New RiffTrax – Episode 2, next week: Wonka!

The new Star Wars: Episode 2 Rifftrax is now up, will be getting it shortly
Episode 2

Next week is:

The original Willy Wonka film! Plus, guest riffer Doogie Howser! MD! Neal Patrick Harris! I’m there, dude!

Karate Dog

Director Bob Clark killed in auto wreck

Director Bob Clark, who made the classic A Christmas Story and other films such as Porky’s, Black Christmas, Baby Geniuses 1 and 2, and Karate Dog, was killed with his son in an auto accident

Director Bob Clark dead in car wreck
Film director Bob Clark and his son Ariel were killed in an early morning collision along a stretch of Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades, authorities said.

Clark directed the classic holiday film “A Christmas Story” in 1983 and was the producer of the “Porky’s” films, along with about two dozen other features.

The crash was reported about 2:20 a.m. on PCH just south of Bay Club Drive. Police said Clark, 67, of Pacific Palisades, and his son, who was 22 and lived in Santa Monica, were pronounced dead at the scene.

LAPD investigators said Clark was driving a 1997 Infiniti Q-30 sedan southbound on PCH when the driver of a GMC Yukon, Hector Valazquez-Nava, 24, of Los Angeles swerved and hit the Clark vehicle head-on.

The road was closed until about 10:40 while authorities investigated.

Nava and a 29-year-old Azusa woman were transported to a local hospital, where they were treated for minor injuries, said LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon.

Nava was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol and operating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license. After treatment, he was booked on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and gross vehicular manslaughter, Vernon said.

Clark produced, directed and co-wrote “A Christmas Story.”

Set in the 1940s and adapted from humorist Jean Shepherd’s novel “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash,” “A Christmas Story” stars Peter Billingsly as Ralphie, a young boy determined to get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.

The film was not an immediate box office bonanza, but it has grown in popularity over the years.

In a 1997 interview with The Times, Clark said the movie has struck a chord with audiences because it deals with a “special time and special feeling. Shepherd’s material had the truth and heart in it.”

The “Porky’s” franchise was also a surprise hit and took years to get off the ground. At first, Hollywood studios rejected the pitches for the film. The franchise went on to earn more than $150 million domestically, according to

The films were based on Clark’s experiences during the ’50s a with his high school buddies in Florida.

In a 1985 interview with The Times, co-writer Roger Swaybill talked about how Clark dictated the outline for the movie into a cassette recorder while sick.

“I was weeping with laughter,” Swaybill said then. “I became convinced that I was sharing in the birth of a major moment in movie history. It was the funniest film story I had ever heard.”

He will be missed

Karate Dog

Site Update – Godzilla X Mechagodzilla

Godzilla X Mechagodzilla was added Monday morning. Complete with 2 video clips. I also added direct links to the two clips and the clip from GMK. March of Godzilla 2 continues!

Only three more Godzilla movies to go until next year!

Godzilla X Mechagodzilla

Godzilla X Mechagodzilla (Review)

Godzilla X Mechagodzilla

aka Gojira tai Mekagojira


Yumiko Shaku as Akane Yashiro
Shin Takuma as Tokumitsu Yuhara
Kana Onodera as Sara Yuhara
Koh Takasugi as Colonel Togashi
Yusuke Tomoi as 2nd Lieutenant Hayama
Kumi Mizuno as Prime Minister Machiko Tsuge
Akira Nakao as Prime Minister Hayato Igarashi
Jun’ichi Mizuno as 1st Lieutenant Sekine
Directed by Masaaki Tezuka

