Let's all increase movie prices because you don't like 3D!

That’s the predicted future of movies, increased ticket prices as the 3D and non-3D prices merge, causing 3D to cost less and non-3D to cost more. An article by Joe Paletta makes the prediction, and it makes sense, because movie studios and theaters are just dumb enough to do it! I expect they’ll be emboldened by increased attendance this year due to Hunger Games, Avengers, and Batman 3, and then try to ram the price increases down our throats as a “discount” to 3D purchasers. Except the only 3D action I’ll get is watching my bank account get vacuumed away…in 3D!

But don’t worry, you can make up for the extra costs by buying overpriced steak dinners or something. Now, I’m all for theaters having a bigger menu, I just know the food will be out of my price range, because I’m a cheap bastard.

Now, I’m no economist, but I am a guy who sees movies and has a budget, and one thing the ever-increasing price of films has done, is make me see less films in the theaters. I don’t even bothere with 3D, partially because 3D does little if anything to make me more immersed in the film (it is usually wasted or rarely used in many of the films I have seen it with) and partially because it just costs too much for too little of a return. I don’t really want to pay extra money to bail out theaters because the 3D gimmick is turning out to be the gimmick everyone said it was, and the easy way to counter that is to not go to theaters that initiate this price increase.


Poor Leela even hates 3D!

Midnight Run 2

Midnight Run 2 is somehow greenlit and getting made, which is shocking because the original came out so long ago I had to look up how young I was. One thing is clear, the title sounds like it should have been a Direct-to-DVD entry around 2007 or so. But De Niro is back and producing, so at least we avoid the whole someone is the son of the character from the first film mess that happens a lot in these late sequels. David Elliot & Paul Lovett are rewriting the script, you might remember them from writing GI Joe (which was generic) and will soon remember them from Four Brothers 2. Yes, Four Brothers 2, which will be out soon as well. Also spoiler alert, Four Brothers 2 will need another fourth brother, or maybe it will just be called Three Brothers. Perhaps they can kill off a brother each film until no one is left alive.

Brett Ratner is in negotiations to direct Midnight Run 2 with his company co-producing. As this might be closer to his Rush Hour films than X-Men 3 or Tower Heist, maybe it is a good idea.

We do not know if Charles Grodin will be back, though the article says he is open to the idea. Grodin spends a lot of his time doing volunteer advocacy work now, which is awesome.

via Deadline
Midnight Run

Zone Fighter Episode 15 – Chinbotsu! Gojira-yo Tokyo-wo Sukue

Zone Fighter Episode 15 – Chinbotsu! Gojira-yo Tokyo-wo Sukue

aka Submersion! Godzilla, Save Tokyo! aka It’s Sinking! Godzilla, Save Tokyo

March of Godzilla 2012
Written by Kohei Oguri & Norio Komata
Directed by Kengo Furusawa

Zone Fighter stumbles through another episode, where hundreds of people die due to the Garoga menace, but the Zone Family still doesn’t tell anyone in positions of authority on Earth about the alien invaders. Sorry, innocent people, I guess your lives just don’t matter. At least Godzilla shows up again. I was getting sick of these non-Godzilla episodes with giant chickens and exploding birthday cakes. So now that Godzilla is here we’ll have something awesome happen, right? Maybe? At least Godzilla seems to care more about everyone dying than the Zones, as Godzilla shows up out of nowhere to fight the Terror-Beast Zandora who is responsible for the chaos. Either that, or Godzilla is upset that Zandora looks like a giant wang. Either way, his appearance here is greatly appreciated!

Stop the world, I want to get off!

March of Godzilla 2012 is proud to bring yet another Godzilla Zone Fighter episode. If you are Zone Fighter ignorant, there is plenty of Zone Fighter information available on the Splash Page.

Godzilla and Zandora slow dance as Zone Fighter is buried under the ground

New opening credits? Holy Fratz! Instead of telling us the same boring story about Peaceland getting blown up each week, everything is now implied via effects shots as the Zone Fighter song plays. This opening is much better. Perhaps Zone Fighter is looking up!

When you build Warhammer maps on fault lines, things go bad…

There are earthquakes striking Tokyo. Instead of slight tremors, these are all like 9.5 Richter scale quakes! And since one single quake caused a huge tsunami and nuke meltdown and other problems in reality, the quakes shown briefly in the beginning would have destroyed Japan and half of Asia in real life!

