The Mummy gets rebooted

And the details aren’t under wraps! 😉 Okay, that pun was lame, but even though no one could call Brendan Fraser’s The Mummy movies high class entertainment, they were enjoyable and fun (though less so with each sequel.) They also gave us the Scorpion King spinoff and its various sequels and prequels and whatnot, including the latest entry, The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption, which came out earlier this year. So will a reboot trash the once proud Scorpion King franchise? Or will they continue to be pumped out as long as they make money as well. Two universes living as one.

Prometheus writer Jon Spaihts will take care of the script and Sean Daniel will produce. If his name sounds familiar, it’s because he produced the prior The Mummy films. It sounds like they want to make a giant adventure and not a Twilight ripoff, which is good. It’s also good that Universal still has some faith in their monster movie catalog after the recent failure of The Wolfman.


Yummy Mummy Cereal

Now with marshmallow Scorpions!

Is the Clerks cartoon returning in unknown form?

Maybe! Kevin Smith himself said via Twitter that Miramax 2.0 and him are looking to bring Clerks: the Animated Series back in a format not mentioned in the 140 characters used to tweet.

“Via @Just_Reboot ‘Clerks cartoon was brilliant, I rewatch it bi-monthly’ @Miramax 2.0 and I are hoping to give you new eps weekly next year.”

This is more than we could have hoped for! By now everyone knows that the cartoon had 6 episodes, only 2 aired, out of order, and the whole thing got dumped until it hit DVD and suddenly was awesomely popular. Then the Clerks: Sell Out animated film tempted us with rumors of it maybe reaching production at some point, but nothing doing, the Weinsteins and Disney had a huge falling out, and everything went crappy.

But now that Miramax is not owned by Disney, times are a’changing, and Clerks are a’clerking! I can tell you this: No matter what format this comes out in, I will watch new episodes of Clerks: the Animated Series, even if it sucks as bad as the Spaceballs cartoon did. I may not like some of Smith’s later works, but the Clerks films are awesome and the cartoon was genius. I hope they use some of the mentioned plots during the commentaries.

via GeeksofDoom

Bear is driving

How can this be?

Fairly Oddparents Grow Up timmy Turner

A Fairly Odd Christmas – A 2nd live-action Fairly Oddparents movie!

A Fairly Odd Christmas is a sequel to A Fairly OddMovie: Grow Up Timmy Turner, the Drake Bell starring live action adaptation of the cartoon series that turned out to be actually good! This time, Timmy Turner and his fairy godparents must save Christmas and get himself off of the naughty list! Daniella Monet is also return. That’s about all the info we have at this time, care of a Nickelodeon press release. No word on if Jason Alexander or Cheryl Hines will reprise their roles. But rest assured, we will be watching A Fairly Odd Christmas, and we will be Fairly Odd ourselves!

There is also going to be a third Fred movie – Fred Goes to Camp – but Fred can go die in a hole.


Drake Bell Daniella Monet Fairly Oddparents Timmy Turner

We will kill Fred and leave him as a warning to others....

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Review)

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Written by Ol Parker (screenplay) and Deborah Moggach (novel “These Foolish Things”)
Directed by John Madden

In the West, our society doesn’t have the best track record in taking care of the elderly. In fact, it’s pretty awful in America to be old, with our bizarre obsession with the worship of youth. People spend billions trying to look younger, and old people are shuttered away in homes and retirement communities, ignored by their kids. Old people are written off as crabby grumps, except for the occasional “rockin’ grandma” stereotype. Quite frankly, it sucks. So when The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel started appearing on the trailer radar, you can imagine how quickly the youth of today ignored it and went back to Facebook on their smartphones. Which is a shame, because The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a great film. It is uplifting and inspiring, a film that will make you feel good.

Once The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel began, we were in for a treat. A story that deals with the plight of older retirees, for whom the cards didn’t fall just right and through various financial, medical, or personal reasons have decided to spend their twilight years in India at a hotel designed to cater to their needs. (To outsource their retirement, as the hotel owner states!)

