
Fozzie Bear’s illegitimate lovechild with a sasquach befriends a young boy, also Eugene Levy is there between American Pie sequels.

Press Release: Amateur Porn Star Killer boxed set

I got sent this from Alter Ego Cinema, and since you have to go through hoops to email me press releases, I might as well post them because, hey, free articles! and because some of my readers would be interested in this even if I am not, as I am not a big horror fan. They even sent me something else I’ll post later in the week.

A box set DVD collection of the underground hit trilogy “Amateur Porn Star Killer” has just been announced and will be released by Cinema Epoch. An early 2010 seems likely though no set date has been revealed.

The trilogy began just a year and a half ago when the first APSK hit stores in November 2007. Director Shane Ryan made the film back in 2004 but just weeks before the first film was finally released he shot APSK 2 (released May 2008) and followed that with APSK3 (January 2009). The entire trilogy was made with just 75 bucks on a cheap DV camcorder and has sold thousands of DVD’s since its release.

Ryan follows his dark and disturbing trilogy with “Amateur Porn Star Killer 3D: Inside the Head”, a parody of his own APSK films. The movies became very much loved or hated by critics and audiences and Ryan challenges both in a joke about himself, the films, and the people who critiqued them. Production wasn’t as easy for the 3D film, however, with an original release date set last winter the film will more likely hit stores this winter. Anywhere from being held at gunpoint by the police, to running out of money, has halted production, but Ryan says “that’s fine with me. In the meantime I can finally make something else.” The director never intended to make a sequel, let alone 3 sequels, so the delay has given him a break to make the upcoming “Warning!!! Pedophile Released” and “Statick”, both due out at the end of the year.

It’s still up in the air about what exactly will be included in the box set. It will contain the APSK Trilogy, as well as 1-2 other films. Most likely the 3D film, though another film sold exclusively in the box set has been talked about. You can send your thoughts and opinions to [email protected]

Check out all of the APSK films here

Info on filmmaker Shane Ryan and IMDB

Sea Beast

New Review – Sea Beast

The new review is up, Sea Beast (aka Troglodyte), a SciFi Channel flick where Parker Lewis fights an anglerfish meets Predator. We got a video, we got creature babies, we got iPods, we got death by tongue, we got exploding boats, we got Star Trek:TNG alumni, we got You Can’t Do That On Television slime, it all comes together and is actually entertaining! Read it today!

Sea Beast

Sea Beast (Review)

Sea Beast

aka Troglodyte

Directed by Paul Ziller
Written by Wendy Czajkowsky & Neil Elman

When Sea Beast first showed up in the listings on SciFi Channel, no one had any idea what the movie was. Internet searches turned up nothing, had no info about the film at all, people were confused, and many wrote it off as a generic sea monster film that would just be terrible. It wasn’t until a week or two before it aired that commercials popped up and people realized Sea Beast was really a film called Troglodyte that had gotten some good buzz. What looked to be a less than stellar no-name film turned out to be a very entertaining entry into the SciFi Channel movie world. Yes, an entertaining SciFi Channel film. They do happen, people.

I was wondering why some of the sequences reminded me of Snakehead Terror, but then I realized it was because Paul Ziller directed both. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was filmed on the same spot. Snakehead Terror was pretty passable (and only looked bad when compared to Frankenfish), and Paul Ziller has also given us Beyond Loch Ness, which also gets good marks as a SciFi Channel film. I haven’t seen Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon or Ba’al or Polar Storm, so I can’t comment on if Ziller delivers all the time.

One thing that makes Sea Beast/Troglodyte so entertaining is Corin Nemec, who is becoming a regular starrer on the SciFi Channel network. S.S. Doomtrooper, Mansquito, and Raging Sharks are all previous entries from him. When Corin Nemec is on, he’s pretty darn good, and his fishing captain character Will is pretty likable. Just don’t call him Corky!

Will (Corin Nemec) – Fishing boat captain and father looking to make a better life for his daughter. Barely scraping by, and deep sea fish monsters don’t help much! Corin Nemec is best known for starring in the Parker Lewis Can’t Lose TV series, and was seen on TarsTarkas.NET before with Raging Sharks.
Arden (Camille Sullivan) – Ecologist who helps track the origin of the new menace attacking this sleepy fishing village. Turns out to be pretty handy in sticky situations, and a love interest for Will.
Carly (Miriam McDonald) – Will’s daughter, who luckily isn’t named iCarly. Miriam McDonald is a Degrassi alumni, for those of you into terrible Canadian programming.
Danny (Daniel Wisler) – One of Will’s crew, and also dating Will’s daughter Carly. Danny keeps her safe on the island while slowly being poisoned by a hand bite. Things get even worse for Danny just when things look their brightest.
The Creature (CGI) – The Creature is never given a formal name. The closest we get are that it is related to Angler Fish aka Sea Devils, but neither of those are the titles of the film, Sea Beast or Troglodyte. As Troglodyte is a better name for a caveman movie and Sea Beast is never mentioned and too generic, we’re just going to call him the Creature. The Creature can walk on land, has babies it takes care off, has a prehensile tongue that is at least 25 feet long and strong as a bodybuilder, can camouflage itself, and can leap thirty feet into the air at a time from tree to tree.
Creature Babies (CGI) – Creature Babies, we make our dreams come true, Creature Babies, we’ll do the same for you! By eating you!

The Story of Kittens

So the big news around the household this week was me finding three kittens Wednesday night at 10:00pm. I went on a late night run to get some water from the WaterMill (basically, a machine that dispenses filtered water, because the tap water at home is beyond terrible even with a Pur filter on it) and as I drove up, there were three kittens sitting in a crevice by the machine. There are a lot of stray animals in town, but usually the cats are older and run away the second anyone even looks at them. The kittens stayed put, not old enough to even know what to do. I am not about to just leave kittens alone in a dark parking lot near a busy street, so I grabbed them. Two of them were easy to catch, but one decided he didn’t want to be caught and started to run off. It was very dark, so I lost sight of him and he disappeared through a hole in the fence. I went to the other side (where a carwash is) and there was no sign of him, but I heard meowing back by the WaterMill and the kitten was over there crying for his siblings. So the last one got picked up and home they went.

The first thing we did was give them some food (water, milk, and tuna) It has been years since I owned a kitten so I didn’t know if they would eat solid foods (later learned they were about 8 weeks, so they ate fine) and they wolfed down the food like they hadn’t eaten in days. They may not have. Then we gave them a quick bath because they smelled. The bath helped some, but not all the way.

As we are moving in two weeks and don’t live anywhere that we can have cats, much less three of them, there is no way we can keep the kittens no matter how cute they are. So I looked up local shelters for the next day, which is when we had to give them up. So it is sad that we had cute kittens for one day, but happy that they will probably get adopted quickly and find good homes that are better able to take care of them at the moment. The adoption agency gave us their ID papers, so we can call a hotline with the number and see if they have been adopted, and if they haven’t after a certain period we’ll just go and claim them so they don’t get put down, but I don’t think they will stick around long.

So here are pictures of the three kittens:

A Very Harold And Kumar Christmas

Harold and Kumar fans can rejoice, because despite star Kal Penn recently getting a job at the Obama White House, production is moving forward on a third installment of the popular stoner comedies. This time, we will have A Very Harold And Kumar Christmas! I am guessing Santa will get all krunked up, but besides that this could go in any direction. I will be there with bells on, and hope NPH also magically returns from the dead to make another appearance. After all, he is NPH, he can do anything.