Honey Bunny Wildcats in Strip Royale

Secret Undercover Agent: Wild Cats in Strip Royale (Review)

Secret Undercover Agent: Wild Cats in Strip Royale

aka Himitsu Sennyu Sosakan – Wild Cats in Strip Royale

Directed by Keiichi Kobayashi

Secret Undercover Agent Wildcats in Strip Royale continues the tradition of having weird microchips in fashion accessories that do amazing things started in the previous film. Wildcats in Strip Royale also continues the tradition of the film looking freaking gorgeous. The cinematographer should be doing mainstream work in Hollywood, not Japanese DTV exploitation trash. But Hollywood’s loss is our gain! In fact, a lot of directors in Japan get their start doing trashy exploitation work. That’s partially why a lot of the 1970s Sukeban films look so good, along with the hundreds of detective films and pinku films.

The biggest news of the sequel is that Haruna Yabuki left, and was replaced by Reon Kadena. As Reon Kadena has a much higher profile, this announcement caused a large amount of internet buzz that the first film just didn’t have. Although the internet buzz was pretty much “Hey, Reon Kadena is in a movie!” it was enough to raise the profile of the film far above the nothing the predecessor had.

Wildcats in Strip Royale does have a few other things going for it. It is obvious the actresses are having more fun in this one, Yuuri Morishita especially. Some of the costumes are pretty ridiculous and funner than in the original (the cats suits are actual cat suits!) and the plot is easier to follow without subtitles. Yes, that’s right, TarsTarkas.NET doesn’t need no stinking subtitles! I still don’t know the name of their agency or of some of the minor players, but such is life.

Quick lesson for everyone: In Japan, there are these supermodel girls called Idols. Some of them are just models, some do more than that such as singing and/or acting. The big Idols pull in a ton of cash, then marry some rich guy and retire. The lesser Idols do car shows and mall openings and marry midlevel accountants. Most of the bigger Idols have followings all over the web, and there are guys who just scan photobooks of models all day, or host websites that just catalog Idol pictures and news. Idols can specialize in certain genres, like the gravure Idols that star in the film, there are also AV Idols which is a nicer way of saying porn stars. This film will talk of Pure Idols, which is another term used but I don’t know exactly what it means. And let’s not forget the Idols who are thrown so whips can be received.

Honey (Reon Kadena) – Honey has changed! Is it no longer Haruna Yabuki and is now Reon Kadena. Also gone is a lot of the tough loner girl stuff Haruna Yabuki did, Reon’s take of Honey is snobbish at first, then she becomes totally into the Idol world. Honey is still down to business and will beat up guys all the time, so hooray for that! Check out the Reon Kadena Gallery
Bunny (Yuuri Morishita) – The simple and sweet agent with the big rack. Bunny now spends a lot of the film bending over while wearing a short skirt or dress. See Yuuri Morishita in Monster X Strikes Back and on her gallery page.
Capp (????) – We call this guy Capp because we aren’t sure of his character’s name. He is the agent in charge of this little spy ring.
Saki (Minami Otomo) – Reception girl for the spy agency, also specializes as a bartender when doing undercover work in big stings. Although she has more lines in this film, she still doesn’t seem to do much.
Nervous Guy (???) – The other male agent in the spy agency, Nervous Guy is sort of shy but doesn’t really do much except provide someone for Capp to talk to when the girls are undercover. Joins in on big stings like Saki does. I am not sure of his character’s name, either.
Shitagi (Fumie Nakajima) – The evil boss from the previous film shows up again. We also find out she is working for someone even more evil.
Kaori (???) – The new girl and Pure Idol who wants the Wildcats to investigate a series of Nude Pure Idol incidences. I will investigate that for free.

Wingnut Web – cONGRESS IS COMPLICITE? Edition

Wingnut Web has another batch of Resistnet.com stuff from a few weeks ago that I was too lazy to up, but here it is, better late than never. We got chat logs, Nazi accusations, crazy lawsuits, the driving away of sane members, and calls for genocide. Remember, this is the peaceful resistance. Peacefully killing everyone!

But, truthfully, Resistnet is starting to get boring. Membership has dropped off, they are barely getting any new blood, and most of the regulars have wandered off or been chased away by the real crazies. It isn’t a lack of crazy posters, but a lack of activity. When there is activity, it is still crazy (in fact, it is more crazy than before) but the rate of new posts have slacked off considerably. I’d like to think it is entirely due to Wingnut Web, so I declare TarsTarkas.NET Victory! I guess we’ll go over to FreeRepublic.com from now on… Fresh meat!

