An Inaccurate Memoir

Rifftrax news stuff – Kickstarter, Cool As Ice, Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Aro He-Man

Here is a bunch of RiffTrax news that never made it to the site. If you haven’t heard of this, it’s news to you!

RiffTrax launched a Kickstarter to get enough money to deliver a comically large check to Summit Entertainment in order to get the rights to riff Twilight in theaters during one of their RiffTrax Live events. They’ve already zoomed past their goal but extra money means more money they can wave in front of Summit and Lionsgate. Fallback is to get something almost as awesome. Disclaimer: I will probably donate to this Kickstarter to get a bunch of the digital goodies.

Speaking of RiffTrax and Twilight, the RiffTrax for Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 has appeared! Praise the Volturi! The Twilight RiffTrax are among the most funniest they do, and I’m looking forward to this one!

“You see, son, sometimes, when a shirtless teenage werewolf and a newborn love each other, very, very much…” Baby girlfriends! International squads of vampires with a host of mutant superpowers that should be blood in the water to Marvel’s legal department! A final, epic showdown between the forces of vampire “evil” and vampire “meh, whatever”! All that sounds amazing, right! It’s what we’ve been building to for four movies, right??? Like, something’s finally gonna happen! RIGHT??????

Ah ha ha haaaa, remarkable. Believing this series would pay off in any way… to paraphrase Twilight: New Moon songstress Lykke Li, “There’s no posssibilityyyyyy.” This movie is mostly about an extended vampire family gathering to show support for Bella, its newest, most insipid and simpering member. Because that’s why people love vampires — to see them form coalitions of understanding, and talk out their differences.

But there’s hope, in the form of effete ancient men in red – that’s right, more Volturi than ever before! And the great Michael Sheen offering a cackle of delight so extraordinary that the petition to make it part of his eventual Oscar death reel should begin NOW.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they hide in the mustache of Mustache Dad for one last journey into the land of vampire sensitivity, Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2!

If you prefer your riffs presynched and starring white rappers from the 90s, does RiffTrax have a deal for you, as their latest VOD film is Cool As Ice!

Vanilla Ice’s album To The Extreme sold fifteen million copies. It is important to keep this in mind while you watch Cool As Ice, because at some point in time, you will inevitably shriek at the TV, “Who thought this was a good idea? How did this happen? Are they really trying to make ‘yep yep’ his catchphrase? Why???” And the answer to most of those questions is: Vanilla Ice’s album To The Extreme sold fifteen million copies.

Vanilla Ice (That’s My Boy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret Of The Ooze) stars as a troubled French missionary volunteering at a refugee camp in the Sudan we’re just kidding he plays a white rapper. The only stretch he gives his acting abilities is playing a character named “Johnny” instead of his real name. At this moment, we will point out for the record that his hilarious real name is Robert Van Winkle.

The sleepy little town that Vanilla rides his motorcycle through is not prepared for his chillaxed baditude and funky fresh fashions. Or perhaps they are just stunned that in a movie whose entire reason for existence is the star had a wildly popular album, none of the songs from said wildly popular album make an appearance. No Ice Ice Baby. No Play That Funky Music. Not even Havin’ A Roni. In fact, there is not even the vaguest hint that there was even a Roni anywhere to be Had on the set of Cool As Ice.

Despite the lack of Ronis, Cool As Ice is still one of the finest looking bad movies of all time. This is because the director of photography went on to do the cinematography for films such as Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan and Lincoln. That’s right, a mere three years after Janusz Kaminski made sure that Vanilla Ice’s Stussy shirt was properly lit during the construction site frolicking scene, he was finding the right lens to shoot Liam Neeson’s “I could have got more” speech in Schindler’s List.

It is perhaps the only movie that is more 90s than the entirety of VH1s I Love The 90s series. Stop, collaborate and listen as Mike, Kevin and Bill team up to riff Cool As Ice.

Cool As Ice RiffTrax

Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 RiffTrax

A Goosebumps film means I will demand Slappy the Dummy be in it!

Slappy the Dummy Goosebumps

Sony is set on making a Goosebumps feature film (based on the long-running Young Adult horror book franchise. Remember the 90s? Remember Doug? Remember R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps?) Rob Letterman (Shark Tale, Monsters vs. Aliens) is in negotiations to direct. The only Letterman film I even remotely like is Shark Tale, Monsters vs. Aliens is boring with a capital BORING, while Gulliver’s Travels is Gulliver’s Travels.

