Wingnut Web – Rush vs. Obama (Freeper Edition)

Obama said this:

President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

And right wing internet posters when completely nuts. This edition of Wingnut Web will focus on the reaction at, which started two 300 post threads within seconds of this story hitting the wire. Here are some highlights:

Tell us what you really think…

This sonofabitch Obama may well have bit off more than he can chew. On his third day in office, he tells Republicans to stop listening to Rush and “we’ll get important things done”, but, he is unable to bring himself to say he will be telling his drooling class sycophantic 3rd grade star power leg twitching Che lovers, who revel in the hate mongering stylistic mumble jumbo of PMSNBC, to do the same?

You have a good point there, GoCards.

279 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 10:22:18 PM by widdle_wabbit

Yeah, the Left called Bush names, that is totally evil ::ignores the thousands of insulting names on Freep::

Now THIS is rich.

Obama is going to tell the Republicans how exactly they need to move forward. Isn’t this akin to the fox advising the chickens exactly where and how to build their anti fox foritifications?

Look,Pal. You may have won the election. Either because we ran a crappy candidate (we did), or because a large number of people were guilted into thinking that they would be racist if the opposed the black guy, or because millions of Americans now confuse speaking in cadence with great oratory (thanks, hip hop music). For what ever reason, you fooled a majority in to voting for you. Good job.

But once again, you fear Rush because he has the pulse of the Republican consitituency, even if the Republicans in D.C. do not. I will be D@mned if I will ever support you or what you stand for. You can call me a racist if you want. I dont care. I am more afraid of what may happen to my country if I dont stand up, than of being called a name.I will not be told that I have to unite behind this guy by the same people who for the last 8 years have called George W. Bush a Nazi, war criminal, killer of blacks in new orleans, and idiot, evil and anything else they could think of.

Rush seems to be the only one who both gets that and expresses it, and has the audience to do real damage. And the previous election demonstrated to the Republicans and conservatives around the country what happens when we back a candidate who trumpets himself as a moderate. We must never, ever make that mistake again, and that starts now, by never forgetting that the other side doesnt want to unite with us. They want to destroy us.

270 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 9:35:44 PM by SoCalTransplant (Not my President. Not now. Not ever.)

Yeah, screw democracy!

I know this sounds Drama Queen, but I honestly am starting to feel what our Founding Fathers must have been thinking when they knew it was time to pull the trigger…we are standing on the brink of that very same effort if we want this GRAND COUNTRY and our Republic to survive.

A Democracy cannot last…only a true, Free Republic!!!!
122 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 6:24:16 PM by IrishPennant (Patriotism is strongest when accompanied by bad politics, loyal FRiends and great whiskey)

Hey, you got Racial Holy War in my FreeRepublic!

“Rush truly is the last man standing”.

Not so. There’s Hannity, Savage, Levin etc.

There’s also 60mil armed white men under the age of 65. With ammo.
312 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 9:17:16 PM by Mariner

Someone tries to call out Mariner’s crazy racial statement, but DuncanWaring sets them straight on how blacks and “browns” just want to steal your stuff. But the “yellows” are the good minorities…

To: Eastbound
Don’t you think there are about as many black, brown, and yellow men AND women who have a stake in protecting our constitution?

There are millions of black men and women with a strong interest in maintaining the unconstitutional transfer of “goodies” from the productive class to themselves. A lot of “browns” in that group, too. Probably no “yellows”.

That group is a major component of 0’s constituency.
344 posted on Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:04:15 AM by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)

Rush Limbaugh will shut down your phones!

**Monday will be FUNday listening to Rush,**


Attention MULLAH HUSSEIN!! I really don’t think you wanna be trying that. One of your Liberal Congress Buddies started WHINING one day… RUSH TOLD his listeners to call the congressional phone lines … RUSH DID NOT .. so to PROVE he did NOT..

Rush Limbaugh said… “To PROVE A POINT, here’s the number … would EVERYONE LISTENING PLease Call Congressman x’s OFFICE and just say HI.

The ENTIRE DC AREA CODE, ALL OF MARYLAND , and Northern Virginia Area Codes were SHUT DOWN for 4 HOURS.


273 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 8:12:59 PM by gwilhelm56 (“Hope and Change” – Tall White Men Need Not Apply!)

O-Vomit can’t do anything right

Yeah, all of O-Vomit’s blather about a new spirit of cooperation and bipartisanship. I would bay $1,000 for the right to a seat at an O-Vomit — Limbaugh debate. The messiah is a useless, babbling piece of political detritus wihtout a prompter. We see it over and over again, off the cuff he’s just another selfish, greedy little racist punk in an expensive suit with a street b**ch for a wife. He’s nothing. Him and his affirmative over-reaction Harvard degree would get whooped right back into the Chicago streets by Limbaugh.

