Willem Dafoe is Tars Tarkas

Willem Dafoe just loves playing green characters. The Green Goblin actor will voice Tars Tarkas in the John Carter of Mars movie. I guess this sort of kills the rumors Thomas Haden Church (another Spiderman villain…) had the role. And since costars are Wolverine costars Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins, this might be a very Marvel movie (and to add even more Marvel to the fire, Marvel had the John Carter of Mars comics back in the day that I have a few of stored away.) No word on if there was a firefight.

Vanessa Hudgens NAKED???

That already happened (Google “Vanessa Hudgens naked” or practically any celebrity and that photo will turn up, it must be the most available nude photo on the internet) but the “big” news is she will get all naked again for some 1950s stripper hooker action movie called Sucker Punch, directed by the dude who directed Watchmen and 300. And she swears. But besides that, I am betting she will just be PG-13 “naked” and the rest is all hype. Plus, with Zach Snyder directing, half of the film will be slow-mo action sequences.

vanessa hudgens naked

I'm naked all over Google!

Hidden Frontier Star Trek 103

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 103 – Enemy Unknown Part 3

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 103 – Enemy Unknown Part 3

2001Official Website

Star Trek fan series have multiplied around the web like rabbits on Viagra. The pioneering series that showed fan films can have story arcs, recurring characters, and good computer graphics was Hidden Frontier. A spin-off of a private series known as Voyages of the USS Angeles, which you can only see if you know someone who worked on it or at a lucky screening, Hidden Frontier became an epic series on its own, and helped inspire many other fan productions. The production lasted seven seasons, and spawned several other Trek series and even an original science fiction series. Like all projects, there is improvement over time, one that mirrors the actual Star Trek series as well. Early episodes of The Next Generation are laughable, and Enterprise was almost unwatchable until season three. As TarsTarkas.NET will be covering the entire run of Hidden Frontier episodes, we have to start at the beginning. A beginning that will look pretty bad once we get to later productions. But a beginning never the less. There is no shame in these being not technologically sound. Judging the earlier episodes, we will keep in mind the technology of the time. The important thing is if the show is entertaining, not if the makeup is professional. That is the main criterion in which we will be making our judgments. Superb CGI effects cannot save a terrible script.

Episodes of Hidden Frontier are available online at HiddenFrontier.com. You can also view their other series and participate in their forums.

Things to know:
USS Excelsior – The USS Excelsior is a Galaxy-class dreadnought that looks suspiciously like the Future Enterprise from the episode All Good Things…. It is the flagship for Captain Knapp as he spreads his anger across the Briar Patch and gets into fights with Blue Space Jawas.
Deep Space 12 – Deep Space 12 is the new starbase built to deal with the Ba’ku stuff from Star Trek: Insurrection. Captain Knapp is in charge, and we don’t see much inside the station this season.
Briar Patch – The Briar Patch is a region in Sector 441 made of supernovae remains, false vacuum fluctuations, metaphasic radiation and planets including the Ba’ku planet. It was was seen in Star Trek: Insurrection. Most of the action takes place in this area, because fans demanded more information about the Ba’ku.

Bikini Monsters – Killer Mermaids movie

Bikini Monsters is another microbudget horror film filming now, this one with killer mermaids. Ariel wishes she took an axe to the human race, this girl will! Hopefully they kill that stupid lobster, also! Directed by Terence Muncy
RoboJapan has pictures and more info


In a laboratory somewhere along the coast of Florida a scientist is working feverishly on a grisly experiment. Known by the local transients only as the “Beach Bum” he is trying to create his vision of ultimate beauty, a mermaid. But test after test end up in failure, leaving behind a series of mutated abominations. Still, the experiment continues.

At a nearby beach the mutilated body of a man turns up, his female companion, missing. Detective Elizabeth Wayne heads up an investigation to find the killer, her only leads being the body of the murdered man, a single witness so drunkenly asleep that he claims to have neither heard nor observed anything, and a group of strange looking scales found at the scene.

Enlisting the aid of marine biologists Craig and Mike, Detective Wayne attempts to unravel the mystery behind the strange scales which defy identification. She feels that somehow they are key to what is going on.

As the bodies of more men pile up and more girls end up missing, Detective Wayne tries one last ploy to draw out the killer; use herself as bait!

Thanks to Avery for the info!