Wingnut Web – Still More Teabagging Pictures?!?!

Yes, I was sitting on a few more teabagging pictures from weeks ago that I never got around to riffing, but now is the time to riff! And riff we will, because these knuckleheads deserve it. The amount of stupid is less because I was running low on crazy pictures, but having gone through the trouble of uploading these, I might as well use them!

Those freakin’ DemonRATS! I think I fought them in Might and Magic IV…

Why have one stupid sign when you can have two?

The guy who lives outside the 7-11 has come to protest!

Obama bombs all babies!

The proudest piece of POOP you will ever see!

Spellcheck wasn’t invented in 1984!

Keeping us In Fromed Reality

He looks totally mad

Live, from the Pyramid with the floating eye, Crazy Lady #23851!

It was diculous the first time, and then was diculous again!

Totally not racist.

Sometimes you just have to admit that your poster-making skills suck.

The secret part is this guy is a zookeeper.

Steve Forbes??? We got a time-traveler from 1992 here!

Future killer of three census workers.

That spelling is what is awEful

Yeah, no amnesty for taxes!

I weep at the loss of $0.50 of teabags

3449252324_bf4a849b0a_b.jpg’s only black member!

Little Jimmy doesn’t even know what the FED is, but mom promised ice cream…

Descent is a cool computer game, but I don’t think it is the most patriotic thing ever

That’s it for the teabagging pictures, until maybe July 4th if they bother to get anything together by then. I am sure the astroturfers will come up with something assuming they all haven’t jumped ship to the Democrats by then.

Blood: The Last Vampire gets a US distributor!

Blood: The Last Vampire is getting a US release! This summer, so in the middle of a crowded market. Sony opened up a US Official Website with a new trailer. The film, starring Jeon Ji-Hyun (credited as Gianna Jun) and Masiela Lusha, goes as follows:

From a Producer of Hero and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon comes BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE, based on the cult hit series. Demons have infested the earth. And only one warrior stands between the dark and the light: Saya, a half-human, half-vampire samurai who preys on those who feast on human blood. Joining forces with the shadowy society known as the Council, Saya is dispatched to an American military base, where an intense series of swordfights leads her to the deadliest vampire of all. And now after 400 years, Saya’s final hunt is about to begin.

Japanese trailer
NipponCinema link

Vampires have nothing on differential equations!

Vampires have nothing on differential equations!



Heckler is a documentary by Jamie Kennedy which starts out doing a retrospective on hecklers and critics, but it soon becomes Jamie Kennedy confronting online reviewers who gave him bad reviews, and then making fun of them. The many many interviews with comedians and filmmakers is pretty entertaining, Arsenio Hall was pretty awesome, and others like Louis Anderson and Andy Milonakis show sides of them they usually don’t have. There are some archival footage of historic heckler showdowns, and some stuff that seems staged for the film. The repeated mantra seems to be that critics criticize because they can’t do. They make a specific point of saying that Roger Ebert is a critic that matters because he actually wrote a film, but he is also one of the few critics not interviewed in the film (I am not sure how close to Ebert being in the hospital this film was made, though)

The second half changes tone to become basically an attack on internet critics. The Uwe Boll boxing match with webmasters is featured, and Jaime Kennedy talks to several people who gave him bad reviews, reads some of what they wrote, then watches as they squirm trying to justify their position. Only one of them seems to come off okay, the rest are awkward in front of the camera at best and depressing at worst. The film skirts with the notion of the internet being where anyone can have their opinion and it being pretty anonymous, but the point is not dealt with enough and instead it veers back again and again with Kennedy getting revenge on his critics in a real-life version of the ending of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. As for Kennedy himself, I enjoy some of his films and don’t think he is unfunny, but he comes off as a whiner near the end. Doing comedy is not easy, but people who take the opinions of anonymous guys with websites (like me!) seriously need to develop thicker skin. Anyone who has cruised the comments on YouTube or YahooNews or similar mainstream sites filled with morons will quickly hang themselves if they took it to heart. So what if some guy says you are dumb on the internet?

