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2010 Can'tidates – Rosanna Pulido is back!

Rosanna Pulido – aka chicagolady – who we met last year and helped expose as a radical Minuteman and FreeRepublic message board poster of naughty statements (thus getting our names in Chicagoe newspaper websites) – returned to run for the same Illinois 5th Congressional seat in 2010 that she lost in 2009. Despite branding herself a 9-12 Candidate (which confused me because I wasn’t sure if she was even running as a Republican this time) she managed to be in the Republican primary for IL-5 and got beat down:

Ratowitz 5,527 39.6%
Pulido 4,601 33.0%
Lad 3,819 27.4%

I don’t know who Lad is, but good job getting less votes than the FreeRepublic candidate!

Pulido’s official site is http://www.rosannapulido2010.com/

And she hasn’t learned to stop making hateful posts on FreeRepublic.com!

RINO no-no!

Rosanna loves her home city!

Woman Found Dead at McDonald’s Food Processing Plant

Pulido posts a thread insulting the guy who kicked her butt in the special election (Congressman Mike Quigley) for daring to support gay rights and not wanting them all to die in a ditch!

No guns for Negroes????

It’s a conspiracy among Whites newspaper people to go bankrupt!

More NY-23 victory delusions

Sheriff Joe for gov

RINOs for Illionois Gov – Republican Andy McKenna

Thanks to Brown Moses, POTUShead, Keels, and the rest of the Jeepers Freepers LF crew! Sorry this didn’t get put up until after she lost, but better late than never (and maybe she’ll show up as a third party candidate anyway!)

2010 Can'tidates – Ernest Huber

So we’re going to have a little fun as we enter the 2010 election season. TarsTarkas.NET will be profiling some of the minor candidates running for office, most of which have absolutely no chance of winning, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t awful.

First up is Ernest Huber – Official Site
Ernest is a Republican candidate for the 8th Congressional District in Washington State, trying to primary incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert, who is accused of being a RINO.

Let’s take a look at Ernest’s website:



Looks like a standard right wing guy so far, with enough kids to get a TLC show, but then we go into the section of his website that is nothing but giant wall of text essays.

Ernest Huber actively believes Barack Obama is a grave threat to America and wants to break out the Red Scare witch hunts! And if you object, you must be guilty guilty guilty! Then I guess Ernest Huber won’t object to me going through his wife’s underwear drawer. Because if he does, he’s a commie!

Ernest Huber thinks the entire point of the War on Terror is to just kill more of them than they kill of us. Like deaths are a score. So war is a video game. Who cares about lose of life or not hurting innocents or even having a war justified by facts, it is nothing except a giant scoreboard. Like Frogger. Hey, Napoleon Huber, what happens with the US and China each kill 300 million of the other side? They win, because we have nothing left.

As a biologist, this is among the dumbest thing I have ever read about how speciation works. But good luck declaring war on nature, Ernest Huber. Bonus Al Gore is Evil action!

One of several times Huber goes off on pedophilia and necrophilia and other things to try to smear gays. Squeaky wheels.

What the frak? If you ever organize anything, you are a communist! Huber would be perfectly happy putting every Democrat into camps. Tell me more about how I am very bad, Huber!

If you are gay, you are committing a hate crime! That’s a new one.

Now, this is where it gets creepy. Just who is projected to be going into extinction by 2050? White America. Yes, white people. And not extinct, just a minority, but Huber is wrong about everything so why start now? Huber continues with talking about brown slaves and Mexican invaders in case you didn’t get his not-so-coded racism.

Atheists, Communists, and Gamaliels, Oh My!

Jesus loves you, but he also hates you.

Lonely? It’s because of feminism. It’s also why you are metrosexual!

I think the first thing that will happen to you on the floor will be getting arrested for trespassing what with you having no chance ever of getting elected.

Huber is also so lazy he’s not even going to bother to do any work, requiring YOU to do all the work to get him elected! So get off your lazy butt, maggots!

And Ernest Huber posts on Resistnet.com!

Here he is calling for the overthrow of the US government…

Yeah, that will work…

Thanks to the magic of the internet, we got lots more terrible can’tidates to profile, so until next time, remember that it’s your job to get this racist wackjob elected, as he’s too busy ranting on the internet to bother to campaign!

Blessed are the meek….

For they shall inherit more favorable comparisons to animals.

South Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer (born Rudolph Andreus Bauer) has drawn criticism for veering a little too far off script when recounting the Legend of the Welfare Queen:

Bauer said during the meeting that when he was a child his grandmother told him to “quit feeding stray animals.”  “You know why? Because they breed,” he told the crowd. “You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that.”

The last part is a bit strange considering this comes just six months after his boss, who presumably has an ample food supply, ran off to have an affair in Argentina without bothering to tell anyone.  On Father’s Day.

