Kamoebas Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Kamoebas (ゴッドマン対カメーバ)

March of Godzilla Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Kamoebas and Folgon

aka ゴッドマン対カメーバ・フォルゴン その1 – その6 aka Goddoman Tai Kameeba – Forugon
Kamoebas Godman
Week of December 7 – 13, 1972

This Ninja Turtles reboot sucks…

Godman continues to work his way through all the suits Toho had lying around, and some new suits that were made out of what Toho found at the Goodwill store. March of Godzilla: Godman is proud to present this brief synopsis of the one episode of this story arc that made it to DVD! This week, Godman fights a classic Toho creature, Kamoebas (aka Kameba), from Space Amoeba. Godman also fights Folgon, but he’s just a monster Toho made up for the show, and isn’t even in this episode on the DVD. But we’re all about going above and beyond, so we’ve tracked down this entire story arc to present to you, the people who won’t be reading it and will just look at the photos! If you need a Godman primer, feel free to stop by the Godman Splash Page!

Kamoebas is a turtle, and he does what turtles do, which is stand still and use their shell for defense.

A old couple sees a monster at the beach – it’s Kamoebas! GODMAAAN!!!

Beep beep, back the truck up! Why is Godman being called…by old people? It’s demonstrated in every other episode that children call Godman, there is even an episode where the adults have to have the children call for Godman! So why do these old people get to call Godman? Is there a larger definition of the Godman worshipers beyond children? Is it the children and the elderly? Because I could see that happening. Two groups on extreme ages, working together to call a fighting man from the sky. It’s just weird enough to keep you up at night.

Godman creeps over and sees Kamoebas is just standing there, minding his own business, so Godman bravely attacks!

Kamoebas just stands there. Godman totally punches first. Also second! Then he almost falls over. Godman feels this is somehow an attack by Kamoebas, so now he feels justified in self-defense. It’s interesting to see Godman was the guy who wrote the stand your ground laws.
Kamoebas Godman
Godman fights and fights Kamoebas, who barely seems to notice as Godman hurts himself on Kamoebas’ shell. Godman stares at Kamoebas as the episodes jumps to tsuzuku. Now that’s a darn weird ending. But as Folgon is another monster Godman fights that week, maybe Folgon is behind Kamoebas standing still on the shore. This mystery would have had to remain until the rest of the show was located had I just used the one episode on the DVD….


Thanks to the magic of the internet, I found the rest of this episode! Never has the magic of the internet backfired in such fashion as to force me to watch more Godman. Well, except for all that other horrible stuff on the internet. You know what I’m talking about…

So we jump into episode 2, and Godman is preparing to make turtle soup out of poor Kamoebas.

He hugs Kamoebas and they spin around a bit like they are dancing then soon he is throwing ineffective punches and kicks. Godman pulls out his Godmail Flail, and tries to strangle Kamoebas with it! That’s not how flails work, guy!

Eventually he starts beating Kamoebas on the back of his shell with the flail, knocking off chunks of the turtle shell costume (they focus on this like he’s doing the damage on purpose, but RIP Kamoebas costume that was probably already shedding shell scales!)


Godman punches Kamoebas in the back a bit more, then knocks him onto his back and spins him around and around and around and around, then uses his wrist guns to blast Kamoebas in the belly with bullets. Kamoebas slinks back into the sea, regretting getting out of bed and sunning himself on a nice warm rock that morning. Brave Godman, savagely beating up a monster who did nothing, is declaring victory and shouting like a loon.

But another monster is there! He’s like “I’m the real villain, you idiot!” Thus we tsuzuku into… Godman vs. Folgon!!!
Kamoebas Godman

Gorosaurus Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Gorosaurus (ゴッドマン対ゴロザウルス)

March of Godzilla Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Gorosaurus

aka ゴッドマン対ゴロザウルス その1 – その6 aka Goddoman Tai Gorozaurusu
Gorosaurus Godman
Week of November 9 – 15, 1972

Why are you murdering me? I’m just looking for the hospital! Oh, God, NOOOOO!!

Hell yeah, Gorosaurus is back! But he’s getting beaten up by Godman, because Godman is a jerk and kills everything you love. Especially if what you love is ratty old kaiju film costumes like this Gorosaurus suit, which has seen better days by far. The Gorosaurus suit is in such bad condition that pieces of it are flopping around and it’s all crushed inward like all the padding is missing or decayed away. In fact, it’s hard to think anything except Gorosaurus is very very sick and shouldn’t be getting beaten up by this jerk Godman, but should instead be given medical attention for whatever illness is happening to him. Someone call up Medical Jet Jaguar, I don’t care if he hasn’t been invented yet, go get a time machine and then go get Medical Jet Jaguar! We need an intervention to save Gorosaurus before Godman the jerk kills him!