But the film does get us some naked boobs, as well as a hilarious scene where a girl beats up her boyfriend for ruining her chance of sleeping with Jamie Kennedy. That’s as close as it gets to becoming relevant as to how Hollywood treats women.
Heckler was a good watch for the most part, and even as a comedian venting session it gave a lot of named stars and had some humorous skits mixed in that more than made up for the shortcomings. My largest complaint is the docu should have focused more on dismissing your critics like water off a duck’s back. (or maybe: shoulder

And, yes, I realize the irony of me criticizing Heckler on the internet. But that’s how we roll on TarsTarkas.NET!
More photos:

Edison Chen photo leaker found guilty

Computer technician Sze Ho-chun was found guilty of leaking the photos of Edison Chen with various Hong Kong celebrities including Cecilia Cheung Pak-chi, Gillian Chung Yan-tung, Bobo Chan Man-woon, and Rachel Ngan Sze-wing

HONG KONG : In Hong Kong, a computer technician who leaked sex pictures of disgraced pop idol Edison Chen with female stars, has been found guilty, and faces a maximum of five years in jail. Sentencing will take place on May 13.
24-year-old Sze Ho Chun appeared in Kowloon City’s magistracy on Wednesday, and was found guilty of stealing, copying and distributing about 1,300 photos showing actor Chen having sex with at least half a dozen women, including several Hong Kong starlets.

Sze Ho-chun is not only guilty, he also has Swine Flu!

Sze Ho-chun is not only guilty, he also has Swine Flu!

Wingnut Web – Specter-busters! Edition

So Senator Arlen Specter of PA announced yesterday that he is switching parties from Republican to Democratic. Specter was a more moderate Republican, and was facing a primary challenge from an extremely conservative opponent who was out-polling him by a lot. This was good news, because conservative challenger Pat Toomey would have never won the overall election, and there would be good chance a progressive candidate got elected. Instead, Specter went into self-serving mode and switched sides. The benefit is the Democrats will now have 60 seats in the Senate, the “magic number” they need to stop filibusters, but the price is we exchanged a good chance of a progressive pickup for a Blue-Dog wannabe who is more concerned with his own career than helping the country. A mixed bag at best, but since Specter is pushing 80 he might not make it to the end of the term starting in 2010 regardless.

As you can imagine, the news of the defection took the Wingnuttosphere by storm! A fury of hate ensued, with many commentors taking up the position that they kicked Specter out. Although Specter was never a real conservative, his party switching is entirely due to self-preservation, and is not because some crazy teabaggers kicked him out. If anything, his departure and primary challenge were signs that the Republican party has left mainstream American and gone down a road of 19th century policies. But you will never know that if you just go by what the wingnuts post online. Let’s go by to see some typical reactions to the Specter defection:

What a totally not-racist sig this guy has…
And then you’ll be completely irrelevant!

It’s not because we’re dinosaurs from the 19th century, it’s because of ILLEGALS and MINORITIES!

Someone tell this guy that Specter is a Reagan Republican, watch his mind explode!

But the Right never does this!

Okay, maybe they do do it…

If ex-snook read his comment, he’d realize he’s advocating for progressive Democratic policies…

I got an F-word for this guy

Liberals are all about purging…KICK OT THE RINOS!!!!!

Judge Judy?

Fewer and stonger idiots! Their ignorance is so strong they make Schwarzenegger look like a pipe cleaner!

Yes, losing an election due to horrible policies=wiped out by Nazis

Freaking Negroes! Get on your knees and thank the Republicans!

Sure it was a Republican who switched sides this time, but DON’T TRUST THEM LIBS!!

The award for the most delusional post goes to:

Sarah Palin scares me, but not for any of the reasons they think she does

True Republican Patriot shows the love

dools007 makes up a point and then runs with it down the street, on the freeway, and off a bridge

Well, as FreeRepublic is insane, maybe will have more sane responses!
Okay, maybe not!

That’s it for now, or at least until we better organize all the posts declare the Swine Flu a government conspiracy. Specter’s interruption changed the update, but we’ll get that huge batch of flu crazy soon enough!