Godzilla continues his rampage, as the Millennium series continues its run on TarsTarkas.NET for March of Godzilla 2. This time, history is rewritten again, as we go to another alternate reality where Godzilla again never returned after his death for 45 years. Derivations abound, a new anti-Godzilla force is introduced, and this movie trumps everything by getting a direct sequel. It also gives us a new and improved Mechagodzilla, making the third version of that creature. Like the second version, this Mechagodzilla is built to fight Godzilla by humans, but has some noticeable differences. You see, he’s built on the bones of the original Godzilla, which weren’t vaporized by the oxygen destroyer as previously shown in the original script. I guess they just floated a few feet off camera or something during one of those bubble fade outs (or the convenient excuse: alternate reality.) Anyway, so that makes Mechagodzilla a bio-robot. Now, it is odd that this film got a direct sequel, as the human characters are some of the least interesting in a while. Some of them don’t even appear in the next installment, making you wonder what the heck happened. Well, not that much, since they aren’t that interesting. Drum that up with an unsatisfying conclusion, and you got some sort of messy Godzilla flick that only marginally entertains, at least until the title monsters actually start fighting. Both before and after, it’s a bumpy ride.

After the success of Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, Toho was set to just redo popular monsters. As one of the most popular and classic monsters was the robotic double of Godzilla, here he is. And so we got the third movie entitled Gojira tai Mekagojira. But it’s cool, as instead they renamed it Godzilla X Mechagodzilla for the US. You see, the X makes all the difference. The prior Gojira tai Mekagojira was simply titled Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2, despite the fact it was unrelated to the original Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. Terror of Mechagodzilla is the sequel to the first, making this all confusing. All those facts and titles making your head spin? Well, that’s funny, because the original Mechagodzilla spun his head as a weapon and….

Okay, enough of that, let’s focus on THIS movie. Problems or not, it is what is playing in the DVD player. So we are stuck with it. We seem to get that a lot here. Maybe I should fix the DVD player, so it stops playing stupid movies….Nah, then how would I update the site? In addition to the Japanese version, we also got the English dub, which makes some of the characters sound over-dramatic, and still uses the Kiryu name. The clips will be from that version, so you don’t have to read subtitles. But before the movie, we must meet the cast!


Kenneth Eng

I wrote this a bit about, then the stupid hosting problems with Dreamhost that have been happening all of March kicked in and I lost it, except for a .txt file I saved. I went to a lot of work to bash this kid, so I might as well post it anyway. Enjoy

Kenneth Eng has been in the news lately. Who is he, you ask? Why, Kenneth Eng is an Asian Supremecist. There was a big flurry in the news cycle recently when Kenneth Eng managed to get a column published in Asian Weekly entitled “Why I Hate Black People.” Yes, Asian Weekly had no problem with publishing something with that incindiary of a title. Is there really that much of a need for Asian-American writers that they have to resort to hatespeech? This reminds me of years ago when the newsletter for MENSA has passages written by white supremacists, and they said they allowed it because they didn’t have any other submissions. Maybe instead, they should have written a column asking for submissions.

Here is the article in question, published for means of dissection and discussion:

Why I Hate Blacks

Kenneth Eng, Feb 23, 2007

Here is a list of reasons why we should discriminate against blacks, starting from the most obvious down to the least obvious:

* Blacks hate us. Every Asian who has ever come across them knows that they take almost every opportunity to hurl racist remarks at us.

In my experience, I would say about 90 percent of blacks I have met, regardless of age or environment, poke fun at the very sight of an Asian. Furthermore, their activity in the media proves their hatred: Rush Hour, Exit Wounds, Hot 97, etc.

* Contrary to media depictions, I would argue that blacks are weak-willed. They are the only race that has been enslaved for 300 years. It’s unbelievable that it took them that long to fight back.

On the other hand, we slaughtered the Russians in the Japanese-Russo War.

* Blacks are easy to coerce. This is proven by the fact that so many of them, including Reverend Al Sharpton, tend to be Christians.

Yet, at the same time, they spend much of their time whining about how much they hate “the whites that oppressed them.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Christianity the religion that the whites forced upon them?

* Blacks don’t get it. I know it’s a blunt and crass comment, but it’s true. When I was in high school, I recall a class debate in which one half of the class was chosen to defend black slavery and the other half was chosen to defend liberation.

Disturbingly, blacks on the prior side viciously defended slavery as well as Christianity. They say if you don’t study history, you’re condemned to repeat it.

