Wingnut News Droppings

Plenty of crazy crap has happened since last time I did a roundup, and as reality keeps getting in the way of me writing articles, a summary article will have to do. In fact, SOOOO much Wingnut stuff has gone on there is probably major stuff missing, but we’ll worry about that when the complaint letters come rollingin.

A Louisiana sheriff has gone all loco and formed his own army!

Sheriff Larry Deen of Bossier Parish selected 200 men to form Operation Exodus, his own personal mini-army in case Louisiana is ever conquered by terrorists or something. I guess Wolverines was taken. I’m sure the almost all white Operation Exodus won’t shoot unarmed black people looking for food after another hurricane. Oh, and he says it isn’t a militia. And this isn’t a website, it’s an entertainment magazine.
Watch the old white army train here:

From the state of Indiana we have a bunch of morons trying to secede from the US and declare their own house a sovereign nation and that they are ambassadors and don’t have to pay taxes. This is a great way to get a bunch of fines and jail time! So I support wingnuts doing this, because then they won’t be able to vote!
They are the dudes who are all about the tenth amendment to the point where they don’t bother to read the rest of the Constitution, or even the tenth amendment (which says nothing about going off and forming your own nation, btw)

Tennessee brings us another example of racist emails, with Walt Baker, CEO of the Tennessee Hospitality Association, sending an email to friends and the president of the Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau, and several journalists. An email with a picture of a chimp and of Michelle Obama comparing how they look with the title “I don’t care who you are, … this is funny.”

Other Tenn emails…
In October, a state trooper sent a “white pride” e-mail to nearly 800 state employees.

Several months before, an aide in the state Senate sent out an e-mail depicting Obama as two cartoonish white eyes peering from a black background.

This happened:

Politico got not terrible for once and posted some leaked RNC fundraiser slides that showed how the Republicans were prepping to use fear to raise money money money. Complete with Joker Obama pictures, Nancy Pelosi as Cruella DeVille, and Harry Reid as Scooby-Doo.

I’m opening my wallet for the RNC right now!

Showgirls 2

Showgirls 2 (aka Showgirls: The Return) has a trailer up at (NSFW link here NSFW!!!) which has tons and tons of nudity and goes on for way way way too long. It also has a skeleton playing the violin for the extra WFT? factor. Showgirls 2 looks totally like amateur hour, buying the rights to the name was the only smart move they did. Maybe they should have brought a dump truck full of money to the house of other Saved by the Bell cast members. Or, considering how hard up most of them are (especially from The New Class), a dump truck with a single $5 bill.

Perhaps the film is about a skeleton’s quest to become the greatest violin player in Las Vegas, and his love affair with a showgirl…

Twitchfilm dug up an interview with the director Marc Vorlander, who is dumb:
MV: I don’t care who is used to what. Heads will blow up, which is not a problem for American audiences. For European audiences it is. In terms of nudity my film will be a shock for American audience, because the final film will contain a lot more nudity than the trailer already had. And that is a problem for some Americans.

Egads, he will totally shock the Americans who watch movies named “Showgirls 2” demographic who will be driven to fits of madness over the excess nudity! Next I will shock gorehounds with my version of Machine Girl 2 that has some blood in it!

$25 million dollar budget? Where did the other $24,999,990.00 go???

Legend of White Snake

Legend Of The White Snake (Review)

Legend Of The White Snake

Directed by ???

When I first got this, I thought by the name Legend Of The White Snake that it was a Thai take on the Madam White Snake story. Boy, was that wrong! Instead, it is just your run of the mill movie where an evil snake witch invades some baby girl’s body and evil stuff happens years later when everyone is grown up. And there are a few random dances and scares, but this is hardly a fun movie, it is more of a movie you have on in the background while doing other stuff and then you pay attention when the few weird things happen. Or you just look at the clips here, read the synopsis, and never have to worry about tracking down this film ever. Because you won’t, unless you are a Thai snake girl film completeist, in which case I can’t help you unless I charge an hourly rate.

