Godzilla Island Story Arc 16

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 16

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 16


Directed by Shun Mizutani

One thing about Godzilla Island, it has totally re-written the character of Gigan. Normally just a villain whose look inspires a small fan base, now he is completely rewritten as a Zen Warrior who follows the way of the samurai. He isn’t evil, he just wants to be the best. This characterization is not mentioned before, nor referred to again. But while we are in the middle of Godzilla Island, we are in the middle of Gigan being a samurai. It does mean I won’t be able to look at Gigan the same way again, now I will just see him as wasted potential. And that’s before he shows up with chainsaws for hands or some other lame thing. And I never liked Gigan before. Dang it, Godzilla Island. You have finally made a mark on the Godzilla Universe for me, despite your entire appearance of complete fluff. Those of you who are stumbling across this on search engines, Godzilla Island Story Arc 1 is where this all starts.

For those of you wanting Gigan rematch action, read on as March of Godzilla Island continues!

G-Guard Commander (Jiro Dan) – G-Guard Commander runs the Godzilla Guard unit on Godzilla Island. He’s all alone except for sassy robot Lucas, so of course he’s bored out of his skull normally. He seems to have been stationed there because it’s a low-priority assignment they could dump someone who can’t work under pressure, because that’s exactly what he is. Luckily Torema shows up to save his pants. I do not know if he has a name but it may be Oji.
Lucas (Kenichiro Shimamura) – Annoying robot, Godzilla Island-style! Makes sarcastic remarks, and seems to be even mean at times. An annoying Kenny kid in floating metal sphere form. He must be destroyed! Translates from monster language to Japanese.
Misato (Kaori Aso) – The new monster doctor who is dedicated to her craft. Works hard, argues with G-Guard Commander, and flies Medical Jet Jaguar around all the time.
Landes (Kaoru Ukawa) – The new Xilien assigned by Giant Dark Emperor to take over Godzilla Island. She has crazy eyes. Always using a pink fluffy fan. Her ship is another Vabaruda.
Nao (Sho Sawamura) – The latest cast addition to Godzilla Island, and the most mysterious because she came out of nowhere and seems obsessed with food. Who is she? Why does G-Guard Commander seem to know her and get annoyed at her constant talk of food? Will we ever get answers? I sure hope so, because otherwise you have to put up with this explanation for the remainder of the series. I translated Sho Sawamura’s name myself so hopefully it is right.
Camero (???) – Landes’s floating robot, sounds bored when he talks. Just what we needed, another annoying Lucas. Hopefully he can be the entertaining Meowth to the lame Pikachu. Looks suspiciously like MST3K’s Cambot (Last design)!
Narrator – (Yutaka Aoyama) – He’s not a character but the guy who recaps the previous episode in the beginning of the episode. That means thirty seconds of each three minute episode is Narrator recounting events, padding running time beyond levels I want to think about. He’s a typical Japanese male announcer, amazingly excited and epic about even the most mundane things.
Giant Dark Emperor (???) – Giant flaming head who commands the Xiliens and Planet X. Do not look behind the curtain. The great and powerful Giant Emperor commands you, and can hear your sarcastic backtalk! Still, being a flaming head in space has got to be pretty boring.

Different monster feature in each episode, so we’ll keep track of them in each story arc. The complete Godzilla Island Daikaiju List is located here. We’ll also list any new monster match-ups that weren’t in any film but now exist thanks to this series, such as Dororin fighting Megalon or something. The R2 Japanese DVD release is unsubtitled, so most of what is going on will be educated guesses thanks to our limited Japanese speaking ability. But here at TarsTarkas.NET we don’t need no stinking subtitles!

Godzilla Island Story Arc 15

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 15

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 15


Directed by Shun Mizutani

Some other girl is in the opening credits!?!?! Who the frak is she? Good job adding new actresses each story, I’ll just pretend I can keep up with the new characters. So Mothra is featured in these episodes, so if you like Mothra, you are in luck. If you are sick of Mothra, then you are in trouble. We got double Mothras, Battra, and even the Mothra song. All we are missing are two tiny twins, but two female characters on the good guy side will have to do for now. New visitors, get started at Godzilla Island Story Arc 1 to begin the journey here. The rest of you, buckle up as March of Godzilla Island continues!

G-Guard Commander (Jiro Dan) – G-Guard Commander runs the Godzilla Guard unit on Godzilla Island. He’s all alone except for sassy robot Lucas, so of course he’s bored out of his skull normally. He seems to have been stationed there because it’s a low-priority assignment they could dump someone who can’t work under pressure, because that’s exactly what he is. Luckily Torema shows up to save his pants. I do not know if he has a name but it may be Oji.
Lucas (Kenichiro Shimamura) – Annoying robot, Godzilla Island-style! Makes sarcastic remarks, and seems to be even mean at times. An annoying Kenny kid in floating metal sphere form. He must be destroyed! Translates from monster language to Japanese.
Misato (Kaori Aso) – The new monster doctor who is dedicated to her craft. Works hard, argues with G-Guard Commander, and flies Medical Jet Jaguar around all the time.
Landes (Kaoru Ukawa) – The new Xilien assigned by Giant Dark Emperor to take over Godzilla Island. She has crazy eyes. Always using a pink fluffy fan. Her ship is another Vabaruda.
Nao (Sho Sawamura) – The latest cast addition to Godzilla Island, and the most mysterious because she came out of nowhere and seems obsessed with food. Who is she? Why does G-Guard Commander seem to know her and get annoyed at her constant talk of food? Will we ever get answers? I sure hope so, because otherwise you have to put up with this explanation for the remainder of the series. I translated Sho Sawamura’s name myself so hopefully it is right.
Camero (???) – Landes’s floating robot, sounds bored when he talks. Just what we needed, another annoying Lucas. Hopefully he can be the entertaining Meowth to the lame Pikachu. Looks suspiciously like MST3K’s Cambot (Last design)!
Narrator – (Yutaka Aoyama) – He’s not a character but the guy who recaps the previous episode in the beginning of the episode. That means thirty seconds of each three minute episode is Narrator recounting events, padding running time beyond levels I want to think about. He’s a typical Japanese male announcer, amazingly excited and epic about even the most mundane things.
Giant Dark Emperor (???) – Giant flaming head who commands the Xiliens and Planet X. Do not look behind the curtain. The great and powerful Giant Emperor commands you, and can hear your sarcastic backtalk! Still, being a flaming head in space has got to be pretty boring.

