Bionic Turtle Army ready to kill

Thanks to the fools who rescue sea turtles and give them bionic limbs, I, Dr. Mobusu, am now using their technology to give bionic limbs to my giant mutant sea turtles spliced from Archelon clones stolen from the past. These titans of terror will soon be stalking the shipping lanes of select routes in the ocean that will maximize the potential for terror. You have all been warned! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!

Allison, a rescued green sea turtle who has only one flipper, swims with the aid of a fin attached with neoprene at the Sea Turtle, Inc., in South Padre Island, Texas, Wednesday, April 8, 2009. Without the fin, developed at the turtle rescue facility, Allison can only swim in circles. The group had previously experimented with prosthetic flippers without luck.

Ninja Turtle

One of my giant mutated turtles was spotted long ago:

Scientific American, 48:292,1883.

Captain Augustus G. Hall and the crew of the schooner Annie L. Hall vouch for the following:

On March 30, while on the Grand Bank, in latitude 40 10′, longitude 33, they discovered an immense live trunk turtle, which was at first thought to be a vessel bottom up. The schooner passed within twenty-five feet of the monster, and those on board had ample oppurtunity to estimate its dimensions by a comparison with the length of the schooner. The turtle was at least 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 30 feet from the apex of the back to the bottom of the under shell. The flippers were 20 feet long. It was not deemed advisable to attempt its capture.

Angel's Mission Hong Kong movie

Angel’s Mission (Review)

Angel’s Mission

aka Xian fa zhi ren

Directed by Godfrey Ho and Chris Li

A Hong Kong Girls with Guns film, starring mainstay Yukari Oshima as well as costars Dick Wei and Phillip Ko. Directed by the infamous Godfrey Ho (though there are rumors that this Godfrey Ho was just a pseudonym for Phillip Ko!) and some random guy named Chris Li. This film followed in the wake of the Angels films and is filled with lots of action thrown together with a cops and triads plot where women beat up and shoot lots of dudes. The fad produced a great deal of these films before the market moved on to other things. So here’s one of them. It’s not the best, it’s not the worst, it just is. And some days, isn’t that enough?

Angel’s Mission is also known as Xian fa zhi ren, as well as Born to Fight, Buddha’s Justice, Kicking Buddha, and Sin faat jai yan. Welcome to the world of renamed Hong Kong movies!

Hing-tse (Yukari Oshima) – A Japanese police officer visiting her mother Song in Hong Kong and finds out her mom is involved in prostitution. Gets attacked by random guys constantly throughout the film, and even takes down a Triad boss for reasons not too clear but related to Japanese phobia of AIDS. See her also in Tomb Raiders, Godfather’s Daughter, and Deadly Target.
Lee San-Mo (Dick Wei) – A former triad who’s boss was murdered and is now searching for lost sister Anna. Gets sucked back into the Triad world while investigating. See him also in Angel Enforcers.
Mr. Ma Sheng-fung (Chen Kuan-Tai) – Crime boss, businessman, and not very bright. Gets killed due to his lack of killing his subordinate Crowbar like he should have. Don’t make that mistake, people! Kill your crowbars.
Crowbar (Phillip Ko) – Assistant to Ma Sheng-fung and planning to eliminate him and take over. Wins an award for having one of the dumbest names in a Hong Kong film, no small feat. Seriously, where’s Tire Iron and Jackhammer? Let’s have an “All Things Found in a Trunk” gang! That would rule. Warning Flare, Jumper Cable, Bag of Sand, all killer triad nicknames. Phillip Ko has been in a billion movies including Fatal Termination, Angel Enforcers, and Deadly Target.
Officer Karen (Ha Chi Chun) – Likes roughing up criminals and is a cop. Her brother was a triad boss, and just happened to be Lee San-Mo’s murdered boss. Ha Chi Chun is also known as Ha Chia Ling or Ha Chi-Jan depending on which translation you use, and was seen here in Angel Enforcers.
Creepy Triad #1 (????) – One of Crowbar’s men, this guy wears big sunglasses, big hats, and has a creepy grin. I could not figure out who the actor was.
Creepy Triad #2 (James Ha Chim-Si) – Another of Crowbar’s men, this guy also wears big sunglasses, big hats, and has a creepy grin.

Oh Noes…Lost!

Poor Rosanna Pulido has lost her bid for the US House:

U.S. House – District 5 – Special General
564 of 578 Precincts Reporting – 98%
Quigley, Mike Dem 29,634 69%
Pulido, Rosanna GOP 10,360 24%
Reichel, Matt Grn 2,839 7%

Better luck next time…NOT!

Asylum news – Transmorphers 2 and Land That Time Forgot

Some pictures arrived of The Land That Time Forgot, which is being directed by C. Thomas Howell. More photos at Robojapan. I thought I had an article about this but didn’t see one. No poster yet.

Also, the poster is up for Transmorphers: Fall of Man, the prequel to Transmorphers. It won’t be as good as the original, but will it be better than Transformers 2? Probably. More info
I want a bigger poster photo, Asylum!

Thanks to Avery for the Land That Time Forgot info!


These scientists have ears but they are deaf. Deaf to the nature of how things are far more complicated then they can possibly imagine. Of course ears are more complicated, do you think they just dropped out of the sky on the head of Dumbo the elephant? Only I, Dr. Mobusu, understand how complicated the structure of ears are, because I creative bionic ear implants for many of my creations. Ears take the most time to perfect outside of immune systems, because they so easily can go wrong. Even enhanced eyes re simpler than stupid ears. Plus, once you develop the enhanced bionic ears, you have to worry about the stupid things sealing themselves up due to wax. And don’t get me started on sonar ears… Just for the scientists’ ignorance, I shall create an army of beasts with ears so big they can take to flight, and send them to attack Seattle. Because Seattle is just asking for it. MuHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Prehistoric Reptiles From Russia Possessed The First Modern Ears

The discovery of the first anatomically modern ear in a group of 260 million-year-old fossil reptiles significantly pushes back the date of the origin of an advanced sense of hearing, and suggests the first known adaptations to living in the dark.

The ability of modern animals to hear a wide range of frequencies, highly important for prey capture, escape, and communication, was long assumed to have only evolved shortly before the origin of dinosaurs, not much longer than 200 million years ago, and therefore comparatively late in vertebrate history.

But why would these animals have possessed such an ear” “Of course this question cannot be answered with certainty”, explains Müller, “but when we compared these fossils with modern land vertebrates, we recognized that animals with an excellent sense of hearing such as cats, owls, or geckos, are all active at night or under low-light conditions.


Zac Efron might star in some anime, people upset

People are upset that Zac Efron of High School Musical 1 and 3 fame (HSM 2 was terrible so it won’t be mentioned here!) is in talks to star in some anime called Full Metal Panic. I don’t care about anime, but I understand anime fans don’t like this one bit and are even madder than when Keanu Reeves was announced as Spike in a Cowboy Bebop movie.

Mandalay Pictures has acquired theatrical rights to and will develop a big-screen version of “Full Metal Panic,” a Japanese manga series that blends action, comedy and high school romance.

The property derives from writer Shoji Gatoh’s series about a teenage anti-terrorist commando named Sousuke Sagara who is given the mission to protect a high-school girl with mystical powers.
Zac Efron’s name has surfaced in connection with “Panic,” with the actor holding a conversation on the project. Efron, already a heartthrob among the teen audiences to whom the project could appeal, is also honing the action-adventure side of his career with a potential attachment to the Warner Bros. adventure “Jonny Quest.”

Wow, Jonny Quest is still going forward? That’s been sitting around for years!