Korean actress Jang Ja Yeon scandal blitz – forced sex, suicide, investigations

Korea has seen a string of tragedies in their entertainment industry. The latest trend is suicide, which has claimed the lives of many entertainers, including Ahn Jae-hwan, Choi Jin-shil, Jang Chae-won, and Kim Ji-hoo in late 2008 alone. Actress Jeong Da-Bin and pop singer Yuni were high-profile suicides from 2007, and 2005’s suicide of Lee Eun-Joo spawned several imitation suicides by fans. Korea’s suicide rate has soared recently, from 11.8 per 100,000 people in 1995 to 26.1 per 100,000 in 2005, and on average 38 people a day take their own lives.

The latest and current most controversial suicide was by actress Jang Ja Yeon. Her death has caused much controversy due to the note she left, where it was alleged she was forced to do sexual favors for producers and other VIPs in the Korean entertainment industry. These allegations have caused the police to start to take notice.
jan ja yun

Her manager speaks out:

Recently deceased Boys Over Flowers actress Jang Ja Yun past and possible reasons for her suicide are beginning to surface.

First it was reported that she died of depression and there were even reports saying that her manager stated she was murdered, well, that might be true… to some extent.

It has now been exposed that the up and coming actress was beaten and forced to sleep with the Production Director (PD). Her manager is now revealing the gruesome first hand accounts of the suffering and assaults against her, despite her family not wanting this information to be leaked. Jang Ja Yun hand wrote documents listing her tragedies. Before her death, she asked her manager to expose the person responsible for her attacks. She told him she didn’t want her family to think she died of just depression but from something far worse.

The manager has yet to reveal more specifics regarding the documents but he did state the contents to be very shocking and disturbing. He only said so far that there were incidents at room saloons and bars, and being forced to sleep with the Dirty Ass PD. Other abuse include being physically beaten with water bottles and receiving threatening text messages. All this abuse took place in the past year and even just a week before she committed suicide, she went to the head of her company to ask for help from the harassment. But she was beaten and told to just endure it.

She confessed in her letters that she was forced to do the dirty deeds, because she had no money and was emotionally weak. Jang Ja Yun’s manager made a public statement that although exposing her truth to the police and media is going against her family’s wishes, he wants to see the person pay / punished for her death.

The manager is cooperating with police to bring the PD in question to justice. Currently, the PD is in Japan (wonder what he’s up to?)…. how convenient.

It’s been reported that the manager has tried to commit suicide also after revealing this statement and is currently hospitalized. He tried to commit suicide to avoid any backlash from exposing the truth about Jang Ja Yun.

The police stepped up and are investigating the management agency, even going so far as to raid their headquarters!

Taken fromSeoulfull:

Police raided the office of the late actress Jang Ja-yeon’s management agency in Seoul amid growing allegations that the office had been used for years as a room for secret entertaining and sexual intercourse between show business VIPs and its actresses.

The Bundang Police Station said investigators arrived at the office in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul, at 1 a.m. They confiscated more than 200 documents, surveillance camera records and computer files in a three-hour search of the building. They confirmed the veiled three-story building had a bedroom and shower on the third floor and the first floor was remodeled like an upscale bar.

The raid was aimed at securing evidence backing the late actress’s claims in a suicide note that she was pressured to entertain and have sex with media and corporate executives in exchange for raising her media exposure through their influence, police said.

The investigation was initiated based on her note, but has failed to make substantial progress due to lack of evidence.

“We found a secret room on the third floor, which has a shower and a bed,” chief investigator Oh Ji-yong said. “But how the room was used is yet to be verified.”


Nearby residents said parking lots in front of the building were packed with luxury sedans almost every night and most lights in and outside the building remained turned on almost every night for a party.
Police have yet to summon her former manager Yoo Jang-ho for questioning as his attorney asked for a delay, citing health reasons.

Other sources move on from the mysterious rooms thing and call it something worse. They claim they found a freaking brothel!

