Zhao Wei is Mulan in Mulan

Zhao Wei (aka Vicky Zhao) is starring as Hua Mulan in the upcoming Mulan film that won’t be a Disney-fied version of the tale. Although it might be a Red Cliffed version of the tale, so who knows…

In the story, Hua Mulan dresses as a man and goes to war, it is hard to believe that Zhao Wei would be a passable boy or man, but since the beginning of Chinese cinema this has been a common plot device and actresses such as Polly Shan, Ziyi Zhang, and Cheng Pei-Pei have all run around for movies where everyone thinks they are a dude. It is also prevalent in Western media, even Shakespeare used it and he stole from everyone!

But then again, do I really need an excuse to post pictures of Zhao Wei? I think not!

Zhao Wei Is ‘Mulan’
Hong Kong director Jingle Ma thinks mainland actress Zhao Wei is perfect for the role of folk heroine Hua Mulan.

“Zhao Wei has the qualities necessary to cross-play,” Ma told the Beijing Times on Tuesday at a press conference for the film “Mulan”, where he announced the start of filming.

Previous media reports suggested that Zhang Ziyi, Michelle Yeoh and Liu Yifei had all been considered for Hua Mulan, a young girl from ancient China’s Northern Dynasties, who joined an all-male army to fight the enemies in place of her ailing father.

In the upcoming film, actor Chen Kun will play Mulan’s lover. Child actress Xu Jiao will play the young Mulan, and Russian pop singer Vitas is set to make a cameo.

You might remember Xu Jiao as actress who played the boy in CJ7.

Mulan meets the Hulk as Bruce Banner travels to China for revenge on Ang Lee!

Mulan meets the Hulk as Bruce Banner travels to China for revenge on Ang Lee!

Part 2 of Cecilia Cheung's interview pulled mysteriousy, Gillian Chung to be interviewed Saturday

So after the first part of Cecilia Cheung’s interview aired, i-CABLE mysteriously decided to pull part 2! What in the world is going on there? No one is commenting, leading to speculation by the bucket full.

i-CABLE calls off broadcast of Cecilia Cheung’s part two interview

Hong Kong i-Cable Entertainment News Channel sent out a press release on Mar 2 to all media, stating that the second part of Cecilia Cheung’s interview will not be broadcasted.

The Channel said, “As some media resorted to different methods and tricks to probe, dig into and even speculate on the content of the second half of the interview, bringing inconvenience to interviewee Cecilia Cheung and the Channel’s staff, we have decided not to broadcast the second half of the interview.”

Their excuse is one of the lamest I have ever seen. So I guess the Edison Chan scandal will continue with more strange things going on.
Meanwhile in Ah Gil land, Gillian Chung will appear on Stephen Chan’s Be My Guest this weekend to discuss the photo scandal. I guess she feels she can due interviews now that Cecilia has started the ball rolling. This one might be interesting as well, because Gillian got the blunt of the blame on the girls’ side due to her company’s horrible mismanagement of the issue. Her “young and naive” speech has been mocked mercilessly for over a year.
Source- AsianFanatics.net

Gillian Chung during a new photoshoot that will hopefully help relaunch her career

Gillian Chung during a new photoshoot that will hopefully help relaunch her career

Blockbuster might go bankrupt!

Oh, no! Blockbuster video might declare bankruptcy! Where will I rent my NC-17 movies edited down to R, or rent a terrible collection of foreign films, or hardly any films made after the 1980s? Netflix style rentals are eventually the wave of the future (or the rentals from $1 vending machines like I do) and Blockbuster telegraphed this with their changing of their own Netflix copycat service (making the wait between movies longer)

Actually, this might be a problem. If Blockbuster starts slowing down, then all the direct to DVD movies that make most of their profit off of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video presales will be in big trouble! The small budget video market has changed a lot in the past decade, and with this it may morph into something unrecognizable! We might see less low budget films on rental shelves, limiting potential viewership of those titles. This will probably cause an increase in oversea sales (but at cheaper prices due to desperation) and also more low budget fare on streaming sites, or even “buy this DVD off a website (or a download) for a small fee” type deals. As much as I hate Blockbuster, they do allow for a fair bit of terrible films to make enough money to keep making more terrible films. And that loss will be a loss heartfelt here at TarsTarkas.NET and all cult movie sites. Imagine if The Asylum was unable to make enough money off of The Terminators or Transmorphers 2 and had to stop doing mockbusters? The world would be devastated! Maybe Blockbuster can do something to weather this storm and survive, but their current way of making money is limited. I don’t think streaming will become mainstream for a long time, so I really don’t know what would happen if Blockbuster were to go under.

Wingnut Web – Rosanna Pulido, the Freeper on the Ballot edition!

Rosanna Pulido just became the republican candidate to replace Rahm Emanuel in the 5th district in Illinois. She also posts on FreeRepublic.com as chicagolady. That means a Freeper is on the ballot! She hates immigrants. Hates, hates, hates them! She really, really, really hates them. She also posts on a site filled with people who think Obama was born in Kenya, think he is a socialist (or worse), and think Obama used an army of dead voters ran by ACORN to steal the election. You are the company you keep.

Official site: RosannaPulido2009.com

Freep links:

Freep Page
election night
Post History

Some of her own posting history:

Check out tis hilarious exchange about how Liberal Women are too ugly to be raped by the invading Muslim Horde!

Rosanna Pulido is also very active with the Illinois Minutemen project: http://www.illinoisminutemanproject.com/info/about.html
They seem to be pro-Overthrow of the US Government by the Military!

More garbage:

Wingnut Web – I Have a Dream Edition

Resistnet.com continues to be crazy as a crazy house crazy. That’s pretty crazy. Besides their hobbies of patriotically resisting Obama by openly calling for armed rebellion (which they won’t do themselves because they are too lazy) they also obsess over race. You hear all the standard dumb crap, like how Martin Luther King was a Republican (because he died just as the party switched to crazy mode and absorbed the racist Dixiecrats) or that black people only voted for Obama because he was black (yet failing to explain Alan Keyes poor showing over the years, or Jesse Jackson, or many others). I have a dream that one day Resistnet.com will self-implode from all the crazy. And that dream is looking more and more likely every day!

micheal jensen knows MLK would be enraged, ENRAGED, that a black man is president

white woumb, White Woumb!

White Woumb, WHITE WOUMB!!!

See, black people should totally hate Obama!

Bruce Sims was sick that day in Bible Study when they learned about Joseph being sold into slavery

Anthony is sick of this race crap, unlike above when he was dishing out the fractions of races that Obama was

You see, black people are curse, it is in the Bible. Also, whites are enlarged, just let me unzip my pants here…

Paul is a special kind of crazy. The kind posting from inside a room with padded walls…

Any child knows this, Paul Smith

Gary is the man with the plan

This post stinks like Pepe LePew…

Claudia L Johnson takes a break from posting on the TarsTarkas.NET forums to post more at Resistnet.com

No more Harry Turtledove novels for Radical Rabbi

Washington is going to secede! What is secede?

Silly Radical Rabbi, Trix are for kids!

Old, rich, white Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example of how the Republicans are not old, rich, white guys!

That’s enough for now, but we got dozens and dozens of other crazy posts to bring you soon as soon can be! They only get nuttier from here, folks!