
Search Stats

Here are some more of the search terms people are using to get to the site. emmanuelle continues to be a strong keyword, as does lesbians. It is also nice that people looking for “daddy daughter rape” choose TarsTarkas.NET and not some site that would actually appeal to them. I’m sure we can get a more disgusting search term soon, I’ve seen some really bad ones a while ago. Regularly updating the search terms will help me keep track of things outside of a stats program environment, and might help me discover new keywords.

My average visitors per day went down from 200 to 176, it usually fluctuates around between 150-250, so it stays close to 200. The particulars depend on search engines and what movies aired that week on SciFi Channel.

Num Perc. Search Term
3 7.69% emmanuelle 2000 clips
3 7.69% lesbians
2 5.13% wild girl
2 5.13% daddy daughter rape
2 5.13% things
2 5.13% emmanuelle 2000: emmanuelle pie
1 2.56% sarah nude
1 2.56% burned her breasts
1 2.56% godzilla fight ebirah
1 2.56% wild things: diamonds in the rough wallpaper
1 2.56% wild things 3 movie clips
1 2.56% picture of isaiah
1 2.56% cyber sex
1 2.56% kelly lynch naked
1 2.56% rape to girl
1 2.56% jeff youngquist avril
1 2.56% richard hillman
1 2.56% hero of the federation kelly carlson topless
1 2.56% harry potter hong kong
1 2.56% mom
1 2.56% gillian chung pictures
1 2.56% wild things movie nude
1 2.56% sex zero net
1 2.56% wild
1 2.56% mother and step daughter threesome
1 2.56% sex star wars
1 2.56% godzilla twin fairy princess’
1 2.56% ajita wilson porn
1 2.56% lynda wiesmeier wheels of fire
1 2.56% cissie freeones
1 2.56% avril lavigne youngquist


Hammerhead Shark Frenzy

Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy (Review)

Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy

aka SharkMan

Directed by Michael Oblowitz

SciFi Channel is a breeding ground for ridiculous creature features like the swamp spawns mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes just eat nectar, some make you itch, and a few give you malaria. We are in nectar territory here. It is not perfect, it has many plot points that are ludicrous, but the entire production is saved by Jeffrey Combs. He is allowed to overact to his heart’s content, and turns a semi-boring picture about a shark man into something you can mention as among SciFi Channel’s better offerings for the year 2005. Produced by the illustrious Nu Image Films, who have given us Gryphon, Raging Sharks, and Shark Attack 3: Megalodon, Nu Image originally sold a block of films at the same time involving animal/man hybrids, except the block of films eventually dissolved and went their separate ways. The others include Mansquito (later released as Mosquitoman on DVD), Morphman which became the surprisingly not terrible Larva, and Snakeman (aka The Snake King) which I haven’t seen. Nu Image has done blocks of related films before, notably their Nature Unleashed and American Heroes series. It allows them to bulk sell films, which equals cash. Usually few of the films are memorable, but in this case we grabbed on to something to tell the grandkids about.

As stated above, the winning formula in this movie is ridiculous monster+Jeffrey Combs. Jeffrey Combs is familiar to every B movie fan because odds are they have seen several dozen movies he has been in. He was also a regular on Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Enterprise in addition to guest shots on many other genre shows. In every performance, Combs consistently delivers. He can range from excellent to eccentric to over the top wacky, and his name on a movie automatically bumps it up a few ratings points. The SharkMan is a guy running around in a shark suit. Seriously. And we get perilously close to shark/human sex. I am not making that up. Sadly, things don’t go as planned. But we do find out you can cure cancer by being turned into a shark. It’s one of those natural cures “they” don’t want you to know about. None of the good parts of the film can be blamed on the director Michael Oblowitz, the only winning efforts were the special effects guys and Jeffrey Combs. The rest of the film flops around like a fish on a boat, but SharkMan or Jeffrey keep popping up to throw the fish back in the ocean.



Search terms from the last 500 page views (what I am limited to with statcounter) I could go into the actual log files from Dreamhost, but that takes too long (and I have to go through day by day) and this is just easier. Plus it will update more often. Currently I am averaging 200 visits a day, but Tuesday had 328 visitors! I am nearing my 500 visits a day mark I had when Cyber Seduction was super popular.