Police Find ‘Brothel’ at Jang Ja-yeon Management Firm
Bundang police on Sunday raided the management company of the actress Jang Ja-yeon, who committed suicide two weeks ago after alleging the firm pimped her to several influential figures and threatened violence if she refused to have sex with them. Police said they raided a building the company used until December 2008 and confiscated 201 items such as computers and contracts with entertainers.

The fugitive head of the firm, identified as Kim, bought the building in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul, in August 2005, and used it as his office until October 2008. It had two stories at the time of purchase, but Kim added a floor and kitted it out as what looks like a brothel. The ground floor was used as a wine bar, the middle floor as office, and the top floor has a bedroom, shower and karaoke facilities, the police said.

Police suspect it was there that Jang was forced to serve drinks, act as an escort and have sex with media executives, CEOs, producers and politicians who would help boost her career.

jang ja yun
The management agency is not going down without a fight

Police said they obtained the list of names mentioned in the document but would decide on making them public after confirming whether the document in question is “authentic.”

The police searched nine places including Jang’s former and current agencies and her residence and seized the document from a broadcasting station, Saturday. The document will first go through a graphology test to confirm her handwriting and then police will investigate the content.

The letter also had some 10 names of program directors and other VIPs, but the police said they must conduct further investigation to verify the credibility of the document before summoning those mentioned.

“The document had thumbprints and a social security number and seems to have been written by Jang,” a police officer said.
However, police said they are not sure whether the document they have found is the one Yoo disclosed and presumed the possibility of the existence of more than one document. Yoo said he burnt the letter in front of Jang’s family and does not have any copies of the letter.

Kim Sung-hoon, head of Jang’s last agency, was quoted as claiming that the documents are fabricated, adding that Jang’s former manager “fabricated” the letters out of his disgruntlement over four criminal and civil lawsuits filed against him.

Meanwhile, the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) will provide standardized contract forms to entertainment agencies in the first half of the year.

“Jang’s letter aroused concern toward the unfairness of entertainers’ contracts once again,” a FTC official said. “We found several unfair contracts at big agencies last year, but it’s almost impossible to investigate hundreds of small- and medium-sized companies.”

The FTC will continuously supervise management agencies to rid them of unfair contracts in addition to the enforcement of standard contract terms.

The head of the management company has agreed to meet the police

The head of the talent agency that was managing actress Jang Ja-yeon at the time of her suicide has said he will turn himself in for police questioning tomorrow.

The Bundang Police Precinct in Gyeonggi announced yesterday that if Yoo Jang-ho does not show up, they will consider filing for an arrest warrant against him. Yoo missed a police request to appear on Saturday.

This whole situation is tragic, but it might be the event needed to change the way the entertainment industry operates for the better, and to provide for better treatment of people suffering from depression.

Termination Shock – due on SciFi Channel soon

Termination Shock is an upcoming made for SciFi Channel (excuse me…Syfy….sigh…) film that stars Trip from Enterprise and Ando from Heroes! Yes, Connor Trinneer and James Kyson Lee are teaming up as space jockeys who fight giant bugs! Also starring Toni Trucks and Aja Evans (neither of who have been in anything I have seen) James Kyson Lee is cool and I have only seen him in non-Heroes stuff in that McDonald’s commercial. Looking forward!

Writer wrote several recent SciFi channel films, the upcoming Thor: Hammer of the Gods, Doomsday, The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake, Copperhead, and Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon

Given a undercover government mission to retrieve a “crate” from a distant planet, TY JOHNS and LEI CHEN find that they must smuggle not a crate, but a woman off world — and when their rocket-ship crash-lands on a planet packed with vicious giant alien bugs, they’ll need all the cunning and ferocity they possess to stay alive…

Somehow, I got this image on Google Image Search when looking up Termination Shock!

Somehow, I got this image on Google Image Search when looking up Termination Shock!

Godzilla Pepper commercial

Commercial Monster Bios

We have gone and nerded out after our last two articles on kaiju commercials, Godzilla Commercials Part 1 and Godzilla Commercials Part 2. Now we present to you the entire cast list, small bios for each monster, and fun facts you may not know. So enjoy this look into the lives of monsters from commercials, because no one else is crazy enough to pull this off!

