Sometimes the Wingnut Webs write themselves…

Kentucky Republican Senatorial candidate Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul of RONPAULRONPAULRONPAULPR0NRAUL!!!! fame) had his spokesperson Christopher Hightower resign in disgrace over Racism and Satanism. Yes. So Christopher Hightower had this on his MySpace page for two years (posted by someone else):
And he’s the guy with his hands on his hips in this heavy metal band:


Wingnut Web – H1N1 is starting to reduce our population Edition

Resistnet produces so many terrible posts, that I have a huge archive of posts from them that I haven’t even uploaded to the internet. They are still sitting on Resistnet (for the most part), but as everything gets lost in the constant noise of old people copy/pasting the same article from WND/CFP 6000 times (including all the ads and meta data on the site) and arguing about whether Obama will destroy America this week or wait until the weekend. Obama sure is lazy on his destroying America, it’s almost been a year and America isn’t destroyed!

This post is more than two weeks old, btw

No one cares that I WANT MY CRAZY BACK smoked too much weed in Da Nang

Robert is so patriotic he refuses to support the president in a time of war…

We shouldn’t give people rights, because we might have to answer for our injustice! HOW DARE THEY MAKE US ANSWER?!?!?!

Resistnet: The peaceful resistance (of kicking people in the face)

John P. has a lot of rage that even jacking off 9 times a day can’t fix!

Names pile up for the kicking question…

Nancy Pelosi, Fake Cajun

bumbleshorts ups the creepy aspect and skirts the line of getting reported to the FBI for death threats

So many choices, I can’t decide!

That TRAITOR cares about the Earth!

How much will you take before you join Armed with a vote to put bullets in the heads of dark-skinned people?

John P., Sixth Grade Rambo

That other shoe has been about to drop for decades.

SusieL probably has Swine Flu

Obama controls the postage! Also I’m calling for armed rebellion while ignoring the “No talking about armed rebellion” rules instigated thanks to Wingnut Web continually pointing out the armed rebellion talk.

I scream “Merry Christmas” to Muslim Terrorists!

Why didn’t anyone make an Obama comment about my hanging tree comment? WAHHHH!!

Why doesn’t the military wipe out our entire government, who are all Communist Muslim Chinese?

I WANT MY CRAZY BACK continues to not take his meds…

Whoa! Chance1 is Cobra Commander!

Not my president! No, I’m more “Not my president” than you!

Satan’s son is Spencer Pratt

I WANT MY CRAZY BACK sails us away into the Land of Crazypants.

Oh, we got more from Resistnet. And all the newer stuff we haven’t sorted. Resistnet is the gift that keeps on giving.

Keywords From Hell!

More actual search terms used to find TarsTarkas.NET

sexy knife throwing in stomach of a naked female – Thank goodness he specified the knife thrown into a naked female stomach had to be sexy! Because there is so much un-sexy knife throwing into stomachs of naked females out there…

has miley cyrus peed in a swimming pool – I don’t even want to know if this is a sick fetish (as it probably is) or just some kid.

highly naked indian actress ready to show her wet dress – How can you be highly naked and still have a wet dress? Is the wet dress a side accessory she takes out of a drawer to show off?

hogtied victims of evil minds – This guy searches for this term EVERY DAY!

men pinnes stocks in girls ragina – Is Trig Palin looking for internet porn?

short stories of young girls turned into sex mad sluts. – Make sure the stories aren’t too long, because I got to check my facebook later…

whats the name of the movie that this group all have sex with eachother? – There is only one orgy movie, but I refuse to tell you the name because I’m a jerk!

hairy thai fannies – Obviously they’re looking for information on opening a wax hair removal store in Thailand…

what happened to the good ways – All those ways were lost in time, like tears in the rain

to have something unknown as friend but he is as enemy – I would not suggest making friends with unknown creatures, because they are probably demons who want to eat your soul. Also your neighbor is a demon who wants to eat your soul, so stay away from them as well.

i cannot read – I beg to differ

killing cows id for autobots – Those damn Autobots, always anonymously killing cows!

can i watch bratz babyz the movie from top to bottom on movie with the 4 of the little girls onile on movie that is the 1 iam talking about. – No, I’m sorry, you were a bad girl this year and all youget is a lump of coal.