6 13.95% lesbians
5 11.63% wild things the movie
3 6.98%
3 6.98% things
3 6.98% wild thing
3 6.98% wild
2 4.65% hunting nude
1 2.33% rough sex
1 2.33% wild girl
1 2.33% denise richards imagesize:large
1 2.33% bratz diamondz
1 2.33% gigantis the fire monster pictures
1 2.33% neve campbell
1 2.33% godzilla blast
1 2.33% komodo dragon
1 2.33% laser beast
1 2.33% seduction mom
1 2.33% cat=img&cs=utf8&q=wild things movie&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=pref
1 2.33% emmanuelle in space clips
1 2.33% dina
1 2.33% cat=img&cs=iso88591&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=pref&q=gratuitous nude&o=12
1 2.33% susan ward
1 2.33%
1 2.33% wild things imagesize:large
1 2.33% wild girl


Dull birds fared better after Chernobyl: study

It looks like after the Chernobyl disaster, local birds that didn’t use antioxidants to make pigments fared better than birds who were brighter colored.

Dull birds fared better after Chernobyl: study

By Michael Kahn

LONDON (Reuters) – Birds with bright feathers suffered worse from contamination after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, a study into the impact of radiation on different species showed on Wednesday.

Four groups of birds in the forests around Chernobyl — the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986 — declined more than others, researchers examining 1,570 birds from 57 different species at varying distances found.

Birds with red, yellow and orange feathers, birds that laid the biggest eggs and those that migrated the farthest were hardest-hit, possibly because they use up more of a natural chemical that forms a remedy against radiation.

“These are the species that seem to be missing or depressed in numbers,” said Timothy Mousseau, an ecologist at the University of South Carolina.

The results bolster an earlier study of barn swallows in Ukraine indicating that impact from radiation varies among species, said Mousseau, who worked with Anders Moller of the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie.

Survival seems to stem from antioxidants — natural chemicals usually obtained through diet that help fight the negative effects of oxygen free radicals generated by DNA-damaging radiation, Mousseau said.

Activities like producing pigments for feathers, migrating long distances and laying large eggs all use up crucial antioxidants and put these groups of birds at greater risk from radiation following the 1986 disaster, he said.

The study, which the team said was the first linking the effects of radiation on population size of different species to antioxidant defense, also shows that reports of species rebounding in the area may be off the mark.

The results could help scientists better understand the implications for animals elsewhere, particularly in mountain regions that tend to have higher levels of natural radiation.

“There are no studies of the biological consequences of such variation in natural levels of radioactivity, but we suggest that some of the consequences can be predicted from the present study,” the researchers said in the study in the British Ecological Society’s Journal of Applied Ecology.

Astroboy Fuhrer ZZZ

Astro Boy – Fuhrer ZZZ (Review)

Astro Boy – Fuhrer ZZZ


Astro Boy is a Japanese manga/anime created by Osamu Tezuka in Japan in 1951. He is one of the most recognizable faces in cartoons, not just manga. A string of projects have been created over the years, including the popular 1960’s cartoons that spread Astro Boy throughout the world. What is of most interest to us now is the 1958-59 live action TV series on Japan TV developed by MBS. In 1962 they released either a continuation movie or a string of TV episodes that follow the Fuhrer ZZZ story in the manga as a movie, which still circulates today in bootleg format. Thus, we got blurry scenes, no subtitles for the Japanese, and little or no information about the film or any of the actors. We don’t even have an accurate array of the character names, especially since the Peg Leg guy doesn’t even get a name in the manga this is based on! But it is a good window into Japanese TV of the late ’50s and how it was turning into the groovy 60s with superheroes and other fun effects. And where else are you going to see a kid dressed up as Astro Boy fighting villains? Certainly not on!

As stated before, the film has no subtitles, so certain things are inferred by actions or deduction. There is precious little information about this film anywhere. There isn’t even a definite explanation on where it came from, if it is some TV episodes strung together or a movie sequel to the TV series. The series dates from 1958-59, but the few sources date this film as 1962. That could be an error, or a movie could have been strung together from episodes a few years later to capitalize on the cartoon series. Or maybe a sequel movie was greenlit. What is important is we don’t know.

In addition, I am not that familiar with Astro Boy the cartoon, so many of the characters I had to look up their back stories. It also matters that this TV adaptation doesn’t have some of the main characters from the comic, and uses its own versions of some main characters as well. So the Roll Call is as accurate as possible, but TarsTarkas.NET does not guarantee accuracy. But we did the best we could, and this should be the best review of the Astro Boy Movie to ever hit the net. We can’t even locate an entry (but that is not unusual for a film here.)