Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 106 – Echoes

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 106 – Echoes

2001Official Website

Star Trek fan series have multiplied around the web like rabbits on Viagra. The pioneering series that showed fan films can have story arcs, recurring characters, and good computer graphics was Hidden Frontier. A spin-off of a private series known as Voyages of the USS Angeles, which you can only see if you know someone who worked on it or at a lucky screening, Hidden Frontier became an epic series on its own, and helped inspire many other fan productions. The production lasted seven seasons, and spawned several other Trek series and even an original science fiction series. Like all projects, there is improvement over time, one that mirrors the actual Star Trek series as well. Early episodes of The Next Generation are laughable, and Enterprise was almost unwatchable until season three. As TarsTarkas.NET will be covering the entire run of Hidden Frontier episodes, we have to start at the beginning. A beginning that will look pretty bad once we get to later productions. But a beginning never the less. There is no shame in these being not technologically sound. Judging the earlier episodes, we will keep in mind the technology of the time. The important thing is if the show is entertaining, not if the makeup is professional. That is the main criterion in which we will be making our judgments. Superb CGI effects cannot save a terrible script.

Episodes of Hidden Frontier are available online at You can also see their other series and participate in their forums.

Things to know:
USS Excelsior – The USS Excelsior is a Galaxy-class dreadnought that looks suspiciously like the Future Enterprise from the episode All Good Things…. It is the flagship for Captain Knapp as he spreads his anger across the Briar Patch and gets into fights with Blue Space Jawas.
Deep Space 12 – Deep Space 12 is the new starbase built to deal with the Ba’ku stuff from Star Trek: Insurrection. Captain Knapp is in charge, and we don’t see much inside the station this season.
Briar Patch – The Briar Patch is a region in Sector 441 made of supernovae remains, false vacuum fluctuations, metaphasic radiation and planets including the Ba’ku planet. It was was seen in Star Trek: Insurrection. Most of the action takes place in this area, because fans demanded more information about the Ba’ku.

Hidden Frontier star trek 105

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 105 – Perihelion

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 105 – Perihelion

2001Official Website

Star Trek fan series have multiplied around the web like rabbits on Viagra. The pioneering series that showed fan films can have story arcs, recurring characters, and good computer graphics was Hidden Frontier. A spin-off of a private series known as Voyages of the USS Angeles, which you can only see if you know someone who worked on it or at a lucky screening, Hidden Frontier became an epic series on its own, and helped inspire many other fan productions. The production lasted seven seasons, and spawned several other Trek series and even an original science fiction series. Like all projects, there is improvement over time, one that mirrors the actual Star Trek series as well. Early episodes of The Next Generation are laughable, and Enterprise was almost unwatchable until season three. As TarsTarkas.NET will be covering the entire run of Hidden Frontier episodes, we have to start at the beginning. A beginning that will look pretty bad once we get to later productions. But a beginning never the less. There is no shame in these being not technologically sound. Judging the earlier episodes, we will keep in mind the technology of the time. The important thing is if the show is entertaining, not if the makeup is professional. That is the main criterion in which we will be making our judgments. Superb CGI effects cannot save a terrible script.

Episodes of Hidden Frontier are available online at You can also see their other series and participate in their forums.

Things to know:
USS Excelsior – The USS Excelsior is a Galaxy-class dreadnought that looks suspiciously like the Future Enterprise from the episode All Good Things…. It is the flagship for Captain Knapp as he spreads his anger across the Briar Patch and gets into fights with Blue Space Jawas.
Deep Space 12 – Deep Space 12 is the new starbase built to deal with the Ba’ku stuff from Star Trek: Insurrection. Captain Knapp is in charge, and we don’t see much inside the station this season.
Briar Patch – The Briar Patch is a region in Sector 441 made of supernovae remains, false vacuum fluctuations, metaphasic radiation and planets including the Ba’ku planet. It was was seen in Star Trek: Insurrection. Most of the action takes place in this area, because fans demanded more information about the Ba’ku.

Wingnut Web – Resistnet Dirty Laundry Edition

Some days it pays to be in the right place at the right time. And on those days, you see meltdowns of epic proportions. is going through such an upheaval at the moment thanks to the actions of a select few power-tripping moderators and one crazy nut poster. The actions have resulted in almost a dozen people banned and threads deleted left and right. Luckily for this Wingnut Web, I was there to capture the action as it unfolded, and keep the evidence after these posts were erased. Welcome to immortality on the internet, infighting!

To start out with, poster dale henderson (the wackjob behind the Pray for Princess Palin posts) has continued to run trains of crazy all over unchallenged and supported by moderators despite the fact he is obviously shoveling more cowdung than a dung-powered cowdung shoveler. Posters eat it up, but a few realizes he is nuts and try to call him on it. And then they get banned and deleted. We join our story late at night after another massacre has claimed two more doubters of dale henderson’s wisdom, and Dee, Admin Asst chalked up more marks on her banned board…

Poster Susanna shares private threats from Dee, Admin Asst as a topic starter, knowing full well she will be zapped into oblivion by the moderators

Mindy dares not question the wisdom of her masters, because of us here at Wingnut Web laughing at them. Of course, we are laughing at Mindy at this moment!

Susanna gains some more concerned posters, but dale henderson never sleeps and is there to fight them with sarcasm and name calling!

dale is also threatening posters via Private Messages and is still supported by the moderators!

dale henderson retaliates with more name calling!

ValleyForge1777 seems to want no censorship, except about fifty exceptions,

Hey, no old ladies in our Junior High School squabble, Flo!

