Obligatory Blackwater update

A few things have been going on with Blackwater lately, with one coming up pretty soon.  Just one week after the case against the shooters in the Nisour Square massacre was dismissed, two contractors working yet another Blackwater subsidiary were charged with the murder of two Afghans in 2008.  I hadn’t paid much attention to it because this is a regular occurrence in Afghanistan (for details, see this article by Anand Gopal).  The men were also charged with weapons violations for using AK-47s (a Blackwater speciality) most likely in an attempt to blame it on Afghans, which they tried to do anyways:

Federal officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is pending, said that no Paravant car was struck by another vehicle and that the Afghans who were shot were in a car that had passed the contractors from the other direction.

But Callahan said the lead Paravant car was deliberately struck by another car traveling in the same direction. The first car flipped over. Callahan said Cannon and Drotleff, who were traveling in the second car, got out and were running to check on their injured colleagues when the car that had caused the accident accelerated toward them. The men opened fire, Callahan said, killing one Afghan in the car and a bystander about 900 feet away.

More recently, details have emerged about their service records:

Drotleff’s three-year service in the Marines ended with an other-than-honorable discharge in 2001 and a military record that included offenses for seven unauthorized absences, two failures to obey an order, assault, disrespect toward a noncommissioned officer and falsely altering a military ID card. Before his service with Blackwater in Afghanistan, the 29-year-old also faced a number of state convictions for reckless driving, disturbing the peace, assault and battery, resisting arrest and DWI.

Cannon, 27, was discharged from the Army after going AWOL and testing positive for cocaine. He later petitioned successfully to have his military records officially changed to an honorable discharge.

The only strange part about this is that they (theoretically) would have had to have security clearances for those jobs and that’s exactly the kind of thing you’d think would show up in the process of obtaining one.  I don’t suppose we’ll find out what happened with that though, as they have a seemingly limitless number of high ranking officials willing to cover for them, all the way up to issuing denials about what Secretary of Defense himself blurts out.

The problem we have here is what Mark Danner described in an essay about similar issues:

Scandal is our growth industry. Revelation of wrongdoing leads not to definitive investigation, punishment, and expiation but to more scandal. Permanent scandal. Frozen scandal. The weapons of mass destruction that turned out not to exist. The torture of detainees who remain forever detained. The firing of prosecutors which is forever investigated. These and other frozen scandals metastasize, ramify, self-replicate, clogging the cable news shows and the blogosphere and the bookstores. The titillating story that never ends, the pundit gabfest that never ceases, the gift that never stops giving: what is indestructible, irresolvable, unexpiatable is too valuable not to be made into a source of profit. Scandal, unpurged and unresolved, transcends political reality to become commercial fact.

Which brings me to the last little piece of news about this particular frozen scandal.  Jeremy Scahill recently wrote an article titled “Blackwater’s Youngest Victim” about a nine-year boy named Ali Kinani who died in the Nisour Square massacre and his father’s struggle to have them held accountable.  A documentary about it is set to be aired on Democracy Now! this Friday.  I’d highly recommend reading the article and/or watching the documentary if you’re not very familiar with the incident.

Update: The documentary is apparently already finished, you can watch it here.

Blackwater Xe

Movie News Droppings…

Thanks to the commute time of work eating up two hours a day (that’s ten hours a week!) for at least the next few months, movie news is going to suffer. Thus, out from that comes larger news bites posts instead of individual posts for every bit of news that comes along. We shall still be selecting news via the patented TarsTarkas.NET selection method: whatever the heck we want to until we get bored or distracted.

So let’s bring on the movie news!

Hot Tub Time Machine looks like it will be awesome. The trailer embedded below is the safe for work trailer, but you should probably also check out the NSFW trailer somewhere.

Big Money Rustlas is not just a juggalo movie, it’s a prequel to a juggalo movie! It will be absolutely awful. Kill your children if you like this film.

What fighting video game franchises are left that don’t have terrible movies made of them yet? Tekken gets scratched off the list, making me hope the Primal Rage movie will be out by the end of the decade. Isn’t there supposed to be a giant bear in Tekken?