If viking03a put as much effort into his spelling as he dreaming of presidential suicide, he’d still be a moron, but at least he could spell moron.

Obama is a man child nazi!

Lil’ Hitler, the new Saturday Morning cartoon on WNUT-TV!

These people yell “TREASON!” at the drop of a hat.

DocFord makes sense for a bit, a dangerous thing on Resistnet.com

And he’s quickly attacked by one of the mob of crazy. Resistnet.com wins again!

Everyone in the entire country has been bought off except Wanda. We just don’t like her.

Something STINKS!! People VOTED?? What the HELL!!!

Jeffery J. Cole grasps for straws that the Bible will approve his shooting up a 7-11.

carol , mouse warrior of WAITING TWO HOURS ON HOLD TO BE CRAZY!

Resistnet calls for a Muslim Final Solution.

Let’s make up news while waiting for news!

Obama failed because some people were shot! Unlike that winner George W. Bush, no one died on his watch…

Why don’t these Muslims appreciate us bombing their cities and killing their families? WHY?

What about a piece of your ass?

Thanks for the Facebook update, brah!

Yeah, if soldiers carried guns than we would have like a bunch more soldiers killing each other! Hooray!

Muslim Holocaust Guy is still on the crazy train.

Hey, someone cheering because the shooter lives.

It’s all your fault, Barack Hussein Obama! Look at my chart for proof!

EmilyLP is so full of hate it is leaking out of her ears and ruining her sweater. And that was a nice sweater. THANKS A LOT, B. HUSSEIN OBAMA!

DJ-SEEKER OF CRAZY is still around! Hooray.

Obama can pronounce words? He must be a Muslim!

Those Muslims who I hate and call names every day never want to have much to do with me. Obviously because they are evil.

I guess some guy shooting up an army base means 225 years of history is all for naught.

FireFly knows because he was around in 1776 to see those cool immigrants.


Obama is a monster because he left America’s borders once.

Obviously, the dots are connecting themselves!

I drink your tears. They give me life.

Wingnut Web out!

Beauty Queens and Sex Tapes

Well, today was an interesting day. As former Miss California Carrie Prejean’s attempts to paint herself as a victim of the “liberal media” slowly implode and news of more and more sex tapes hit the web, we got blindsided over the weekend by different sex tapes of different Miss Universe contestants, Miss Japan and Miss Trinidad and Tobago! Holy beauty queen threesome, Batman! As fun as that news was, what Miss Prejean is doing is not that fun. Prejean is attempting to follow the game of Sarah Palin, declaring everything the media does is a conspiracy to destroy her by secret liberal forces who just can’t handle the truth. The difference here is Prejean has far more damaging skeletons in her closet, skeletons that will soon be prancing around like that old Merry Melodies cartoon.

Prejean (for the few of you who are surfing from India looking for women bathing in sarees that I see on the referral logs) was the beauty queen who says she was against gay marriage but for opposite marriage, thus getting into a catfight with Perez Hilton and becoming the newest blonde lady that Wingnuts flock to. She quickly decided that riding the Wingnut Welfare gravy train was better than being Miss California, so she got fired and then wrote a book (or got ghost written) as news of nude photos and breast jobs got splattered across the web. Then recently, the lawsuit she brought got dropped thanks to the pageant playing a sex tape, which coincided right as Prejean was launching her book tour, leading to this hilariously awkward interview on Larry King:

You can still see Prejean playing the victim, as she does in every other interview about this book (her publicist must have drilled this into her head) and the title of the book, Still Standing, is a testament to the victim card. The victim card is a great way to not take any personal responsibility for your statements, and a tool used more and more by right-leaning women who make dumb statements. It’s almost as if the two go hand in hand. If Prejean was really concerned about not being a victim, she would make efforts to downplay everything instead of steering every conversation in that direction. The reality is she brought all of this upon herself, and takes the cowards way out. That is not a role model, regardless of all the other things she has done. I don’t care about sex tapes, boob jobs, or any of that crap. All we have is someone trying to blame everyone in the universe except the one person truly responsible, and the sad state of their life now that their actions have come back to bite them in the butt.

Jezebel has a pretty neat look at the min-civil war on the Christian message boards as they are starting to realize they backed the wrong horse.

A far more interesting article is by Amanda Marcotte, where she discusses the image of females in the land of purity. Tars Tarkas says check that article out.

Prejean will continue to be in the news as her naked pictures and movies slowly make their way online, so we will not be rid of her for months. Thank God Joe the Plumber doesn’t have a sex tape…yet!

