Wingnut Web – Old Money Edition

The last time we checked in on, a crazy lady was saying things. Wait, that’s every time we check in on… Now they spoiled the intro! Don’t they know I have to write a whole paragraph here? I’m not made of money! (I’m actually made of sawdust and cinnamon!) Well, is still resisting…something…by being racists, gun nuts, birthers, insane, and pretty much anything else from the bottom of the barrel of the conservative community. Isn’t PR Astroturf fun? And for the first time, we venture into the Resistnet chatroom to see what the Resistnet community talks about online when they are not talking to Chris Hanson. It isn’t pretty. So enjoy!

Negros, huh?

dale henderson, secret ResistNet infiltrator!

The Trilateral Commission, in association with Reverse Vampires, and Barack Muslim Hussein Hitler Obama, are conspiring to destroy Orly Taitz

Socialism is offices that aren’t crappy and grocery stores giving discount cards. Welcome to USSA.

Hey, Resistnet doesn’t like it much when you dis Dr. O. Expect to be banned!

Will the military help Gun Avatar Guy (who has never been in the military) overthrow the “stuff”?

The military is not living up to the high ideals of Gun Avatar Guy

The military not saying they are going to kill Obama and overthrow the government proves they are going to kill Obama and overthrow the government, and thus save America!

The military will totally take orders from some random yahoos with guns. No flaw in this plan at all.

US out of Iroq!

Lisa A. Jones thinks the instructions for instant soup are a dictator.

The perfectly rational!

How can you have a Federal Prison when you have arrested the entire government?

Oh, great, THIS lady.

Wow, way to justify being a penniless, homeless transient as fighting the power…

Gun Avatar Guy 2, here is your answer!

You are about 9 years to late to start hating Bush now, sister!

Glenn Beck, Icon of Liberalism!

Thanks for a totally random and meaningless post, Trooper! Do you jack off nightly thinking of your insanely stupid plan to destroy the entire country because you hate CBS?

Funny, that’s what everyone in Illinois says when they talk about you!

Let’s see, a racist and a guy who can’t spell complaining about immigrants. That’s!

Because liberals are aware of the hundreds of years people referred to Africans as Monkeys, they are the REAL racists!

Let’s call black guys “Boy”!

George and Pat Wilkins (pick a name, transsexual!) launch a perfectly good plan to destroy the country the love so much. Oh, wait, they love a totally different country that amazingly enough tried to destroy this country. That is!

Government made the Swine Flu! They also made that guy pretend his son was on a balloon.

Blacks will riot in our crazy impeachment fantasies, giving us just cause to gun down black people all day long!

Thought I was exaggerating on that last quip? You are so wrong!

Rep Luis Gutiérrez was born in Illinois and is Puerto Rican, but don’t let facts get in the way of your lies, Guy Who Looks Like A Drunk Donald Sutherland!

Christian Soldiers practice shooting Government Agents all day long. It is like Jesus said “Suffer the little children, and make the Government Agents suffer! Kill kill kill!” Luke 23:12-13

This is the bestest idea in the entire world and even the entire galaxy! Even Mario Galaxy!

Wingnut Web – The Further Adventures of Crazy Edition

One lesson you learn from watching wingnut message boards is the crazy doesn’t stop. It never takes a day off, it never gets sick, it just builds upon itself. Even if life keeps you busy for a few days, the crazy does not slow. And thus, the ultimate example of crazy Susan Herbert is back with more incredibly long rants about her case before the Surpreme Court, how she declared herself president, how God is on her side, and all sorts of stuff that she should be bathering on about in her LiveJournal read by no one. But instead, it’s posted on Resistnet, thus giving her an audience AND an audience that doesn’t immediately brand her as crazy. They welcome her with open arms and assume it is their own fault that her incredibly long posts confuse them. And this is why Resistnet will never be a legitimate rally point for conservatives, they just let the crazy people ramble on and do nothing to try to project sanity in their movement. But don’t take my word that Susan Herbert and the whole of Resistnet is crazy, read Part 1 and Part 2 in addition to Part 3 here…

Dry Land is not a myth! I’ve seen it! But fingerprints…total myth!

Warning: If you read all of this, you will literally go insane

You know the deep end? Well, she already went off that, and is now going off the deep end’s deep end.

I am going to print these out and read them as beat poetry at the local coffee joint!

I still have my God/Agnew bumper sticker

I know something I want to Null and Void

A personal message to!

More support!

I am sure that is the last of this………….NOT!!!!! More Susan eventually, but it is probably time for us to check in on other old friends before we get back to her latest novella-length posts. Next time, on Wingnut Web!

Thrilling Sword

Thrilling Sword (Review)

Thrilling Sword

aka Shen jian dong shan he

Directed by Cheung San-Yee
Written by Shing-Ming Huang

This film rules!

