Godzilla Marvel #2 cover

Godzilla #2 (September 1977)

Godzilla Marvel 2

The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid. And Godzilla will answer!

Godzilla #2 – Thunder in the Darkness! (September 1977)
Writer – Doug Moench
Artists – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin

Seattle under siege! Godzilla has popped out of the ocean near Seattle, still angry with pain from the big laser he was blasted with in issue #1. A wounded animal is especially dangerous, and a wounded Godzilla is like armageddon had a wounded baby. Or something. But the point is, Godzilla is mad and now Seattle is going to pay the price!

Gabriel Jones makes his first appearance as a member of the newly formed Godzilla Squad. That’s the official designation for the team lead by Dum Dum that will be tasked to stop Big G from trashing the entire country. Nick Fury is busy. Doing things. One eye things. Don’t ask about Nick Fury.

Godzilla Marvel 2

He tried to talk to me about Godzilla comics!

We get more back story of Godzilla’s origin, showing Godzilla battling a red four-armed tyrannosaurus with eye stalks and a blue giant bird/roc with a spiked club for a tail. I want to see these battles! Both monsters are postulated as mutants that were awakened by the nuclear explosion like Godzilla. This is a cool potential origin for more monsters, but only one future monster uses this origin, and it comes from a different nuclear explosion.

Godzilla Marvel 2

Big Baby, huh? Let me show you my diaper, human!

Tamara Hasioka says Godzilla is like a natural force – not good or evil. This I believe is the first time Godzilla is explicitly mentioned this way, though some of the later 1970s Godzilla films sort of imply this. Robert declares that Godzilla is good because he’s saved Earth from worse monsters. Robert is like the Kenny of the Godzilla Marvel series.

Godzilla Squad dresses up using new spanflex armor, while Tony Stark is name-dropped constantly (he is building all the fantastic weapons that will continually appear throughout the series.) Besides this issue, I don’t think the term “spanflex” is mentioned again.

Godzilla attacks the Space Needle, because, why not? What else is Godzilla going to attack in Seattle? The Kingdome had just been built at this point so that’s a landmark no one will know, nor remember as it has since been blown up. Godzilla Squad decides to turn off the power to Seattle to minimize damage from a power plant. But after witnessing Godzilla continuing to attack the Space Needle because it is in flames, the light the only thing that shows up in the dark, Godzilla Squad gets the idea to lure Godzilla out to sea with a trail of bright light beacons. When Godzilla gets to the ocean, SHIELD pushes him in via some sort of collapsible block weapon (which is never seen again!)

Where will Godzilla pop up next issue? Will Godzilla’s attention to the West Coast prompt a rival East Coast monster to diss Godzilla in a rap song? Find out soon!

Godzilla Marvel 1

Godzilla #1 (August 1977)

Godzilla Marvel 1

Exxon Valdez THIS!

Godzilla #1 – The Coming! (August 1977)
Writer – Doug Moench
Artists – Herb Trimpe & Jim Mooney
Editor – Archie Goodwin

The Godzilla series sets off right as Big G takes his first steps onto American soil, and sets up many of the story themes that will echo throughout the run: environmentalism, Godzilla not as an evil monster, Godzilla misunderstood by humans, characters who grow attached to Godzilla, and humans all but helpless in the face of so awesome a monster. Godzilla’s actions are described by the narrator in place of thought balloons, and the narrator is often sympathetic to the monster (and is backed up by Godzilla’s actions.) For a rundown on the cast, be sure to stop by the Godzilla Marvel Comics Splash Page!

Godzilla awakens in an iceberg off the coast of Alaska. He immediately trashes a lighthouse (Holy Foghorn reference, Batman!) then goes to attack the Alaskan Pipeline. At this point the US is in the middle of the oil embargo, and oil is considered a precious commodity even more than today’s ridiculous gas prices. So Godzilla’s attack is more devestating than it looks. The narration constantly refers to the US oil addiction and how much the US relies on the oil (and it is a continual theme in the Godzilla comic series as wel shall see.) Godzilla’s attacks are not characterized as the work of a mindless evil monster.

Dum Dum Dugan and Agent Jimmy Woo are sent to deal with this mess in a helicarrier. Godzilla shrugs off their various flying weaponry without a scratch.

Godzilla Marvel 1

Godzilla is angry he’s being served by Jimmy Woo and Dum Dum!

Nick Fury arrives with guests: Dr. Yuriko Takiguchi, Tamara Hasioka, and Robert Takiguchi. Dr. Takiguchi claims to have secret plans to stop Godzilla. A bit of Godzilla’s origin after an underseas nuclear test and Dr. Takiguchi’s involvement as lone dissenter and lone survivor are detailed as well.

Godzilla manages to destroy part of the Alaskan Pipeline, and then is blasted with SHIELD’s really big laser. Godzilla is injured, but then immediately destroys the weapon.

SHIELD is left at a loss for options, unable to stop something so powerful as Godzilla. Will they find something by next issue???

Godzilla Marvel 1

Just another lazy Sunday

Six Inch Alien Body: The Documentary

Sirius alien

Sirius is an upcoming documentary about that six inch alien corspe they found in Chile a few months ago. You remember that, right? It was in all the papers, all the blogs, all the internets. It shocked the world because it proved we are not alone. That there was life on other planets and that life was very small and came to Earth to hang out in the desert of Chile. Or perhaps there was no news on this, because it is a complete hoax. No, it must be a conspiracy. A conspiracy of people owned by the six inch aliens who are attempting to cover up any evidence of their existance and their fondness for hanging out in the desert.

When you think about it, it all makes sense. What is in the desert? Area 51! What is 5+1? 6! 6 inch alien! What else is in the desert? Burning Man! Now, I’m not saying that Burning Man is a conspiracy cooked up to smuggle aliens into Earth’s cities, but there isn’t any evidence to the contrary, so draw your own conclusions, and think twice before taking those “drugs” your partying friend offers you, because they are just alien mind control jizz pills.