For those of you interested in Miss Japan Hiroko Mima and Miss Trinidad and Tobago Anya Ayoung Chee, this photo is all we can display, along with a suggestion to go to Google. But, yes, they do have a threesome (with Anya’s boyfriend Wyatt) and there are solo tapes of Anya Ayoung Chee with Wyatt. We reviewed the tapes solely in the name of science. Yeah…that’s the ticket!

Beauty Queens making a sex tape together is the ultimate expression of feminism!

Beauty Queens making a sex tape together is the ultimate expression of feminism!

New Review – Secret Undercover Agent – Honey and Bunny

The new review is Secret Undercover Agent – Honey and Bunny, the first of the Secret Undercover Agent franchise. Yes, there is a franchise. This one didn’t even rate an imdb page, but the sequel does. Go figure! We got models being secret agents in a world of fashion spy stories. Japanese humor, no subtitles, beautiful cinematography, and chicks in skimpy clothing the entire time (these are gravure models, so no nudity!) Complete with tons of pictures and a clip, read it today!

Honey Bunny Secret Undercover Agents

Secret Undercover Agent: Honey & Bunny (Review)

Secret Undercover Agent: Honey & Bunny

aka Himitsu Sennyuu Sousakan: Honey & Bunny

Directed by Keiichi Kobayashi
Written by Yoshiyuki Morita

From the land of Japan comes the first of the Secret Undercover Agent films, what is basically a showcase for two gravure idols. For those of you who don’t speak Japanophile, gravure idols are models that pose almost naked, but not quite naked. Thus we have no nudity and have to make due with implied nudity. Don’t blame me for the lack of naked chicks, this is purely a Japanese phenomenon. The two gravure idols are Haruna Yabuki and Yuuri Morishita.

The plot of this and the sequel is there is a secret organization whose name I haven’t ever figured out that does James Bond-type work in the fashion industry. So I am guessing Zoolander was also an inspiration. This allows for the girls to wear lots of skimpy outfits, while at the same time there being action and other things happening. What makes the Secret Undercover Agent movies stand out is they are beautifully shot. They seriously have some of the best cinematography I have ever seen in what is essentially an exploitation film. The film was written by Yoshiyuki Morita and directed by Keiichi Kobayashi, so they get the majority of the credit and blame.

The DVDs come lacking English subtitles, so there will be certain things we are guessing at. At TarsTarkas.NET, we don’t need no stinking subtitles! Another guess is at some of the character names, our rudimentary translation skills were put to the test and found lacking (partially because I didn’t want to devote three times the amount of time trying to find out a character’s name than I was spending writing the whole review!)

Now, we must try not to let exploitation films speak for a culture as a whole, though it does speak for a subculture of the main culture. Do you want Japan judging us based solely on The Hills Have Eyes 2? As far as exploitation flicks go this is pretty tame and would barely even qualify, if it wasn’t so blatant on showing off the gravure girls it could even pass itself off as a comedy.

Honey (Haruna Yabuki) – Shoe-throwing tough girl who spends most of the film not trying to care about anyone. I embarrassed by the smallness of her mammaries. Haruna Yabuki is a gravure model so there are a lot of pictures of her in skimpy clothes around the internet. She does not return for the sequel and the role of Honey is recast. But check out this gallery of images!
Bunny (Yuuri Morishita) – The newest agent, simple and sweet, also has a big rack. Said sweetness and big rackness makes Honey treat her with disdain at first. Yuuri Morishita can also be seen in Monster X Strikes Back.
Capp (???) – We call this guy Capp because we aren’t sure of his character’s name, though it might be Kamakita or Hanzai. He is the agent in charge of this little spy ring, and spends most of the film lusting after Honey.
Saki (Minami Otomo) – Reception girl for the spy agency, also specializes as a bartender when doing undercover work in big stings.
Nervous Guy (????) – The other male agent in the spy agency, Nervous Guy is sort of shy but doesn’t really do much except provide someone for Capp to talk to when the girls are undercover. Joins in on big stings like Saki does. I am not sure of his character’s name, but it might be Hacebe.
Shitagi (Fumie Nakajima) – The boss where Bunny interviewing for a job as a bondage gravure model and involved in some sort of illegal shenanigans. Is a fashion dictator, but manages to escape in the end. I am not sure what her name is, but she was involved in launching the Shitagi Collection so we are calling her Shitagi.

Haruna Yabuki Gallery

Click for huge!
Also check out Haruna Yabuki in Secret Undercover Agent: Honey and Bunny