neko ramen taisho

Neko Ramen Taisho is coming!

Minoru Kawasaki has another crazy film with Neko Ramen Taisho, based on the manga serial Neko Ramen by Kenji Sonishi. The director of Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit and Executive Koala now brings us a film about a cat who operates a Ramen noodle stand. The cat is played by a puppet, but don’t worry, there will be real cats in the film, including famous feline Tama (the cat who runs a train station) Also, it looks like the English title of this might be Pussy Soup, which I think is stupid.

Plot listing

“Taishô’s father is a supermodel cat, and everybody believes that Taishô will be a supermodel as well. His family has great expectations of him, because he is the eldest son, but he can’t bear all the pressure and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he has no clue how to survive on his own, having always been fed and pampered as a model cat. Taishô passes from one job to another, homeless, until he finds his place in a noodle shop, where he becomes a successful cook.”

The film was released in theaters in Japan on Novermber 29th of 2008, and has made a few film festivals. It comes out on DVD on May 29th in Japan!

Trailer on YouTube:

Official site

Wolverine leaked workprint was the final film with unfinished effects!

Oh, snap! Fox turned out to be a big bunch of liars (no surprise) and their claim that the leaked workprint of Wolverine was missing 15 minutes of footage is being shot down by those who have seen the preview screenings! Well, let’s see how this affects the box office take! Another fun twist is the same movie websites that were pretending to be morally superior in not posting Wolverine workprint reviews (in reality just towing the company line in order to get more exclusives from 20th Century Fox) are now talking like they saw said workprint. For me, not caring pays off, because I have neither 20th Century Fox’s lawyers looking at me nor do I look like a complete hypocrite. Laziness wins again!

The World Without Us

The World Without Us, a book written by Alan Weisman that also has been turned into a documentary series, is going to be turned into a feature film. Exact details weren’t forthcoming, but everyone is pretty much hoping it is like the first part of I Am Legend. I read the book (most of it) at Borders and found it a pretty passable science book, but I never saw the documentary miniseries. This might turn out surprisingly well, so I’ll stay on the lookout. And, yes, this news broke weeks ago but it has been sitting in my bookmarks waiting for me to write it up. So enjoy this paragraph which is the end result of a whole month!
Reuters sez:

Fox does not aim to make a documentary but rather a fictional feature buttressed by the book’s science. It would, for example, show an event that would lead to man’s disappearance.

Mark Protosevich will write the script, and Francis Lawrence will direct. They tackled similar material with the sci-fi monster movie “I Am Legend,” which featured Will Smith as the only man left in post-apocalyptic New York.

Fire From Below – Kevin Sorbo on SciFi Channel!

Fire From Below is a films set to premier on SciFi Channel in September 2009 (I think it will be SyFy by then, but frak that stupid name) and it stars Kevin Sorbo vs some fire

Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the country side.

It’s written by William Langlois and Jim Wynorski and directed by JR Mandish, but not much more about it is out yet. We should have a double feature with Fire Down Below and Fire From Below! Seagal and Sorbo!
News site

Tommy And The Cool Mule

Here is a trailer for Tommy And The Cool Mule, a film about a talking donkey starring Kevin Sorbo and Ice T as the voice of the donkey. Somehow this movie exists. I don’t know how, but it does.

Star Wreck

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (Review)

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

Directed by Timo Vuorensola
Written by Samuli Torssonen, Rudi Airisto, and Jarmo Puskala

Official site:

From the icy depths of Finland comes a surprise, and I’m not talking about the country’s defined border after the Treaty of Tartu. This is something that’s actually interesting, and fulfills one of the long held dreams of Star Trek nerds everywhere. No, not the dream involving Counselor Troi, Jadzia Dax, and a pool filled with lime jello. The one where Star Trek and Babylon 5 fight to the death!

How do we get this dream? Thanks to the free fan film Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, available at

Similar to the previously reviewed Star Wars Revelations, except it’s a full-length movie, and is by far the best fan film ever made, bar none. Does that mean it’s perfect? Of course not! Minor limitations include the fact it’s direct out of Finland, which means it is in Finnish, so it requires subtitles for people like me who have Finnish around number 37 on their list of languages to be learned. Therefore, several jokes fly right over my head, and most non-Finnish people’s heads. Though that would probably explain a few random things, overall, the quality of the film more than makes up for the language barrier.

Most of the effects were done on some home computers, with actors filmed in front of a makeshift blue screen and sets drawn around them. There are also outdoor shots and a few real sets, this also allows lots of extras to be seen during some of the outdoor shots. The entire process is really amazing, taking seven years to complete (and even revolving reshooting scenes as the actors and effects got better and better.) The result is one of the best looking fan films, and one that really catapulted fan films to a bigger audience. Sure, there were a few groups already making their own series, but other fan productions gained new publicity when people searched for similar work. We’ll visit some of those other fan productions in due time.

When I first wrote this review, the only available film was Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, the numerous older films made by the crew were mentioned in passing but not available. Boy how things have changed! You can now order a DVD with all of the other films! Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning is the sixth film in the series. The others are Star Wreck I, Star Wreck II – The Old Shit, Star Wreck III – Wrath of the Romuclans, Star Wreck IV – The Kilpailu, and Star Wreck V: Lost Contact. Star Wreck V was the first film to use live action actors, the other films were done with cartoon characters. Check them out!

In addition, there are now two versions of Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning. We’re reviewing the version released on the internet for free in 2005, but there is a special edition (the Imperial Edition) done for a DVD release where all the visual effects are redone. The most noticeable difference is that all the starships are redesigned into a more “Russian” look. At the end of the review I’ve added in the wallpapers of the new ships so you can see what they look like

Scotty, beam me into this recap!