Beavis and Butthead Supersize Me

Beavis and Butthead – Supersize Me and Bathroom Break

Beavis and Butthead

Supersize Me
The boys discover Morgan Spurlock and his documentary Supersize Me, largely because he has a hot babe with him at a premiere. So they decide to eat nothing but Burger World food for 30 days. They gain more and more weight, while Mr. Van Driessen gets them a documentary crew following them, and various corporate CEOs run tricks to not get blamed for the epic obesity.

Teen Cribs – WTF? never heard of this show. Rich bratty kids show off their place, the boys confused and think it’s Teen Mom.
Jersey Shore – Snooki’s dating preferences lead to much mockery, and their own lists

Bathroom Break
Butthead discovers that he got paid to poop when he was in the restroom, so the boys spend all their time at work in the restroom, as the Burger World slowly devolves into chaos.

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – Kisses over Babylon – The discussion turns to Jesus, and the audience pefering to get shot than to listen to the song

Beavis and Butthead Supersize Me
Beavis and Butthead Supersize Me
Beavis and Butthead Supersize Me
Beavis and Butthead Supersize Me
Beavis and Butthead Supersize Me

Beavis and Butthead Bathroom Break
Beavis and Butthead Bathroom Break
Beavis and Butthead Bathroom Break
Beavis and Butthead Bathroom Break

Woola and Tars Tarkas – new John Carter images for your eyeballs

John Carter (of Mars, dammit!) dropped six more images over this holiday weekend to ensure no one was paying attention as we’re all turkey drunk and yelling at our relatives. But for those of you who have sobered up and kicked out grandma, here are the six new photos, featuring John Carter, Dejah Thoris, Tars Tarkas, and even Woola:

John Carter Airship

John Carter

John Carter of Gondola

John Carter Dejah Thoris

Thrill as John Carter says stuff to Dejah Thoris!

John Carter

Sorry, the CGI of my ride ain't finished yet!

Woola John Carter

It's Baaaaaacon!

Tars Tarkas John Carter

No one turns Tars Tarkas into a piano except me!


Beavis Butthead Drones

Beavis and Butthead – Drones

Beavis and Butthead


On a class field trip to a military base, Beavis and Butthead find the empty control room to drones operating in Afghanistan and on base. Although they cause problems, the story seems somewhat rambling like it wasn’t enough material to fill 20+ minutes and it just sort of ends. Mr. Van Driessen gets more and more disheartened as the military base commander talks of all the violent things the military does. This probably should have stayed a shorter episode. The most notable part is the confirmation that Daria moved away during one of the video riffings (after Beavis is correct from his statement that she killed herself!)

Deadmaus – Ghosts n Stuff – The discussion turns to grief counseling, along with a story that shows Beavis was drugged and raped
MGMT – It’s Working – Beavis’s mom tried to lose him in Ikea as a kid, but she got lost and kept bumping into him
Jersey Shore – The terms used on the show are confusing and causes discussion between the boys. Beavis cracks the code, but isn’t smart enough to remember what he said.
Benny Benassi – Satisfaction – sexy girls doing construction gets the full attention of the pair.

Beavis and Butthead Drones
Beavis and Butthead Drones
Beavis and Butthead Drones
Beavis and Butthead Drones
Beavis and Butthead Drones
Beavis and Butthead Drones
Beavis and Butthead Drones

Beavis Butthead Holy Cornholio

Beavis and Butthead – Holy Cornholio

Beavis and Butthead

Holy Cornholio

One of two longer episodes that aired the same night in an hour block, featuring the return of the Great Cornholio! This was the episode that got sneak peeked all over the net.

Beavis gets a toy soldier drilled into his hands and goes to the hospital. There, he’s given painkillers that he takes too many of and becomes the Great Cornholio. Running rampant, he is mistaken for the returning soul of a cult’s deceased leader. The boys are taken back to the compound, where the cultists try to decipher the meaning of Cornholio’s desire for TP.

Eventually, Beavis returns to normal, and Beavis and Butthead grow bored of the encampment and demand to go home. The next day, when the females of the camp are prepared to have the two share their sacred essence (have sex with them), the two are annoyed and misunderstand, sending Stewart in their place, as Stewart cheers.