The only episode that made it to DVD is the final episode, number 6, which consists of Godman beating the ill Gorosaurus up for a while before tossing explosive disks at him. Godman follows this up by firing his Godman Supersonic Wave, blowing up Gorosaurus with swirly death!!

BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Gorosaurus never did anything to you, except live and get in the way of your fists. Godman should have been escorting Gorosaurus to hospice care to help with his obvious disease. Way to be a horrible monster, Godman. Someone needs to call Godman to kill Godman.

There are a few clips of earlier episodes online, which consist of Gorosaurus stomping around the nearby town, expertly not stepping on any building, almost as if he’s avoiding wanton destruction because he’s a good guy (Or more likely, the tv series doesn’t have the budget to break the models!) This makes it even more sad when Godman kills him. I am not sure what episode the clips are from, as they begin in the middle of the show. March of Godzilla: Godman will continue, and check out the Godman Splash Page for more Godman goodies!
Gorosaurus Godman

Tsunosilver Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Tsunosilver (ゴッドマン対ツノシルバー)

March of Godzilla Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Tsunosilver

aka ゴッドマン対ツノシルバー その1 – その6 aka Goddoman Tai Tsunoshirubaa
Tsunosilver Godman
Week of November 2 – 8, 1972

Your Godman powers cannot compare to my MSPaint attack!!

March of Godzilla: Godman is back with another quick joint of Godman to ruin your day and your being a fan of kaiju shows. Dang it, Godman, why you got to be so bad? This time Godman is battling the spectacularly memorable Tsunosilver (which means Hornsilver), who is actually doing bad things, so does deserve to be stopped. Good to see Godman back on track after last time when he was being up on a helpless child monster. Be sure to check out the Godman Splash Page for more Godman monster beating mayhem!

Tsunosilver is a devil monster with big tongue sticking out like he’s Miley Cyrus or something. He has two rows of spikes down his back, and blasts a white mouth ray. He looks goofy, but he’s undeniably evil, so I support his murder by Godman 100%.

Tsunosilver fires a ray out of his mouth and blows up a passenger jet! Godman suddenly has a higher body count than Power Rangers! Godman, do your job and show up and stop this monster! Stop fooling around with those kids who want you to fight baby monsters in the woods, this is important!

Godman finally shows up and it’s on. The two big guys fight and fight, and fight and fight. Then they fight and fight! This is one of the Godman fights that is the most sexual in nature. When one combatant is on the other and the Tsunosilver tongue is touching Godman’s face, it gets all weird. But as the only part on the DVD is the first episode, I don’t know if it gets any weirder. For that, we’ll need to search the internet and hope it shows up. Maybe you are into that. Maybe this show explains more about Japan than we’d like to think. Until then, tsuzuku.
Tsunosilver Godman

Yasugon Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Yasugon and Tsunoterah (ゴッドマン対ヤスゴン)

March of Godzilla Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Yasugon and Tsunoterah

aka ゴッドマン対ヤスゴン その1 – その6 aka Goddoman Tai Yasugon – Tsunokeraa
Yasugon Godman
Week of October 26 – November 1, 1972

Godman demands your fealty…or else!!

March of Godzilla: Godman continues with MORE GODMAN! Wait, don’t run away, you’ll totally want to learn about how Godman beats up a poor innocent monster, and is somehow called a hero. Seriously, this is the episode where we quickly turn against Godman and wish that he die at the hands of some of his victims, and it’s only the fourth story arc of the series! Poor Yasugon, he just wants a friend, but all he finds is a pervert with a pain fetish. For more Godman excitement, check out the Godman Splash Page!

The DVD jumps right in to the second episode of Godman’s battle against Yasugon. Godman battles Tsunoterah in the same week, none of which made it to DVD or easily findable internet video. But Tsunoterah does appear at the very end of this episode part.

Yasugon is a lizard with dual rows of fins down his back, and only two stubby fingers on each hand (both clawed, but the fingers don’t separate and there are no thumbs!) As we shall see, he’s not really mean at all, so this makes Godman not look good at all as he picks on the weak kaiju.

Godman slaps Yasugon around and rams his head into trees. I don’t know what Yasugon did, but it was probably something really monstrous like standing still, or even walking! Yasugon sucks and spends most of this fight trying to run away.
Yasugon Godman
Maybe Yasugon was just enjoying some Starbucks when Godman showed up to beat the tar out of him. We’ll never know without the missing episodes. Mysteries, that’s what we get with Godman!