In high school, I only remember one black student ever attending any of my honors and AP courses. And that student was caught cheating.

It is rather troubling that they are treated as heroes, but then again, whites will do anything to defend them.

Selected quotes from a SFGate article about the incident.

A San Francisco weekly newspaper that bills itself as “The Voice of Asian America” is facing harsh criticism from that very community for publishing a column Friday titled “Why I Hate Blacks.”

In the column, AsianWeek regular contributor Kenneth Eng listed “reasons” to discriminate against African Americans. The piece has been pulled from the newspaper’s Web site, but the print edition of the free paper, owned by the politically influential Fang family, was still available in news racks Monday.

Eng called himself an “Asian supremacist” in January in another installment of the column, which runs under the label “God of the Universe.”


Other AsianWeek columns of Eng’s — including “Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us” and “Why I Hate Asians” — have resulted in criticism. In the first, he complained about the scarcity of Asian heroes in the media. In the second, he described Asian Americans as apathetic, brown-nosing and lacking in cultural pride.


Leaders of the Asian Law Caucus, Asian American Justice Center, Chinese for Affirmative Action and other groups and individuals began circulating a petition Friday calling for the paper to apologize, terminate its relationship with Eng, print an editorial refuting the column and review its editorial policy. The leaders’ statement, issued in Washington, D.C., called the piece “irresponsible journalism, blatantly racist, replete with stereotypes and deeply hurtful to African Americans.”

In its statement, AsianWeek, which has a circulation of 48,505, said it “sincerely regrets any offense caused by the one opinion piece which reflected that author’s personal views. We apologize for any harm or hurt this has caused the African American community. AsianWeek has great respect for all that the African American community has done for Asian Pacific Americans.”

David Lee of the Chinese American Voters Education Committee said Eng’s statement echoes the feelings of some Asian Americans. He said that rather than condemning the paper, black and Asian people should participate in a town hall-style meeting to address tension he said exists between the two communities.

“There is a segment that feels the way Eng does, but the sentiment is underground and not brought to the surface,” Lee said. “If you don’t have a discussion, then I think it allows these types of views to fester and turn into something much more negative. Rather than refute and bury this, we should be calling for a community dialogue to address this.”

Eng’s Previous columns:

Proof That Whites Inherently Hate Us

Kenneth Eng, Nov 24, 2006

White people hate us and will always hate us. Here is a simple list of evidence, going from the most obvious down to the least obvious:

1. How many American films feature Asian heroes who are not stereotyped?

2. If someone makes a negative comment about a black person, all of the whites get hopping mad. Make a negative comment about the Asian race and nobody cares.

3. Most Asians know that everywhere we go, white/black/Hispanic people hurl racist remarks at us. I have already received about 10 racist remarks in the past three months and I have only been out of my home a handful of times.

4. In 1982, Vincent Chin was killed by two white people, Michael Nitz and Ronald Ebens. Both murderers went free, as the judge claimed that they were not the type of people who deserved to be in prison.

5. Chai Vang righteously killed six white people after they approached him with guns first. Unlike the “men” who murdered Vincent Chin, brave Mr. Vang was sentenced to life.

6. Asian civil rights activities receive virtually no media attention. Yet Rosa Parks was pretty much honored as a hero just because she refused to give up her seat. This is curious because Vincent Chin died to defend his race. Why hasn’t he been given an award?It is quite naïve to think that all of this can be explained by claiming that whites are not “enlightened” or that whites lack awareness of our issues. It is even more immature to think that things will get better if only we continue to protest peacefully through lame marches and letters to the producers of (insert any American TV show here). Animals, through evolution, are intrinsically developed to detest organisms that are different; the obvious reason being that conformity to a certain level increases the chances of a species’ survival. Since humans are part of the animal kingdom, it should be no surprise that whites have evolved to hate Asians, who have a strikingly different appearance than them.