Mainly I want this to happen and have Slappy the Dummy star because I want to see legitimate news outlets talk seriously about something called Slappy the Dummy. He was on the tv show, and ventriloquist dolls can be creepy as heck! Given how little Letterman has delivered for me mixed with Goosebumps being one of those franchises that nostalgia will make people think it deserves a better movie than it will get, and this could be anywhere from terrible to a sweet surprise.

But it better have Slappy the Dummy!!!!!

via Deadline
image via

Wolfcop is your new packmaster!

What do you do when you are a werewolf, but a bum knee injury sidelines your basketball career? Time to hit up the Police Academy and become Wolfcop! He’s a werewolf, he’s a cop, he’s his own Odd Couple! Currently just a concept trailer as Wolfcop begins fundraising through competing on Cinecoup, this is one B-movie that looks like it could be something special.

It’s not unusual for alcoholic cop Lou Garou to black out and wake up in unfamiliar surroundings, but lately things have taken a strange turn. Crime scenes seem oddly familiar. Lou’s senses are heightened, and when the full moon is out, he’s a rage-fueled werewolf. WOLFCOP is one cop’s quest to become a better man…

One transformation at a time.

Director and writer Lowell Dean is fresh off his zombie flick, 13 Eerie. Let’s hope Wolfcop kicks some butt in the Cinecoup competition (you can join the site and vote for the film if you like) and soon will come direct from Canada to your brain, werewolf style!

Official site
Wolfcop Poster

An Inaccurate Memoir

2016: Obama's America to get even dumber "sequel", America

America D'Souza

Dinesh D’Souza is taking a break from cheating on his wife to try to rake in some more cash (after all, he did resign in a totally not forced way because he can’t keep it in his pants!) and putting out a sequel to his hit documentary 2016: Obama’s America. You might remember 2016 is the second highest grossing political documentary of all time (at $33 million, to Fahrenheit 9/11‘s $119.1 million)

America will be a pseudodocumentary featuring a world where America never existed.

In America, D’Souza intends to re-create some famous moments in American history and ask the question: What would the world be like if the U.S. had not existed? He likened America, in fact, to Frank Capra’s 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life, in which George Bailey learns what his town would have been like had he never lived.
“President Obama looks at America as an oppressive force,” D’Souza said, “while I and millions of others around the world have a different view: that America has been a great blessing to its own people and to the world.”

It also makes sure to tell you what the fuck REAL INDIANS are, you ignorant idiots! I also enjoy D’Souza’s logic behind this film: Saying something can be improved=wishing it never existed. That really explains so much.

D’Souza once again teams up with producer Gerald Molen, and John Sullivan is set to direct for a mid-2014 release. Just in time to “influence” more elections. Will there be free copies of this one sent out like 2016? Will the country even exist by 2014, if the movie 2016 is to be believed? Because I think by then it should be too late and we’re all dying, so who’s gonna take some time and see a movie? It’s almost as if this is made up junk being peddled to suckers…

We covered 2016 and similar conservative documentaries here, including mentioning Movie to Movement, who will undoubtedly be involved again.


If you can’t get enough of crazy rightwing nuthouse movies, don’t miss this spectacular fake trailer from the Tea Party Patriots – A Movement On Fire!

Escape From Prequels

Escape From New York

If you liked Escape From New York and Escape From LA, but thought that we needed a prequel remake trilogy, then you are certifiable. And also in luck, because that’s what we’re getting! Studio Canal is working with Joel Silver’s Silver Pictures to bring the new trilogy to life. So far, all they’ve done is a few brainstorming sessions (if that) and dropped the press release to Deadline, but eventually they’ll have a writer and director and a new Snake Plissken cast that will upset 95% of the internet.

There was a prior Escape From New York remake in the pipeline, but I heard it was dead. Maybe America will escape again…

Via Deadline
Image via Sean Hartter’s awesome blog

International Gorillay

International Gorillay

aka International Guerillas

Written by Nasir Adib
Dialogue by Zahoor Ahmed and Sikandar Khanna
Directed by Jan Mohammed

International Gorillay
Salman Rushdie – Evil and OCD sufferer.