There is absolutely zero information about this film online except for a single place to order the VCD from. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. So if TarsTarkas.NET did not bite the bullet and review this stupid thing, there would be no record that it ever existed. And who would want that? We must record even the boring examples of ridiculous films, because, the world becomes a less magical place if they aren’t here. It is just like when rare animals disappear. It doesn’t affect you personally if the white rhinos go bye-bye, but it is a bad thing to know that something once was there and now it is not. And even if no one knew about this movie before, now you do and you are better for it, despite the film’s little entertainment value.

The score is stolen from various sources including Halloween. There is a secondary track the director must have loved because it plays like 30 times, but I don’t recognize where it is from despite it sounding familiar.

We don’t got names so we got guesses. Okay, I figured out the names of a few of them as they got their named mentioned in subtitles. The rest are complete guesses, and for no one do I know who played them. I was told that the following actors are in the film: Mechai Panchar, Picharak, and Chokiwa Luck. I have no clue who any of them are, and Google finds nothing (though Picharak is a planet in the Rebel Squadrons Wiki.)

UPDATE – After chatting about this film with Todd from 4DK (what, you don’t talk about weird Thai films with your friends?) we’ve determined that this film was actually made in the 1960s instead of the 1980s, as the guy playing Kroo Prakit is probably Mitr Chaibancha, who died in 1970 because man was not meant to hang from helicopters. Thus, Mechai Panchar = Mitr Chaibancha. Picharak = Petchara Chaowarat, who plays Van Far. Chokiwa Luck is still unknown, but he’s probably the guy who came up with Thailand’s many, many translation schemes that make doing research in English agonizingly frustrating! If I ever get off my lazy butt Mitr Chaibancha will be back when I watch the Red Eagle movies I have of his.

Van Far (Petchara Chaowarat) – The elder daughter of the family that adopts Poon Rue and the good, heroic woman who must fight her now evil sister for the man she loves. Her name is close enough to the Vulcan Pon Farr that it deserves to be mentioned.
Poon Rue (???) – A baby adopted by a family that was secretly possessed by an evil White Snake Witch who waits 20 years until she gets around to going all White Snake Witch crazy, which results in deaths, dancing, seduction, and people wandering around dark caves. The last thing is what is truly frightening, because watching people wander around dark caves is boring enough that it could kill you.
Kroo Prakit (Mitr Chaibancha) – The Handsome Investigator who comes to town to investigate why everyone is dropping dead. Becomes romantically involved with Van Far, but Poon Rue gets all jealous and tries to steal him away. Is Kroo short for Kangaroo? Well, it is now!
Old Investigator (???) – The older partner of Kroo Prakit doesn’t rate a name or a love interest, but he does rate a lot of screen time for a guy who doesn’t do much by himself.
Comic Relief Guy (???) – He’s funny! Maybe. Okay, not really. He sucks. Maybe he’s funny if you are Thai and thirty years older than I am. Maybe. Comic Relief Guy is the guide, I think.
Cemetery Guy (???) – Cemetery Guy is an undertaker, but not a pro wrestler. Cemetery Guy and Comic Relief Guy are like R2D2 and C3PO, just bumbling around while the heroes and villains do their thing. And I think a lightsaber shoots out of Cemetery Guy’s butt at one point…
Old Snake Lady (???) – The white snake sorceress’s true appearance. Imagine waking up next to that! The Cryptkeeper should be so lucky!

Repent Amarillo

So Amarillo, Texas, has a local group who call themselves Repent Amarillo who have dedicated their lives to tracking down sinners and calling them out and harassing their families and coworkers and bosses. Said sinners started out just being swingers, and has moved on to a host of other stuff. And their website is pretty freaking scary. Paramilitary scary. Odds are pretty high this will end in someone dead. Now, I think swinging is stupid, but I perfectly agree that you should have the right to swing if you want to, because of consenting adults and all that stuff. But as this article from the Texas Observer shows, they have moved beyond simple protesting to harassment:

At first, the swinger community was mystified by the attention. On the 60-some hours of surveillance footage the Meads have, a swinger can be heard telling a Repent member that the swingers haven’t done anything to bother them.“You’re going to hell, and it bothers me,” Grisham responds. “What bothers me is you’re going to hell.”
Perhaps the most insidious tactic Repent uses is trying to destroy the reputation of the swingers. In Amarillo, people can be ostracized over a whiff of impropriety. On one tape, Grisham directs followers to get the license-plate numbers in the Route 66 parking lot. “A new couple can be here three or four hours,” says Mac. “Whenever they leave, the Repent Amarillo group will call them by first and last name, know where they live, know where they work, just within a very few hours.”