Over-analysis and comparison of Commercial Kaiju:

BC Dairy-zilla – Destroyer of cities, except hampered by his lack of nutritional knowledge. BC Dairy-zilla is now on Boniva thanks to the help of Sally Field.
Powers – punching, speech, fire breathing.
Weakness – brittle bones due to lack of calcium
BEMBOS Kong – BEMBOS Kong is a food critic for the local newstalk station KURV, the Curve. Spends most of his time wandering the city searching for new eating pleasures.
Powers – smashes stuff good.

Weakness – gets tired after eating
BEMBOS-zilla – This relative of Godzilla likes to drink espresso and owns a fair-trade coffee collective.
Powers – Raspy voice.

Weakness – overexcited.
Charles Barkley – Charles Barkley is mysteriously gigantic! Again!
Powers – NBA skills, commercial skills, drunk driving skills.

Weakness – not a role model, late night sex hookups.
Ford Kong – Don’t mess with daddy! Ford Kong doesn’t fall for sob stories, and spends his time raising his son right. How sad is it when a commercial gorilla is a better father than the dads of many in America?
Powers – Angry Stare, emotional response, truck stamping, truck tossing
Weaknesses – The power of love, blondes.
Ford Kong Child – Likes them build Ford tough. A fan of smashing things, avoiding dinner, and trying to get away with stuff.
Powers – Truck ramming, crying attack.
Weaknesses – still only a child
Godzilla Charles Barkley Edition – Godzilla just gots to jam some time. But he isn’t very good at it. Get some game, Godzilla!
Powers – Bringing it to the court.

Weakness – Getting schooled by Charles Barkley.
Dr. Pepper Godzilla – Godzilla is mad, and he wants to quench his thirst. Godzilla is also picky, and the only thing that can satisfy him is Dr. Pepper. If this were true, wouldn’t Dr. Pepper plants be attacked more by daikaiju?
Powers – Atomic Breath, smashing stuff.
Weaknesses – Dr. Pepper, Hatred for all other beverages.
Dr. Pepper Godzilla Girl – This female Godzilla smashes into town, and can only be loved by giving her Diet Dr. Pepper.
Powers – Same as Godzilla.

Weaknesses – Handsome monsters bearing Diet Dr. Pepper.
Goody Godzilla – Is a nice Godzilla-like fellow who sends his money home to his family. Due to being a working family man, he has an uninteresting biography.
Powers – Electric flames with curve effect, powerful armor, banking skills, family loyalty.
Weakness – Most actors are unemployed constantly.
Goody Godzilla Mom – Mother of the nice Godzilla-like fellow. Lives with his wife and kids, and reads his mail.
Powers – raising a good son, helping watch over in-laws.
Weakness – if something happens to her son everyone will starve!
Honey – The Honey Nut Cheerios Bee – Cereal spokesbee and all around good person (bee). No longer slave to the Queen, Honey heads the Swarm Liberation Movement in addition to his commercial and spokesbee duties.
Powers – Knows how to solve all problems with Honey Nut Cheerios.

Weakness – If he stings you, he dies.
Hummer Robot – Giant robot with glowing eyes that hangs around the city, Hummer Robot’s life was changed forever when a giant lizard stomped into his life. Now a proud husband and father, Hummer Robot uses his skills to build freshwater wells in Third World countries, giving clean water to millions.
Powers – Lizard seduction, Lizard mating skills.
Weakness – no robot-sized condoms.
Hummer-zilla – Godzilla clone who is a girl and falls in love with a robot. Constantly after her child for not being fuel efficient enough.
Powers – Hair styling, Robot seduction, Breeding.
Weakness – says she’s on the pill when she isn’t, strange pregnancy cravings.
Pepto Max Fly – Giant fly who also does work for Habitat for Humanity when he isn’t making people homeless due to his rampages.
Powers – Flight.

Weaknesses – Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset stomach, Diarrhea!
Pepto Max Foot Woman – The Former Mayor of Davenport, Iowa, is now 50 feet tall and dressing like an Amazon!
Powers – Giant Lady Powers.

