Assault Girls – Coming soon from Japan

UPDATE: Read our review of Assault Girls here!

Assault Girls is the first live-action film from anime guru Mamoru Oshii in eight years. In the film, Japanese actresses Rinko Kikuchi, Meisa Kuroki and Hinako Saeki star in a post-apocalyptic desert where they hunt “sand whales”, giant morphing beasts. Yeah. Japan, huh? via Variety

Rinko Kikuchi celebrates her Oscar nomination

Rinko Kikuchi celebrates her Oscar nomination

Meisa Kuroki enjoys nice guys

Meisa Kuroki enjoys nice guys

Hinako Saeki recovering from Sand Whale injuries

Hinako Saeki recovering from Sand Whale injuries

Live action Voltron looking more real

The long-rumored live action Voltron just got more real, with a deal announced by ImageAtlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven, Richard Suckle and Steve Alexander. The 1980s Voltron series was based on two unrelated Japanese anime series Beast King GoLion and Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV, which were dubbed and dumped on US tv airwaves where I saw them as a child and had a Voltron sticker book back when Panini came out with them every month or so. Ah, Panini. But will the movie compare to Panini? Or the original cartoon, which was ultra violent and edited for the US? Who knows. But Voltron totally serves bad guys on Robot Chicken, so we got that going for us. Still waiting for someone to resurrect Go-Bots.


Wingnut Web – More Resistnet Laundry is making so much dirty laundry they have unbalanced the washing machine and it is now rampaging throughout the basement destroying everything in its path. A veritable orgy of tinpot moderators have decided to go ban crazy and even cause drama with paranoid militia groups. All in all, they stick by dale henderson despite the obvious signs he is filled with more baloney than planet Oscar Meyers. Thanks to Frankie who tipped us off.

Darla starts us off with a “Get the Hell out!” message to the “spies”

Unite and don’t question Resistnet while we try to learn to question things. Also much support for Mindy in her efforts to make the GOP irrelevant in Nevada.

dale the crazy mofo chimes in to let us know the purges on Resistnet somehow inspired dozens of messageboards that dale isn’t even a member of to purge their members. How can they not see dale henderson is frakking insane?

Cry me a river for Sharon Rigdon

Reading Resistnet is why you need surgery in the first place. Brain surgery.

Exhibit A: dale henderson. Except surgery won’t cure his brain.

Phil somehow thinks mods banning people because of disagreements is a Liberal conspiracy to take down the powerful Resistnet. Also added irony that he has an American Indian as an avatar, considering what happened to them when they tried to resist, perpetrated by people who probably have identical political beliefs to Phil.

streetsweeper shows up to vaguely threaten current members and ex-members of Resistnet. Keep talking tough, keyboard warrior! Those animated gifs surely show how much of a badass you are.

Uh, Irene, the racists aren’t being eliminated, it is the people the mods don’t like. Maybe some of them are racists (it is possible, after all, it IS!) but that ain’t why they are banned!