D-War director Shim Hyung-rae has no money

If you were hoping for a sequel to D-War to materialize anytime soon, keep wishing on that star, because director/producer Shim Hyung-rae is all out of money, is being sued for money he says he doesn’t have, and has a batch of legal problems beyond the no money.

Shim Hyung-rae was a former comedian who made mad dough with his comic character Younggu – the namesake of his company Younggu-Art Entertainment. He also directed the Ureme series and the Yonggary remake. His latest attempt was the gigantic flop The Last Godfather. But by July of 2011, Younggu-Art Entertainment was broke and folded, with Shim claiming to be 41 billion won in debt (~$35 million) He’s now being sued by former employees for 890 million won ($760,000) in unpaid wages.

In addition, Shim faces weapons charges for having an illegally modified gas gun (what the frak??!) and is being alleged by his spurned ex-employees that he has a gambling problem and bribes politicians and businessmen with prostitutes.

What all this means, is no more D-War. A sad day for Korea, and a sad day for America.
Shim Hyung-rae

Miss Korea 1995 Han Sung-Ju 한성주 – the latest Korean Sex Scandal

There is a hilarious and confusion sex scandal happening in South Korea at the moment involving a bunch of alphabet letters, sex tapes, the mob, leaked medical records, abortions, urinating on laptops, and “he said, she said” tall tales. So here is what we know, as far as we can tell. Things may be wrong, but what are you going to do:

Han Sung-Ju (한성주 sometimes Han Sung-Joo), Miss Korea 1995, has turned that beauty queen prize into a career in media, namely being a tv star. She is totally not related to the person the Korean media are dubbing Celebrity A. So don’t get any ideas. Wink. There is also Individual B (Celebrity A’s ex-boyfriend) and Individual C (some dude uploading these things to the net)

At some point Celebrity A dated a Korean-American businessman named Individual B. They had a normal relationship where he gave her tons of money to buy all sorts of crap and new boobs, and also abortions. Then he dumped her, so she went nuts and had some mobsters beat him up and made him sign a NDA in his own blood. So Individual B is mad, and gives Individual C a bunch of stuff to release on the internet, including her passport, medical records, and photos and videos of A and B getting it on. The first video was short, but rumor has it more has hit the net. As you can guess, this has caused a media circus of hilarity, especially since everyone keeps using the Celebrity A name. We will all soon learn that ABC isn’t as easy as 123.

Wasp Woman in Tokyo – 猛毒Y談 吸血! 女王蜂!!

It’s time once again to alert you, the viewers at home, about some weirdo Japanese film. This time, we have Wasp Woman in Tokyo. The true story* (*not true at all) of a woman who took some supplements made out of wasps that magically turned her into a wasp woman, and also made her want to have sex with dudes. You know, wouldn’t be the first Japanese film I’ve seen where a woman dresses up as a stinging insect and runs around, because I’ve seen Queen Bee Honey, which is sort of a sexy Batman parody. I will also guess that Queen Bee Honey is a better film, but I’ll have to watch Wasp Woman in Tokyo to be sure. The trials of an internet website guy…

One of three films from a series that all have 3D and 2D versions. Because seeing this in 3D totally will add to the experience. Somehow. Stingers coming right at ya!

How can you look at this cover and not want to watch it?
Wasp Woman in Tokyo

The other two in the series:
Amaterasu Ohmikami

Amaterasu Omikami is “the great August kami (god) who shines in the heaven”, the goddess of the sun and the universe. I don’t know what will happen in the film, except there is an octopus-looking monster behind her on the poster. The translation of the synopsis mentions a sea-god. So expect something perverted! Starring Alice Ozawa
Linked for NSFW

Hihoukan Cannibalism
Hihoukans are Japanese sex museums, and you can probably guess the plot from the title and poster art now.
Linked for NSFW

Cool Gel Attacks

Cool Gel Attacks (Review)

Cool Gel Attacks

aka Kradeub aka กระดึ้

Directed by Jaturong “Mokjok” Phonboo

Alien goo monsters from space crashed into the Earth and start sucking the moisture/warmth from people. It’s up to two rival families to put aside their differences and save the planet. Cool Gel Attacks is a cool, refreshing burst of fun scifi monsterism in a world where fun romps are sorely lacking.