Godman kicks the fallen Yasugon so hard that noxious yellow smoke gas emits from his butt area and an air raid siren wails. This seriously happened in a kid’s show. Yasugon surrenders and surrenders, bowing before Godman. Godman smugly accepts the worship of the creature he bullied into submission, and flies off.

Yasugo has a stick stuck in his leg, and begins monster crying until a small boy pulls it out. The boy and Yasugon are now good friends, and walk in the forest hand in hand…

Until a new monster threatens them both! It’s Tsunoterah, and we jump to tsuzuku!

What happens next? This is one of the few episodes with an actual story, yet we get cut out of finding out what is going on. And as Yasugon is one of the few monsters to not get killed by Godman, this is early in the week series, so maybe Tsunokeler’s actions cause Yasugon to become a casualty yet. Or maybe not. Until the rest of the show is tracked down, it will remain a mystery…

I heard you blasphemed against the One True God, ME!
Gabara Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Gabara (ゴッドマン対ガバラ)

March of Godzilla Godman

Go! Godman: Godman vs. Gabara

aka ゴッドマン対ガバラ その1 – その6 aka Ike! Godman: Goddoman Tai Gabara
Gabara Godman
Week of October 12 – 18, 1972

Wait, he’s crazy! Help! Help!!

Everyone knows and loves Gabara as the lizard cat monster from Godzilla’s Revenge that bullies Minya until Minya learns to stand up for himself. And then Godzilla beats him up as well for good measure. Now Godman gets a turn at fighting that bully jerk. That’s reason number one why we’re starting off with the second episode of Godman for March of Godzilla: Godman, a familiar and deserving monster gets beat up! Reason number two is this is the earliest episode of the DVD, but let’s pretend my made up reason number one is the real reason!

A toad gets nuked and turned into Gabara. Just why someone is nuking a toad is never explained, nor why the toad mutates into a cat lizard monster with electric powers and an inferiority complex. Shouldn’t they have nuked a cat and a lizard? Ours is not to reason why, but only to watch Gabara die.
Gabara Godman
The only episode of the series on the DVD is Part 4, and by now Gabara and Godman are both big and fighting in the city. Gabara has a fighting strategy that consists of lying on top of Godman and slapping him repeatedly. Somehow this lasts for a while before Godman starts using his flail and his exploding disks on Gabara. We unfortunately jump to tsuzuku before we get a conclusion, so it will be a mystery if Gabara is murdered by Godman, or if he’s just totally beaten up. But based on Godman’s actions in other episodes, that answer is yes, Gabara is murdered. And as Gabara is a big bully who picks on the best kaiju ever, Minya, he deserves to die. He might even be one of the few legitimate Godman murders of the series!

Shots of the missing episodes I have seen include a bit where Godman is flying around and Gabara grabs him, at this point Godman hasn’t grown big, but is about the size of a toddler in Gabara’s arms, which brings up some odd scaling issues.

Weirdly enough, this is probably one of the best episodes of Godman, because we see a monster we know that deserves to get beat up get beat up. Everything else turns into crazy town, a bit of which we get hints of here as Godman makes little effort to not get slapped around by Gabara, who is lying on top of him. If you think that sounds vaguely perverted, let me tell you this series looks incredibly perverted with the modern, jaded gaze you find on TarsTarkas.NET. You’ll find out more as March of Godzilla: Godman continues! More Godman goodies on the Godman Splash Page!
Gabara Godman

Ike! Godman Splash Page

March of Godzilla Godman
Godman was Toho’s first tokusatsu, premiering Thursday, October 5th, 1972, on the Good Morning! Kids Show on NTV. This was a day before Toho’s Rainbowman series premiered, so Godman is technically first even if his show is only five minutes long. This means we must be respectful of his place in history, even though he is terrible and so is his show! The story was designed to play six days a week at five minutes each episode, wrapping around the weekend, and providing a complete Godman adventure. But as the show is almost entirely Godman fighting a different monster each week without any of that plot nonsense, it’s not 100% required for you to watch every episode. Eventually, the Ike! Godman series was replaced by the successor Ike! Greenman series, and Greenman would battle some of the monsters from Godman. Never fear, the plots would be just as scarce.