Sharon Rigdon tries to calm down the situation, and gives us a handy background summary of what got deleted that we missed.

dale henderson is now claiming Atlanta was to be destroyed in a terror attack (which didn’t happen, for those of you too lazy to know Atlanta wasn’t destroyed or sunk into the ocean) and only a few people dare to question him

Susanna now attacks the whole Pray for Princess Palin nonsense, while Patsy refers to our favorite racist Ann

Mindy declares herself a member of Team Dale

Harry Adams gives us the names of the people banned, and posts more doubts

More banning info

Here is a shot from another thread about the bannings, with Dee, Admin Asst giving her reasons

Resistnet gets bitter

We dare to ban us!

So what happened? They all got banned, the threads were all deleted, and Dee, Admin Asst and dale henderson continue to post freely and openly on Yes, they purged their non-crazy members to protect dale henderson, so he can continue to give them gems like this one:
Between the “shellfish” spelling or the retarded Switzerland story, sure made the right choice….
to give me fodder for more Wingnut Web articles! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Wingnut Web – Wants to be Racist, Too! Edition. is not the only site filled with racist idiots on the Right Wing hate-o-sphere! wants to join the fun of having lots of racist morons! Let’s check it out! And remember, all of these posts passed the strict moderator guidelines at Even with changing their commenting system so you have to log in (and thus making it easier to ban people) they are letting the crazy nutjobs run trains of racism all over their website.

Ruger calls upon his heroes in the KKK to destroy those libs!

Let’s talk about Malia’s peace shirt, surely they can’t be as bad as Freep was…

Michael Jackson is the devil


Obama is forcing us to mock Malia!

Laura S. is a thug

Our favorite racist be is here with his indisputable facts.

ce knows Malia is undermining her father because her father is forcing her to. Yeah.

So now Obama gave a speech to the NAACP. Certainly nothing wrong with that. Except…

Black People don’t work

willie snapped a long time ago…

NAACP hates white people!

willie continues to barf up his opinions

fedupinWI decides to just make up statistics (hey, everyone else is doing it!) and gets caught.

Always Right => Always wrong.

Texas Mom agrees, except for the 1% of Blacks that are “one of the good ones!”

Black people just want to hang white people sooooooo bad…

OHIONOBAMA is playing the victim card while decrying playing the victim card and is too dumb to realize it

be continues to be totally racist with the approval of the moderation team!
fnr10.jpg has come back swinging with more racism, but still has the lead…for now. Who will score more points on the next Wingnut Web Racism Bowl 2009 Extravaganza 2.0?

Star Trek Hidden Frontier Titanic episode

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 104 – Two Hours

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 104 – Two Hours

2001Official Website

Star Trek fan series have multiplied around the web like rabbits on Viagra. The pioneering series that showed fan films can have story arcs, recurring characters, and good computer graphics was Hidden Frontier. A spin-off of a private series known as Voyages of the USS Angeles, which you can only see if you know someone who worked on it or at a lucky screening, Hidden Frontier became an epic series on its own, and helped inspire many other fan productions. The production lasted seven seasons, and spawned several other Trek series and even an original science fiction series. Like all projects, there is improvement over time, one that mirrors the actual Star Trek series as well. Early episodes of The Next Generation are laughable, and Enterprise was almost unwatchable until season three. As TarsTarkas.NET will be covering the entire run of Hidden Frontier episodes, we have to start at the beginning. A beginning that will look pretty bad once we get to later productions. But a beginning never the less. There is no shame in these being not technologically sound. Judging the earlier episodes, we will keep in mind the technology of the time. The important thing is if the show is entertaining, not if the makeup is professional. That is the main criterion in which we will be making our judgments. Superb CGI effects cannot save a terrible script.

Episodes of Hidden Frontier are available online at You can also see their other series and participate in their forums.

Things to know:
USS Excelsior – The USS Excelsior is a Galaxy-class dreadnought that looks suspiciously like the Future Enterprise from the episode All Good Things…. It is the flagship for Captain Knapp as he spreads his anger across the Briar Patch and gets into fights with Blue Space Jawas.
Deep Space 12 – Deep Space 12 is the new starbase built to deal with the Ba’ku stuff from Star Trek: Insurrection. Captain Knapp is in charge, and we don’t see much inside the station this season.
Briar Patch – The Briar Patch is a region in Sector 441 made of supernovae remains, false vacuum fluctuations, metaphasic radiation and planets including the Ba’ku planet. It was was seen in Star Trek: Insurrection. Most of the action takes place in this area, because fans demanded more information about the Ba’ku.

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Cmd. Joseph Johns (Mike Johns) – Commander who does high-level stuff on Deep Space 12, I guess. I am not really sure where he is in the command hierarchy. We will get a whole episode dedicated to one of his goofy hobbies soon.
Counselor Myra Elbrey (Barbara Clifford) – Betazoid, used to teach at the Academy. Survivor of the Grey attack on the USS Rutledge. Has a dog named Mr. Scott. Despite her being interesting and played by a decent actress, not much is done with Elbrey in the first season.
Ensign Andrew Barrett (Tyler Bosserman) – Communications officer and starting second grade next week. If this kid was any younger, they’d have to install diaper changing stations on the bridge!
Lt. William Martinez (Anthony Diaz) – Chief of Security who looks like a Chief of Security. Thus he is the Chief of Security. I know he does so on the USS Excelsior, but I don’t know if he does so on Deep Space 12 as well. Doesn’t get enough character development this season.

Guest Cast:

Lightoller (John Whiting) – The first officer of the Titanic is actually a crazed man from the future! Who would have thunk it?
Captain Ziminski (Renee Huberstock) – Another ineffective captain of a Federation Timeship from the 29th Century. Why do these captains suck so much? They always need 24th Century help. Starfleet must be a complete mess in the future. Captain of the Causality.