Bauer insists that he had simply been misunderstood, telling reporters, “I never intended to tie people to animals,” then attempted to clarify his position by explaining that, “If you have a cat, if you take it in your house and feed it and love it, what happens when you go out of town?” In other words, the poor are still animals, but they are at least lovable ones sometimes.  After checking the website for his current campaign, I think it’s very possible that he’s simply confused.  From a statement he released:

At a forum this week, I spoke out in favor of finding ways to break the government’s cycle of handouts and dependency.

Yes, I believe government is “breeding a culture of dependency” which has grown out of control, and frankly, amounts to little more than socialism, paid for by hard-working, tax-paying families… against their wishes.

At the same time, I feel strongly that we can and should help our neighbors who are truly needy. In fact, I’ve spent much of my last seven years helping those in need… traveling the state to help provide blankets, shoes, food and health care to those who need it most.

Followed by quoting Warren Buffet, someone who has said of the (temporarily successful) effort to eliminate the estate tax,  “You could take that $30 billion and give $1,000 to 30 million poor families.”  And how do you travel around a state providing health care to people?  Anyways,  since he brought up this  “cycle of handouts and dependency”  being fostered by certain parts of the government, I’ll be doing a series of posts on some the worst offenders, starting with one that’s just making it back into the news again.

KBR, formerly Halliburton, was the twelfth largest government contractor last year, raking in just under $4.5 billion despite a track record that I have no words to describe, so I’ll list a brief sampling of their wrongdoings:

  • One of the many things they’re currently battling lawsuits over is actually so vile that a name had to be created for them: “burn pits” that were used to dispose, “everything from petroleum products to dioxin-releasing plastic water bottles to amputated limbs.” The fumes have disabled and even killed many Americans and Iraqis alike.
  • They have been forced to pay over $100 million in 20 separate cases of fraud, bribery, and so on.
  • Things they actually do build have a recurrent tendency to electrocute people.

And maybe you’ve heard something about a case involving KBR and rape? Which one was it?


Mary Beth Kineston, above left, who worked as a driver in Iraq for KBR, was sexually assaulted in 2004 by a male driver, and after she reported it to superiors…nothing happened. Then she was assaulted again, this time by a different KBR employee, and, after reporting it to superiors, she was fired.

The Nation:

Dawn Leamon, who worked for a subsidiary of KBR and had told her story to The Nation a week before, described–with her back to the packed room and her voice (mostly) steady–being sodomized and forced to have oral sex with a KBR colleague and a Special Forces soldier two months earlier. When she reported the incident to KBR supervisors, she met a series of obstacles, she said. “They would tell me to stay quiet about it or try to make it seem as if I brought it on myself or lied about it.”

The case most widely reported is Jamie Leigh Jones, who was the first to go public with her allegations.  In 2005, Jones was drugged and gang raped by other employees so brutally that one of her breast implants was ruptured.  She was then locked in a storage container.   Her contract had a clause requiring mandatory binding arbitration, so she had to fight to get her case heard in a US court until she finally won last September.  You can watch a video of her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee here.

Recently, former comedian turned responsible Senator Al Franken passed his first piece of legislation, banning contractors from using binding arbitration in cases of sexual assault.  30 Senators (all Republicans) were so determined to indulge in this culture of dependency that they voted against it.   Still, KBR cannot fend for itself without corporate welfare as Mother Jones reports:

On Jan. 19, KBR petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision allowing Jones to press her case in a civil court rather than in arbitration. Among its many arguments in favor of a high court hearing: that Jones is a relentless self-promoter who has “sensationalize[d] her allegations against the KBR Defendants in the media, before the courts, and before Congress.” In its petition, KBR is clearly miffed about the Franken Amendment, which it credits Jones with getting passed. KBR also suggests that much of Jones’ story is fabricated. The company says in a footnote, “Many, if not all, of her allegations against the KBR Defenandants are demonstrably false. The KBR Defendants intend to vigorously contest Jones’s allegations and show that her claims against the KBR Defendants are factually and legally untenable.”

The amendment only applied to sexual assault, so apparently they’re incapable of preforming these tasks without the constant brutal rape, or maybe there are a more women they’ve silenced that are prepared to come forward…


In light of the administration’s proposal for a three year spending freeze on everything but the Defense budget I’ll be including SEC proxy statements.

KBR 2008:


Senate races and what not

Scott Brown prevailed over Martha Coakley in Mass. to claim the senate seat in a special election. The vacant seat was the one held for decades by Teddy Kennedy, and the defeat of a Democrat in one of the bluest states came as a shock to many. It shouldn’t be a shock, (and, no, spies from Resistnet, it is not because your Teabag Nation is starting American Revolution II: Electric Tebaggaloo) as Martha Coakley ran a horrible, horrible campaign. A campaign where she basically did nothing for weeks after the primary while Scott Brown went all over Massachusetts and worked the public. Coakley didn’t seem to want to meet anyone, and the few times she was talking in public, she didn’t seem to know basic facts about her own state.

