo and Juliet expert. So I can safely say that Sherlock Gnomes will be more of the same Gnomeo and Juliet niche. If you liked the original, you’ll like this sequel. If you didn’t, then there is always that killer garden gnome film that is in the works. The real question is what would David the Gnome think of all this? Had he not died and turned into a tree, that is. I cried. We all cried.

Writers Andy Riley and Kevin Cecil return, and the new director will be John Stevenson, who is best known for Kung Fu Panda. Elton John’s company is producing again and he’ll be writing more music. The plot involves Gnomeo and Juliet hiring Sherlock Gnomes to help them sole the mystery of disappearing gnomes from across England.

via Deadline
Buy the Gnome at This Etsy Shop!

Flamethrower Gnome

Elementary is how easily your flesh burns, my dear Watson!

Toys in the Attic

Toys in the Attic is a Czech stop-motion animated feature that looks freaking awesome and I want to see it sooooooo badly. I need to see it. I will kill every single one of you to see it! Okay, I’ll only kill most of you… The Czech-language version has won a whole bunch of awards, and now it’s getting an English dub and release in America. Jiri Barta is the director, and he made a lot of animated films a long time ago but seemed to take a long time off. Toys in the Attic originally premiered in 2010, and I’m surprised I didn’t hear much about it.

The plot:
In an attic full of discarded junk, a pretty doll called Buttercup lives in an old trunk together with her friends, the marionette Sir Handsome, the lovable Teddy Bear, a Mechanical Mouse and the plasticine creature, Laurent. When Buttercup is snatched and taken off to the Land of Evil, her pals set out on a wondrous and daring adventure to rescue her from the all-powerful Head of State.

The English version will feature the voices of Forest Whitaker, Cary Elwes, Joan Cusack, Vivian Schilling, and Marcelo Tubert.

Toys in the Attic

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery of the WWE!

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Incorporated crew (or whatever the other characters who ride in the Mystery Machine call themselves when they’re not stoned) are back, this time investigating a mystery at WrestleMania! ZOINKS! This animated feature looks like it is in the spirit of the hour-long The New Scooby-Doo Movies episodes that featured real guest stars like Batman and Robin, Sandy Duncan, The Harlem Globetrotters, and The Addams Family. Because there will be animated versions of all your favorite wrestlers: Vince McMahon, Triple H, John Cena, Kane, The Miz, Brodus Clay, Santino Marella, Sin Cara and AJ Lee! I only know who some of them are, so if having one of them in animated form is something ridiculous, please let me know! The feature will be co-produced by WWE Studios and Warner Brothers.

The Plot:

When Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to WrestleMania, the entire gang travels in the Mystery Machine to WWE City to attend the epic event. However, when a mysterious ghostly bear appears and threatens to ruin the show, Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred work with WWE Superstars to solve the case.

A G-G-G-G-G-G-GHOST BEAR?????!!? Awesome.

Scooby-Doo Cupcakes

The mystery is why the frosting is so delicious...


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