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Wingnut Web: What's in a "No Tolerance" policy, Darla D?

Webster-Meridian defines the word ‘tolerance’ as: “a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one’s own; freedom from bigotry,” or otherwise, a mutual respect for others and their beliefs regardless of race, creed, political affiliations, etc. I define the word ‘no’ as: “the opposite of yes,” or otherwise, the converse of the affirmative. Now, both words can be confusing at times, especially the word “tolerance” for some since it has three entire syllables and can be hard to sound out, but when I heard that the Resistnet.com community stands by a strict “No Tolerance” policy in the content and conversations taking place on their website I just had to take a gander and see for myself how tolerant they could be.

Darla D, Resistnet’s sexy middle-aged mom-hot administrator officially instituted the policy when Resistnet “spontaneously” sprung up and established themselves earlier this spring (due of course to “grassroots” efforts). As the site’s coordinating administrator all the responsibilities of maintaining a policy of “no tolerance”, among other things, fall squarely on Darla’s capable shoulders. Being the one who created and set the policy Darla should be the most knowledgeable on the subject and her hawkish dedication to keeping the members of Resistnet in line should shine through on the chat and message boards on the site. That is, if Darla actually could sound out, define, or count the syllables in the word “tolerance”.

Sup girl?

Darla D on the prowl. Sup girl?

I’m not going to bother outlining the whole thing, the tenants of a “no tolerance” policy on a community website should be very clear since we all most of us learned about the word “tolerance” in our 5th grade English class, but all the reader needs to know is that Resistnet.com does have an official policy regarding content that is racist, sexist, demeaning, pornographic, offensive, and otherwise not kosher to regular upstanding citizens. Here are some snippets:

4. This is a clean site, so we will absolutely not allow pornographic material or links directed to pornographic material on our site period! Our definition of pornographic material means: if you wouldn’t show your little brother, or daughter, don’t post it. Both ‘Upstairs’ and ‘Downstairs’ must be covered in some kind of fashion. The same applies to avatars as well.

5. Photos/Video’s or links to photos/video’s of illegal activities are not allowed in ANY sections of this forum. Pictures/Video’s must be tasteful, non-abusive, non-graphic, no heads on spikes, no one giving a bird, no bad language, non-racist, etc… Music must be tasteful, no profanity, racism, lewdness, allowed in music choices.

6. No sexism is allowed. Offensive comments will be deleted. This applies to both male and female members!

Websters Dictionary: prejudice or discrimination based on sex ; especially : discrimination against women2: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex

11. Posts that deal with militancy such as a call for taking up arms, and or overthrowing the government with any kind of violence will result in banishment from the site. Conspiracy Theories may be deleted with out notice. Please provide credible links and sources on your posts.

We want you to have fun, but use of this forum is a privilege not a right! Failure to comply with any of the above guidelines may trigger one or more of the following responses by the Moderators:

1. Your message may be edited, closed or deleted.

2. You could possibly receive a written warning from a Moderator not to do it again.

3. If you do not receive a written warning and notice a message that you made was edited, closed or deleted without written warning  from a Moderator this should make you aware that your post was inappropriate and the edit, closing or deletion of the message should be warning enough. You should not start a new thread concerning the same topic as this may lead to you being banned from the forum. Please do not expect the Moderators to give you a warning every time you do not follow the guidelines that are listed here. It is your responsibility to know these guidelines.

Pretty clear right? You can post on Resistnet, but if a user gets too out of control and starts calling on members to take up arms against the police or posts up some blatantly racist comments or pictures then that material will be taken down, since it hurts the credibility of the community and makes everyone on their side look like a bunch of racist bigoted loonies. Any national group dedicated to spirited and factual debate would make it a priority to make sure their members keep the dialog respectable and free of blatant intolerant words and pictures, it just makes your cause look bad otherwise, but given that Resistnet.com and Darla D don’t really understand the meaning of the word “factual” or “debate” in the first place, it is no surprise that Darla clearly drops the ball on every occasion as Resistnet administrator and herald of tolerance. As of the date of this post here are some images still up on Resistnet.com’s photos/video section, you be the judge on whether or not the content abides by the words in Darla D’s “No Tolerance” policy:

You know who had some good ideas? That Hitler guy!

You know who had some good ideas? That Hitler guy!

Where have I heard that term "final solution" before?

Where have I heard that term "final solution" before?

Poop joke!

Poop joke!

Racist? No, it's Bill Cosby!

Racist? No, it's Bill Cosby!

What do you even caption this with??

What do you even caption this with??

Native Americans, the origional homegrown terrorists

Native Americans, the original homegrown terrorists

It's not racist! Obama was born in Africa and that's how they all dress there!

It's not racist! Obama was born in Africa and that's how they all dress there!

This is just ONE SECTION of Resistnet’s web community, you think Darla D would be doing a better job with her beliefs in tolerance and all. I only comment on the photos section here because if I scrubbed the message board or chat portions of Resistnet for racist, derogatory, and obscene comments this post would go on for EONS. Does Resistnet have the right to post whatever they want on their own website? Of course!

