New Review – James Band 007

The new review is up, James Band 007. A thai spoof of the James Bond films, complete with our two favorite droids from Star Wars! Yes, evil C-3PO and R2-D2 are in the film, along with evil villains, a dead James Bond, hot babes, stolen music, frog hats, and droid on droid action. Complete with lots of pictures and a clip. Read it today!

kung fu cyborg costume guy

Metallic Attraction: Kung Fu Cyborg new poster and promo costume guy

Metallic Attraction: Kung Fu Cyborg opens August 13th, so here is a poster for it. This is the Chinese Transformers film that was once known as Robot and we have covered before here here and here. The film is starring Hu Jun, Alex Fong, Sun Li, Ronald Cheng, Wu Jing, and Gan Wei.

God created Man in his own image; Man creates robot in his own image. Just as man doubts God, does robot not doubt man?

In 2046, technological advancements keep improving human lives, as well as renewing their desires. So, robots, created to serve man, are born.

The first generation AI android, K-1 (Alex Fong), has just been invented secretly at Tian An Science Lab, with the aim of carrying out dangerous tasks for the police, to safeguard the human law enforcers against injuries and deaths. To test its functionality, commissioner Lin Xiang stations him at a remote town for on job training, putting him under the charge of the local sheriff Xu Da Chun (Hu Jun), with his actual identity a closely guarded secret.

K-1 joins the police force under the assumed name De Ming, immediately cracking various cases effortlessly. With perfect socialising routines, De Ming becomes idolised by the townsfolk in no time, while female cop Su Mei (Sun Li) falls head over heels for him.


De Ming and Xu Da Chun are assigned to apprehend a runaway robot K-88 (Wu Jing), which is suspected to have errant AI. After a mind-blowing hi-tech battle involving aerial, underground chases and exchanges, as well as 72 transformations, the invincible K-88 explains his reason for escaping, “For freedom, not wanting to be a mere robot forever.” He even admonishes De Ming for being an electronic slave.


Meanwhile, assassination robots, under order to terminate any defectors, are arriving in the town…


Also someone showed up in costume for the Shanghai Film Festival opening:

HKMDB News is the source

John Carter of Mars casting news

It looks like we may have our John Carter and Dejah Thoris!

John Carter is reported to be played by Taylor Kitsch, who was Gambit in the Wolverine movie
I was in The Covenant, Wi-otch!

I was in The Covenant, Wi-otch!

Dejah Thoris is reported to be played by Lynn Collins, who was also in the Wolverine movie as Kayla.

No stranger to being naked

No stranger to being naked

I still haven’t seen Wolverine so I can’t judge them there, and I barely remembered who Lynn Collins was in True Blood except she was killed. Taylor Kitsch was in Snakes on a Plane somewhere but I don’t remember him in there as well. There is a whole lot of not-remembering, maybe I have a Wolverine-like amnesia when it comes to cast people in this film!
What actor from Wolverine will play Tars Tarkas? We will probably find out soon!

Conan movie gets a new director

Conan is coming back to theaters, from Nu Image/Millennium Films, who are making this a remake as well (so no King Conan script that has been floating around forever) and now director Marcus Nispel is attached. He is no stranger to remaking films, as he has already done “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” and “Friday the 13th.”

Marcus Nispel looks like a bum that used to hang out near UCSF in San Francisco that I saw all the time on the bus. Now I just imagine he is directing Conan, and arguing with his imaginary enemies all the while.

The Government put a chip in my brain!!!

The Government put a chip in my brain!!!

Alien prequel vs PredatorS news

So the Alien Remake looks like it will be a prequel instead, and the studio wants Ridley Scott to direct it. Too bad for them he wants commercial director Carl Rinsch to direct it instead. Why? Because he’s banging Scott’s daughter. So Fox might not let this go forward. We shall see on that one.

PredatorS is being produced and written by Robert Rodriquez (who wrote a spec script a long time ago), but now word is the studio is trying to get director Neil Marshall (Doomsday, The Descent) in on the project. No official deal has been inked, so make of that what you will. And, no, you fanboy morons, my governor will not be starring in the film because he’s still the freaking governor. But he might be in The Expendables, which will be the greatest action movie ever made, so that’s cool.

Kitten update

As of today, the kittens I found have been spayed and put up for adoption. Two of them are no longer on the website, so it looks like they got adopted right away!

Poppy is the only one left:


and Mittens

have been adopted. If for some reason Poppy doesn’t find a home we are already listed to get her, which means we’ll have to get her to Illinois from California so my mom can watch her until we get an apartment where we can have cats. Hopefully she finds a good home as well. Hopefully next time I find kittens my family won’t be suffering from the financiapocalypse!