The film, called “Sirius,” will also depict how readily available forms of alternative energy technology are what extraterrestrials may be using to travel here from the cosmically improbable distances between their home world and ours.

Okay! Don’t worry, the Official Site doesn’t explain anything, either.

via HuffPo

six inch alien

Totally real, you guys!

Uwe Boll exploits Occupy anger in Assault on Wall Street!

I’ll have to break my unofficial ban on giving Uwe Boll attention to talk about his new movie. Because even though the recent financial apocalypse has a large deal to do with the banks doing whatever they can to make buckets of money while the world burns around them, there has been very little repercussions against said bankers (or banksters!) Not only that, but the media rarely even gives lip service to what a lot of the incredibly rich did, partially because the incredibly rich hold a lot of sway in said media companies. So when the whole Occupy movement first sprung up it was an amazing thing, an actual grassroots movement not astroturfed by millionaires on FoxNews. Of course, it was disorganized and quickly fizzled out due to the lack of organization and focus (part of the problem was they did want there to be any leaders of the movement, which meant everyone tried to pull Occupy to whatever cause they cared about most!)

Even the recent election had a whole rich vs. poor mentality, particularly when Mitt Romney was recorded saying that 47% of the country just lived off the government and thought they were entitled to things like food. The best result ever was when Mitt Romney finished with 47% of the popular vote. But that rich vs. poor divide has not gone away, and the gap between the wealthy 1% and the rest of America continues to grow. Billionaires are now funding SuperPACs and blasting the airwaves with ads for politicians they are literally buying, and the next election will only get worse. There is room for another round of protests and movements, and one will probably happen some day.

But until then, we go as we always do, to the world of cinema, where directors are waiting in the wings to exploit the latest news and trends for their own films. And German filmmaker Uwe Boll is not one to shy away from making a film about controversial subjects. Thus we get Assault on Wall Street, a film featuring a guy in a knockoff Anonymous mask gunning down offices full of bankers and sniping the rich.

A security guard for an armored truck, Jim (Dominic Purcell) is a blue-collar New Yorker who works hard to earn a living. His wages support himself and his wife Rosie (Erin Karpluk), who is on the upswing recovering from a near-fatal illness. Yet things start to fall apart after Rosie’s health insurance stops covering her treatment and Jim’s life savings are lost via a disastrous investment his stockbroker had advised him to make. As a row of professional and personal dominoes falls, Jim is confronted by the realization that, after being abused and exploited by financial institutions for far too long, he has only one choice: to strike back. From the mind of notorious German writer/director Uwe Boll (House of the Dead), Assault on Wall Street is excoriating look at the American financial system that is sure to stir up plenty of Occupy-esque sentiment.

Assault on Wall Street

Viva Knievel jumps into the newest RiffTrax VOD!

Who wants to see Evel Knievel battle an evil drug-dealing Leslie Nielsen? Everyone in the universe, that’s who! And now you can, in RiffTrax form, as Viva Knievel is the newest RiffTrax VOD! Don’t worry, Red Buttons is also there, for the big internet Red Buttons following. You know, Sam. That guy really loves his Red Buttons. Really really loves Red Buttons. It’s obscene, is what it is. Stay away from my family, Sam, this is the last warning! I’ve told you a thousand times we are not Red Buttons trapped in new bodies by a wizard’s curse!

Evel Knievel was a 70s icon most known for the “stunt” of flying across the country to beat his former promoter, an executive at 20th Century Fox, outside the studio commissary with an aluminum baseball bat, shattering the man’s arm while shouting “I’m going to kill you!” Okay, that’s not what he’s most known for, but it’s what he should be most known for. I mean, did you know that? We didn’t know that. But it just might come up once or twice in our new Rifftrax of Viva Knievel!

The cast of this movie is basically a list of names designed to make you go “whoa, all those people are in this movie?” Screen legend Gene Kelly! Red Buttons! Lauren Hutton! Frank Gifford! Space Mutiny’s Cameron Mitchell! Dabney Coleman! The inexplicably-named Marjoe Gortner! And, perhaps best of all, the diabolical druglord villain played by none other than Leslie Nielsen! If you’ve seen him in The Naked Gun or Airplane! every line he says will sound like a joke to you, and trust us friends, that is a very good thing.

From Evel waking up orphans late at night to give them his own shoddy action figure merchandise, to, oh right, the occasional motorcycle jump, there’s almost too much to like about this one. So grab your baseball bat and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they spectacularly fail to jump Snake River Canyon and see Viva Knievel!

Viva Knievel RiffTrax

Ironfinger 2 Golden Eye

Star Trek: The Next Generation deleted scenes and a call to arms!

Data cat Spot
Here is a message posted on SomethingAwful by Aatrek, SA goon and hard-working contributor of TrekCore. TrekCore has gotten a hold of some of the VHS workprints of Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes that feature deleted scenes that do not appear to have survived in any other format. They got these tapes because someone posted a thread on Reddit and mentioned they had them. Thus, Aatrek got in contact with him and the footage has been saved and is beginning to appear online. As these tapes exists, it seems likely that other tapes are out there. So TrekCore has put out the call to find these tapes and help preserve history for all mankind. But mostly Trekkies who love seeing deleted scenes.

There is some precedent as the extended version of A Measure of a Man was created using a VHS workprint of the episode. Here are two video montages made from the new footage Aatrek got, including deleted scenes from The Wounded, which it is highly unlikely anyone ever saw until this release:

Star Trek TNG “The Wounded” Deleted Scenes
Inside Star Trek: TNG’s Visual Effects – Part 1, “The Child”