That’s the worst for now, but as the search engine terms keep coming, we’re gonna have more Keywords From Hell soon enough!

New Review – Nobody's Perfect

The new review is Nobody’s Perfect, a Cantonese comedy from 2008 that I have been too lazy to put up for months and months. Laziness=cured. Not really, because this was easier than the other reviews I was prepping, which will hopefully be the next ones up. Enough of that, back to the film. We got Cookies, mind-switching, lessons learned, cameos, and Hong Kong gossip. Complete with clip and pictures. Read it today!

Nobody’s Perfect (Review)

Nobody’s Perfect

aka Chut doi seung giu

Directed by Patrick Kong Pak-Leung

So not every film I watch is filled with girls dressed as cats, giant monsters, or a Turkish take of American culture. Sometimes I end up watching many things that are just regular films. And even though Nobody’s Perfect is from Hong Kong, it is a pretty straightforward comedy involving body switching and learning life lessons that could easily have been churned out of the US in the late 80s when body switching movies like Big, 18 Again, Vice Versa, and the like were all the rage. Oddly enough, the title screen and credits effects also looks like it was straight out of late 1980’s Hong Kong. Somebody needs to update their title graphics, because it stood out pretty remarkably compared to most other recent Hong Kong films I have seen.

Stephy Tang and Kary Ng were both members of the Cookies, a 2002-era prefab Cantopop band that started out with nine girls, but was whittled downed to Kary Ng Ka-Wing, Miki Yeung, Theresa Fu Wing, and Stephy Tang and the group was renamed Mini-Cookies. Just watch out for the Mini-Cookie monster, as he will eat all your Cookies! Which one is more popular? Well, Kary Ng has huge images on Wikimedia Commons, while Stephy Tang only has very large images. Also Kary Ng has a cooler solo album cover, so Kary Ng wins.

Alexandra (Stephy Tang Lai-Yan) – is a high-powered entertainment industry insider Stephy Tang wrote a book in July 2009 that had numerous typos thanks to Chinese language phonetics. Then she caught Swine Flu (H1N1). Poor girl can’t catch a break.
Alexis (Kary Ng Yiu-Fei) – is completely opposite, as she is poor. She lives in a chicken coup! Luckily for her, there are no chickens living there. She and Alexandra hate each other. After Cookies, Kary Ng became lead vocalist for band Ping Pung, which has a cool name, in addition to her solo albums.
Norman (Sammy Leung Chi-Kin) –Alexis’s brother is dating the spoiled daughter of a family that runs a shop, where he has managed to get his sister a job. Both of them are orphans, so all they got is each other. He really puts up with a lot from his crazy girlfriend. Norman is comedian Sammy Leung Chi-Kin, who has finally gotten more popular in recent years.
Dad (Tin Kai-Man) –Dad is the leader of the family running the store and spends most of the film insulting everyone. Tin Kai-Man is probably best known in the west for parts in Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle.

Leap Year

Leap Year is a romantic comedy with the most absurd premise yet, “the girl who is always in control” yet can’t be bothered to have an honest talk about her relationship with her boyfriend decides to go to Ireland for the one day every four years women can propose to men. Yeah. And while there she meets some Irish dude who she falls in love with instead. We also got her overcooked friend yakking about little bags from jewelry stores, pretending to have surprised faces, and more fish out of water situations than a fish market. We also have John Lithgow fresh off his crazy killer part in Dexter that adds a sick twist to Leap Year the producers probably weren’t expecting as they were watching their 3rd Rock DVDs. The trailer even has Amy Adams getting proposed to by her loser boyfriend, so all we need to see when we watch the film is the last five minutes when she leaves the loser boyfriend and tells the Irish hunk taxi dude “I want to marry YOU!”

Then she gets killed by a leprechaun!