Weaknesses – Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset stomach, Diarrhea!
Pepto Max Giant Robot – The coolest commercial robot can blast stuff and fly, and eat things! Is the older brother of Hummer Robot.
Powers – Laser beams from eyes, flight.

Weaknesses – Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset stomach, Diarrhea!
Pepto Max Paul Bunyan – Paul Bunyan and his giant ox Babe have recently done a 180 and now lobby governments for more logging restrictions to protect the environment, while also promoting farmed wood and pay raises for flannel seamstresses.
Powers – Stare power, ability to summon a giant blue ox.

Weaknesses – Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset stomach, Diarrhea!
Pepto Max-Zilla – An avid audiophile, Pepto Max-zilla enjoys collecting vinyl records.
Powers – Tree eating.

Weaknesses – Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset stomach, Diarrhea!
Taco Bell Dog – This dog. This freaking dog!
Powers – brains, speech, box, eventual bigger box.

Weakness – If you don’t look where you step he will be the next Gordita filling.
Thailand Godzilla – Thailand has more Godzillas than Japan. Figure that one out after you figure out how he got his braces fit! What was his co-pay?
Powers – Flame breath, horn power, tongue action.

Weaknesses – Runs out of fuel, humiliation, occasionally blasted into space.
Tiny Guilala – Little Guilalas who run around the city and do little except annoy. They suffer from crushing depression.
Powers – tiny roars, tiny flamespark breath, can almost dent a car

Weaknesses – less annoying than pigeons

That’s all we got for now, but there is still a bit more of March of Godzilla 4 to go!

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Email us and tell us how much we suck!

Wingnut Web – White People Never Get a Fair Shake Edition

Wingnut Web is a fun little feature where we visit radical right wing sites just to see the crazy. Resistnet.com is one such site, filled to the brim with those who cower in fear of Obama and his horde of Kenyan ACORN private army illegal Mexicans who want a United North America, commie everything, and to ban all guns. This is after you are forcibly gay married to an abortion. Thanks to the thousands of George Soros dollars I get, I have all the time I need to rake through the sites and collect the crazies for public mocking, before the entire thing is sent off to the FBI so the posters get put on lists for the FEMA camps.

But first let’s show an example of Resistnet trying to outdo themselves for showing pride in their whiteness! Every post in this update except the first one by Chris is from the same thread. I barely had to do any work! Hooray for laziness!

Chris here asks a decent question and is berated and insulted for pages and pages for months on end until the thread is locked because there are no racists on Resistnet.com so the thread has no more use! Many of the posters seem to think Chris is a liberal plant because he is upset over the White Nationalism.

The very day Resistnet declares racism there is a non-issue, we get this lovely thread by Carl Gottstein, fresh of the boat from 1944 Germany:

Don realizes that helping poor people is nothing but liberal brainwashing, somehow got Obama elected, and will destroy the US!

Our favorite crazy, david c. hubbard, goes on a long rant about how white people=freedom

Then Dwayne Hefner chimes in about how minorities can’t walk two steps before someone pays for their college and promotes them in the army:

mftysac77 knows that the government just wants to kill whitey. Or the rap song. They’re the same thing, really…

Ruth Petersen reminds us all that the only racists are Obama supporters and the North American Union!

ThePhoenixFromTheAshes is related to everyone in Britain but also every soldier who fought for the CSA in the civil war, which was totally not about slavery except for the fact that it was.

Equal rights for cells!

William Weese joins in on the fun!

RAPTOR is too stupid to learn that Micheal Richards was never in court and the whole email forward is a lie.

Margie knows white people did everything and everyone else just stood around picking their noses

Hey, Carl Gottstein returns to give cryptic threats!

LambiesAmerica knows Obama is only president because the blacks will riot, but is NOT RACIST!

Carl Gottstein is slapped in the face with his erection upon reading that post!

Bill Mullins is one of the few posters at Resistnet who isn’t missing his brain and is a cop

Carl Gottstein demands the truth from the man in blue!

Linda knows racism stinks, but Jesus will cure it! Somehow!

Annie Conners-Maloney is the non-whitest white supremacist of them all!