Ike Godman stood in obscurity for decades, with only a few episodes released on laserdisc format (or so the people who upload clips claim), which soon began circulating in the exciting world of grey market vhs tapes. In 2008, the world was shocked when DVDs were released of select episodes of Ike! Godman and Ike! Greenman, along with a brand new original short starring the pair. Shocked, because who was really clamoring for this?? Now, we did not get either full series on DVD, the disks are mainly “best of”s, with only a few complete stories and many monsters only getting a one episode appearance, if that. But like an awful jerk once said, we go to war with the army we have, and what we have is garbage that will only get worse in longer form. I have managed to find a few more extra episodes out there thanks to the magic of the internet, so that will be included when possible. Unfortunately, that means a few of the monsters have no representation at all, at least until the rest of the show is finally released somehow.

That being said, the Godman Splash Page is filled with whatever information I could muster of all the creatures and powers of Ike! Godman, which should be enough to make people think I know what I am talking about. It’s not like anyone else will watch more than one episode of this show, unless they are being tortured by terrible, terrible people. Honestly, this show is awful, and it is only interesting because of the many monster suits being reused.

The True Monster of Ike! Godman:

Godman – Godman is a jerk who slaughters monsters for fun and has an unnatural attraction to young children, who he has brainwashed to be a mass army that spots new targets for him to kill. That this dangerous cult leader is lauded as a hero speaks to the fundamental failing of humanity. Godman wears a uniform that is a red spandex body pajama with an outside filthy silver diaper, and booties and gloves. His long flowing hair flutters in the breeze. Godman is big at promoting his own brand, with a big “G” imprinted on his belt buckle, boot buckles (actually golden rings), and wrists. Godman came to Earth from the Fire God Star, which means there might be more of him. He has an alliance with Greenman, another monster killer.

Godman powers
Godman has a bunch of special moves that he does by calling out their name. They include:

God-Circle – Godman’s Deadly Tron disc that explodes on contact.
God-Spark – Godman’s explosive finger sparkles. Nice to know Godman’s fist is a member of the NRA!
God-Crush – Godman’s flail that he uses on monsters to redirect their attack back to them. He also occasionally uses it as an actual flail.
God-Shower – Godman’s gross-sounding water attack. Seriously, Godman, what is wrong with you??? This stuff is sprayed on monsters and they dissolve. Eww! Some reports also list a “God-Acid” power that comes from his hands, but all I’ve seen is the hose-spraying God-Shower.
Godman Supersonic Wave – Godman fires a swirl from his chest that brutally murders his opponents, which looks amazingly identical to the Qotile blasts in Yars’ Revenge.

Godman kaiju roll call!