It is a Taiwanese take on Snow White, which needed giant monsters, guys turned into bears, demon worship, and crystal swords. Take that, Disney! The film is filled with fantastic elements, just when you think the film has exhausted its supply of weird wonderness, it shows that Thrilling Sword has barely scratched the surface. Parts of the film remind me of He-Man, to the point where I suddenly became interested in He-Man again after years of not being interested and now know all sorts of new stuff about He-Man.

Thrilling Sword is one of many awesome fantasy films that came out of the Taiwanese film industry. At the time, they were competing with the Shaw Brothers and their elaborate and expensive productions. No Taiwanese company could compete in making their films look just as good, but that didn’t stop them from trying or from going over the top with the fantasy aspects. And that makes the films that came out of Taiwan from the 1970s and 80s some of the weirdest and most fun films. It is a shame that so many of the films are hard to find or even lost. Many of the surviving films are only found on fullscreen VHS tapes that are running on thirty years old (luckily, most have been archived digitally, so even if the film never is released again it won’t disappear.) This particular rip is taken from a TV broadcast, which is supposed to be more widescreen than the fullscreen VHS releases of Thrilling Sword, but then I saw a VCD case while looking up cast info on the film, so there is at least VCD copies around, which means there might be a DVD somewhere, but who knows how good that copy is. But this is one film I would put extra time into hunting down an upgrade for.

Thrilling Sword has also been released under the titles Heaven Sword and Thrilling Bloody Sword. So now you know. Director Cheung San Yee also directed a few classics such as Lady Constables and Snaky Knight Fights Against Mantis. He also wrote Island Warriors and came up with the story for Challenge of the Lady Ninja.

Yaur-gi (Fong Fong-Fong) – It’s Snow White! The daughter of King Gau-shien who is sent down the river when she is born as a giant lump of flesh, returning 18 years later after being raised by seven dwarf generals. See more of Fong Fong-Fong in Island Warriors.
Prince Yur-juhn (Lau Seung-Him) – Yur-Juhn is a prince of the Yur Chin Kingdom/Yur Min Nation. The name changes as the film goes on, so don’t blame me. Maybe his country should choose a name and stick with it! Prince Yur-juhn falls in love with Yaur-gi and does lots of heroic stuff for the king before he is turned into a bear and has to go get crystal armor. Just your average Thursday night. Lau Seung-Him was Monkey in Monkey War and New Pilgrims to the West.
Gi-err (Elsa Yeung Wai-San) – Gi-err is from Wu Shien Kingdom is said to be a powerful exorcist. The King has her go and kill lots of demons. She also worships demons and is plotting to overthrow the king thanks to all the demons she is letting loose in the country. The King trusts her completely. Elsa Yeung has been seen on TarsTarkas.NET in Island Warriors and Challenge of the Lady Ninja.
Shiah-ker (Chang Yi) – Gi-err’s partner who also has magic powers and also worships a demon master, and he’s totally evil and even looks horribly evil and his name even sounds horribly evil. The King trusts him completely. I think the King would trust Hitler if he knew how to pull a rabbit out of his hat.
The Little Fairy of the Forest (Ha Ling-Ling) – She used to be a rabbit that Yaur-gi was nice to and then turned into a fairy to be a friend and ally. All fairy tales need fairies, which is a rule or something. I think you can go to jail. So be sure to follow that rule, okay?
Magic Master (???) – Magic Master was trapped in a box by Gi-err and Shaih-ker long ago, probably because he has a butt on his head. A butt on his head. And a nose ring. AND A BUTT ON HIS HEAD! Magic Master also has a sweet skull staff, but there is not butt on the skull. Magic Master is let loose by Prince Yur-juhn and heads off to fight the ones who trapped him.

The Dwarves!

Leader Dwarf (???) – Is the leader, and is also an archer. All of the dwarves are former generals who have been shrunk in size. All of the dwarves raise Yaur-gi when they find her in the river as an infant. Like most of the dwarves, I am not sure who played him. None of the dwarves are given names, so I named them based on their traits.
Vain (???) – He’s so vain, he probably thinks this Roll Call entry is about him.
Drunky (???) – Are these the Seven Dwarfs or the Seven Duffs? I guess Drunky parties hard to hide his crippling lack of self-esteem, his fast-living lifestyle heading towards a colision course with reality one day soon.
Sleepy (???) – He’s sleepy, thus his name. He’s also the only dwarf whose seems to correlate to one of the classic dwarves besides the Leader Dwarf.
Farty (Hui Bat-Liu) – Guess how Farty got his name! Yep, toilet humor isn’t just the realm of modern day PG-13 comedies. Hui Bat-Liu is in the greatest movie of all time, Fantasy Mission Force, as well as Island Warriors
Mohawk (???) – I know if I was a dwarf, I would have a mohawk. Because why not? Mohawk is not the brightest of bulbs, but does help sneak Princess Yaur-gi into the castle to meet Prince Yur-juhn again.
Screechy (???) – Screechy has a screechy voice, thus his name. Yep. Good times.
Raising the roof!