Muppets do Wicker Man

This rules. I am only sad there were no bees in his eyes.

Wingnut Web – Resistnet Birther Crazytown!

So, at TarsTarkas.NET, we’ve been following the saga of the Birthers with much interest. As Birther Queen Professor Orly Taitz MD writes the UN and demands protection, Birthers online have become more persecuted, largely due to several sites wising up and kicking their crazy butts off. But that just makes the Birthers whine even more loudly. Birthers are worse than Furries, with their cries of persecution. If Birthers weren’t also the same people who would deny all federal funding for treatment of those with mental illnesses, I would feel sorry for them. Instead, I just enjoy the show, my never-ending supply of popcorn being buttered by the constant river of Brither crazy posts. And now is becoming a Birther mecca. But don’t take our word for it, take many, many of their words!

The Birthers throw down the gauntlet and demand that Glenn Beck kiss their ring (said ring made from a birth certificate origamied the frak up!)

Anita D. Phillips starts us strong with random accusations of Muslims, Manchurian candidates, and the expressed desire to shame that negro for daring to be president!

Obama owns Snopes, Fact Check (whatever that is, and the Associated Press (maybe he should tell the AP to stop being so insulting to him…) But we now know Sky King is an expert in packing butts.

Chris is so far ahead of the game he thinks Hillary will run for president again in 2012 after Obama is shamed away in 2011. Boy will he be sad.

Let’s save the country by not being Birthers!

Let’s make up things that Obama admitted! It’s as good as real proof! (WTF is “the fish does rot from the top”?)

Nancy Simmons now hates America

If Glenn Beck doesn’t apologize to me personally, then I’ll just have to keep making meaningless posts on the internet!

jcdaley will go insane when Obama is reelected. INSANE.

Chris is ready to wage ultimate war!

NOOOO!!! They got to J.D. Hayworth! He’s been replaced by pod people also!

Truthers are CRAZY, unlike us, with all this evidence that we don’t have…

No, wait, Truthers and Birthers are like peas in a pod. Pod People!

I am perfectly comfortable being crazy. It is perfectly comfortable sitting in this giant kiddie pool filled with chocolate pudding naked and I love doing it at the mall. Only mindless Obots want me to cover up.

WAHHH!!! Beck no love us!

victoria barard sure hates Glenn Beck despite watching him every day and him being her hero until he insulted one (1!!) of her beliefs.

Beck and O’Reilly are double-teaming the Birthers! It’s a steel-cage match!

FoxNews is in on the Birth Certificate Conspiracy, because…..uh….IT JUST IS!!!

This woman writes entire novels dedicated to demanding various entertainers apologize to her. Her novel about how Sting needs to apologize because Tantric Sex is against God was 978 pages long.

They can’t stop us! Our crazy is our gasoline!

Okay, this is the ultimate post. So the Right Wing and Obama are in cahoots to have Obama be president despite not having a birth certificate, and when the birthers close in, Obama will pretend that the Right is attacking him so the birthers get drowned out in all the noise. And this giant conspiracy that everyone on the planet is in on except for a few posters on has only been exposed by the few posters on and Prof. HM Orly Taitz TE with NO ONE ELSE coming forward about this gigantic plot. And we aren’t birthers, we are Article2ists!

Now, as you saw with the crazy crazy crazy up above, the birthers destroy anything they come in contact with, because they hijack everything into the birth certificate discussion. Thus, a few places such as have cleaned house and banned all the birthers. More mainstream Republican candidates are trying to back off of the crazy claims despite the popularity with the birtherism with the teabagger crowd. Thus, we get this article talking about it:


First up is Dee, who is quick to declare there is no leader in the Tea Party, except those of us with Admin in our names! He logic also makes TarsTarkas.NET a leader in the Teabagger movement because we are part of everyone…


John Kerry locked up Obama’s records!

patriot proves he is a patriot for the country of Moronica. Their flag is a table.

Only LIBERALS would be evil enough to convince the GOP that Birthers are crazy!

Apparently I am scared to death of Chris. Who knew?

I also support the right making Birthers as loud and bright as possible, but probably not for the same reasons as victoria barard

Wait, am I terrorized or am I scared to death? Also, if I am terrorized, does that make Birthers terrorists?

Debbie Laurie is so hard up for heroes she thinks victoria barard is a well-spoken leader

victoria reveals that her secret is to not hit them with the crazy stuff right away, because she secretly knows it is crazy.

J.D. Hayworth just isn’t crazy enough! Who wants a crawfish when you can have a lobster of crazy?

Let’s take J.D. Hayworth to see the Wizard of Oz to get some courage!

A Tom Tancredo defender? In my Teabag?

Birthers have destroyed Beck. And now they will destroy America! MuHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Mel Frost is ice cold. He’s a chill fellow.

Wait, what the crap? Suddenly I want a Slim Jim…

Third Parties are the Democrats secret weapon. Just ask Ralph Nader…

Want to have more than two parties? That makes you a commie!

R.L. Smith goes to throw his vote away…

victoria barard goes off…

And continues…and continues…

We end with bonus Monsanto hate, from the people who don’t get that the Republicans they are voting in are the reason for most of this capitalism deregulation! And aren’t you for the free market? This must mean… is full of communists!!!!!! NOOOOooOOOOooOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bang that hammer and sickle, Resistnet, and maybe you will find the birth certificate!