Jersey Shore – One of the girls brings back a waiter to the home in Italy to have sex with, and gets mocked by the men. Bleh.
T-Baby – It’s so cold in the D – The boys question if this is the Real Housewives of Detroit, then dance to the music because it rules
Cage the Elephant – No Rest for the Wicked – They spend much of the video knowingly talking about what “cage the elephant” really means.
Teen Mom – Some horrible teen mom gets a boob job and ignores her kid. She talks through her nose and is rightfully trashed by the pair.

Holy Cornholio
Holy Cornholio
Holy Cornholio
Holy Cornholio
Holy Cornholio
Holy Cornholio
Holy Cornholio

The Muppets (Review)

The Muppets

Directed by James Bobin
Written by Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller

The Muppets
After a far-too-long absence at the theater (I remember going to see Muppets From Space in a deserted theater like it was yesterday…), the Muppets return to the big screen in a big way. And as you can guess from the mention of seeing Muppets From Space, I’m a huge Muppets fan. Enough that I can rattle off obscure background Muppets and spot errors on the Muppet wiki. But I’m putting the fanboy aside to give a nice objective review. And that review is positive. Not because I liked the film (I did), but because it’s a good film.
The Muppets
The Muppets are more than just puppets, just entertainment for kids. The Muppets are entertainment for all ages, treating the audience of all ages with respect and dignity. They may not have invented that kind of entertainment, but they rode it to a new plateau. Jim Henson was never afraid to tread new ground, always experimenting and improving, wanting to put out quality products that appealed to everyone.
The Muppets
As for the Pixar short before it – most of the jokes seem to be just the concepts of the fast food toy characters rather than actual story. But it is funny and does deal with abandonment issued and support groups. And some of those toys look like they come from neat fake franchises. I should just design fake Happy Meal toys as a hobby…
The Muppets
It’s time to start the music…

Gary (Jason Segel) – Our hero from Smalltown who loves his brother and also the lovely Mary. His attempts to please both of them cannot continue forever.
Mary (Amy Adams) – Gary’s long-suffering girl who has been waiting for him to propose for a decade now.
Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) – Evil oil baron who will buy the Muppet studios and tear it down to get oil. Spends most of the film trying to sabotage the plans to save the studio. And rapping.
Walter (Peter Linz) – Gary’s brother who was born a Muppet. Becomes obsessed with the Muppets and their number one fan. And begins the crusade to reunite them and save their theater from Tex Richman. As fun as Walter is to follow, I’m not sure he has what it takes to be an iconic Muppet. But when there’s a sequel they can probably come up with something cool to do with him.
Kermit (Steve Whitmire) – Our Muppet leader who realizes that the gang has dispersed and must go and get everyone back together to save the day again.
Miss Piggy (Eric Jacobson) – Kermit and Miss Piggy have gone their separate ways, largely due to her gracious forcing of issues vs. Kermit’s low-key attempts to keep everything together. She is now a high-profile fashion editor at Vogue. But true love cannot be defeated, even between a pig and a frog on two different continents.

The Muppets

Beavis Butthead Tech Support

Beavis and Butthead – Daughter’s Hand and Tech Support

Beavis and Butthead

And now let’s hit up the Second Episode of the revised Beavis and Butt-Head series!

Daughter’s Hand
Ignoring everything else, Daughter’s Hand features the return of Tom Anderson! It’s also hilarious! Watching an old time movie where a character asks for someone’s daughter’s hand leads to a perverted misunderstanding by the duo. The eventual conclusion features fisticuffs and the realization that the answer was right in front of them the whole time.

16 and Pregnant – The boys riff on a show packed to the gills with people stupider than them (and they know it!) Also some good commentary about if one girl is a bad actor or a bad person.
True Life – I Have a Paranormal Ability – Even Beavis and Butthead are aware that this woman is a fraud.

Tech Support
The pair head to the abandoned drive-in, only to find it is now an office park. Confused, they wander inside and are put to work running the tech support for the computer company. Hilarity ensues. Beavis and Butthead are not particularly good at the job, and begin turning coworker Hameed into one of them after the boss mistakes their quickness on the phone for being good at the job. This ends in disaster as a massive power outage causes looting just as Beavis and Butthead figure out how to get porn on their work computer. I also enjoy the cat picture on the cubical wall by Beavis.

Katy Perry – Firework – Beavis kind of likes the song, and as Butthead can’t let Beavis have any joy, he spends the rest of the song trashing him until Beavis kicks him in the crotch

Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Daughter's Hand
Beavis and Butthead Tech Support

Beavis and Butthead Tech Support
Beavis and Butthead Tech Support