Library Wars

Don't feed these links after midnight…

Pizza Hut Photobomb

I’m going to format these a little differently from now on, putting the links to other websites first and the news stories second, that way less good people get buried beneath mediocre news!

**Pre-Code watches the Calvacade!

**Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear goes 23 Skidoo!

**Turban Decay faces Zero Dark Thirty!

**Beth Loves Bollywood’s Beth Watkins stops by The Cultural Gutter to give tips on Using Fantasy To Be Better Than We Are In Real Life!

**Fist of B-List battles a Psycho Kickboxer!

**Blueprint: Review and the Weekend of Trash IX!

**Pulp Curry and Wallace Stroby give us the best 5 crime films you’ve never seen!

**Kyle Baker put up a whole ton of his comics for free!

**Check out the fantabulous art of Scott C., and feel guilty for the drawings you don’t recognize!

**This drawing of a teddy bear with a wooden sword protecting a girl from a giant monster has been optioned for a film starring The Rock. What you hear is the sound of a thousand people breaking out their sketch pads! You can thank Ted for this.

**The Rock is also Hercules in Brett Ratner’s Hercules!

**A remake of Romancing the Stone is a possibility. Because kids love a good Romancing the Stone flick…

**French action crime flick Point Blank is getting both a US and a Korean remake. The US version is rumored to be produced by Mark Wahlberg, while the Korean version will be directed by Juhn Jai-hong (a former protege of Kim Ki-duk)

**Speaking of Kim Ki-duk and his proteges, another one (Shin Yeon-shik) will be directing Rough Play, an action thriller Kim Ki-duk wrote and is producing. Boy band singer Lee Jun stars, he was also in Ninja Assassin. The plot deals with an actor who gets big overnight and the danger that entails.

**A Gremlins reboot is simmering once again.

And we’re outta here, until the next time we’re in here. Which will be soon.

Killer Joe

Fight alongside Taiwanese tokusatsu-themed flick Machi Action!

Machi Action is a tokusatsu flick with a twist, as it’s about the actors who star in the tokusatsu shows. Specifically, it’s about the actor who plays Cosmo Universe Space Hero Fly, and what happens when his low-rated show is replaced by a newer, cooler show with a better suit and a more hip actor. The acto then needs to find himself and become the sort of hero he played on tv. Judging from the look of Machi Action, director Zhang Shilin “borrowed” a lot of the visual style from some of the Kamen Rider series. Which isn’t a bad thing (and wouldn’t be the only time Taiwan had their own version of “Kamen Rider” properties.) Bolin Chen plays the soon-to-be unemployed actor.

via Maser Patrol

Here are some pics I ganked off the official Facebook page for Machi Action!

RiffTrax Presents Night of the Shorts IV: Riffizens on Patrol – RiffTrax Trip Report

Rifftrax Shorts SFSketchfest

It’s the time of the year when SFSketchfest puts on a bazillion awesome shows that would break my budget for life if I went to all of them. So instead I just go to the ones I can afford, and it seems every year the main one is the latest RiffTrax live riffing. This year is no different, as RiffTrax Presents Night of the Shorts IV: Riffizens on Patrol became the show to go see live.

As usual for a Night of the Shorts spot, we got a collection of “educational” films, of which the educational value is suspect at best, and non-existent for most. Several of the shorts are available for purchase off the RiffTrax site, though at least two are not available in any form yet. Seeing the live riffs adds an extra sense of enjoyment, as you are in a crowded theater full of energy (the wonderful Castro Theater) and the energy feeds the performers, who give it their all. Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett were joined by several guest riffers, though they did brave two of the shorts on their lonesome. So let’s dig in…

Welcome Home Norman – People will remember this short from the Manos RiffTrax Live (which was also replaying in theaters nationwide that day!), as Norman is a guy who can’t understand parking, parking lots, or putting suitcases in the trunk. What he can understand is giving a sigh that emotes the complete destroying of all happiness in the world.

Perc! Pop! Sprinkle! (w/ Guest Riffers Cole Stratton and Janet Varney) – A confusing short about teaching children body movement or something, by having them imitate random household appliances. And various different kinds of lawn sprinklers. The scenes of the children “moving” have a weird interpretive dance feel, and it’s obvious that most of this film’s budget when to whatever drugs the director was on.

Choking: To Save a Life (w/ Guest Riffer Kevin McDonald) – A very overly-explaining film about choking, complete with long demonstrations of man on man Heimlich and back-slapping. And then man on boy. Very, very long. Almost as if there was a different, hidden message for this short. Highlight was the Orson Welles character who stopped eating due to the narrator continually talking about how dangerous choking is.

More Dangerous Than Dynamite (w/ Guest Riffer Adam Savage) – When I first saw this short at the Reefer Madness Live Show, I couldn’t believe that people once used gasoline to clean clothes at home. But it happened enough the dry cleaning industry teamed up with the government of California to make propaganda films to scare people into knocking it off. It’s even more surreal seeing it again on the big screen, with Mythbusters and explosives expert Adam Savage also incredibly confused that gas was used in such a way.

Cooking Terms – Women, don’t know nothing about words, even words from fancy books like recipe books. Cooking Terms will teach those women the important words like “boil” and “brown” so they can get back to what they do best, making cake for lunch.

A clown makeup short that I can’t remember the name of (w/ Guest Riffer Kristen Schaal) – Who wants to watch a short where a talking mirror convinces a sad mime and some ICP acolytes that being a clown isn’t what’s down in modern America? Well, too bad, because that’s what this is! If you enjoy children in freaking clown makeup acting like hooligans, then you will love whatever the name of this short was. As it doesn’t seem to be for sale, perhaps we are all saved from the clown invasion.

At Your Fingertips: Cylinders (w/ Guest Riffer Paul F. Tompkins) – At Your Fingertips is the greatest series of films that were ever made, so it’s fitting that we watch as children construct garbage from old oatmeal canisters and toilet paper tubes. Worth watching for the ridiculous zebra and the robot torture.

Another fun year with some fun shorts, in a packed house. Mike’s return after a two year absence was also welcome. I am looking forward to next year already.

Shadow of the Colossus movie lumbers forward

Shadow of the Colossus

The classic game Shadow of the Colossus has been optioned for a feature for Sony. Shadow of the Colossus is one of those games that is often mentioned in the “Are video games art?” debates, and has a whole host of obsessive fans (rightfully so!) The game may be one of the greatest of all time (though it’s no Dig Dug!)

Shadow of the Colossus was optioned in 2009, but there was little word until Chronicle director Josh Trank was attached in 2012 (he’s also working on The Red Star and the Fantastic Four reboot.) Seth Lochhead will be writing the film. This will be one of those films that everyone will have high demands of, so hopefully it gets pulled off correctly. Because if they don’t, it will be a disaster and the internet will run red with the comments of the damned!

via THR
image via

Housewives from Another World

Godyssey somehow becoming a movie

godyssey Liefeld

Maybe the Mayans were right and 2012 was the end of the world, because that’s the only explanation I can figure for why Rob Liefeld’s Godyssey is getting a motion picture deal.

The comic opened with the Greek gods taunting Jesus while he was on the cross, prompting Jesus to get off the cross and kicks their butts. This turns out to be a dream sequence, but the comic’s plot follows a potential war between the various gods. Fallen angel Avengelyne and someone named Fallen who I don’t remember at all are the main characters. Like all Liefeld books there are plenty of pouches and teeth and distorted bodies, but not a foot to be found. I’m sure this will be as successful as that Youngblood movie that was supposed to happen.

via ComicBookMovie