Randall Sammons says he was fired from his job of 13 years in August after his boss learned Sammons was a swinger from another employee, a Repent member. He believes he’s now as good as blacklisted in Amarillo. “I’m screwed at finding a job,” Sammons says. Russell Grisham, David’s 20-year-old son who has a conviction on his record for hacking the computer system at his high school, has posted the names, photos and workplaces of swingers on the Internet, including one man whose wife works for a school district. (“Family-wise, it will kill both of us,” the man says.) In at least two instances, Repent members called swingers’ employers.

After all the swinging commotion is over, what will Repent Amarillo do?

What’s next for Repent? They’ve posted a “Warfare Map” on the group’s Web site. The map includes establishments like gay bars, strip clubs and porn shops, but also the Wildcat Bluff Nature Center. Repent believes the 600-acre prairie park’s Walmart-funded “Earth Circle,” used for lectures, is a Mecca for witches and pagans. Also on the list are The 806 coffeehouse (a hangout for artists and counterculture types), the Islamic Center of Amarillo (“Allah is a false god”), and “compromised churches” like Polk Street Methodist (gay-friendly).

Or as directly taken from their website:

1. Gay pride events.
2. Earth worship events such as “Earth Day”
3. Pro-abortion events or places such as Planned Parenthood
4. Breast cancer events such as “Race for the Cure” to illuminate the link between abortion and breast cancer.
5. Opening day of public schools to reach out to students.
6. Spring break events.
7. Demonically based concerts.
8. Halloween events.
9. Other events that may arise that the ministry feels called to confront

These knucklenuts are going to protest Breast Cancer events because of a faulty study linking it to abortion? And I would love to see what concerts are demonically based and which aren’t. Or maybe I wouldn’t. The compromised churches thing is also a laugh riot, way to sound just like Fred Phelps’s circus of horrors.

Their website is filled with paramilitary imagery and text (and annoying music and bullet sound effects!)

Repent Amarillo divides its troops into two groups:

1. Intercessory prayer group. This group will be a group of warriors called to intercessory prayer. They will at times be visible to the public and at other times ( depending upon the individual mission) they will be inconspicuous. They will provide prayer covering to the soldier group and will do battle within the spiritual realm to prepare the ground for the planting of God’s seeds, tear down demonic strongholds, and cast out demonic spirits that harass our efforts. Sometimes the intercessory prayer group will operate independently of the soldier group and at other times will work around them.

2. The Soldier group. The soldier group will consist of warriors dedicated to witnessing to groups of unbelievers or one-on-one witnessing. This group will be more visible to the public and will be comprised of bold believers willing to confront the world. This group will be schooled in the “Way of the Master” method of witnessing to the lost. This group will be the ones who plant God’s seeds in the ground that has been prepared by the intercessory prayer group. Believers who participate in this group will have to be bold but loving. Confrontational but composed. The individual members of these two groups are allowed and highly encouraged to move between the two groups based on the individual’s calling and the unique mission involved. In other words, no one is stuck to only one group. Soldiers can pray and intercessory members can witness.

Check out their action map of Amarillo Sin Havens:

Boy, Amarillo must be the unholiest place on Earth!

And don’t forget to friend Repent Amarillo on MySpace! One of their 39 friends is Jesus. Seriously. And let’s take a look at their MySpace blog…

I’m driving home from town with my family; listening to the Christian radio station. They are in commercial break and come on with their words of wisdom for the day; something for the listeners to ponder. The man says, “Matthew 7 says, Judge not lest ye be judged”. Then he says to the listening audience that we are “never to judge”; that “we are wrong when we judge”; that “what the world needs is forgiveness”. Everyone in my car sighed heavily. That kind of reaction unfortunately happens a lot. Not a day goes by when we don’t hear someone quoting the Bible and misinterpreting the context in which it is written. It makes our stomachs churn as believers to hear such things.

People take one verse out of the Bible and run with it. They don’t read anything else except that one verse and mash it in with all the pop clichés that they hear others verbalizing. They are not seeing the big scope of things that happen throughout the Bible that might help them to reconcile what the truth of the teaching is and what it is not. They would much rather fit in by espousing their peer’s mantra. It’s more comfortable there.