Speaking of crappy fighting video game movies, Mortal Kombat will get another film. This is where I would make a joke about someone needing to put a fatality on this film franchise if that joke wasn’t way too obvious.

Hong Kong is coming out with four (!) competing films about Guan Yu. We have the Benny Chan directed Louis Koo vehicle Legend of Military God, Yang Zi’s Military Saint Yun Chang, Liu Heng’s Guan Gong, and Guan Yun Chang, which may star Donnie Yen if he accepts. Wait until 2011 when Hong Kong will produce 12 biopics of Yan Wang just because they can.

Finally, for all you monster fans, SyFy (sigh…) is having a contest to Name That SyFy Movie! Obviously this movie about Demons in the Holy Land needs to be named Sasquatch vs. Crocodile.

Wingnut Web – You are WHIMPS Edition

Hey, boys and girls! The secret word for the day is “COUP”! Not the chicken house, but what you do to the government when you kill them all and take over! Why is that the word of the day? Because Resistnet.com won’t shut the frak up about how they want to violently overthrow the government. Remember, they are the PEACEFUL resistance. I am sure the violent resistance probably already blew themselves up resisting each other. We got gun avatars, Admins fighting with posters, calls for the military to overthrow the government, gangups on people who think talking about coups isn’t what they should be doing, and America hating. Complete with several government employees who are itching to overthrow their very employers. Sigh…

Cowboy Jim starts us out with his patented gun avatar and crazy revolution talk, something I am sure no one else will be silly enough to also do…

Wendy A hates jobs

I just make up stories and make up being right about them!

Only the guy sleeping outside Safeway who smells like a liquor store should be allowed to run for president

What do Resistnet.com members think about the military overthrowing the US government?

How dare you think that a coup might get us a worse leader! Traitor!

Military men are the most honorable people ever, even Klingons aren’t as honorable! By the way, my avatar was pretty much wiped out by the military, but ditto!

Obama is asking for it what with not agreeing with everything I believe in!

That upset guy is awfully British for an American…

Elections, smelections. Coup every day!

Obama is going to coup us first!

The military is a bunch of commies! Let the militias coup!

The original Paul Revere warned of the Redcoats. The new Paul Revere wants the streets to run red with the blood of the innocent because his candidate lost an election.

Hating America: Not just for Obama anymore!

Another person living off government money who wants to destroy said government, causing her to then starve to death. Only in this country…

Somewhere in a lonely hotel room
There’s a girl starting to realize
That eternal fate has turned his back on him…
It’s 2 AM

More love for coups. That’s patriotic!

Gun Avatar Guy II has never been in the military, btw.

Why would Beijing slums rule America? Maybe he means Beijing Slurm! Drink a can today!

I think your medication is made in China or something…

The time has come to write long articles on the internet

Thank you for writing long articles on the internet

How dare you write long articles on the internet!!

Blessed are the peacemakers…

Dee returns with more insults because her words on the internet are more important than some other guy’s!

Chick Fight!

More side-picking

Yes, the militias break up because of the government, not because they are crazy paranoid antisocial egomaniacs!


Gun Avatar Guy III supports coups or something also.

Let’s chat, then shoot hippies!

My wife, who I have not bothered to marry, had a calm and rational discussion on the merits of a quick violent overthrow of the government and the liquidation of all liberals. We are supportive of such a measure.

We support the military overthrowing it all!

I “enjoy” quotes “almost” too “much”

They don’t agree with us every day? Obama Kool-aid drinkers!

Let’s completely make up threats!

Another government employee working to overthrow said government

Redd Dogg knows the truth about birthers

We must befriend the Koreans so we can shoot Blacks after the Obama loses riots!

Hey, way to mention you’re illegally downloading songs.

Keep in mind she’s talking about innocent people incarcerated at Guantanamo for years that got let out

Dee is back to bitch at Redd Dogg because…uh…

Redd Dogg fights back

Redd Dogg continues to demand answers from Dee, who can’t be bothered to fly back over on her broomstick to respond. As Redd Dogg seems to be deleted, we know who won the fight by being immature again

Shoot all illegals who jaywalk!

