Awesome Nicholas Cage quote

Here is an awesome quote about Nicholas Cage that someone put on Wikipedia:

I sincereley think there is too much emphasis in this wikipedia page as I read it now, on Mr. Nicholas Cage’s personal life to the detriment of his prefoessional one, also with too much OPINION from the writer re. description of the movies that Mr. Nicholas Cage ever played in (they, the authors of the current article, in its present form, keep talking about different types of personality traits of the various characters that Mr. Cage ever portaryed, and , yes, I agree that Mr. Nicholas Cage is an extraordinarily versatile chracter actor, in fact a true star, yet THIS is NOT all that he is FROM A PROFESSIONAL POINT OF VIWE, as he himself has ANNOUNCED that he may be interested in pursuing other things, plus what the authors wrote there is truly subjective and, for example, brings more detriment than good towards the way the movie “Mathstick Men” is described, which was in fact a true TEAM effort, and I am CERTAIN that Mr. Nicholage Cage himself would have been happier if the authors instead of focusing so much on the “character” piece would have focused more on the “TEAM” thema, since MOST certainly Mr. Cage is and has always been a very conscientius team player, but that is not all, it looks like, if his legal probation problems are successfully resolved, he may still have quite a bit of potential to actually become a team LEADER in any other professional projects he may chose to pursue in the near future. And “THE LORD OF WAR” was NOT about that Ukrainian Mechanic, however funny that character was, that was a true existentialist movie in the way that some Sartre or Kafka books are, and Mr. Nicholas Cage MASTERFULLY palyed that character, which just SHOWS the breadth and depth of not only his talent as a COMPLEX and COMPLETE dramatic actor, but it also shows how WELL READ he is, how actually EDUCATED and CULTURED he is, and, MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, how CAPABLE is he, when PROPERLY DIRECTED and within the RIGHT TEAM, to be able to ETHICALLY and MASTERFULLY USE HIS RICH GENERAL CULTURE KNOWLEDGE IN ORDER TO TRAMSMIT TO US all FEELINGS of LONELINESS, yet also OF MORAL RESPONSIBILITY AS WELL that we all carry as human beings who wish to be ETHICAL first of all towards OURSELVES and TOWARDS SOVIETY at large, which also thus informs me, via the types of ROLES that Mr. Nicholas Cage chose to PLAY, PLUS the WAY HE PLAYED THEM, how HIGH of a CALIBER HIS OWN MORAL CHARACTER IS as a PERSON, and if it was I who would have the miraculous chance to be subpoenad as a WITNESS OF CHARACTER on that upcoming May 31st 2011, Court Hearing that Mr. Cage has to go through (yet another stress for him…and I truly hope HE KNOWS who and how to ask for HELP if he needs it…never forgetting that ther is always 911, as a last resort for everything while on continental North-America, and 112, while in Europe, up to the borders of the former USSR), so if it was I testifying on behalf of Mr. Nicholas Cage, I would literally by both WORDS and GESTURE, even body language SICERELY and AUTHENTICALLY PLEAD towards the Honorable Court in front of which that hearing is to take place in order to have them BETTER understand THE GOOD MORAL CHARACTER of Mr. Nicholas Cage, actually rated the HIGHEST GRADE 6 (SIX) on the Scientific Valid Kohlberg Scale (Kohlberg being a psychologist who described the development of moral charcter in human beings, and I agree with that scale and with Mr. Kohlberg’s baselike concept while he devised that scale, since I have seen it EMPIRICALLY validated in PRACTICE, both professional and personal, in front of my own eyes OVER and OVER again, with NO FAIL, with NO EXCEPTION, in that SENSE IT IS EMPIRICALLY VALIDATED and VALIDATE-able SCALE).

