Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic "Ship 'em Back to Africa" Edition racist? Who would have thought! No one, obviously. But it is amazing how worse they have gotten since Obama got elected. FreeRepublic is an awful, awful place that we spend too little time making fun of, mostly due to them being so awful and the fact there are several others like us who monitor them. But in an effort to revisit some of our old Wingnut Web targets, will get the “treatment” a bit more often. And they have plenty of cannon fodder.

It starts out with an innocent story of sending inner city youths to Africa for new experiences..

And is uncharacteristically generous to the poor for some reason…I wonder why…

Mystery solved! They want to ship off the Negroes!

cripplecreek worries they will come back with guns and shoot up the rusty trailers in Nebraska he lives at

Let’s ship every Black person ever back to Africa!

Providing an opportunity to go to Africa = forced busing!

funblonde has a fun idea to get rid of a whole different “undesirable” ethnic group…

More generosity…

guitarplayer1953 and his gun porn sig line would prefer shipping them off into camps with horrible living conditions. Maybe name it Alaskawitz…

Because the pirates are Black, see! Unlike the good pirates, who are Johnny Depp…

Sorry, TurtleUp, but I am quoting them IN CONTEXT and they still make FR look bad.

How could new experiences help children in any way???

RJS1950 thinks Africa is one giant BF1942 Map.

All Africans are Muslims as well despite being gangbangers and pirates.

cripplecreek is going nuts over this idea!

In response to cripplecreek being shown evidence that Africa is not one entire giant civil war he says…

That’s enough racism for one day, but FreeRepublic can’t stay non-racist for long. In fact, old guys on rascal scooters are probably posting racist comments as I type this! And as long as they do, Wingnut Web will be in business…

Wingnut Web – Glenn Beck’s big plan

Glenn Beck vows to go full frontal teabagger in 2010, teaming up with to teabag the entire US of A! One good thing about this… will no longer shrivel up and die, they’ll get a whole new batch of crazy mofos that will keep Wingnut Web in business for a long time. Thank you, Glenn Beck, and I hope you get more victories like your victory in NY-23! WooooOOOOooooOOOOooOOOO!!!!!

Glenn Beck to announce ‘big plan’ for 2010

Glenn Beck, the controversial Fox News television host, is planning on becoming more active in the populist conservative movement he spawned, according to sources familiar with his thinking.

At a rally Saturday at a massive retirement community in central Florida, Beck is planning to unveil what he has billed as a “big plan” for 2010, which is expected to involve the 9.12 Project, the group he started earlier this year and named for the day after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when he says the nation was unified.

“Coming this January, my whole approach changes on this program,” he hinted cryptically on his Wednesday show. “This next year is going to be critical and I think it’s going to change and I think we are going to set it right, at least set our course right. And if that means the Democrats or the Republicans are destroyed along the way, well, good. Good.”

Beck’s Saturday rally, which is set for 3 p.m. will be broadcast live on Fox, and is timed to coincide with the kickoff of a tour promoting his new book, “Arguing with Idiots.”

The 2010 march – called the “We the People Restore Our Constitution March, Rally and 9/11 Memorial” – is planned for Washington’s National Mall. Its other co-sponsor is an online activism group called

ResistNet’s Darla Dawald credited Beck with setting in motion the march, but said he’s not involved in its planning. “Glenn doesn’t want it to be about him – always about the people,” Dawald, who is leading march planning for ResistNet, wrote in an email. “He wanted the 9.12 Project people (grassroots) to be involved and step forward – not him.”

Christine Drawdy, a Florida event promoter involved in the Tea Party and 912 movements who is listed as the travel coordinator for the 2010 march, said the permit for the march is in the name of The 9.12 Project’s administrator, Yvonne Donnelly.

Though Drawdy stressed that Beck “is not the leader of” the 912 movement, she added “all he has to do is say something and they’ll jump.”

ResistNet’s Dawald said she was asked to join the march planning effort by Donnelly, who works with Beck on the 9.12 Project website but did not respond to an email message.

Quick TarsTarkas.NET news

Some of you may have noticed that links have started to appear on some reviews. This is in response to a few emails I have gotten of people wanting to buy some of the films. Although I don’t sell any of the films, some of them are on Amazon, so I decided to add links to those products. And, yes, it does involve the referral system, so if yo order off of the links, I get money. As DVDs are super-cheap, I barely make anything off of them, but it all adds up. I am not going to be one of those sites that turns every sentence into an product link, or do updates on the blog just to highlight deals on But there will probably be a few updates on the blog eventually that make use of the links, but you won’t be saturated in them. Many of the films we do review are not on and some have not had a legitimate release in 25 years, so don’t expect links to show up there. TarsTarkas.NET is in the black, and even if we weren’t I would not be begging for money. I do this because I like it, and as it pays for itself that is just an added bonus. I just wanted to make everyone aware of what those links were (and I promise a better link picture for the reviews once I get the computer with Photoshop on it out of storage) and why they are here. If you really want to buy stuff using our referral stuff, you can use the link on the right. But I know the economy stinks, so be responsible and don’t buy lots of random crap.

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