Michelle Yeoh returning to martial arts genre with Jianyu Jianghu

Michelle Yeoh is stepping back into the martial world and playing an assassin in the upcoming film Jianyu Jianghu, (translated: Rain Of Swords In The Martial Arts World.) John Woo is co-directing along with Su Chao-pin (Silk.) Filming is expected to begin next week, so hopefully we’ll have something cool to report soon.

Barack Obama has a secret lovechild – Rev. Dr. H.M. Orly Taitz Esq. Jr. Moo. T.E.

Orly Taitz has gone off of the deep end of the deep end that she deep ends off of all the time. In other words, she is nuttier than a peanut factory. She’s crazier than crazytown. She needs help, and not in the form of the multiple PayPal links on her website. Her quest to grab a hold of Obama’s actual birth certificate (and probably eat it ala Red Dragon) is not feeding her desire for fame enough, so she must go a step further. As you will see, she is now tracking down random children and demanding birth certificates. Orly Taitz is not only beyond where the sidewalk ends, she’s walking off the cliff and on thin air, just waiting for someone to explain to her the theory of gravity.

Check out her latest lunacy:

Important: does Vera Baker have a child around 5 years old?

Vera Baker Obama’s Secret Girlfriend – Bradley Effect?
The Post Chronicle ^ | Oct 13, 2008 | Mitch Marconi
Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:57:21 AM by IrishMike
Is the lovable charismatic Barack Obama hiding the fact that he has a girlfriend? Or is he the victim of the ‘Bradley Effect?’ Rumors are swarming that Obama has committed adultery on Michelle Obama with a woman by the name Vera Baker.
Vera baker is a staffer who worked for Barack Obama during his run for the United States Senate in 2004. Rumor has it that Michelle Obama was complaining about the supposed close friendship between Barack Obama and Vera Baker and before the public knew it, she was transferred to work at the Caribbean on the island of Martinique.
The story goes as following: Vera Baker was Obama’s “Finance Director” for his 2004 Senate campaign and made a good buck doing so. Although those who followed the campaign, Claire Serdiuk was known as the finance director on all the postings but strangely Vera Baker was paid too for the same position but not listed. According to reports, Michelle Obama became very angry about something and all of a sudden Vera Baker was relocated to New York. It is said that Michelle was EXTRA angry about something, but it was not specified as to what in the media. And then, not very long after relocating to New York, Vera Baker found herself on the island of Martinique.
The Daily Mail who released the name of the woman has since then said the claim is unsubstantiated but there is a quite a bit of story to go along with what we don’t know. Could this mean that a major American newspaper company will be covering this story right before election? Rumor of Obama’s adultery will most likely have an adverse effect on the election and could come up as the big ‘October Surprise‘.

(Excerpt) Read more at postchronicle.com …The article on speculation of Obama affair has been scrubbed but here is a comment on it

Some random scandal article from a year ago!

And if that isn’t enough, several entries lower Orly is demanding birth certificates and death certificates for another person:

Important! I need a copy of a Birth Certificate and a Death Certificate for this child

Friday, October 23, 2009 2:49 AM
This sender is DomainKeys verified
“Jonathan Stuart” View contact details
[email protected]

Birth Date: 31 Oct 2004
Death Date: 25 Dec 2004
Social Security Number: 215-71-0752
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Maryland

Who this is and what is going on is not said, but the entire source of this being a living person is just the email Taitz copied and pasted. So basically, you email Taitz random stuff, and she’ll post it on her blog as part of the Obama secret lovechild conspiracy.

So let’s put this into perspective. Barack Hussein Obama had an affair in 2004, the child was born in 2004, and then they faked the death of Renee Abena Obama so Barack Obama could run for president as a non-American citizen. The entire proof is an archived newspaper article and a random email. Time to pack your bags, Obama!

Remember, if you see an children…demand to see their birth certificates!!!

OMG Giant Sea Gull WTF?!?!

We’re all gonna die!

Wingnut Web – Resistnet White Slavery Edition

Resistnet.com is a bunch of patriots who want Obama to be patriotically killed! To be fair, some of these knuckle-draggers want Obama to be kept alive only so he can be disgraced from being proved to have been born in Kenya or Tasmania or Mars or something. Birthers are crazy. But not as crazy as the people who just want him dead. Though I do like the entire lack of realization in the thread that part of the reason Obama has so many threats is because of the atmosphere of hate at the tea parties.

This thread has been active for several days with no one bothering to delete any of the posts. One can only conclude that this is because it has the full support of Steve Elliott, Darla D, Resistnet.com, their parent group Grassfire.org, and their friends at Shirley & Banister Public Affairs.

You see, because he’s a MUSLIM!!

What is more realistic: Obama was born in Hawaii like all the evidence suggests, or Obama is a secret Muslim Commie Sleeper Agent presidential candidate conceived in a conspiracy 50 years in the making! Obviously, he is a secret Muslim Commie Sleeper Agent. Who will be destroyed by guys on an internet forum!

Hey, it’s one of those guys who thinks everything ever is a giant conspiracy to frame conservatives! Followed by a joker “who” “puts” “quotes” “around” “every” “word”! So is Obama the “master” or the “puppet”?

Pamela saw Walking Tall last week and thinks Joe Don Baker and The Rock are going to team up and take down Obama

Let’s see, we got racism and hate for the media! Never mind that Rachel also still thinks theobamaforum.com is a real message board for Obama supporters.

Yeah, Bush never went on vacations! And Tymanns reaction to someone being murdered is totally non-sociopathic.

What the frak does Jon and Kate Plus 8 have to do with assa______ing the president? And what is with both people blocking out the word? Is there some sort of filter on Resistnet? And why would Resistnet need such a filter. I wonder…

Diana Wingfield is such a Wingnut she has “wing” in her name. I hope she’s my white slave!

Henry Wallace – giant racist.

Sorry, dan, the Secret Service requires you to be not crazy.

Mike Thomas jerks off every hour hoping he’ll get to shoot some black people in Civil War II.

Cowboy Jim made an Oath to let the President be Assassinated. And to have a gun avatar.
Funny how he manages to type out “assassin” without any problems.

Hey, Resistnet.com, is this what you mean by Resisting the President? Because the Secret Service would like to know!

Don Quixote the 3D Wuxia film

Man From La Mancha may be suddenly back on track, but that isn’t going to stop — from making a 3D wuxia version of the Don Quixote story set in ancient China using the knight chivalry concepts. A chap named Agan will direct, while the action will be directed by Xiong Xin Xin (director of Coweb). The cast is (suspected to be) comedians Guo Tao, Huang Bo, and Liu Hua. Expect it to show up in 2010. Via KungFuCinema.com