I plead of YOU, all current contributors of wikipedia, who may be acqainted better than I with the court system of the California county where that hearing is to be held, to actually PRINT OUT and TAKE in person or MAIL either to the assigned Justice presiding over that hearing a copy of my commentary which conatin some parts which may be helpful for Mr. Nicholas Cage in taht specific hearing, or to the current ATTORNEY, even to the Public Prosecutor (District Attorney ?) of Mr. Nicholas Cage’s current pending case, or to all of these actually, depending on whom anyone may know, even to Mr. Cage HIMSELF if anybody knows of someone who knows him personally, a copy of this commentary. PLEASE do it for me, because I spent most valuable time of my life to write it, while I have OTHER things on my mind, plsu it is just past midnight and I have a wirk day tomorrow so I must go to bed, so PLEASE JUST SEND IT TO WHOM it should be sent: Mr. Nicholas Cage, Mr. Cage’s attorney, the Hon/ District Court of California Justice, and the Distric Attorney for that case. THANK YOU and literally G-d bless the person who may actually be doing thiss for both my sake and the sake of actor Nicholas Cage, MOST VALUABLE MORAL CHARCTER GUIDE-like LEADER for humans from the Realist Modernist latter part of the XX-th century to the JUST AS REALIST post- TRAUMATIC beginning of our XXI-th century, with the MAJOR trauma for most humankind being OF COURSE the Sept. 11, 2001 VILE ATACK ON the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. I sign, Eugen Craciun, M.D. European General Practitioner and specialist in General Psychiatry (pen name: Rudolph Aspirant) 18.may.2011, A.D., 0:12, Copenhagen time zone (talk) 22:19, 17 May 2011 (UTC) P.S. sorry for any spelling mistakes, but it is really late and I am tired, plsu today was the National Holiday of the Kingdom of Norway, so I was there to admire the popular costumes and flags, which are TRULY something special, if Mr. Cage would ever wish to visit Norway, i sincerely would recommend it to him as MUCH more therapeutic actually than any other place in France or the Swiss Alps, I even have a recommended villa he could lease, plsu I also wish to thank him personally for the charitabloe participation he had in some charity event in my country of origin Romania, yet that participation DID IN NO WAY INFLUENCE MY SCIENTIFIC EXPERT OPINION OF MR NICHOLAS CAGE’s character. E.C. aka R.A. (talk) 22:19, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

Footloose remake trailer explodes buses all over your heart!

UPDATE: Read our FULL REVIEW of the new Footloose movie, and discover the mystery of the exploding buses!

The pointless Footloose remake is trailerized, and it is filled with some dancing and buses exploding and drunk driving and dancing and sexy train dodging and the lead doing his James Dean impression for the entire film. Starring Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Dennis Quaid, and Andie MacDowell. What the original movie needed was more sexy train dodging.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

Yes, another Alvin and the Chipmunks film is coming down the pipes, into your toilet. Because it will be complete crap. But it looks like the marketing department took notes from the Muppets fake trailers and decided to release on of their own, a riff on Titanic:

Eh, not quite there yet, Alvin Marketing Department! Maybe you should ask for a hula-hoop for Christmas instead of another awful sequel.

And check out this original poster!
Alvin and the Chipmunks ChipWrecked
It is totally unique and not a lazy reuse of existing art…
Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel

James Batman

James Batman (Review)

James Batman

Directed and screenplay by Artemio Marquez
Story by Pepito Vera Perez

James Batman
James Batman is both a comic parody and wonderful homage to both the 1960s Batman TV series and the James Bond films. Legendary Filipino comedian Dolphy plays both title characters, as they team up to take down the ultimate terrorist organization, who has set its sights on conquering the world (typical!) Because this film is somewhat rare, you’re gonna get a long infodump in the beginning, and a long review as well. And if you don’t like to read, there will be a bajillion pictures and even a movie clip!
James Batman
The Philippines have a long history of making Batman films that are completely unauthorized (along with a whole slew of other superheroes.) James Batman isn’t even the first Batman! 1965’s Alyas Batman at Robin has that distinction. It featured Bob Soler as Batman, Lou Salvador Jr. as Robin, and actress Nova Villa. James Batman was next in 1966. 1967 gave us Batman Fights Dracula in color, featuring Jing Abalos as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Ramon D’Salva, and Vivian Lorrain. (Batman seems to fight vampires a lot).
Alyas Batman at Robin

