Wingnut Web – Novelty American Flag edition

I believe it was on Resistnet that I first spotted this:

The headline of the post read: NOT A PHOTOSHOP OBAMA ON THE AMERICAN FLAG. What a travesty, right? Our sacred American flag, a banner that represents the United States of America and has been forever tarnished by that Obama Marxist in the White House screwin up our country. Not that the American flag has EVER been appropriated for something other than a high-flying symbol of our nation (forget all the coffee mugs, denim jackets, lapel pins, tee-shirts, bumper stickers, campaign signs, PAC websites, and Presidents Day sale TV commercials). No, our country is too upstanding to let a great symbol like the American Flag be sold as a common commodity.

But I think the best part of this whole flag flap are the conservative news articles about this atrocity and the complete lack of context and information they provide with this so called story. The regurgitated headline repeated through out the Right Wing’s echo chamber of “news” is “Will Media Help Sell the New Obama American Flag?”. First of fucking all, the only place I’ve seen this story has been in the CONSERVATIVE MEDIA OUTLETS.

Put aside the fact that the article failed to mention that the picture of the flag in question is a single custom job that flys proudly (I assume) on the property of a man in Kokomo, IN (I had to browse through six different right wing blogs that linked through each other to find the original story on FreeRepublic). A few of the blogs I came across accused the property owner of being a *gasps* union member and part of the UAW, but no, he is not selling these flags. A few comments from the Freep post turned up a sole eBay member who had a listing up for one such flag, a listing that has since been taken down. But despite the fact that this flag is not a product of the Liberal media, the only people who are talking about it and who fear the media promoting the sale of this flag IS THE CONSERVATIVE MEDIA. It’s enough bile-churning irony to make you want to punch Andrew Breitbart in the face.

But onto another point, this is not the first nor the last time someone is going to take the image of our American flag and put a thing on it. How about you get outraged every time someone comes up with a new design for the stars and bars? How about you get outraged every time you see our sacred American flag get cheapened by being printed on another sweatshirt or shot glass or commemorative spoon? Oh, but no one else has ever hijacked the flag the way Obama supposedly has (this flag by the way Obama was working on personally in his basement, or that’s what the Right would want you to believe). No, no one has ever changed any  part of the American flag before in order to make a quick buck:

Somali pirates are the nefarious people responsible for this version. Or some guy on eBay.

And of course the hippies want their piece of the pie too.

Damn, maybe the hippies have a monopoly on this stuff.

Motorcycle and Eagle America

This one is pretty badass actually. I’ll take 2.

So, dumb-ass Right Wing, atleast be consistent if you’re going to get all whiny when some guy on eBay sells an American Flag novelty. It’s enough to make me want to GET AMERICAN ALL OVER EVERYBODYS ASSES

Assault Girls

Another Assault Girls Trailer

Assault Girls

UPDATE: Read our review of Assault Girls here!

The trailer for Mamoru Oshii’s Assault Girls has landed. The true story of a post-apocalyptic future where three hot Japanese girls hunt sand worms. Okay, maybe it’s not true. Yet! Gray (Meisa Kuroki), Lucifer (Rinko Kikuchi), and Colonel (Hinako Saeki) get into a world of trouble when a new super-giant worm shows up. Sort of like when that happened in Beetlejuice. He was the ghost with the most, baby.
Source: NipponCinema
Official site

Wingnut Web – Order an Extra Helping of Crazy Edition

Susan Herbert, who we were first introduced to in a massive posting where she declared she was president and was filing cases against the Supreme Court, realized she had found Internet Fame on Resistnet when they lapped up her crazy rantings like it was the nectar of the gods. Thus, she didn’t shut up, and instead kept typing, and typing, and typing. She brings forth more crazy than an automated crazy ranting machine. Her mind is an ever-flowing fountain of crazy shooting off at the speed of light. There is no fighting against this tide, you can only hope you don’t get swept away.

If declaring yourself President is all you have to do for things like that, than I am declaring myself Tars Tarkas, The Black Moses of Soul!

In addition to declaring herself President, Susan Herbert has also solved every problem in particle physics because it is all laid out in the US Constitution. Yes, she is seriously saying that.

The great thinker (and supporter of violent overthrow of the US government) AZ-concerned had this to say:

Oh, no! Look out, DocFord, Resistnet doesn’t take too kindly to people with common sense!

RAWR! Burn the Heretic!

Judge Hull COULDN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH! No judge would listen to me, thus proving all the judges are wrong because there is no way I could be…

That’s a lot of words to just make a teleprompter joke..

ReddDogg, Keyboard Warrior, is convinced, but demands a version for morons. Uh, even dumber morons.

No Dummies version, because I am far too busy! But not so busy I can’t write dozens of paragraphs on random message boards!

Yeah, because without that, the previous pages were confusing…

This post is in response to herself, her hatred of Orly is hilarious as is her characterization of any criticism of her is just because she is a woman.

And Dick Cheney personally went after her, and despite the fact he could have had her arrested for all sorts of things without any proof he didn’t do anything.

I don’t even know where to begin with this one.

dale henderson only wishes he was this crazy!

If you can’t understand my genius, U R Dum!

You’re writing is perfectly fine! The fact that I am also a raving loon in no way means anything.

DocFord is back with facts that these people just don’t want to hear…

She is a total genius.

I read it and understand it all, except if you were to ask me anything about it!

And that’s not all… Yep, there is MORE craziness to come from our current President of the United States Susan Herbert, duly gotten there by just declaring it so, real soon! And remember the Knights Templar!

More Vacation movies coming?

The National Lampoon’s Vacation films (although the last one – Vegas Vacation – did not have the National Lampoon name IIRC) are among the modern classic films that everyone of my generation grew up with. Even if Vegas Vacation sucked, the original and Christmas Vacation are timeless classics that my children will undoubtedly one day watch, and then roll their eyes and go back to their holographic Playstation 7s. But enough of a vision of the future, the franchise looks like it might get dusted off again, this time brought back with son Rusty Griswold following the family tradition of road trips. Since three of the Rusty Griswolds have gone on to achieve fame (Ethan Embry, Johnny Galecki, and original Rusty Anthony Michael Hall) we have three potential leads, or they can follow tradition and just get a new Rusty. There are three surviving Audreys ( European Vacation’s Dana Hill passed away, she can also be seen on TarsTarkas.NET in Combat Academy) to choose from as well. It is expected that Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo will show up as grandma and grandpa to make people like me feel old. This is a franchise revisit I don’t mind, because they aren’t rebooting it, they are continuing it in a realistic fashion. More on the news here.

The following Republican senators love rape:

Alexander (R-TN)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)

Only 10 Republican Senators voted against rape, including all four female Republican Senators. Background of the amendment here.

The good Susan Herbet

The one bonus of Susan Herbert’s crazy lawsuit is Googling Susan Herbert lead me to this cool cat painter named Susan Herbert. I doubt this is the same Susan Herbert, but regardless, cat paintings like this are just hilarious. So kudos to Susan Herbert!