Different monster feature in each episode, so we’ll keep track of them in each story arc. The complete Godzilla Island Daikaiju List is located here. We’ll also list any new monster match-ups that weren’t in any film but now exist thanks to this series, such as Dororin fighting Megalon or something. The R2 Japanese DVD release is unsubtitled, so most of what is going on will be educated guesses thanks to our limited Japanese speaking ability. But here at TarsTarkas.NET we don’t need no stinking subtitles!

Arthroleptidae is frog for Wolverine

We got frogs with retractable claws now. Just think about that! These frogs have the potential to make a cool horror film, and it can be scientifically accurate! SciFi Channel, take note. This is another example of how there are many cool things still out there waiting to be discovered. And then exploited by mad scientists like I, for I am currently working on a way to incorporate these giant clawed frogs into an army to use to take over swampland worldwide. Then I will sell the swampland in bogus real estate deals, making millions! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
frog claws

Make Way for Superfrog

By Lauren Cahoon
ScienceNOW Daily News
28 May 2008
X-Men fans rejoice: Wolverine has come to life, as a frog. When the comic book warrior faces a fight, metallic blades spring forth from his hand. A new study concludes that certain African frogs are similarly equipped, having sharp, claw-shaped bones that pierce through their own fingertips when the animal is threatened.

More than 100 years ago, scientists observed the mysterious bony appendages in museum specimens of the Arthroleptidae frog family, but they had no idea what to make of them. Some speculated that the protrusions were an artifact of the preservation process. Harvard University biologists David Blackburn decided to solve the mystery once and for all after having the frequent misfortune of being injured by the amphibians while doing field research in Cameroon. “The frogs will start kicking and drag these claws against your skin,” he says. “I’ve gotten bloody scratches from them many a time.”

Due to strict government regulations on removing live animals from Cameroon, Blackburn’s team had to do their anatomical studies on preserved museum specimens. In addition to the talon-shaped finger bones others had seen, the researchers found a small bony nodule nestled in the tissue just beyond the frog’s fingertip. When sheathed, each claw is anchored to the nodule with tough strands of collagen, but, as Blackburn had discovered firsthand, when the frog is grabbed or attacked, the frog breaks the nodule connection and forces its sharpened bones through the skin.

This bizarre skeletal feature is found in only 12 species within the Arthroleptidae family,

Alien Video to be revealed Friday

Damn aliens are all a bunch of jerks. All they want is to rape out planet, hunt our people, and eat our brains. It’s always a cookbook! And now, someone is claiming to have actual video evidence of an alien. An alien looking through a window. Damn alien Peeping Toms! That’s is, all aliens should be killed. I’ll take a loss of Mr. Spock, Alf, and ET to take out the ID4 aliens, Predator, Alien Aliens, Greys, Reptoids, and all those other jerks. Aliens suck, suffer not the aliens to live. It’s the only way to save the planet.

Alien Video To Be Revealed To Media Tomorrow, Man Claims

The Rocky Mountain News is reporting that tomorrow the world might actually see who else is out there. A man, named Jeff Peckman, claims he will reveal video of live alien to the news media Friday. Brace yourselves. Below are some key excerpts from the story:

A video that purportedly shows a living, breathing space alien will be shown to the news media Friday in Denver.

“It shows an extraterrestrial’s head popping up outside of a window at night, looking in the window, that’s visible through an infrared camera,” he said. The alien is about 4 feet tall and can be seen blinking, Peckman said earlier this month.

An instructor at the Colorado Film School in Denver scrutinized the video “very carefully” and determined it was authentic, Peckman said.

Giant Peccary (Pecari maximus) has been discovered.

Just when you thought SciFi Channel had run out of animals to use in their movies, we get a giant peccary. As someone who has a hobby making large versions of animals, I am ashamed that I did not think to create a giant peccary, and now it bites me in the butt. So now I will make up for lost time, and hunt down some of these creatures to use in growth experiments, thus making these giant peccaries look like dwarves compared to what I will cook up! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

New Species Of Peccary — Pig-like Animal — Discovered In Amazon Region

ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2007) — Dutch biologist Marc van Roosmalen has discovered a new species of peccary, a member of the pig family, in the basin of the Rio Aripuanã in the south-eastern Amazon region. The divergence time from the already known peccary species (the time which has passed since the evolutionary division) has been set at one to 1.2 million years.

This species has been christened giant peccary (Pecari maximus) by the researchers on account of its size. The holotype of the species can be found in the museum of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) in Manaus. The giant peccary was known by the local Tupi Indians as Caitetú Mundè, which means ‘great peccary which lives in pairs’.