Teabag Mania – The Aftermath

After it was all over, after the tea, after the bagging, after the scooter carts retreated back to their hotels and buses, what did the 9-12 March accomplish?


But besides all of that, there were plenty of LOLs in the aftermath.

The infighting over the amount of protestors (despite the 2 million/1.6 million claimed by Michele Malkin and their ilk, it was 60-70,000) was entertaining to watch, as all media that didn’t claim there was eleventy-billion protestors was claimed to be leftly biased to the extreme. Even when Bill O’Reilly said there was only 70,000, he became condemned by the teabaggers. Resistnet is still releasing press releases claiming 1.7 million. They just can’t stop lying!

For a great breakdown on DC Metro ridership during the events and how there was in no way anywhere near the amount of teabaggers the Wingnuts are claiming, see here.

Here is a nice visual of the crowd breakdown and how a bunch of Black Family Reunion folks are being counted by teabaggers as their own:

That article will make this extra hilarious: Tea Party Protesters Protest D.C. Metro Service

Protesters who attended Saturday’s Tea Party rally in Washington found a new reason to be upset: Apparently they are unhappy with the level of service provided by the subway system.

Rep. Kevin Brady called for a government investigation into whether the government-run subway system adequately prepared for this weekend’s rally to protest government spending and government services.


The Texas Republican on Wednesday released a letter he sent to Washington’s Metro system complaining that the taxpayer-funded subway system was unable to properly transport protesters to the rally to protest government spending and expansion.

Remember all those signs screaming about socialism? It is impossible to make this crap up. I try, I try so hard to come up with ridiculous scenarios, and Wingnuts top them in reality every day.

skiplogic covered the response from FoxNews, who claimed that all other media ignored the issue, prompting responses from the other media outlets where they rolled the tape of the stories they did and called FoxNews liars. He also posted the video of the FoxNews producer egging on the crowd. Grassroots, indeed.

So now that it is over, what will happen when the teabaggers figure out they have accomplished nothing but increasing TarsTarkas.NET traffic a bit? Next up is the 2010 elections, and a dozen or so websites about flipping houses. We will get to that mess in a bit. Just remember, Wingnuts, if you try to flip houses, don’t be surprised when the housing market crashes on you. And remember the Knights Templar.

Teabag Mania 13 – He had a dream, we got a nightmare!

Teabagging is a national pastime for these teabagging fools. Darn jerks planned their stupid rally to coincide on when I was going to head off for a quick break, thus forcing me to wait a week to finish the teabagging reports. I lumped most of the rest of the pictures in this update, although I might have enough for a part 14. Will these dastardly baggers of tea return to plunk their coinpurses down wherever they please once again? Stay tuned and find out!

Yeah, right..

You know, just when you think you have seen the most retarded thing…

This person’s vote counts just as much as yours. Remember that.

“What does an actor know about politics?”

Malcolm, get out of the middle!

You know, if you aren’t even going to TRY to make a coherent sentence…

Silent but muffled by the feet in their mouths.

My nazi imagery will make me respected, tee-hee!

I would have to have to sit down in a chair wearing this shirt

Obama laughs at this man’s bald spot.

Is that the King of Eight from the old Sesame Street skit?

Dr. Pon Raul, Dr. of Doctory.

Someone spent five whole minutes on this!

Child abuse again

Nice “Cuban” flag. Fidel Mao salutes you!

Kenya remember.

Let’s violently overthrow the government! Wait, I mean I am not seriously considering it, why am I being arrested?

But have you read Dr. Seuss?

Another loyal patriot shows how much she loves the USA.

Nice of that sign to tell us that is it lying.

Heh, I’m so dumb I think those are real things!

If you have no arms, how can you hold that sign?

My two-headed Obama money snake will make me seem rational…

Another one who will wonder why he gets arrested…

Pelosi and Reid pull Obama’s strings somehow

Conservatives, stop beating your babies then.

Oscar the Grouch was born in Kenya?

He only hears sane Americans

Americans for Prosperity (of giant insurance companies)

Being a moron is hard work.

Reid is out, now Pelosi alone controls puppet Obama (and sadly not a real www address)

Umm…crucified Statue of Liberty. Yeah. That certainly…uh…

Fake Kenyan birth certificate # 6 will prove it!

We’re not racist, except for how we are racist

I agree, that guy looks like a nightmare.

A lot going on in this picture. FoxNews, Dr. King being used by morons, and someone who thinks Socialized Medicine=King of England.

Again, there were no Czars in the USSR because they were all killed.

I hope that suit lights up

I proudly display my ignorance for all to see! Look at me!!

Gien Beck should stop throwing American flags in the trash. I repeat, these “patriots” throw American flags in the trash!!

I liked this slogan better on those “Lord’s Gym” t-shirts

I feel sorry for this kid.

Because that abstinence only education totally worked…if your goal was to get them all pregnant and diseased!

I’m serving the country by sitting my fat butt on a lawn chair and calling it charity.

Teabaggers. They suck.

Wingnut Web: Coming off the Teabaggin' Wagon!