International Gorillay is the greatest James Bond movie ever made. It’s also an amazing cultural artifact from a time not so long ago with things were very different but also very similar to modern day. The true life story of Salman Rushdie and The Satanic Verses that International Gorillay is a reaction to is by itself something worthy of a movie. But a ridiculous action film warped history tale…that’s something better! First, let’s just ignore the gigantic irony of using Western movie elements to make a film critical of Western culture. Because that’s part of the point, this is simply a cash grab to make money off the latest craze!

International Gorillay
This, and our amazing collection of Diane Fossey memorabilia!

But to understand what the massive anger and protests and political football was that created International Gorillay was, we have to go back to the beginning. The title The Satanic Verses comes from the name given by Western scholars to a story about verses that were replaced in the original telling of the Qur’an.

International Gorillay
Brain scrambling, divine intervention style!

In the old days, the city of Mecca was the usual potpourri of religions, with all sorts of random gods that specialized in various things. At the gates to the city were three shrines to the goddesses Allāt, al-‘Uzzā, and Manāt (each was considered a daughter of God.) Due to the location of these shrines, merchants and traders would routinely stop by one of the shrines and give offerings. Thus the families that controlled each of the three shrines obtained wealth and influence in the city. Muhammad did not belong to any of those families, he grew up as an orphan raised by his uncle, but would marry into a different influential family. What Muhammad did do was retreat into the wilderness to pray, and during one such retreat at the age of 40 in the Cave of Hira, he had his first encounter with the angel Gabriel, who would tell him the scriptures that would eventually become the Qur’an.

International Gorillay
International Gorillay takes a stand against franchise rebooting!

Gabriel would tell Muhammad the verses, who then recited it to his followers to memorize. At this point most of his followers were illiterate. They would begin to learn how to write so they could record parts of scripture on all sorts of objects. Muhammad pushed monotheism, which lead to his followers being persecuted in Mecca by the followers of the various other deities, especially the powerful families that controlled Al-Lat, Al-‘Uzzá, and Manāt. Muhammad continued to add new scriptures over 23 years, and it wasn’t until after Muhammad’s death that the Qur’an was collected into one volume.

During one of these trips, Muhammad told a scripture that spoke praise to Al-Lat, Al-‘Uzzá, and Manāt, and added them to God’s pantheon. His followers rejoiced, and it seemed the persecution would end with the acceptance of the goddesses. But, a little while later, Muhammad returned from another trip with the news that the passage he had recited was not accurate, and instead gave a corrected version that dissed on Al-Lat, Al-‘Uzzá, and Manāt.

International Gorillay
Flying folding chairs?!?!

There are a few stories as to what transpired. One tale is that Muhammad had been tricked, the prior visit from the angel Gabriel hadn’t been from Gabriel, but from the Devil in disguise, who had planted untrue scripture in a test of temptation much like Jesus went through. Another theory is that Muhammad was tempted to end the persecution of his people by accepting the three goddesses into the Muslim pantheon, but later decided against it/was chastised by Gabriel. Other scholars say that it wasn’t Muhammad that was mistaken, but some of his Meccan followers who changed the verses to try to ease their persecution. Due to how the Qur’an was compiled, the original version of the text was never included in a collected volume, and even the story does not exist in the original work, but is found in outside sources (relatively contemporary biographies of Muhammad.) The term “Satanic Verses” is a Western invention, coined by Sir William Muir in 1858 and were considered a minor debate in the religion. The “satanic” verses in question were in Surat An-Najm [53:19-20]:

Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá
and Manāt, the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for.

And are replaced by this accepted version at [53:19-23].

Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzza
And Manat, the third, the other?
Are yours the males and His the females?
That indeed were an unfair division!
They are not but [mere] names you have named them – you and your forefathers – for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption and what [their] souls desire, and there has already come to them from their Lord guidance.

International Gorillay
This version of Multiplicity sucks.

The whole thing would be relatively unknown today had a young Salman Rushdie not heard of the tale and years later decided it would make a good title for a book. Rushdie began work in 1984 on what would be his fourth novel. Having grown up in a Muslim family in India, most of Rushdie’s work is set in the Indian subcontinent region.

International Gorillay