Oh, snap, Resistnet is getting trolled!

Judge Carter dismisses a Birther Lawsuit, and Resistnet releases the hounds!

Constitutional Lawyers know nothing about the constitution! Only guys on the internet who make threats know about the constitution!

Ha, “black day”

Throw out all judges! Replace them with Robocop!

Wow, this guy is so antisocial he was driven out of a club filled with antisocial crazy teabaggers?


More coup talk!

God disavows any knowledge of this mouse warrior…

That’s enough coup-talk for today!

Blessed are the meek….

For they shall inherit more favorable comparisons to animals.

South Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer (born Rudolph Andreus Bauer) has drawn criticism for veering a little too far off script when recounting the Legend of the Welfare Queen:

Bauer said during the meeting that when he was a child his grandmother told him to “quit feeding stray animals.”  “You know why? Because they breed,” he told the crowd. “You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that.”

The last part is a bit strange considering this comes just six months after his boss, who presumably has an ample food supply, ran off to have an affair in Argentina without bothering to tell anyone.  On Father’s Day.

Bauer insists that he had simply been misunderstood, telling reporters, “I never intended to tie people to animals,” then attempted to clarify his position by explaining that, “If you have a cat, if you take it in your house and feed it and love it, what happens when you go out of town?” In other words, the poor are still animals, but they are at least lovable ones sometimes.  After checking the website for his current campaign, I think it’s very possible that he’s simply confused.  From a statement he released:

At a forum this week, I spoke out in favor of finding ways to break the government’s cycle of handouts and dependency.

Yes, I believe government is “breeding a culture of dependency” which has grown out of control, and frankly, amounts to little more than socialism, paid for by hard-working, tax-paying families… against their wishes.

At the same time, I feel strongly that we can and should help our neighbors who are truly needy. In fact, I’ve spent much of my last seven years helping those in need… traveling the state to help provide blankets, shoes, food and health care to those who need it most.

Followed by quoting Warren Buffet, someone who has said of the (temporarily successful) effort to eliminate the estate tax,  “You could take that $30 billion and give $1,000 to 30 million poor families.”  And how do you travel around a state providing health care to people?  Anyways,  since he brought up this  “cycle of handouts and dependency”  being fostered by certain parts of the government, I’ll be doing a series of posts on some the worst offenders, starting with one that’s just making it back into the news again.

KBR, formerly Halliburton, was the twelfth largest government contractor last year, raking in just under $4.5 billion despite a track record that I have no words to describe, so I’ll list a brief sampling of their wrongdoings:

  • One of the many things they’re currently battling lawsuits over is actually so vile that a name had to be created for them: “burn pits” that were used to dispose, “everything from petroleum products to dioxin-releasing plastic water bottles to amputated limbs.” The fumes have disabled and even killed many Americans and Iraqis alike.
  • They have been forced to pay over $100 million in 20 separate cases of fraud, bribery, and so on.
  • Things they actually do build have a recurrent tendency to electrocute people.

And maybe you’ve heard something about a case involving KBR and rape? Which one was it?


Mary Beth Kineston, above left, who worked as a driver in Iraq for KBR, was sexually assaulted in 2004 by a male driver, and after she reported it to superiors…nothing happened. Then she was assaulted again, this time by a different KBR employee, and, after reporting it to superiors, she was fired.

The Nation:

Dawn Leamon, who worked for a subsidiary of KBR and had told her story to The Nation a week before, described–with her back to the packed room and her voice (mostly) steady–being sodomized and forced to have oral sex with a KBR colleague and a Special Forces soldier two months earlier. When she reported the incident to KBR supervisors, she met a series of obstacles, she said. “They would tell me to stay quiet about it or try to make it seem as if I brought it on myself or lied about it.”