Ironies of ironies! Too bad they will never know…

Be intolerant, like Jesus was.

I hear a lot these days about tolerance. I hear, “ so-and-so is intolerant” etc.or, “stop being intolerant”. What is the true meaning of this word? What is itused for in our modern society? What is its true purpose?As I write this newsletter, there are protests going on in California.Homosexual activists are protesting that their side lost on Proposition 8 (thestate constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between one manand one woman). Some activists have taken to the streets peacefully butothers are disrupting church services, disrupting heterosexual weddingceremonies, and threatening violence against Christians. The web blogs areoverflowing with violent and hateful rhetoric towards heterosexuals andChristians. Some of the statements online are outright death threats. Today,there is a report of a Mormon Temple that burned down and arson is stronglysuspected.Pardon me if I’m misinformed but aren’t gays supposed to be tolerant? Isthat not what they preach?There is also a report in the news today about two pro-life women,participating in the 40 days for life prayer vigil outside of an abortion clinic,who were hospitalized for nausea and facial burns after they were poisonedby a chemical applied to the sidewalk where they had been praying. Ithought pro-choice people were tolerant. Is that not what they claim?While there have always been radicals in any movement, it seems it isgreatly on the increase since liberals won substantial victories in theNovember 4th election. There is a very good reason for this rapid increase.They are revealing the true color of their hearts… and it is dark.We Christians need to remember that those who support homosexualmarriage or abortion do not serve God. They serve a different master. InRomans it says that a man becomes a slave to whomever he chooses to obeywhether righteousness leading to life or sin leading to death. Those whoobey and serve Christ do not condone what He condemns. Christians serverighteousness and by extension, support it.Those who serve unrighteousness and sin also, by extension, support it.Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew that you can tell a tree by its fruit. A badtree produces bad fruit and ,by extension, supports bad fruit. Abortion andhomosexuality are bad fruit, they are evil practices and those who supportthem support the father of evil, Satan.So, if those who support evil, serve evil, what is the purpose of preachingtolerance? It is a false truce.Until recently, those who supported abortion and homosexuality were verymuch in the minority in our nation. They mainly achieved their goalsthrough the courts rather than the democratic process because they wereoutnumbered and thus outvoted. However, their efforts to gain inroads intopublic opinion through infiltration of the mass media and the educationalsystem is starting to bear fruit…bad fruit.The recent successes they have had in this last election has emboldenedthem and allowed us a glimpse into the true nature of their character and thatcharacter is filled with the intents of the master they serve. They hate God’schildren.All this talk of “tolerance” was merely a false truce with which tospiritually disarm Christians until they had achieved a majority or sufficientpolitical power to deal with their adversaries. Mark my words, the momentthey achieve this goal they will drop all pretense of tolerance and their fangsand claws will be shown. They will then ruthlessly and mercilesslypersecute the children of God. “Tolerance” of these evil practices hasbought the time and space necessary for God’s adversaries to operate untilthey could gain the advantage. We are beginning to see the future here by thebehavior of these people now. Here is a quote by an anonymous author thatsums it up well.“ If we continue to teach our children about tolerance and intolerancerather than good and evil, we will end up with an entire generation thattolerates evil. Tolerance is the last virtue of a degenerate society”UnknownAmerican Christians, we are at a crucial time in our nation’s history. Wecan speak now or lose our freedom to speak. We can act now or facepersecution. There is one last thing I want to leave you with. It is a simplebut undeniable truth that every Christian needs to burn into their heart. It isthis; Christians are not called to be tolerant of evil but are called to exposethe darkness to the light of Jesus Christ. God willing, I will write you again.

I am sure we will hear from these guys again, when they kill someone. For Jesus.

Space Invaders is actually going to be a film

Asteroids, Missile Command, now Space Invaders. What next? Frogger? Berserk? Dig Dug?

Warner Bros. is negotiating to acquire feature rights to the landmark shooter from Taito, the Japanese company that originally manufactured the game. If the rights issues all work out, the project would bring on Hollywood fixtures Mark Gordon, Jason Blum and Guymon Casady as producers.

And how can this be any better than the Futurama Episode?