Once again, TarsTarkas.NET has sold out and attended another advanced screening for free, because we have the golden touch of acquiring free tickets from gullible studios! Take that, big money! Tracking down free screenings is becoming my favorite game, though the princess might be in another castle, I can often find tickets lying around her empty room…

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel features a wide array of awesome British actors and actresses, who I have seen in more movies than I can count over the years (I was going to count, and then lost count and gave up!) Instead of a paragraph explaining everyone, I’ll do it in Roll Call form, because that’s what makes TarsTarkas.NET feel like TarsTarkas.NET!

Evelyn (Judi Dench) – A widowed housewife, who let her husband take care of the financials and never asked questions. Thus she’s forced to sell her house to pay off his debts and move to India to retire, and to finally have an adventure. Her blog on her time at the hotel serves as narration and reflection.
Muriel (Maggie Smith) – A former nanny with a bad hip and a bad attitude to those of darker skin. But the only way to get her hip replaced quickly is through a hospital in India, thus her journey to the hotel and the Indian experience. She spent her whole life caring for another family that she didn’t bother with one for herself.
Graham (Tom Wilkinson) – A judge who finally retires after threatening to do so for many years. Graham grew up in India and returns to find the boy he grew up with and loved, only to cause drama among their families when they were discovered and Graham was sent back to the UK.
Douglas (Bill Nighy) – Douglas has been married to his wife Jean (Penelope Wilton) for 39 years, but their retirement is gone thanks to an investment in their daughter’s company that didn’t pan out, and their future seems bleak in an awful retirement community, until they decide to take a chance on the Marigold Hotel. Douglas loves India and grows beyond his useless henpecked self thanks to the country.
Sonny (Dev Patel) – Owner of the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel that he inherited from his father, the prior operator. Has big plans for the facility, but is stymied by lack of funds and lack of his mother’s enthusiasm of both his dreams for the hotel and the woman he wants to marry, a telemarketer named Sunaina (Tena Desae)

Godzilla battles the Tricephalon Monster

March of Godzilla 2012
Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster

From HB Toys comes one of the awesomer older Godzilla toys, 1978’s Godzilla battles the Tricephalon Monster playset. Featuring Godzilla and a brand new monster, The Tricephalon Monster, who looks like some sort of illegitimate child of Mecha-King Ghidorah! This set came with a whole slew of toys and vehicles to make your giant monster battle in a city come alive! Just look at this list:

The Tricephalon Monster
18 Soldiers
18 Civilians
2 Jeeps
2 Tanks
3 Civilian Vehicles
2 Jet Fighters
1 Ambulance
1 Automobile
1 Police Car
1 Shell Firing Battleship
1 22″ x 28″ Diorama
1 30′ x 30″ vinyl playsheet
1 Bridge
Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster
Yes, this is a set that has fleeing civilians! In fact, this is the only monster related bunch of toys that I know of that features civilians and victims besides the B-Movie Victims toys set from a few years ago. Godzilla is free to stomp on everything and beat up that Tricephalon guy, because, he just should! Take that, Tricephalon! As far as I know, Tricephalon Monster hasn’t been used again in anything, probably because he belongs to HB Toys, who probably didn’t get the rights for King Ghidorah as Toho likes to charge buckets of money for each monster. Other one-shot monsters show up in both the Marvel comics for Godzilla and the Godzilla cartoon where Godzooky was allowed to run free. Damn you, Godzooky!
Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster
Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster
Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster
Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster

HG Toys also made a set of Godzilla puzzles featuring the same artwork as on the Godzilla vs the Tricephalon Monster box.
Godzilla HB Toys Puzzles
Godzilla HB Toys Puzzles

Schwarzenegger, DeVito, and Murphy are Triplets

Mega Triplets! Remember that movie Twins? With Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito? It was funny, it was okay, it had a guy crushed by miles of chains falling on his head. They were brothers, yet they looked different. Total wacky! Let’s forget they later made a movie where Schwarzenegger was preggers. Now, 25 years later…It’s time for the Twins…to be Triplets! Yes, there was a brother from another mother, and he’s a brother…Eddie Murphy! Doesn’t this sound like a movie you would watch? Why are you shaking your head? You know you will watch this. I’ll strap you to the chair if I have too. Hey, get back here! I can chase you down! You can’t escape, you’re watching this! I’ve run marathons, you can’t runaway from Triplets!!!!!!

via THR


Whizzing away, just like this movie.... (alternative caption: "My back teeth are floating!")