


Story by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, and Shane Morris
Screenplay by Jennifer Lee
Directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee

Disney’s take on the Snow Queen tale is an overall positive experience, but I hesitate to praise Frozen as a new classic. Despite some very good twists and themes that throw some classic Disney Princess tropes on their ears, the good parts don’t transform an overall uneven story into something great. Instead, we have something that is pretty good, just not amaze-tastic.

Frozen‘s strength is in its story of sisterly love. As children, Elsa accidentally injures Anna with her snow powers, causing Anna to have part of her memories erased. Ever since, the girls grow up separate, with Elsa hiding away due to her powers, taught to fear and suppress them. Anna is forever wondering why her sister hides away, and no one bothers to just tell her what happened. After the deaths of their parents (this IS a Disney movie!), Elsa comes of age to be coronated as queen, which will be the first time the palace has been open in years.
Anna’s elation at having actual people to interact with causes her to act almost drunk with gittiness, and it helps that one of the first things she does is bump into a handsome foreign prince, Hans. Elsa’s increasingly solemn demeanor (a manifestations of her duties and her worries that her powers will be exposed in front of all the visitors) drives Anna closer to Hans, to where they become engaged that night. Elsa realizes this is crazy, and doesn’t want to give her blessing at such a quick relationship, nor have a giant wedding where more people will be around to possibly expose her powers. This leads to an argument that leads to Elsa accidentally blasting parts of the palace with her ice powers. The powers go out of control, Elsa runs for the mountains, and accidentally freezes the whole town as she flees.

Anna (Kristen Bell) – Anna goes after her sister, desperate to mend their rift, and also to help save the town, which now has a complete ice over in summer. She’s unprepared for such a harsh journey, but is motivated by her surviving memories of fun and love of her sister.
Elsa (Idina Menzel) – The newly crowned queen of Arendelle is happier being alone in the mountains, free to use her power and free from accidentally harming anyone with it.
Kristoff (Jonathan Groff) – A mountain man who runs an ice business, and lives a solitary life with his reindeer, Sven. He’s hired by Anna to take her up the mountain to the source of the cold. Their relationship starts as the typical antagonistic people from two worlds who grow together as they travel on a journey thing. Kristoff was an orphan, but was adopted by trolls (coincidentally, when he saw the young Anna be healed by trolls)
Sven (Himself) – Reindeer owned by Kristoff. Sven loves carrots and pushing Kristoff to do things. Sven does not talk, but Kristoff often has conversations to himself where he provides a voice for Sven.
Hans (Santino Fontana) – A foreign prince visiting the town for the coronation, he befriends Anna due to their shared experiences of having older siblings ignore them. He and Anna have a whirlwind romance that ends with them engaged on the day they meet. Hans is put in charge of the town after Elsa flees and Anna leaves to go find her. He does his best to take care of the frozen city, and leads an expedition to find the Queen and save Anna.
Olaf (Josh Gad) – A snowman created inadvertently by Elsa when she’s playing with her powers, Olaf resembles the snowmen built by Elsa and Anna as children. He attaches himself to Anna and her party, and is excited about everything. Olaf’s greatest wish is to experience summer, blissfully unaware as to what happens to snowmen in summer.


Fox Lover

T Rex relative Lythronax argestes is the Gore King!

Lythronax argestes

Lythronax argestes is A, and Teratophoneus curriei is B

The Tyrannosaurus rex family continues to expand with this new species, Lythronax argestes. The new tyrannosaurid shares a common ancestor with T-rex, and while much older, also shares much of the same skull construction. Later tyrannosaurids like T-Rex had larger jaw muscles and binocular vision, a trait Lynthronax also possesses.

Lythronax lived on Laramidia, along the western shores of the great seaway that separated North America; this landmass hosted a vast array of unique dinosaur species and served as the crucible of evolution for iconic dinosaur groups such as the horned and duck billed dinosaurs.

As noted by American palaeontologist Tom Holtz of the University of Maryland, “This new discovery also supports the idea that the giant thick-toothed Asian tyrants Zhuchengtyrannus and Tarbosaurus were immigrants from North America rather than their own Asian line, because they share a common origin with Lythronax and Tyrannosaurus.”

The evolutionary path of the tyrannosaurids has been a subject of debate, but there has been a batch of new species in the past decade or so that have helped paint a fuller picture of ancient life. And I suspect there are much more discoveries just waiting to be found and written up.

And more tyrannosaurids mean more dinosaurs to be brought back to life in films to eat people!

Loewen, M., Irmis, R., Sertich, J., Currie, P., Sampson, S. 2013. Tyrant dinosaur evolution tracks the rise and fall of Late Cretaceous oceans. PLoS ONE 8, 11: e79420. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079420

Art via Guardian
More art by Andrey Atuchin can be found on his site
via ScienceDaily

Lythronax argestes by Andrey Atuchin

Here come the Zombie Pirates!