We can only HOPE that this peevish punk of a president we have will keep this up. He snaps at the press when he’s asked a real question. He gives a radio host publicity that you cannot buy at any price. The guy is self-destructing right before our eyes on day three!



185 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 6:34:12 PM by VideoPaul

The press is only talking about Rush to destroy him…

Careful, folks. Put the emotions aside for a moment and think “enemy tactics”.

Seven years ago the satanic liberal propaganda machine set out with a plan to demonize President Bush….and it worked exceedingly well (with Cheney and Haliburton thrown in for good measures, also). It’s still going on today because it still serves the leftist agenda to perpetuate it for an undeterminate period of time.

Now, if you’ve been paying attention, Rush Limbaugh is now in the sights for this same tactic which is right out of the Saul Alinsky revolutionary commie handbook.

Notice how the bubblehead hosts and anchors on the TV shows are now tossing Rush’s name out in ever-increasing numbers. This is orchestrated, not spontaneous, though it may appear so.

Remember, everything is exquisitely planned now by the Left, the Left’s money backers and the Obama administration’s shadowy operatives.

Rush knows all this, but we have to be aware also.

111 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 5:58:27 PM by MinuteGal

The Founding Fathers said only white male landowners could vote and that’s the way it should be!

Beware of crazy legislation.

It has nothing to do with your post.

Its all happened before, and worse.

The FOUNDERS were students of HISTORY and set up a REPUBLIC if we could keep it.

That involved not letting just anybody vote.

We IGNORED them.
84 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 5:49:38 PM by Rome2000 (Peace is not an option)

Rush is the best workout music ever. Rush Limbaugh, not so much.

That’s not true. One can listen to Rush and one can get things done. I’ve done some of my best work while Rush was on air live. Why can’t others? Further? If you’d like this nation to get more exercise, folks should turn on Rush… you won’t even notice how many miles you’ve clocked; or how many reps with weights. Cardio workout? Listen to Rush.

This has been a public service anouncement brought to you by a tried and truer.
67 posted on Friday, January 23, 2009 5:40:25 PM by Alia

As usual, I am not making these up….

Ode to Dejah Thoris at Vault of Buncheness

Vault of Buncheness has a cool article with many illustrations of Dejah Thoris from the Edger Rice Burroughs Martian books you might have heard of since this website is named after a character from it. It is all in celebration of news the movie project is heading forward. Be warned that Barsoomians don’t wear much clothing, so there is drawing nudity. But there are some nice pictures by artists such as Bruce Timm and Frank Cho.

Tars Tarkas says to get to readin’!

Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9 (Review)

Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9

Directed by Fred Olen Ray (as Nicholas Medina)
Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9
Voodoo Dollz is a satirization of those awful movies where girls go to private school and there are secret witches and devil worshiping going on. Many of these films are from the 1970’s, thus have slow pacing, awful cameras, and look like everyone is high on Mary Jane. Thankfully, most of the boring stuff is dropped from this entry, and we get an erotic parody done up Fred Olen Ray style! Many of the familiar females make an appearance, and we get one, lone male entry – Alexandre Boisvert, aka Voodoo, thus giving us the title Voodoo Dollz. There is no Evan Stone, Bart Batram, Ted Newsom, or Jay Richardson. But the many many women means lots of lesbian encounters!
Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9

The movie has recently came out on DVD, but as I am poor I had to dub this off of the free cable that comes with renting. I bet you can’t figure out which channel it was on! Stupid logos. Is there even any action in this (of the non-sex kind?) Maybe three seconds of tossing candles. At least these films captured directly off of cable look better than the older screen captures from the SciFi Channel films I taped on vhs and then tried to screencap.
Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9