Kinger (キンガー) Kinga
Appearances: Godman vs. Kinger (ゴッドマン対キンガー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Kingaa (October 5 – 11, 1972)
Bio:He is called Kinga in other translations. No Kinger episodes are available at this time, despite this being the first episode and that seems like the kind of thing you would include on a DVD…
Gabara (ガバラ) Gabara
Appearances: Godman vs. Gabara (ゴッドマン対ガバラ その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gabara (October 12 – 18, 1972)
Bio: Gabara returns from being an imaginary monster into reality thanks to a toad getting hit by lightning. I’d explain the science behind that, but we all know it as it is very simple Science 101 and it would just be a waste of time. Gabara is a jerk, so he immediately gets into a fight with Godman. His fighting style includes lying on top of Godman and slapping him. Perhaps the toad that became Gabara was a poisoned toad, and he corrupted Godman with his bullying powers, which is why Godman goes rogue in later episodes.
Ghoston (ゴーストン) Gosuton
Appearances: Godman vs. Ghoston (ゴッドマン対ゴーストン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gosuton (October 19 – 25, 1972)
Bio: No Ghoston episodes are available at this time. He looks like some angry boulders came to life.
Yasugon (ヤスゴン) Yasugon
Appearances: Godman vs. Yasugon and Tsunoterah (ゴッドマン対ヤスゴン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Yasugon – Tsunokeraa (October 26 – November 1, 1972)
Bio: A young lizard monster child with dual rows of fins down his back. He has only two stubby, clawed fingers on each hand, and no thumbs. I don’t know why Godman decides to fight him, and after he beats him up he only lets Yasugon live after he bows in worship of Godman. The monster immediately befriends a small boy who helps fix one of his injuries, meaning this monster was good, and Godman is a bully. Tsunoterah doesn’t like him and threatens him in the second part of their week long story arc.
Tsunoterah (ツノケラー) Tsunokera
Appearances: Godman vs. Yasugon and Tsunoterah (ゴッドマン対ヤスゴン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Yasugon – Tsunokeraa (October 26 – November 1, 1972)
Bio: We briefly see him in the cliffhanger of the prior three episodes, but no Tsunoterah-focused episodes have been released. All I know is he threatens children and child kaiju, so he’s probably a jerk. He looks like an annoyed hippo donkey. Hopefully Godman murders him.
Tsunosilver (ツノシルバー) Tsunoshirubaa
Appearances: Godman vs. Tsunosilver (ゴッドマン対ツノシルバー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Tsunoshirubaa (November 2 – 8, 1972)
Bio:Tsunosilver can fire deadly rays from his mouth, and even blows up a jet liner, giving Ike! Godman a huge body count! He also has a weird tongue jutting out of his mouth, which makes his rolling around with Godman in the dirt look more perverted than the average perverted Godman fight. Tsunosilver means Hornsilver, so you will occasionally find him listed by that name (or Silverhorn, or the similar Tsunoshirba). His name has a lot of different translations, including Tsunokeler.
Gorosaurus (ゴロザウルス) Gorozaurusu
Appearances: Godman vs. Gorosaurus (ゴッドマン対ゴロザウルス その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gorozaurusu (November 9 – 15, 1972)
Bio:Gorosaurus is a famous kaiju, but by now the suit has seen better days and Gorosaurus looks like he’s sickly, which attracts scavenger predator Godman to try and finish him off. From the footage I’ve seen of unreleased episodes, Gorosaurus is expertly avoiding stomping on buildings, so his murder seems extra bad. Someone call Godzilla!
Madaran (マダラン) Madaran
Appearances: Godman vs. Madaran (ゴッドマン対マダラン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Madaran (November 16 – 22, 1972)
Bio:Madaran looks like Gappa the Triphibian Monster was run through a filter to make him more childlike. As his episodes aren’t released, no information is available at this time.
Gattlar (ギャットラー) Gyattoraa
Appearances: Godman vs. Gattlar (ゴッドマン対ギャットラー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gyattoraa (November 23 – 29, 1972)
Bio:This guy looks like a bunch of bananas got angry one day and caused some trouble. He must be an appealing guy! Gattlar is sometimes called Giandorah in other translations, I’m not sure what the official one is.
Momonglar (モモングラー) Momonguraa
Appearances: Godman vs. Momonglar (ゴッドマン対モモングラー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Momonguraa (November 30 – December 6, 1972)
Bio:Momonglar has the distinction of being the hardest Godman kaiju to find anything about, the only picture of him is a grainy image in an animated gif, and I haven’t even seen him on any of the Godman edits I watched on the various Chinese and Japanese video sites. Momonglar is called Momondarah in other translations
Kamoebas (カメーバ) Kameeba
Appearances: Godman vs. Kameba and Folgon (ゴッドマン対カメーバ・フォルゴン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Kameeba – Forugon (December 7 – 13, 1972)
Bio:Kamoebas from Space Amoeba also shows up to be fought by Godman, but as Kamoebas was just chilling on the beach when Godman started punching him, he did nothing wrong, and it turned out Forugon was causing all the trouble. Godman didn’t even apologize for his brutal assault.