Furthermore, we do live in an age where “political correctness” and anti-racism are in vogue. Why then, are there virtually no Asian heroes in the media? This is solid proof that we are enemies in the eyes of the Aryans. If even in an epoch where equality is an important matter they still do not treat us as equals, then what hope is there that they will ever treat us equally?

More importantly, why should we care? We vastly outnumber them. When you have a disobedient child, you do not give him gifts to make him abide to your will. You show him the cane.

Kenneth Eng is the author of Dragons: Lexicon Triumvirate and Reincarnation.

Sadly, his Yellow Skull Asian Surpremacist site seems to be down for the moment…

Here is a nice article by Eng about how everyone is out to get him:

Eng also targets writers of comic books, especially Brian K. Vaughan:


by Justin Jordan, Guest Contributor

Posted: February 23, 2007 — More From This Author

“Brian K. Vaughan is a racist piece of shit!”

The Vertigo panel at the New York City Comic Con was maybe thirty seconds in, with Vertigo Senior Vice President Karen Berger beginning to introduce Brian Wood’s upcoming series “Northlander,” when things got a little crazy.

Well, a lot crazy.

Someone in the first row, not five feet away, apparently had a wee bit of an issue with Vaughan’s depiction of Asians in his work, and wanted to make it known. Loudly. The epithets continued until some of Vertigo’s more intimidating editors and another con goer eighty-sixed the man, who left the room with fist raised in defiance, shouting “Asian Power!”

Vaughan, understandably, looked shocked, then quipped “Well, at least he’s reading the books.”

He was a former intern for Marvel, who became bitter when he was not hired:

This blog is now devoted to hatred against Asians in comics in general. Let’s start today by exposing more secrets of Marvel:

1. They mostly hire hot italian girls — I noticed this when Teresa Focarile, who used to work as the associate editor, got her job. She wasn’t particularly qualified. She got educated at CUNY and some minor college I have never heard of. Yet somehow she managed to get a top-ranking do-nothing job that pays handsomely. And it’s not a coincidence that she was SUPER HOT. I mean this guinea girl had an ass that was shapely and always encased in boots and tights. I actually had to masturbate in the bathroom a couple of times in Marvel after seeing her. Giggity!

2. All of the whites in Marvel are suckups — They always have these frozen smiles on their faces and they’re constantly giggling at each other’s dumbass jokes. When I compliment someone I genuinely mean it. But these whities were just doing it so they could get a promotion. Disgusting. But also somewhat entertaining.

3. The white employees are easily abused. I remember once I was in the special projects division and Jeff Youngquist was arguing with his assistant Jennifer grunwald. Finally, Jeff just flipped out for no reason and shouted in a whiny voice, “DAMMIT JEN, I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITHOUT YOU MAKING A FUSS ABOUT THIS!!!” If an employer ever raises his voice at me, I give him a one-finger salute and walk out with my paycheck. But Jennifer just sat there dumbstruck and quietly said, “Okay, listen to me Jeff… I’m not yelling… I don’t know why you’re freaking out…” What a pussy. I was just sitting there chuckling.

4. The blacks are gay — They’re always in the production area play-fighting like they’re in high school and joking with each other. I swear, these niggers touch each other WAY too much. And they do the slave labor like they were meant to.

Once again, check out my blog on Asianweek.

5. Molly Lazer harassed me at a booksigning a few weeks ago. I was doing a booksigning down in Yonkers and she came up to me and said something like “I HATE ALL ASIANS!” and “YOU’D BETTER STOP WRITING US LETTERS CHINAMAN BECAUSE WE HATE ALL OF YOU! CHINAMAN! CHINAMAN!” This is absolutely true. And she’s the bitch that edits Spider-Girl the most anti-Asian comic book ever (yes, the same Spider-Girl that has Jimmy Yama). and Marvel Comics’ address is 417 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10016. Hint — she lives in Yonkers, New York!