Christina (Christine Nguyen) – Her parents work overseas so thats why they don’t see her much, it isn’t because they don’t love her… Christina likes horses (a lot), tight pants, long walks on the beach, and laughing. Christine Nguyen was seen here in Super Ninja Doll, Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet, Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes, Ghost in a Teeny Bikini, and Tarzeena: Jiggle in the Jungle.
Maria (Charlie Laine) – Student at the Dunwich School for Girls, ends up becoming Christina’s roommate after her previous roommate disappeared in the middle of the night. In love with the handyman Jeff, but her plans to run away with him are stymied due to her involvement in an evil cult. Adult actress Charlie Laine is a newcomer to Fred Olen Ray movies, debuting here and in Bikini Royale. She Charlie Laine in such fine films as Decline of Western Civilization Part 69: The Porno Years (I was unaware those documentaries were that far along in the series!), The Boobs of Hazzard 2, and Hogtied Victims of Evil Minds.
Jilly (Beverly Lynne) – Student at the Dunwich School for Girls, roommate of Sandra and enjoys taunting Maria about how they all share Jeff. Almost jumps to the wrong conclusion. Beverly Lynne is a star of many late night films like these, including Super Ninja Doll.
Sandra (Nicole Sheridan) – Another student at the Dunwich School for Girls, joins in on sharing Jeff. Maria is not too fond of her. Nicole Sheridan is a veteran of late night films like these, appearing here in Super Ninja Doll, Ghost in a Teeny Bikini, Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet, Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes, and Tarzeena: Jiggle in the Jungle.
Miss Santana (Syren) – Assistant at the Dunwich School for Girls, looking over the day to day activities for her boss Miss Dambahla. I am guessing she is named after Tura Santana, but who knows. Syren has graced this site in films many times, including Super Ninja Doll, Tarzeena: Jiggle in the Jungle, Ghost in a Teeny Bikini, and Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet.
Miss Dambahla (Monique Parent) – Headmistress of the Dunwich School for Girls and loyal follower of Pakumba. I spent the first time I watched this thinking her name was “Dumbella”. Oddly enough, I saw Monique Parent in a completely unrelated film the day before I saw this one. Isn’t that exciting? Eventually, that one will be up here as well, but I shall keep its name secret. She played a villain there as well.
Jeff (Voodoo as Alexandre Boisvert) – Voodoo not only inspires the name to this film, but appears in many other Fred Olen Ray Bikini films, including Super Ninja Doll, Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet, Girl with the Sex-Ray Eyes, Tarzeena: Jiggle in the Jungle, and Ghost in a Teeny Bikini.
Miss Anton (Michelle Bauer) – Headmistress of Collinsport School for Girls, and disapprover of schoolgirl lesbian antics. Michelle Bauer is a B-movie Queen who has been in films such as Vampire Vixens from Venus, The Erotic Misadventures of the Invisible Man, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama, and Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers in her over 100 film appearances.
Meg (Kitty Jung as Kitty Katzu) – Classmate of Christina’s at Collinsport School for Girls, and a big fan of lesbians. Kitty Jung was also in Super Ninja Doll.
Pakumba (himself) – He is Jabootu‘s nephew and a lover of women. Too bad for him he isn’t treated with fire-resistant chemicals. It is illegal to worship Pakumba in the Netherlands.

Voodoo Dollz: Lust Potion #9

Hey, man…there is a voodoo doll in the opening credits! I get it!

Tom and Jerry getting a movie

A live action movie(!) The article also confirms the Scooby-Doo DTV sequel is still in production, and the Yogi Bear live action movie is also moving forward. I don’t know anything about Robert Rodriguez’s “The Jetsons”, but all of his projects have died recently due to his trying to cast girlfriend Rose MacGowan in everything. Robert, stop that nonsense now!

Tom and Jerry head to the bigscreen
Warner Bros. playing cat and mouse game

Warner Bros. is turning to Tom and Jerry to create its own “Alvin and the Chipmunks”-like family franchise.

Plans are to bring the constantly warring cat and mouse to life as CG characters that run around in live-action settings.

Studio-based Dan Lin, currently producing the upcoming “Sherlock Holmes” and exec producer on “Terminator: Salvation,” will adapt the classic Hanna-Barbera property as an origin story that reveals how Tom and Jerry first meet and form their rivalry before getting lost in Chicago and reluctantly working together during an arduous journey home.

Eric Gravning is penning the script.

Warners owns the rights to Hanna-Barbera’s slate of popular animated properties and has several of them in development for bigscreen adaptation.

Those include Robert Rodriguez’s version of “The Jetsons” and producer Donald De Line’s “Yogi Bear.”

The live-action/animated combo has worked for Warners before.

The studio successfully turned “Scooby-Doo” into a live-action franchise with two films that earned a combined $457 million theatrically and a direct-to-DVD feature in the works.

Here is a highlight reel of the Gene Deitch-Czech shorts of Tom and Jerry that were pretty weird:

From here

A bunch of blog links

The best part of scouring the internet for cool stories is discovering new blogs and websites that are fun to read. You can spend hours reading new sites when all you wanted was the name of a movie some guy was in ten years ago. Here are some of the recent discoveries:

House of Self-Indulgence – Now this was what I was talking about when I mentioned spending hours on a site. Filled with reviews of cult, trash, and genre flicks, House of Self-Indulgence is a fantastic read.

The Storyboard – a blog I picked up from KaijuShakedown, which happens a lot. A Malaysian based writer, who also has The Storyboard Daily for even more reading.

The Lost Kaiju – A blog about those vinyl kaiju Japanese toys. Lots of cool figures and art. – Another Kaiju toy and art blog

One day I’ll just post a montage of goofy toys and art.

Cinematronica – This guy is going to watch a movie a day for 2009. We shall see…

That isn’t it, but as two of them I am linking to on the official TarsTarkas.NET links, they’ll get bigger writeups later.