The cool gel monsters look like cool gel packs that you wear when you have fevers to cool down your body temperature. This method isn’t that common in the US, but at least according to this film, is the bee’s knees in Thailand. Ask anyone there, and they’ll tell you that they’re gellin’ like a felon. They eat melon because they’re gellin’. Magellan wishes he was as gellin’.

The beginning is a montagy showcase of a bicyclist who finds a mysterious gel thing on the road, which becomes a national phenomenon until scientists figure out it is just the insides of one of those cool gel packs. But by then, people are touching it for good luck and trying to determine lottery numbers.

You might think this is all fun and games, but it is 100% true! One woman even cooked up one of the gel packs and fed it to her kids to make them more intelligent. No word on what horrible brain damage eating the gel packs did to those poor kids. And now we know how the Thailand ET film will end! Just kidding, I have a Thailand ETish film that will get reviewed soon, and no one eats the alien. UFO interest has spiked up since the national headlines, and Thailand is becoming a minihotspot for alien activity. Aliens will even call you on the phone or communicate with you telepathically, as the many totally true alien stories from that link tell us.

Director Jaturong “Mokjok” Phonboon is a comedian who directs films on the side, and gets a bunch of his comedian buddies to star alongside him. Thsu, many of the goofy, silly Thai films you see when you go search on eThaicd have his fingerprints on them.

Teerachai (Jaturong “Mokjok” Phonboon) – Runs a steamed bun restaurant and feuds with his neighbor Maew. Father of Moo-Dang and Moo-sub. Has a special ingredient in his meat that is his secret, so don’t tell anyone it’s borax!
Maew (Jim Chuanchuen) – Runs an ice company next door to the steamed bun restaurant, the heat from which melts his ice prematurely. Is angry about that. Uncle of Sommhai and father of Shorty.
Sommhai (Nattapong “Freud” Chartpong) – Nephew of Maew who works at his plant, also in love with Moo-Dang, but Teerachai hates him.
Moo-Dang (Pattarasaya “Peak” Kruasuwansiri) – Daughter of Teerachai, who now works in his bun restaurant because she couldn’t find work after graduating. Carries on a secret love affair with Sommhai that’s always spoiled by her father. Moo-Dang means roasted pork. Daughter model who gained fame in the tv drama Ubat Ruk Kaam Kaub Fah (Love Beyond Frontier)
Cool Gel Aliens (CGI) – Alien space goo that fell to Earth and has come to remove all moisture and heat from their victims. Enter the bodies to best suck up the heat/moisture. The more they eat, the more they grow. Despite their gelatinous forms, these slugs reproduce sexually and lay dozens of eggs.

The Three Stooges Trailer

Left on a nun’s doorstep, Larry, Curly and Moe grow up finger-poking, nyuk-nyuking and woo-woo-wooing their way to uncharted levels of knuckleheaded misadventure. Out to save their childhood home, only The Three Stooges could become embroiled in an oddball murder plot…while also stumbling into starring in a phenomenally successful TV reality show.

Not being six years old nor missing half my brain, I don’t think I’ll enjoy this.

sean hayes stooges

Vampire Dog

Vampire Dog

Vampire Dog. It’s real.

Ace is just like any other new kid at school, until his grandfather from Transylvania dies at age 96 and sends him his dog Fang. Ace soon discovers that Fang is a vampire dog – and he speaks English! Mad scientist Dr. Warhol (Amy Matysio!!) and her bumbling assistant Frank try to capture Fang and steal his DNA in hopes of developing the latest anti-aging technology, but lucky for Ace the vampire dog manages to stay one step ahead of his pursuers. Along the way an enduring friendship forms when Ace and Fang discover that together they are unstoppable. – Written by Vampire Dog Productions Inc.