6. I tried to protest in front of the Marvel Bldg in NY on October 31, 2006, and (not surprisingly) was met with extreme hostility. White, black and hispanic shits told me “Marvel is very pro-Asian, they hire Asians, you’re a fucknut” like they know what it’s like to be Asian in this country. My brothers and sisters, do you see why we need to take more severe action?

7. Almost forgot to mention — MARVEL SENT ME A DEATH THREAT ON OCTOBER 30, 2006. Some guy (and I’m not going to mention any names, NICK LOWE) called me up and said, “Why don’t you come back to MArvel?! I’m your worst nightmare! I hate Chinese people! Let’s settle this!” Which is why I was there in front of the Marvel Building today on October 31, 2006. But what a surprise — the guy who threatened me * cough, Nikc Lowe, cough* didn’t show up! Wow, did he just suddenly get sick today? Or are white people too pussy to take me on?

BTW, Nick Lowe’s info has been forwarded to the police. He should be in jail in about 48 hours.

FoxNews Interview

“…personally if I’m racist then so is Sofia Coppola.”

“Well, I generally hate black and white people, but the Asian article was sarcastic. It’s kind of like the sarcasm I had in my novel, in which dragons slay tons and tons of humans.”

The rest of the interview is just as great, he makes awkward comparisons about racism to his dragon book, and whines about being made fun of. Towards the end he’s got a lovely little philosophical aside:

“First of all, I would just like to say that solipsism proves that my philosophy is that since I am the only consciousness I’m aware of, any solipsism must be real. Therefore, since perception creates reality, in both the quantum and relativistic realms, I must be god. So the only reason why — so if there is such a thing as god, then he’s me. Either worship me or, you know, forsake religion.”

The resulting fallout has provided Kenneth Eng with the publicity he craves to pimp his self-published book, Dragons: Lexicon Triumvirate. This story about how dragons are cybernetically enhanced beings seems to be sub-Harry Potter slash fanfic fair, but it doesn’t keep Kenneth from being proud of it.
This also allows us to see his wonderful Amazon blog. I didn’t even know Amazon HAD blogs, but this one is about what you would expect, especially since he calls himself “Kenneth Eng, God.” Filled with such wonderful comments as:

Some say that 2/0 is undefined, but why then, would I not say that 2^0 is also undefined? After all, if 2^2 = 2*2 = 4 and 2^1 = 2, then 2^0 would not have any integer at all, and thus be nil.

Religion is sick. Religion is disgusting. Anyone who practices religion should be forced to wear a shirt that says “stupid”. I’m not fu*king joking. I’m really serious.

This led me to think–What if logic is an invalid premise?

This is all eclipsed by his latest entry, the amazing screenwriting skit:

Presenting — NYU Tisch School of the Arts, The Movie!



A comfortable room. White and black students chat with each other.

The PROFESSOR, a white “man” enters.

PROFESSOR: Let’s pitch screenplays.

Enter a male Asian student. Everyone shudders at the sight of him.

PROFESSOR: Who will go first?

A white boy walks to the front of the room with a script written on a napkin.

WHITE BOY: I would like to write a movie about a guy who is coming of age. Responses?

WHITE BOY 2: Brilliant!

WHITE BOY 3: So original!

WHITE GIRL: Friends and sex and parties and makeup!

Asian guy raises his hand.

ASIAN MAN: Well, to be honest, I think that’s rather cliched. It has no creativity and I do not see any studio executive buying it. Just being truthful.

White boy cries.

WHITE BOY: Waaaaaa!!! He called me unoriginal! Waaaaaa!!!

PROFESSOR: How dare you insult him, Asian!

ASIAN MAN: Actually, I was not insulting him. I am merely offering my point of view.

WHITE BOY 2: Chinaman!


WHITE GIRL: Friends and sex and parties and makeup!

PROFESSOR: Who is next to pitch a script?

Italian boy takes the stage.

ITALIAN BOY: My story is about my dead sister and how she died of cancer and her death was very sad. Poohoo.

ASIAN MAN: No offense, but I just do not find that interesting. There are too many screenplays about people’s family members and I find no reason to care if I do not know the person.