Folgon (フォルゴン) Forugon
Appearances: Godman vs. Kameba and Folgon (ゴッドマン対カメーバ・フォルゴン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Kameeba – Forugon (December 7 – 13, 1972)
Bio:A goofy bird monster with a weird haircut, Folgon was causing trouble on the beach and Kamoebas caught the blame, until a jealous Folgon decided he wanted to be beaten to death by Godman instead! So he was.
Bolbes (ボルペス) Borupesu
Appearances: Godman vs. Bolbes (ゴッドマン対ボルペス その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Borupesu (December 14 – 20, 1972)
Bio:Looking like a weird tree came to life, Bolbes probably was just being Bolbes before Godman flew by to kill him dead. His episodes aren’t released. Bolbes is called Borupes in other translations
Imogoras (イモゴラス) Imogorasu
Appearances: Godman vs. Imogoras (ゴッドマン対イモゴラス その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Imogorasu (December 21 – 27, 1972)
Bio:Imogoras looks like a cool, creative kaiju design that screams the 1970s, but is the type of tokusatsu monster that you get nostalgic for when you start seeing modern designs. His episodes aren’t released, so no word on how Godman probably murders him.
Bullman (ブルマン) Buruman
Appearances: Godman vs. Bullman (ゴッドマン対ブルマン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Buruman (January 4 – 10, 1973)
Bio:Weird how Bullman doesn’t have that prominent of horns even though so many other Godman kaiju have horns to the point where “horn” is in their name. The Bullman episodes aren’t released, so no clue if at one point Godman taunts him with a red cape.
Dongolar (ドンゴラー) Dongoraa
Appearances: Godman vs. Dongolar (ゴッドマン対ドンゴラー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Dongoraa (January 11 – 17, 1973)
Bio:This walking butt with a nose looks like he’s supposed to be ginseng, maybe? Who knows, Godman wants him dead regardless. Dongolar is called Dongorah in other translations
Skeleton Man No.1 (スケルトマンNo.1) Sukerutoman No.1
Appearances: Godman vs. Skeleton Man No.1 and Skeleton Man No.2 (ゴッドマン対スケルトマンNo.1・スケルトマンNo.2 その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sukerutoman No.1 – Sukerutoman No.2 (January 18 – 24, 1973)
Bio:Skeleton Man No.1 shows up to harass a kid who is fishing, and Godman comes to actually defend children for once and beats up Skeleton Man No.1 and his buddy, Skeleton Man No.2. His head looks slightly more blueish in some shots.
Skeleton Man No.2 (スケルトマンNo.2) Sukerutoman No.2
Appearances: Godman vs. Skeleton Man No.1 and Skeleton Man No.2 (ゴッドマン対スケルトマンNo.1・スケルトマンNo.2 その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sukerutoman No.1 – Sukerutoman No.2 (January 18 – 24, 1973)
Bio:Skeleton Man No.2 appears when Skeleton Man No.1 is getting beat up to help his friend, only to get murdered first. His head looks slightly more yellowish in certain shots.
Sanda (サンダ) Sanda
Appearances: Godman vs. Sanda (ゴッドマン対サンダ その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sanda (January 25 – 31, 1973)
Bio:Poor heroic Sanda gets targeted for death by the evil Godman. Godman, is there anyone he won’t kill?
Gaira (ガイラ) Gaira
Appearances: Godman vs. Gaira (ゴッドマン対ガイラ その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gaira (February 1 – 7, 1973)
Bio:After killing Sanda, Godman decides to complete the set and kill off the evil Gaira, so he does.
Trunker (トランカー) Torankaa
Appearances: Godman vs. Trunker (ゴッドマン対トランカー その1 – その3 Goddoman Tai Torankaa (February 8 – 14, 1973)
Bio:Cool-named monster that looks like an old man in bumpy armor. Trunker is called Toranka according to some translations, but that name sucks compared to Trunker, so we reject it outright! None of his stuff is on DVD.
Hotter (ホッター) Hottaa
Appearances: Godman vs. Hotter(ゴッドマン対ホッター その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Hottaa (February 8 – 14, 1973)
Bio:Hotter pops up the same week as Trunker, so they are connected somehow, but that’s all we know without their episodes being released!
Green-Mask (グリーンマスク) Geriinmasuku
Appearances: Godman vs. Green-Mask (ゴッドマン対グリーンマスク その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Geriinmasuku (February 15 – 21, 1973)
Bio:Green-Mask is a demonic magician who loves to kidnap children. Despite being demonstrably evil, Godman lets him live because he strokes his ego by worshiping him.
Funtlar (フントラー) Funtoraa
Appearances: Godman vs. Funtlar (ゴッドマン対フントラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Funtoraa (February 15 – 21, 1973)
Bio:I thought Funtlar would be like “elephant” but he looks nothing like an elephant so who knows? His stuff isn’t on DVD. Funtlar is called Funtorah in other translations
Bat-Man (バットマン) Battoman
Appearances: Godman vs. Bat-Man (ゴッドマン対バットマン その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Battoman (February 22 – 28, 1973)
Bio:One of the Bat People from Latitude Zero pops up as Bat-Man, but he’s not that Batman, he’s a child-attacking jerk who gets killified by Godman!
Kappalge (カッパルゲ) Kapparuge
Appearances: Godman vs. Kappalge (ゴッドマン対カッパルゲ その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Kapparuge (February 22 – 28, 1973)