Much talk is being said about how the weak Democratic leadership on the Health Care Bill and the whole Bankster situation did in Coakley. Those things did help uninspire many voters into not bothering to go to the polls. The Health Care bill as written is a weak corporate giveaway that is too watered down by horrific leadership in the senate and complete lack of leadership on Obama’s part. There is no question if the White House had been pushing certain more progressive options they would have made it into the bill. But Obama had no intention of doing such a thing, because he’s a centrist, not a liberal.

The other major thing leading to anger is that the only things the Democrats seem to do about the economic problems is give money to the banks. There is a lot of public anger at the banks, and this is the perfect opportunity for a smart party to ride the populist rage against the banks to push in real reform, set up job stimulus bills instead of handing money to the bankers. But the Democrats are not doing that, because they are too busy sucking on the teat of big finance. Not all of them, just enough that nothing can be accomplished. And those guys are ruining it for everyone. And thus, the only populist rage being channeled now is the Teabaggers exploiting rage into their disturbing, self-destructive parties.

The main lessons to learn from the race are not to be more like the Republicans or to abandon all reform or any of the other stupid things conservative Democrats are saying. You don’t need to wait until you have 60 votes to do everything, and you don’t need to anger your base and spend months working on a bill that gets more and more horrible because one or two idiots in your party (or not even in your party anymore!) keeps dragging things out. Bush NEVER had a 60-vote majority, and he did whatever the hell he wanted. When Harry Reid loses in 2010 it will be the best thing to happen to Democrats in years. the Democrats had the supermajority and all sorts of fun games and prizes, and couldn’t deliver a simple universal health care bill.

That doesn’t mean we’ve given up or are gonna go all Teabagger because we thing the Democratic leadership blew it. This just means we’re going to stick to the “More Democrats, Better Democrats” plan and get some better Democrats in. If that means we lose a few horrible Democrats, fine by me.

But in the final result, Martha Coakley lost because Martha Coakley was a bad candidate. The blame falls on her shoulders first and foremost. She did not put in the work required, and now has paid the price. But just wait until Senator Scott Brown does something horrible. At least, that’s what Glenn Beck things, who thinks “This one could end with a dead intern. I’m just saying. It could end with a dead intern.”

But I’m sure the Teabaggers will just blame the intern.

Actually, this whole thing was just an excuse to post the Glenn Beck video! Plus I can also link this quote:

Ditto any attempt to grapple with climate change. In fact, any legislative moves with this Democratic party and this Republican party are close to hopeless. The Democrats are a clapped out, gut-free lobbyist machine. The Republicans are insane. The system is therefore paralyzed beyond repair.

But keep your head up. The game ain’t over until you lose all your lives (or you rescue the Princess.) Feel free to tell me where I am wrong, because that’s what the comments are for.

Haiti, disasters, and people worse than monsters…

The recent Haitian earthquake is a disaster of epic proportions. It is simply awful. But, some people just say completely horrible things. I don’t understand these people. They must be mentally ill. Or just fucking crazy. In any event, even in the worst of times, you will always have a right wing jackoff saying horrible things on the internet. Welcome to reality! So after you’ve donated to the Red Cross, read up on some things that will make you lose faith in humanity. REMEMBER TO DONATE FIRST, because some of you might not have the stomach to afterwards. You have been warned.

I will start this out with something I have never been able to truthfully say: The crazy posts you will see here are in the minority, and actually had a few people calling them out for being so damn awful. Not many, and not all, but some.

Haiti is literally hell on Earth!

CBS faked Katrina for the epic ratings!

cripplecreek shows up enough on the Wingnut Web we should offer him a salary…

Hispaniola, home of the Sith!

George Obama doesn’t care about non-black people!

HA! Five people died, it’s hilarious!

Why doesn’t God Earthquake the hell out of the Middle East? Does God worship Islam?

See, this is why I told you to donate to the Red Cross first. Because now you know all that money went to Obama’s pockets! MuHAHAHAHAHAHA!! We got your money!

God is really sort of a jerk…

Haitians are the Original Welfare Queens!

Haiti should just write a check to itself…

This conspiracy of…something…totally proves Obama was born in Kenya!

Haiti needs to bootstraps itself out of this earthquake.

What the fuck?

You can’t handle the secret horrors of Haitian Voodoo! I saw it on an episode of Heroes…

I spit out my coffee in shock at your assertions that Haiti is a tragedy!

Did hundreds of thousands of people die in that?

As much fun as a few FR idiots are, you have to remember their inspiration has been screaming pretty much the same thing. First he bashes the island of Haiti:

After earthquake, Rush says Haiti produces “zilch, zero, nada,” asks when Obama will call for Aristide to be returned

Then he goes all racist on us!

Limbaugh: Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with “light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country”

Granted, Pat Robertson probably has said the dumbest public comment when he said that the earthquake was because Haitians swore a pact to the devil.

But don’t worry, FreeRepublic, the worst comment I found about Haiti comes from our old favorite, ResistNet.com, where a guy actually wrote Haitian Earthquake fan-fiction to try to tickle your funny bone. leon lunsford is our Douchebag of the Day!