Hidden Frontier Star Trek 209

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 209 – Worst Fears Part I

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 209 – Worst Fears Part I

2001 Official Site
Directed by Risha Denney

Not a cliffhanger! I don’t think I can wait another year to… Oh, wait, I don’t have to since the entire show is finished. That’s the power of procrastination! Laziness wins again. You can’t fight the lazy, because it won’t bother to show up to the boxing ring.

This is the end of Season 2, and what a magical ride it’s been. We had characters leave, die, and disappear. We’ve had new characters show up. We have the Grey invading multiple times. We got people with big ears. We got improved makeup effects. We got alternate universes and flashbacks. We even have Chimp Guy! Thus, it is the best season yet. But let’s get this episode out of the way!

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Risha Denney) – Stop standing in Shelby’s way or I’ll kick your butt! Shelby’s back and being Shelby and stuff.
Dr. Henglaar (John Whiting) – Medical Doctor, Tellarite, and an actual interesting character. No longer wearing a pig nose and Muppet gloves thanks to John Whiting learning the magic of makeup effects. John Whiting rules. He’s really kosher.
Lt. Cmd. James Darwin (Cliff Gardner) – Darwin replaces Joseph Johns in doing whatever the hell it was Joseph Johns did. He’s sort of like an extra first officer for Captain Angry. Darwin was on the old USS Angeles show, so he is another holdover.
Admiral Nechayev (Renee Huberstock) – The best admiral ever is now a semi-main character, appearing in pretty much every episode and yelling at everyone. Renee Huberstock was a day player in several episodes in Season 1, now she has a permanent role, so they’ll need another person to play random background women. Will Captain Angry and Admiral Angry yell at each other? Heck yeah!

Guest Star Roll Call

Princess Illiana (Katie Moss) – Princess Illiana flees her homeworld which is under attack by the Grey, like they are every day for a million years or something. Then they want the Federation to send thousands of ships to defend their big ear culture in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, that will work! Illiana is a Tren’La, which is like a Cobra’La, except not at all. But she does have big ears, so big Spock gets all jealous. But Spock would never admit it, because he’s a Vulcan.
Aris (John Reynolds) – Illiana’s son who becomes friends with Artim and they pal around and become tactical geniuses who save the day. He’s got extra brains in those big ears. Or extra ear wax. That he uses to throw at people. The Ferengi regularly mock his tiny ears.
Commodore Cole (Jennifer Cole)- Oh, crap, I forgot to write up a bio of Commodore Cole! Oh, crap, I still didn’t write one and now this is published. Maybe next time!


It’s time to see some wonderful conservative photochops! And not just because I save these right to my desktop like a moron so their stupid thumbnails are staring me in the face every time I turn on my laptop. The tiny evil, begging to be clicked on to stain the souls of the innocent, turning you into a bitter old guy. Bitter, bitter, everywhere. It’s the Bitter Tea of General Yen. Get that old reference! And I doubt any of these guys are really Asian, but then, General Yen wasn’t really played by an Asian guy, either!

I have no idea what the frak this is

click for huge

The guy who posted this called it “Bamopoly” because he can’t read the photoshop correctly! (Click for Huge)

Who is he? Ringo Starr? Thor, God of Thunder? Jem, who is truly outrageous?

Some human being actually made this

Because black people!

He’s is a animated gif from back with the teabaggers were in love with Scott Brown! And thank goodness they had Obama getting hit by the truck and not dragged behind it…

hidden frontier star trek 208

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 208 – Cowards Death

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 208 – Cowards Death

2001 Official Site
Directed by Jennifer Cole

How dare you call me a coward??? I’ll kick your butt all the way to imploded Vulcan!

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Risha Denney) – Stop standing in Shelby’s way or I’ll kick your butt! Shelby’s back and being Shelby and stuff.
Dr. Henglaar (John Whiting) – Medical Doctor, Tellarite, and an actual interesting character. Now with new and improved nose. He went to Space Dr. 90210. John Whiting rules. Miss Piggy has a poster of him on her wall.
Counselor Myra Elbrey (Barbara Clifford) – Betazoid, used to teach at the Academy. Survivor of the Grey attack on the USS Rutledge. Has a dog named Mr. Scott. Occasionally blonde.
Ensign Jenna McFarland (Adrianne Lange) – Half-Trill, Half-Human, all Navigation. I still don’t know if she has a worm in her belly. Is always there if you need the ship steered. Has amusing stories that she never gets to finish due to the plots developing. Her uncle’s name is Rufus.
Ensign Andrew Barrett (Tyler Bosserman) – Communications officer and brand new member of the third grade! Wooo!! A whole season later and he still has no character development. So let’s make something up. He is deathly afraid of oreoes, because an oreo killed his father. This is now canon.
Lt. Luko (Terence Schoshinski) – Who is this dude? – Luko is the replacement for Lt. John Martinez who is off doing…something…maybe they’ll explain it when he returns later in the series. Luko was on Voyager, so we know he’s used to being on ships run by morons. But he was also in the Maquis, so never trust him. As for a security officer, he gets shot and contributes to the death of a main character in his first appearance. Nowhere to go but up. Luko is a Bre’elian, which is funny because it rhymes with alien.

Guest Star Roll Call

Crewman Thalek (Beau Christian Williams)- An Andorian who is feeling blue. Because of crippling depression! He just needs to meet a nice Na’vi chick and settle down.