Bio:Godman then attacks Kappalge, but those episodes aren’t on the DVD, so who knows what happens. Whatever it is, the killing isn’t complete, as Kappalge returns in the modern Godman special. Kappalge is called Katsubarge in other translations. Kappalge looks like a duck that had far too many head x-rays!
Alien Tiborus (ティボラス星人) Tiborasu Seijin
Appearances: Godman vs. Alien Tiborus (ゴッドマン対ティボラス星人 その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Tiborasu Seijin (March 1 – 7, 1973)
Bio:I’m glad Alien Tiborus lets us know he’s an alien, so we don’t get him confused with regular Tiborus. His stuff isn’t on DVD, so I don’t know how alien his is. Alien Tiborus is called Tieboras in more boring translations. Alien Tiborus has cool head stalks.
Ostotam (オストタム) Osutotamu
Appearances: Godman vs. Ostotam (ゴッドマン対オストタム その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Ostotam (March 1 – 7, 1973)
Bio:Ostotam is a cool looking monster who isn’t on DVD so I have no idea if he actually is cool or if he is just a chump who gets killed.
Tsunojiras (ツノジラス) Tsunojirasu
Appearances: Godman vs. Tsunojiras (ゴッドマン対オストタム その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Tsunojirasu (March 8 – 14, 1973)
Bio:A horned monster who enjoys egging on his opponents into brutally attacking and murdering him. Maybe Tsunojiras thinks that if his opponents kill him, then he wins because he corrupted them. But Godman was already a crazed murderer, so that strategy is sort of dumb!
Elephantar (エレファンダー) Erefyandaa
Appearances: Godman vs. Elephantar (ゴッドマン対ツノジラス その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Erefyandaa (March 8 – 14, 1973)
Bio:Finally, a guy named after an elephant who looks like an elephant! Sort of. Maybe. His stuff isn’t on DVD.
Totsaurus (トットザウルス) Tottozaurusu
Appearances: Godman vs. Totsaurus (ゴッドマン対トットザウルス その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Tottozaurusu (March 15 – 21, 1973)
Bio:Totsaurus is yet another bird-themed kaiju, I guess one of the designers was a big bird fan or at least had one of those guide books to bird species he pulled from when he was out of ideas. Totsaurus’s stuff isn’t on DVD.
Jilarji (シラージ) Shiraaji
Appearances: Godman vs. Jilarji (ゴッドマン対シラージ その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Shiraaji (March 15 – 21, 1973)
Bio:Jilarji is a friendly monkey who was mocked an attacked by children until he hulked out into Jilarji, which then meant Godman killed him, while the children who mocked the poor monkey got off scot free! This is among the worst things Godman does in the series. He’s yet another guy with a big horn on his head. Jilarji is also called Shiraaji in some translations, his name is among the most disagreed on I saw while searching around.
Wolflar (ウルフラー) Urufuraa
Appearances: Godman vs. Wolflar (ゴッドマン対ウルフラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Urufuraa (March 22 – 28, 1973)
Bio:Wolflar looks cool, so of course his episodes aren’t on DVD. Why waste time with cool monsters?
Gejilba (ゲジルバ) Gejiruba
Appearances: Godman vs. Gejilba (ゴッドマン対ゲジルバ その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Gejiruba (March 22 – 28, 1973)
Bio:Gejilba looks like an escapee from Sesame Street, but his passion for counting can’t compare to Godman’s passion for murder!
Trilorn (トリローン) Toriroon
Appearances: Godman vs. Trilorn (ゴッドマン対イボギラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Toriroon (March 29 – April 4, 1973)
Bio:Trilorn looks like he leads a Lovecraftian cult OR he’s a doctor in the year 3000 at Planet Express. Either way, Godman has his sights set on him, so Trilorn is probably Tri-DEAD! His stuff isn’t on DVD.
Ibogilar (イボギラー) Ibogiraa
Appearances: Godman vs. Ibogilar (ゴッドマン対イボギラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Ibogiraa (March 29 – April 4, 1973)
Bio:Ibogilar is another awesome monster design that isn’t on the DVD episodes! Dang it, DVD episodes, it’s not like you couldn’t cram all this stuff on your disk!
Stegojiras (ステゴジラス) Sutegojirasu
Appearances: Godman vs. Stegojiras and Akumon (ゴッドマン対ステゴジラス・アクモン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sutegojirasu – Akumon (April 5 – 11, 1973)
Bio:Blue half of the Stegojiras and Akumon partnership, they kidnap children and worship a mysterious volcano god.
Akumon (アクモン) Akumon
Appearances: Godman vs. Stegojiras and Akumon (ゴッドマン対ステゴジラス・アクモン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sutegojirasu – Akumon (April 5 – 11, 1973)
Bio:Red half of the Stegojiras and Akumon partnership, they kidnap children and worship a mysterious volcano god.
???? (????) ????
Appearances: Godman vs. Stegojiras and Akumon (ゴッドマン対ステゴジラス・アクモン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sutegojirasu – Akumon (April 5 – 11, 1973)
Bio:Mysterious volcano god thing that Godman kills after he kills of its acolytes, Stegojiras and Akumon. Even now, decades later, the show’s creators don’t have a name for it. Was it the main villain behind all the monsters? That would make too much sense, when the clear evidence is Godman is the Dexter Morgan of tokusatsu.