Though I’m getting pretty sick of zombies, I would be remiss if I did not keep everyone afloat of some of the…more unusual zombie films headed to DVD and VOD. Zombie Pirates sounds like a cool entry, not only with the retro poster art, but the whole thing being a tribute to Euro Horror (the Blind Dead series in particular) is just cool. Hopefully it lives up to its hype, with zombie pirates and revenge and sacrifices and Sarah French starring. Steve Sessions is a big fan of retro horror, and many of his films are loving tributes. Zombie Pirates looks worth checking out!


A dangerous young woman (Sarah French) offers up human sacrifices to a ghost ship of the dead in return for an ancient treasure. When she comes up one sacrifice short, her zombie masters exact their bloody revenge in this gory tribute to Spain’s popular Blind Dead Euro Horror series. This outrageous horror movie was directed by Steve Sessions (Sinister) and stars the beautiful Sarah French (Insectula). Presented in a 16×9 Anamorphic Widescreen Edition mastered from High Definition.

via DreadCentral
Zombie Pirates

Megafoot stomps to life!


Direct from Rolfe Kanefsky’s Facebook comes concept art for Megafoot! Just what is Megafoot? Imagine Bigfoot with lots of cybernetic enhancements. And never fear, a normal Bigfoot will fight Megafoot! Beyond knowing that Rolfe Kanefsky wrote the script and that they hope to film in spring, there is no other information yet beyond the images and a sentence or two. But do you really need all that information to watch a film called Megafoot? Come on, man! Megafoot for life!

So why is this Megafoot cybernetically enhanced? Is it the Borg? Mad scientist? Aliens? Is Megafoot just a DIY Bigfoot with a subscription to Maker Magazine? All questions will be answered when Megafoot stomps onto your video player screens!

Megafoot already has a Facebook page, a Twitter, and a lot of interest.

“It’s bigger than Big!” it’s MEGAFOOT!

via DreadCentral


Sanctuary Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow S01E09 – “Sanctuary”

Sanctuary Sleepy Hollow

Ichabod Crane IS Paul Bunyan, this fall on Fox!

Sleepy HollowSanctuary
Written by Damian Kindler and Chitra Elizabeth Sampath
Directed by Liz Friedlander
Sanctuary Sleepy Hollow

Bad Swamp Thing! NO!

Sleepy Hollow becomes Creepy Hollow with this haunted house entry, featuring handheld camera scares that resemble a found footage movie. A huge chunk of the episode takes place with characters trapped in a haunted house and menaced by a monster Scarecrow, but as this is Sleepy Hollow, we also get some awesome character moments, introduced to some more supporting cast members who will definitely be around for episodes to come, and even throw a new mystery twist on top of the already sky high pile.

Some of the coolest X-Files episodes were the monster episodes. The creatures were unique and diverse, and it helped break up the conspiracy mythology of the show turning everything too depressing. Sleepy Hollow has improved on that format, with the monster episodes that are tied into overall story arcs, without the story development becoming the focus or a distraction. The monster here not only menaces today, but has its origins in Ichabod’s time, and even reveals a connection to Abbie.

Sanctuary Sleepy Hollow

We fought a revolution and I can’t even get fresh fries???

Outside of the plot, Sleepy Hollow did more of what it is becoming known for, having multiple minority characters who have distinct personalities and aren’t just tools for the main character to use. Abbie and Ichabod are dual main characters, and Abbie’s sister Jenny is the cool tough breakout role that makes me long for Lyndie Greenwood’s name in the opening credits. Orlando Jones has gone from the “skeptic boss” archetype to a fully functional leader who has to deal with the Biblical Apocalypse happening in his town and trying to keep it under wraps so people don’t panic and so no one carts everyone off to the nut house.

Now, Jill Marie Jones and Amandla Stenberg (Rue from The Hunger Games!) join the cast, Jill Marie Jones as Captain Frank Irving’s ex-wife Cynthia Irving, and Stenberg as his daughter Macey. Macey is in a wheel chair due to something vaguely hinted at (but it is implied that Frank is to blame for not being there), and Cynthia is worried that Frank has practically stopped visiting his daughter, and is threatening taking full custody. Frank is not happy to have this happening on top of everything else, though Macey seems less than broken up about the current situation when talking with Jenny.

Sanctuary Sleepy Hollow

Corn? Corn? Corn?

Poseidon Rex Trailer

A year ago, Poseidon Rex was just a poster, now it’s completed enough they dropped a trailer! Thrill as a T-Rex with some fins harasses treasure divers, and then tries go the American Godzilla route and pop out a bunch of babies. Featuring a bunch of black guys with guns who keep demanding gold from the heroes.


Don’t worry, there’s a black guy on the good guy team. Who wants to take bets on if he’ll live to the end of the film?

Mark L. Lester (Pterodactyl) directs, Rafael Jordan (Star Runners) writes, and Brian Krause and Anne McDaniels star

Poseidon Rex hits DVD in December 2013. Will it make it to SyFy? Or will we be forced to actually get the DVD? Only time (and the programming schedule) will tell!

Poseidon Rex

Poseidon Rex

Poseidon Rex

Poseidon Rex