Zone Fighter has a huge body count for a kids show.

Only Godzilla is awesome enough to headbutt a drill

Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark is coming!

Yes, it’s true! The Asylum has gone and done it, and announce the third film in the Mega Shark trilogy – Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark. This time, Mega Shark faces her greatest threat, her mechanical double, Mecha Shark! One would think that Mega Shark would also be Mecha Shark’s greatest threat, but you are wrong. Mecha Shark’s real greatest threat is rust!

I bet you didn’t see that joke coming, even though you should have!

Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark is just announced, so no real information about which former pop star/sitcom star will be fighting the giant shark, but we’ll let you know as soon as the world finds out.

You can read our review of Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus here, and look out for the upcoming Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus review, which might just feature some puppets…

And here is a bonus Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies teaser trailer, because, why the frak not??

via ObservationNotes

Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus

Alan Dean Foster's Sagramanda is now Sagramanda: A Movie of Near Future India

Sagramanda: A Novel of Near Future India by Alan Dean Foster has been optioned for a film by Hong Kong-based Agog Film Productions Ltd, and will soon hit theaters as Megacity Sagramanda. And by soon, I mean 2014, but that’s just because it takes that long to make it all super 3D and stuff. The world demands 3D.

Sagramanda: A Novel of Near Future India’s plot:

Set in Sagramanda, city of 100 million, this is the story of Taneer, a scientist who has absconded with his multinational corporation’s secret project code and who is now on the run from both the company and his father. Depahli, the fabulously beautiful woman from the ‘untouchable class’ would die for him, just as surely as his father would like to kill him for shaming the very traditional family for such a relationship. Chalcedony ‘Chal’ Schneemann doesn’t want to kill Taneer, if he doesn’t have to, but it wouldn’t upset him terribly much if it came to it, and he’ll stop at nothing to recover the stolen property for the company that pays him very, very well to solve big problems discreetly and quickly. Sanjay Ghosh, a poor farmer-turned-merchant in the big city of Sagramanda would like to help Taneer unload his stolen items, for the $30 million dollars his 3 percent fee is worth. Jena Chalmette, a crazy French woman pledged to Kali, simply wants to kill for the glory of her god, and she’s very good at it. Chief Inspector Keshu Singh would like to put this sword-wielding serial killer away as quickly as possible before the media gets a hold of the story. Then there’s a man-eating tiger, come in from the nearby jungle reserve and just looking for his next meal. This is a fast-paced and gripping techno-thriller set in an India just around the corner from today.

Ah, good. Kali stuff. Since this is a Hong Kong based production company, might we get actual Indian actors?

Sagramanda Alan Dean Foster

Prepare to meet Kali...in Hell!

The Red Star graphic novel getting movied

The Red Star is yet another comic series I’ve only heard of but not read that’s making its way to the silver screen now, directed by Josh Trank (of Chronicle fame) and written by Jason Rothenberg. The comic series is set in an alternate Soviet Union, featuring magic and future technology, and the big villain is basically Magic Stalin:

Over the course of several generations, the once mighty empire known as the United Republics of The Red Star slaughtered millions of it’s own people by the order of a single man. The man was their leader, Imbohl, a mighty sorcerer whose insanity turned his people’s Utopian dreams into a nightmarish scheme driven by the desire to create his own immortality. Haunted by the ghosts of their nation’s tragic past, the Heroes of the Red Star discover the true nature of their nation’s struggle, abandon their duties as soldiers of the Red Fleet, and embark upon a quest to liberate their people from Imbohl’s dark legacy. The Battle of Kar Dathra’s Gate is a fictionalization of the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Kids love Soviet invasion of Afghanistan movies, and they’ll love them twice as much with wizards! Am I the only one who sees all the Soviet stuff as a stumbling block? But maybe it will do well and clear the way for Superman: Red Son to finally get made (yeah, right, we’ll be lucky if that becomes a WB direct-to-DVD cartoon!) I admit I would see this film, I just don’t know if America will see it. Though there is a Red Star video game, so who knows? Certainly not The Shadow, that guy just looks up things on Wikipedia while pretending to know. I’m on to you, Shadow!

The Red Star

Sky Captain THIS!

Pic via