So apparently there was some quaint kind of Tea Party in Washington DC a few weeks ago, an event that this website really didn’t bother to cover much of at all (according to FOX News). In the aftermath of the whole shebang there was much speculation about just how many people attended the event. Reports from media outlets put the number of people taking part in the protest at around 50,000-60,000, a pretty good sized number for any kind of political action. Other commentators, Michelle Malkin in particular (feeding off the sugar-high of edgy conservative placards and some good ole down-home ranting and raving), pulled some obscenely high figure out of her ass and attributed that ABC News reported 1.5 million people were at the 9/12 march.

First some simple math:

1,500,000/60,000 = 25. Even if you stand by the high end of what the media reported the attendance of the march was, Malkin’s idiotic estimation exceeds the media’s reports by TWENTY FIVE TIMES that. Sure it’s hard to keep track of what actual numbers amount to in real life when people throw around the terms million and billion interchangeably, but seriously I thought Michelle Malkin had been around the block enough to know what 1.5 million people looks like (I guess I was as wrong as she is). Not one to be misrepresented by the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, Teabaggers are now touting the figure of 1.7 million people at the march, a number which I’m still waiting for a single person to point to a verified source for. Even better, our last bastion of fair and balanced (and I think we should add the worth “truthful”) reporting from none other than FOX News ran a full page advertisement in many major newspapers the day after the 9/12 march, echoing the same sentiment many protester’s signs pointed out:


A delicious example of idiots imitating idiots. Like most of the reporting on FOX News, this package had no actual reporting behind it since, ya know, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CBS did actually cover the protest (like there was anything else of note happening that weekend):

Good Morning America on 9/12 Protests (ABC)

I could go on and on with these. Of course FOX News was there at the protest too, but their brand of “reporting” took on a different tone:

Another day, another kRaZy WiNgNuT KlAmE debunked!

Jayamalini is totally snaky!

Jayamalini, who played the evil Wonder Woman/Valkyrie Miss Lee in the Telugu Superman film here shows off her snake dancing skills in a photo from one of the 300 films she starred it. I have no clue which film it was, or if it is snake girl (naga) themed. If you know, please drop a comment! Otherwise, enjoy the photo of a girl dressed as a snake women and dancing.

Teabag Mania 12 – Oh, ya know, just some more 9/12 photos

Over on Flickr you can check out MeetTheCrazies’ photoset with more pictures 9/12 march than you can shake a Bible at. Here are some choice picks from the set (and hopefully not any duplicates of the tons of pictures Tars has already thrown up here).

Sarah Palin couldn’t be here today, so she has paid this small Honduran man to come to the protest and hold a big sign with her picture on it.

Pailin sign

Ma’am, I believe you mean God and Glenn Beck.

Only God Can Save Us Now

It’s a metaphor, right?

United we stand

This is probably the first major Conservative protest in the history of time where I haven’t been overwhelmed by American flag.Don't tread on the march

These guys are so prepared for this event, for instances of rape and otherwise.

Tyranny Response Team

Ohhh, you mean back when the country was racist? Right?

We People

Wow the crowds barely made it past the reflecting pool?

The extent of the crowds

It’s like a map of all the parts of the country to avoid!

Middle America

“…and this is for 9/11!”

This is for 9/11!

Man, Hitler really did ruin that mustache for everybody, didn’t he?

Faces of Fascism

You get an A for content but a god damn F in graphic design (no, seriously what the hell were you thinking when you were making this? “Oh, maybe if the font was just a little more blue that would be totally rad…”)

An F in graphic design

Well he’s definitely got documents, it just depends on if you believe the Kenyan birth certificate or not.

Undocumented worker

My thoughts exactly!


Teabag Mania 11 – The White House Has A Lyin' African!

Americans so patriotic they are decked out in regalia of another country. A country born from rebelling against America! More images in the Teabagging 912 tag!

Is this a Muslim Confederacy???

OMG, it IS a Muslim Confederacy!!!

Oprah secretly rules America

Don’t let what hit me? Czars?

Heh, because no one ever used a teleprompter before…

Thanks for the reminder

Pennsylvanians declare they will kill government officials!

Obama is the puppet? I thought he was the Puppeteer!

Mommy, I want to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! Quiet, Billy, hold these signs! Obama will murder you if you don’t!

Cartoonists against Obama!

The hero who will apologize right away!

That’s nice and…black person alert!

Burger King is a liberal agency!

Wait, I know this one…To get to the other side!

Oh, darn!

If I put enough Obama Joker photos on this picture, we will defeat Obama!

Wait, what??

I’m sure it was them, and not the fact you are a douche bag

My ;, earn your own!

I’m Joker/Death! I combined two costumes because I like to be ironic! And my upgrade wife is embarrassed again!

Hunterwali against Obama!

Patriotic Americans.

Loyal Patriot!

Darn, they’re on to us! Release the Swine Flu!

Why is Obama an albino?

Pelosi/Joker is a new one for me!

Thanks to fellow picture takers/collectors LF, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, Amish, Communist Pie, -Zydeco-, kwohlge, and others!