James Batman

Click for huge

Batman Fights Dracula
There was a trilogy of Batwoman and Robin films that began in 1972 with Batwoman and Robin. They starred female action star Virginia (aka Virginia Gaerlan aka Virginia Aristorenas) from Revenge of Lady Fighter as Batwoman, her real life son Robin Aristorenas played Robin, and Jun Aristorenas/Junar (Virginia’s husband) produced and directed. Tony Cayado took over directing duties for the sequel Batwoman and Robin Meet the Queen of the Vampires, but by 1973’s Johnny Joker, Jun Aristorenas was directing again and even starred as Johnny Joker. Virginia and Robin were back as well, along with Merle Fernandez as Catwoman, Freddie Webb as Spider Web, and Palito as Lastikman.
Batwoman and Robin
Batwoman and Robin Queen of the Vampires
Johnny Joker

click for big

UPDATE: 2 stills from Johnny Joker can be found here. Warning! The stills will make you more angry the film is lost!

Fight Batman Fight! is a 1973 joint starring Victor Wood as Batman, Lotis Key as Catwoman, Rod Navarro as Joker, Pinky Montilla as Bat Girl, and Roderick Paulate as Robin. It also has an awesome-looking cardboard box robot. The final Batman flick is 1991’s Alyas Batman en Robin, which you will find out more about soon. Sadly, of all these wonderful films, only James Batman and Alyas Batman en Robin still exist in a watchable form. It is possible that there are vhs tapes of these surviving somewhere, but the original prints are long gone and most of the masters were destroyed at some point during the various political uprisings along with countless other films.

Fight Batman Fight

Click for big

Fight Batman Fight

Click for huge

Fight Batman Fight

there is no huge...

James Batman stars Dolphy, one of the most famous comedians from the Philippines ever. Born in 1928 as Rodolfo Vera Quizon, he began his career during the Japanese occupation at the age of 17 doing stage work. Two years later he made his film debut, playing mostly bit roles. After some exposure in radio, he began headlining films in 1952, and also began his long time partnership with fellow comedian Panchito (who would do his own Batman movie turn as Paenguin in Alyas Batman en Robin.) He has continued to work for decades, even gaining modern fame for his 2001 film Markova: Comfort Gay. Never married, Dolphy has 17 children from his five long term relationships, including several who have also entered show business. His spoof films covered almost every possible genre and most popular film series at the time. They include Tansan the Mighty (1962), Dolpinger (1965), Scarface at Al Capone: Espiya sa Ginto (1965), Alias Popeye (1966), Captain Barbell Boom! (1973), Da Best in da West (1984), and dozens more. Sadly, many of his films are considered lost, but thanks to sheer volume there are a lot still around.
James Batman
Batman and Robin are presented just as campy as the TV series lays them out to be. But the jokes have to go further for this film, so we get random sight gags such as a machine that delivers food in the Batcave obviously being a guy in a box thanks to the all-too-human hand that comes out of it (is that Alfred???) and let’s not forget the random scene where Robin shows off how if you put a light bulb in his mouth it glows. Yeah. Music guy Caroling Cruz is not afraid to just rip the Batman theme directly, further cementing this as a bizarre fever dream episode of the series.
James Batman

John Carter concept art

Concept art from John Carter (formerly John Carter of Mars) appeared in an interview with writer/director Andrew Stanton in the LA Times. He talks about his love for the books as a kid, the trouble o translating a serial novel into film, treating the film as an historical epic, and even mentions the Guide to Barsoom book (which I have because I’m awesome). There will also be no John Carter at Comicon because Stanton didn’t want to be drown out in all the noise. The interview is pretty good, and feast your eyes on these images!
John Carter concept art
John Carter concept art