Godman Episode List:
Godman vs. Kinger (ゴッドマン対キンガー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Kingaa (October 5 – 11, 1972)
Godman vs. Gabara (ゴッドマン対ガバラ その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gabara (October 12 – 18, 1972)
Godman vs. Ghoston (ゴッドマン対ゴーストン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gosuton (October 19 – 25, 1972)
Godman vs. Yasugon and Tsunoterah (ゴッドマン対ヤスゴン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Yasugon – Tsunokeraa (October 26 – November 1, 1972)
Godman vs. Tsunosilver (ゴッドマン対ツノシルバー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Tsunoshirubaa (November 2 – 8, 1972)
Godman vs. Gorosaurus (ゴッドマン対ゴロザウルス その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gorozaurusu (November 9 – 15, 1972)
Godman vs. Madaran (ゴッドマン対マダラン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Madaran (November 16 – 22, 1972)
Godman vs. Gattlar (ゴッドマン対ギャットラー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gyattoraa (November 23 – 29, 1972)
Godman vs. Momonglar (ゴッドマン対モモングラー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Momonguraa (November 30 – December 6, 1972)
Godman vs. Kamoebas and Folgon (ゴッドマン対カメーバフォルゴン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Kameeba – Forugon (December 7 – 13, 1972)
Godman vs. Bolbes (ゴッドマン対ボルペス その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Borupesu (December 14 – 20, 1972)
Godman vs. Imogoras (ゴッドマン対イモゴラス その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Imogorasu (December 21 – 27, 1972)
Godman vs. Bullman (ゴッドマン対ブルマン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Buruman (January 4 – 10, 1973)
Godman vs. Dongolar (ゴッドマン対ドンゴラー その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Dongoraa (January 11 – 17, 1973)
Godman vs. Skeleton Man No.1 and Skeleton Man No.2 (ゴッドマン対スケルトマンNo.1・スケルトマンNo.2 その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sukerutoman No.1 – Sukerutoman No.2 (January 18 – 24, 1973)
Godman vs. Sanda (ゴッドマン対サンダ その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sanda (January 25 – 31, 1973)
Godman vs. Gaira (ゴッドマン対ガイラ その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Gaira (February 1 – 7, 1973)
Godman vs. Trunker (ゴッドマン対トランカー その1 – その6 Goddoman Tai Torankaa (February 8 – 14, 1973)
Godman vs. Hotter(ゴッドマン対ホッター その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Hottaa (February 8 – 14, 1973)
Godman vs. Green-Mask (ゴッドマン対グリーンマスク その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Geriinmasuku (February 15 – 21, 1973)
Godman vs. Funtlar (ゴッドマン対フントラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Funtoraa (February 15 – 21, 1973)
Godman vs. Bat-Man (ゴッドマン対バットマン その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Battoman (February 22 – 28, 1973)
Godman vs. Kappalge (ゴッドマン対カッパルゲ その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Kapparuge (February 22 – 28, 1973)
Godman vs. Alien Tiborusm (ゴッドマン対ティボラス星人 その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Tiborasu Seijin (March 1 – 7, 1973)
Godman vs. Ostotam (ゴッドマン対オストタム その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Ostotam (March 1 – 7, 1973)
Godman vs. Tsunojiras (ゴッドマン対オストタム その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Tsunojirasu (March 8 – 14, 1973)
Godman vs. Elephantar (ゴッドマン対ツノジラス その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Erefyandaa (March 8 – 14, 1973)
Godman vs. Totsaurus (ゴッドマン対トットザウルス その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Tottozaurusu (March 15 – 21, 1973)
Godman vs. Jilarji (ゴッドマン対シラージ その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Shiraaji (March 15 – 21, 1973)
Godman vs. Wolflar (ゴッドマン対ウルフラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Urufuraa (March 22 – 28, 1973)
Godman vs. Gejilba (ゴッドマン対ゲジルバ その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Gejiruba (March 22 – 28, 1973)
Godman vs. Trilorn (ゴッドマン対イボギラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Toriroon (March 29 – April 4, 1973)
Godman vs. Ibogilar (ゴッドマン対イボギラー その1 – その3) Goddoman Tai Ibogiraa (March 29 – April 4, 1973)
Godman vs. Stegojiras and Akumon (ゴッドマン対ステゴジラス・アクモン その1 – その6) Goddoman Tai Sutegojirasu – Akumon (April 5 – 11, 1973)

Citations and image sources:
インサイター (The site 90% of the internet got their Godman kaiju images from!)
ゴッドマン’s モンスター

Godman Title

Bat-man-vs godman