The case most widely reported is Jamie Leigh Jones, who was the first to go public with her allegations.  In 2005, Jones was drugged and gang raped by other employees so brutally that one of her breast implants was ruptured.  She was then locked in a storage container.   Her contract had a clause requiring mandatory binding arbitration, so she had to fight to get her case heard in a US court until she finally won last September.  You can watch a video of her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee here.

Recently, former comedian turned responsible Senator Al Franken passed his first piece of legislation, banning contractors from using binding arbitration in cases of sexual assault.  30 Senators (all Republicans) were so determined to indulge in this culture of dependency that they voted against it.   Still, KBR cannot fend for itself without corporate welfare as Mother Jones reports:

On Jan. 19, KBR petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision allowing Jones to press her case in a civil court rather than in arbitration. Among its many arguments in favor of a high court hearing: that Jones is a relentless self-promoter who has “sensationalize[d] her allegations against the KBR Defendants in the media, before the courts, and before Congress.” In its petition, KBR is clearly miffed about the Franken Amendment, which it credits Jones with getting passed. KBR also suggests that much of Jones’ story is fabricated. The company says in a footnote, “Many, if not all, of her allegations against the KBR Defenandants are demonstrably false. The KBR Defendants intend to vigorously contest Jones’s allegations and show that her claims against the KBR Defendants are factually and legally untenable.”

The amendment only applied to sexual assault, so apparently they’re incapable of preforming these tasks without the constant brutal rape, or maybe there are a more women they’ve silenced that are prepared to come forward…


In light of the administration’s proposal for a three year spending freeze on everything but the Defense budget I’ll be including SEC proxy statements.

KBR 2008:


Wingnut Web – Reminder That FoxNation.com Is Still Awful Edition

FoxNation.com (or TheFoxNation.com) has been absolutely awful since it first appeared on the scene. The commentors are racist, sexist, horrible human beings who desire nothing better than to kill everyone who is to the left of Hitler Stalin. And they also love typing gibberish. Many of these comments require a codebreaker to decipher all the typos and random nicknames. Some nicknames even threw me for a loop, and I’ve been doing this for a year or so now. But don’t take my word for it…

Janeane Garafalo – the most powerful woman in the world!

Bright red user names!?! Looks like FoxNation updated their coding since last we were there…

MiSalesGal is eagerly counting the days until she can shoot libs (minorities) in the street

Literally ever Republican who posts on FoxNation.com is a tweaking psychopath

Crazy .JPGs as user names! Wow, looks like the code is broken instead of updated…

Liberals want to kill everyone. That’s why they start all the wars…

If you’re gonna call out people for namecalling, don’t be namecalling in the exact same post!

Red Dawn MoFo here cracked me up with the “joy rides in our AirCrafts” bit. Mission Accomplished!

Someone got served!

The British control America? That’s a new one…

Oh, Wacky.JPG User Name, will you ever be not a moron?

Zerep11′ is going to be a very disappointed old man in 2011…

Wait, are liberals turds or donkeys? And are you going to destroy us or flatten us? Make up your mind!

I love Pick Slips!

Wait, I thought it was Communist Nazi Socialist Marxism!?

DE MEO is still around and still as stupid as ever

What does it spell?

“Only Leftist Ridicule!” says Insulting .JPG User Name guy!

I like military metaphors!

He’s got my names! NOOOOOoooOOOOoooOOooOOOoooOOooO!!!!!

Why won’t young people listen to my bitter old man rants?

Blacks are not Americans.

Minorities are slaves and Liberals are the real racists!

Bi-polar Oath Keepers, raping children at a rally near you!


Seriously, why are you guys complaining about no one speaking English so much when none of you can type English to save your life!

If you don’t hate Obama, you are a non-colored Anti-American.

Jackie Chan was surprised to wake up today and find out he was white. Also LOL racism in the last sentence.

Racists slap liberals in the face every day? That’s pretty mean!

There is none so blind except those who accidentally shot themselves in the eye while cleaning their guns in AZ.

What the frak?

Blacks are the real racists and also I keep pie charts about Obama’s ethnicity.

My son brought home stuff on MLK right after MLK day, obviously Schools are the real racists!

