Treasure of the Amazon – New RiffTrax VOD!

Good news for those of you who enjoy your RiffTrax with more Donald Pleasance Nazi or copious amounts of nude Amazon native characters, because Treasure of the Amazon is here! Shockingly, I am well aware of this film and it’s ridiculousness. Pleasance had more than one adventure as a Nazi guy, enough we could have a theme night. Perhaps those will show up in the RiffTrax of the future. But for now, Treasure of the Amazon will have to satisfy. The director is the noted René Cardona Jr., who directed the prior RiffTrax film Bermuda Triangle, and also a favorite (not!) of TarsTarkas.NET, Night of 1000 Cats!

Journey with us into the heart of the Amazon in this cheesy adventure film from…1985? Really? 1985? You’re sure this didn’t come out in 1962? You’re sure. This came out two years after Return of the Jedi? A year after Temple of Doom? The same year as Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend? What, B:SLL is a very common point of reference for people. William Katt fans consider it his “understated masterpiece,” his Bob Dylan’s “Oh Mercy,” his Coppola’s “One From The Heart,” the Birdie the Early Bird of McDonaldland characters.

We apologize for the direction the previous paragraph took. Despite being filmed in 1985, Treasure of the Amazon is not “instantly woefully outdated,” it’s old school! It’s from a time back when men had beards, other men wore really tiny shorts, and other men wore diapers. When every voyage into the Amazon had at least one medieval friar on board. Add in a whole bunch of classic National Geographic style toplessness, Donald Pleasance as a treasure hunting nazi, a diva who alternates between a southern and British accent, and a cast that can’t remember whether they’re supposed to be alligators or crocodiles, and you’ve got yourself one mess of a movie.

Book a ride at your nearest discount seaplane emporium, strap on a bulky diaper of your own, and get ready to defile an ancient burial ground. What could possibly go wrong? Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill, (who all pony up the 80 bucks for free Prime shipping every year) for Treasure of the Amazon!

Attention: Contains a whole bunch of National Geographic style nudity.

What are you waiting for, get that nudity and Nazi stuff now!

Treasure of the Amazons RiffTrax

Robot Star Zangga jjanga

Robotstar Jjanga (Review)

Robotstar Jjanga

aka 로보트 스타 짱가 aka Roboteu seuta Jjang-ga
Robot Star Zangga jjanga
Written and directed by Kim Yeong-han

Robot Star Zangga jjanga

This is your brain being sucked out by Robotstar Zangga!

NOOOOooOOOoooOOooOOOOoooOOO!!!! It’s more awful Korean Children’s cinema! Why do I watch this? Okay, someone requested Robotstar Jjanga, and it’s also the first part of a film series that eventually featured a Korean Batman. But in this prequel, the actor who goes on to be Batman (or Betaman) is an awkward teen who wets the bed. The Dark Knight Returns was never so gritty….wait, I think Batman did wet his pants in some story….

As usual with Korean Children’s movies, the main event is a “funny” fat guy who acts like a giant baby man. He turns out to also be an intergalactic hero who lives on Earth in disguise (and unaware of who he is) until he’s called back to duty, at which point everyone becomes cartoons and character designs are stolen from The Transformers. Hey, this might be the only chance you will ever get to see toy accurate Reflector menace humans! The flying space carrier Fortress Maximus has been used by Transformers canon (a fact I learned thanks to the Transformers Wiki) so that’s not as unique as it seemed. As someone who had the Reflector toy as a lad, it was sort of fun watching him stomp around before he was defeated by a fat guy and an annoying robot. My toy would never suffer such indignity!

Robot Star Zangga jjanga

Who’s insulting the size of my Megapixels???

Said fat guy is named Dung-dung (I’ve found a few names for characters who went nameless back when I reviewed the sequel), and he enjoys chewing gum and stealing food. He lives with a scientist and his misfit family, which consists of bratty children and a grown daughter named Su-Ji. There is also a robot (a guy in suit robot!) named Robokong, who is tolerable only because Dung-dung is so intolerable. Giving and taking, that’s what Korean children’s cinema does. You give your time and it takes your life…

As usual for obscure gems like these, the synopsis portion of Robotstar Jjanga is much larger, to better accommodate people who don’t want to sift through terribly designed Korean blogs to find the streaming videos of these old school films dubbed from VHS tapes. I really, really hate Naver. Hate. Hate Naver. HATE! But not as much as I hate Dung-dung.

Robot Star Zangga jjanga

There’s not even stairs here for this guy to fall down on!

Robotstar Jjanga is written and directed by Kim Yeong-han, the very same maniac who brought us Super Batman & Mazinger V and Hwarang-V Trio! Clearly Kim Yeong-han is a cinematic monster who needs to answer to his crimes. But unfortunately anyone who goes up against him will be forced to turn into a cartoon character and battle giant robots. This is sadly becoming a trend among terrible directors, protected by guardian robots in the realm of animation. Time to bring back Judge Doom so we can get enough Dip to save cinema!
Robot Star Zangga jjanga

The worst part is she isn’t even close to being the worst Star Wars EU character!

