The Happytime Murders

Thanks to the success of the Muppets movie, things have now shaken loose for the film The Happytime Murders, a puppet/human murder mystery movie that has been in development since 2008. The Happytime Murders are set in a world where puppets and people live together, but puppets are treated as second-class citizens.

When the puppet cast of an 1980s kids TV show gets murdered one by one, a disgraced detective-turned-private eye puppet takes on the case.

Brian Henson will direct, and the script is written by Todd Berger and Dee Austin Robertson. And Katherine Heigl is going to be in it for some reason.

Grover Detective

Variety via twitter
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Check out this AWFUL 3D Star Wars Episode 1 Trailer

Yes, it’s cool to hate Lucas, but seriously, Episode 1, SERIOUSLY? You need to check out this trailer monstrosity designed to sucker poor innocent kids into seeing this film. The narration. THE NARRATION!! My brain…melted on the floor…out my ears…

For those of you who are lucky, you will be unaware that this trailer is narrated in the style of the Disney BLAM! If you aren’t lucky, then you clicked that link and are now wondering why there is a moron explaining everything happening during the cartoon and saying lame jokes. Apparently kids these days are wet cardboard box stupid or something.

At least check out this Disney BLAM! parody

Disney Star Wars

Adam Sandler is now the Lord of Candy Land

Remember back in the day when we were promised the Candy Land movie would be like Lord of the Rings, except everyone would probably get diabetes by the third film and be missing legs? Well, that dream is as dead as your dreams of becoming an astronaut, because now Adam Sandler will star in the Candy Land movie and co-write it with Robert Smigel. This is fallout of the collapse of the Universal/Hasbro deal, which also claimed the lives of the Clue movie among others. Stretch Armstrong jumped ship to Relativity Media, and now Sony snagged Candy Land. Will the Viewmaster movie find a place? What about the movie for Uno? Because we need an Uno movie. We need it to be like Lord of the Rings for card games…
eeyore costume

This image came up when i searched for "Adam Sandler Eating Candy", so here it is

Stretch Armstrong cannot die, extends release date to April 2014

Yes, that’s a terrible title pun. But regardless, the Stretch Armstrong film starring Taylor Lautner was dropped by Universal a short while back as Universal began pulling away from some of the Hasbro films (because Battleship is going to flop like 10,000 dolphins at Sea World!) But never fear, Relativity Media has come to save the day, and the now shirtless werewolf free Stretch Armstrong will be around to lose them money now!

The Stretch Armstrong toys are probably more interesting than the movie. Besides our hero Stretch Armstrong, the original 1970s line had Stretch Monster and Stretch Octopus!
Stretch Armstrong Stretch Monster Stretch Octopus

But when Stretch Armstrong was rebooted in the 1990s, he has a host of new villains! There was his evil brother Wretch Armstrong, the evil Vac-Man, and Stretch’s new canine companion Fetch Armstrong!
Wretch Armstrong
Fetch Armstrong

And let’s not forget this version, which sadly is not stingray-proof…
Steve Irwin Stretch Doll

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