Obama caused all racism. Ever.

“Stop calling me a racist because I don’t support Obama!”

What’s the matter with larrykansas?

Ah, FoxNation.com. Horrible!

Turtles Forever

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever (Review)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever

Directed by Roy Burdine and Lloyd Goldfine

Turtles Forever is the 25th Anniversary celebration that brings together different branches of the Ninja Turtle franchise in a way that is not only a good story, but a fun reference to the past 25 years of the franchise. Both people like me, who grew up with the older cartoon in the 1980s and the more modern fans who were raised on the modern cartoon will have plenty to make them smile.

For those of you who never really watched the modern TMNT cartoon, it is a slightly more realistic take with less crazy stuff and more actual deaths. Though they still have a bunch of wacky adventures and aliens and all that fun stuff. The Turtles still have the same basic personalities but they are less over the top.

When the 80s Turtles show up, their voices are different from the classic voices (due to union issues, IIRC) but they have the same animation. There are plenty of Easter eggs – including Tokka and Rahzar in it! We also see Irma and unmutated gang members (including unmutated Bebop and Rocksteady) back in the 80s Turtles’ universe. There are lots of other references to the old show, including the 80s Turtles finding all sorts of ways to use the terrain to take out bad guys instead of directly attacking them.

This is dubbed off of a TV broadcast because I am cheap and the DVD isn’t out yet! For purposes of this review, we will refer to the 1980’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as 80s Turtles (80s Leonardo, 80s Donatello, 80s Raphael, and 80s Michelangelo) and the modern TMNTs by their regular names. 80s Shredder will be referred to as such, and Utrom Shredder is the modern version. 80s Splinter and Splinter. Any other random characters (like 80s April O’Neal) will follow the same pattern. Isn’t that easy? So let’s begin. First up is the Roll Call:

80s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – We all know how this goes: Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines, Raphael is cool but crude, and Michelangelo is a party dude! Raphael even breaks the fourth wall like he does from the old cartoon. The 80s Turtles are very fond of noogies.
Modern Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The modern Turtles are a bit more low-key and realistic, fitting in with their more realistic cartoon reality. Leonardo is the leader, Donatello is still smart, Raphael is hardcore, and Michelangelo acts similar to the 80s Turtles.
Utrom Shredder – Utrom Shredder is an alien disguised at a human who was the central villain for the first three seasons. Other Shredders are an ancient Shredder, Shredder’s daughter Karai, and a digital copy of Shredder called the Cyber Shredder. Utrom Shredder is brought back by 80s Shredder and concocts a plot to destroy all turtles throughout the multiverse.
80s Shredder – Shredder was Oroku Saki and was the enemy of Splinter back when he was a human. He was played by Uncle Phil from i>Fresh Prince of Bel Air James Avery back in the day. Shredder’s plans were always defeated by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Krang – Krang is the evil brain from Dimension X. He isn’t a race of brains, just a guy removed from his body, and thus he has his own robot bodies. Both of the classic Krang bodies are here, as are such Dimension X favorites as the Technodrome. Krang spends most of the film quibbling with Shredder, and has no Modern counterpart.
Modern Splinter – Master Splinter is the rat who was Hamato Yoshi’s pet, and raised the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and trained them to fight against the Shredder.
80s Splinter – 80s Splinter isn’t a mutated rat, but is Hamato Yoshi mutated into a rat. He trained the 80s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Bebop and Rocksteady – Everyone’s favorite hench-mutants return and they’re as dumb as ever! Look for the cameos of their non-mutant forms.
Hun – Hun (real name Hunter Mason) is the leader of the Purple Dragons street gang. I thought he was named Han at first and wrote the entire review with “Han” and even had Han Solo jokes, but then looked things up on Wikipedia and everything was ruined. Damn you, Wikipedia. Now I have to make jokes about Attila the Hun. That’s no fun. Hun is eventually mutated into a turtle monster that resembles Slash from the 1980s cartoon.
Classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo are all hardcore black and white ninja masters! They are also the Turtles Prime, thus the origin of all Turtle Universes!