ITALIAN BOY: How-a could-a you-a say-a that-a?! I-a going-a to-a kill-a you-a!

PROFESSOR: This is unacceptable!

ASIAN MAN: I am allowed freedom of speech.

PROFESSOR: You are allowed freedom of speech so long as you do not mention anything about religion, politics, race, sex, venus flytraps, Garfield, scotch tape, knitting and the air-speed velocities of unladen swallows!

WHITE BOY: Yeah, this is a democracy, you stupid gook!

WHITE BOY 2: Don’t be racist, you goddamn Chinaman!

WHITE BOY 3: What do you think, my african american friend who I love with all my base?

BLACK BOY: Slang, drugs, rap.

PROFESSOR: That does it, Kenneth. I am removing you from the class.

ASIAN MAN: Well all right, I mean, this class really isn’t that big of a deal anyway.

Italian boy pulls out a pizza slicer and attacks.

ITALIAN BOY: Kill you! I kill you for my dead sister!

Asian Man slaps him away, sending him flying. The guinea crashes through a wall, leaving a human-shaped hole.


Asian Man shrugs and walks out.

WHITE BOYS: Horray! Now we can finally live in peace with the dragon slain. We can go home to our crappy studio apartments, watch TV, make dumb jokes and do no work whatsoever. After all, conformity is all that matters!

PROFESSOR: That’s the spirit! You’ll be sure to get an NYU degree like that!

WHITE GIRL: Friends and sex and parties and makeup!


How anyone can write that without being confined in a room with padded walls is a mystery, a mystery sadly solved when one looks at the normal comments on YouTube or Yahoo message boards. There are horrors everywhere, and thanks to journalistic irresponisbility and sensationalism, we are being subjected to one of the pieces, who needs to be swept back under the carpet and ignored.

Stories of Eng From Metafilter (commenter Sticherbeast was a former classmate):

He was in a friend’s life drawing class, for example, and at one point the teacher asked everyone what they first looked for when drawing a figure. Everyone gave sane answers – “I look for an action line” or “I look for an interesting feature” – but then Ken said, “first, I imagine the subject as a lycanthrope.” And then, lo and behold, everyone cranes their necks to look at Ken’s work, and indeed, he’s drawn a shitty bevy of lycanthropes (a werewolf) for his assignments.

At another point, in a screenwriting class with maybe six people in it, he would constantly make his classmates read his writing in class and then take back the scripts so that no one would steal his ideas. One script centered around some sort of Lara Croft-esque babe who was participating in a rather dangerous game indeed: a bounty hunt to kill everyone with an IQ below 110. At one point in the script, a nuclear device was about to hit China, but then in a heroic moment, it was rerouted to, I believe, a stadium of black people in Detroit. Asked why this had happened, why it was a victory that the Asians were spared for the blacks, he proudly responded that “there has never been, nor will there ever be, a black genius.”


You should also look out for The 0th Dimension, in which an anthropomorphic mantis fights a pegasus.

He would also do things like, when profs would show clips from Casablanca or The Godfather in class, raise his hand and whine aloud that there was no point in watching crappy old movies when his own dialog was so much better.


Describe one recurring dream you have?

Escaping this prison of a planet and physically entering the 0th Dimension as an anthropomorphic shark.

The worst quote of them all…

What would you save from your home if it were burning?

My animal plushies, which are very important to the family. Especially Smoochy, our semi-dog semi-bunny doll, and Froggy, the big green frog. Definitely, I would save Dennagon, my dragon plushie.


Of course, we do a service to Ken by linking to his book, as that seems his entire purpose of his angry life, to make money promoting himself. But it is a small price to pay for the entertainment he gives us for being crazy. You can’t find this stuff in any movie.

RiffTrax news


New RiffTrax is up, the pilot episode of Lost. I’m ho-hum about that, but the next one is….

Episode 2
Episode 2! With Mike and Kevin! I’m estatic, as Episode 1 is my favorite of the RiffTrax! My $2.99 is all set!