Dung-dung (Kim Hyeong-gon) – A gum-chewing manchild who used to be an ace space ranger before he abandoned his duties to live out the seven deadly sins. Dung-dung is a fairly accurate name.
Robokong (???) – The family’s loyal robot, who can transform into a more action-oriented version, but only when he’s a cartoon. Will occasionally do the “Beedy beedy beedy” thing that Twiki from Buck Rogers does.
Princess Sara (???) – Sara is a princess of the Star Planet. What kind of name is that? At least she isn’t from the Moon Planet. Because that would be ridiculous! Like all space princesses, she gets kidnapped a lot. She reminds Dung-dung of who he truly is.
Su-Ji (???) – The eldest daughter of Scientist, which he must have fathered when he was 8 years old or something. She accompanies Dung-dung and Robokong on their adventure, but then doesn’t do much after that.
Rest of family (???, ???, ???, ???) – Scientist, Older Boy who becomes Batman, Younger Boy, Girl in Pigtails. All our fun friends. I hope they all die.
Rust Queen (???) – The Queen of Rust has blue hair for some reason (anime), and also there isn’t a lot of rust around her. Her name is totally inaccurate, this movie is a lie, SAVE YOURSELF! RUUUUUUNN!!!!!!
Gohura (???) – The evil Rust Queen’s henchman. I don’t know if this is a translation thing of if the aliens have rejected gender norms, but in any event Gohura leads the goons that have captured Princess Sara on Earth and is defeated by Dung-dung and the annoying kid squad, largely due to goon incompetence.

Robot Star Zangga jjanga Reflector

Piranha Sharks swarm in 2014!

Operation post news articles about films that are on the production company websites I found while writing other articles continues with what might be the best score from Red Sea Media! Piranha Sharks! Directed by Leigh Scott! Yes, that guy who did all those Asylum films before he struck out on his own. Now he’s back with some Piranha Sharks, because tiny sharks are better than normal sharks. It’s a fact, Jack! Go look it up in the factionary! Piranha Sharks stars Collin Galyean, Josh Hammond, John Wells, and Noel Thurman, and is probably destined for SyFy if everyone is smart.

Great white sharks bio-engineered to be the size of piranhas with the purpose of living in rich peoples exotic aquariums, terrorize New York City when they get into the water supply and do what great white sharks do best.

What great white sharks do best is applied calculus, strangely enough. But I’m sure it will be exciting!

You can see an FX test at this link. Click it, you know you want to!

Via RedSeaMedia

Piranha Sharks

Zombie Safari? You bet Jurassic!

Operation post news articles about films that are on the production company websites I found while writing other articles continues with more fun from Red Sea Media! Next up is Zombie Safari, which sound suspiciously like a park-themed movie about dinosaurs, except with zombies. So far it is just a collection of posters at the moment with a 2015 target release date. I hope they copy entire scenes wholesale except with zombies instead of raptors. Because that would just be nuts. NUTS! Also, never trust billionaires! Kill them all!

Years after the zombie apocalypse, life has returned to normal. A billionaire, driven mad by what happened to his family years ago, opens a zombie safari theme park. But when the power goes out, nothing is left to stop these “captive” zombies from escaping.

Via RedSeaMedia

Zombie Safari

Zombie Safari

Asylum giving us Asian Schoolgirls!

In what could be really cool or potentially offensive, one of Asylum’s upcoming 2014 films is called Asian Schoolgirls! It practices what it preaches, with schoolgirls of the presumably Asian variety beating up some mobsters that kidnap them.

Kidnapped by a Los Angeles crime syndicate, a group of schoolgirls must fight and seduce their way to vengeance, teaching the criminals a lesson in kicking butt and taking names.

Asian Schoolgirls is directed by Lawrence Silverstein. The listed cast is Minnie Scarlet, Sam Aotaki, Andray Johnson, and Alan Pietruzewski. Just from the brief description and cast list I’m already ready to watch this film, Asylum does things a bit odd at times, but they have a pretty good record of throwing out surprising stories and films (especially recently) and there is a good chance that this will be a fun ride. And maybe it will lead to Asian Schoolgirls vs. Bearanchula! Minnie Scarlet seems well aware of the racial politics of Asian fetishes and does not come off as the type who would sign up for a film that just reinforced them, I am betting more is going on that the exploitative title.

The only other information I could find is a resume from costar William Jones. Granted, this is probably because Asian Schoolgirls is a loaded search term filled with photos of naked chicks.

Speaking of which, it was hard to find images of the two listed actresses, Minnie Scarlet and Sam Aotaki, that I could use in the article (especially Minnie Scarlet!) I just ended up taking images off of their tumblrs so we can see the two stars:

Minnie Scarlet:
Minnie Scarlet

Twitter (NSFW) –
Tumblr (NSFW) –
RebelMayhem (NSFW) –
Did I mention all her stuff is not safe for work? Because it ain’t!

Sam Aotaki:
Sam Aotaki


The Real House Pets of Beverly Hills shows even the 1% pets hate the 0.01% pets!

Operation post news articles about films that are on the production company websites I found while writing other articles is in full swing as we drop by Red Sea Media. First up is The Real House Pets of Beverly Hills, which exists only in poster form at the moment and has a projected release date of 2015. Judging by the synopsis, the animals will talk, which instantly makes this film worth watching. Also, there is a weird class warfare angle, but only among the super rich pets! So….

A group of Beverly Hills house pets live the good life, but when stuck-up “show dog” Bella moves in she quickly takes over, wreaking havoc on the poor house pets. Now the house pets must band together to get rid of the mean dog that wants to ruin everything.

Yes, who did let the dogs out?

Via RedSeaMedia

The Real House Pets of Beverly Hills