Do Resistnet and Darla D have a policy in place that denounces the posting material deemed racist, sexist, or otherwise profane and tasteless? Well, firm might not be the best word to describe it, but yeah apparently they do. Does Resistnet cling to these tenants however? Hell naw. I mean, we already know this “movement” is full of people who are way to concerned that a black man is President to begin with, we don’t even need to question if the content is racially charged or not. Good eye Darla D!

Now, I’ll let you draw up your own conclusions, but what does it say about a particular group when it becomes necessary, on the surface at least, for them to have to institute a policy of “tolerant” posting yet at the same time the majority of users and even the site’s administrator (Darla D), the one person who is responsible and should be held accountable when “site rules” are broken, disregard the racial, sexist, pornographic, and profane (yeah, last time I checked pictures of aborted fetuses were considered profane) content embodied in said website?

Kinda sounds like they’re lying to themselves.

Wally Herger

Wingnut Web – this week in Wingnuts

And now for a slightly different type of post. This week has been filled with crazy members of the Right Wing community acting more crazy than usual. Don’t worry, next week they will be even more crazy. We have praise for terrorism, veiled threats of shooting the president, Town Halls gone wild, and a paranoid media host ramping up the paranoia. Here is a small bit of the nuts in the news this week…

California Republican Representative Wally Herger Praises “Right Wing Terrorist” at Town Hall:

an incident broke out at a town hall at Simpson University in Redding [Northern California] on Tuesday when Herger signaled encouragement to a 67-year-old town hall attendee, Bert Stead, who called himself a “proud right-wing terrorist.”

“Amen, God bless you,” Herger reportedly replied to the comment. “There is a great American.”

Wally Herger

Republican Idaho Governor candidate Rex Rammell makes jokes about hunting Obama:

Rammell’s remarks on Otter came in an interview Wednesday after the Times-News asked about comments Rammell made Tuesday night at a local Republican party event.

After an audience member shouted a question about “Obama tags” during a discussion on wolves, Rammell responded, “The Obama tags? We’d buy some of those.”

Rammell, a veterinarian and former elk rancher from Idaho Falls, said his comment was a joke and he would never seriously talk about President Obama that way, although he doesn’t support anything Obama’s done as president.

“I was just being sarcastic. That was just a joke,” Rammell said. “I would never support him being assassinated.

“She kind of caught me off guard, to be honest with you.”

Kansas Republican Representative Lynn Jenkins wants to find the Great White Hope:

“Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope,” said [Rep. Lynn] Jenkins. “I suggest to any of you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington.” As examples, Jenkins mentioned Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Way to Freudian slip how monochrome your party is!

Glenn Beck is back and more insane than ever!
CrooksandLiars has the video He’s lost 40 sponsors and counting.

McCain gets booed for saying Obama respects the Constitution. The Tea Party Protesters just hate looking sane.

and Teddy Kennedy died this week, so you can’t go three steps without some Wingnut trying to bash him. Too many examples to post.

Wingnut Web – Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being Edition

So, Resistnet.com won’t leave me alone. They can’t quit me. Resistnet.com wants to have gay sex with me. I try to ignore them for a few weeks and they cry like spoiled babies wanting attention. So, I guess I shall pay them a visit one more time. The tears of impotent rage are like a drug to me, and Resistnet is one of the best highs around. Wingnut Web has been dealing with them since the beginning. We’ll be dealing with them until they all die of old age in about twenty minutes. Until then, we have to read their posts and marvel at how they figured out how to even turn their computers on.

Trooper knows the Final Solution is near.

Reality makes Michael Erway angry. And he is far above mocking of people

Michael Erway is no longer above mocking people and now applauds it

Karen Belver is a poster child for the need for government run mental healthcare

gary kaalberg is telling more war stories, he has fought in every major war since 1776!

He’s also dying of cancer. Because when you are dying of cancer, you post on the internet and get master’s degrees and all the other stuff he is claiming to do.

And he works for the CIA as a sniper!

gary kaalberg threatens to quit and namedrops the best site on the internet…

gary kaalberg is such a threat that some Resistnet posters question if he is a troll

What the heck, indeed!

Hot Google Alert action!

By very polite note he means he posted two comments where he called me names.

This is my favorite post ever. That email address is for the registrar of GoDaddy, btw, which isn’t even the registrar I use. The rest of the information is similarly as accurate

That means a lot coming from someone who spends 16 hours a day removing racist comments from Resistnet, and yet the site is still filled to the brim with them.

Translation: Please send death threats to this guy.

gary is still posting the wrong information days later…Resistnet posters salivate at the thought of calling me up and getting reported to the FBI and sent to jail

And now I killed his dog? WTF???

Here is what gary kaalberg wrote here:

let me set a few things straight. as a veteran i fought for yours and my freedom to say and believe what we choose to. unlike you i will not attack you personally. that is childish. i didnt vote for obama because of his record of voting in illinois as a senator. the record is there for everyone to see. voting present doesnt get it. thats a cowards way of sitting on the fence. it allows you to be on the winning side. you are probably thinking i am a red neck again you would be wrong. i didnt like bush either. i believe as a country that we can be socially conservative and take care of each other without involving the government. i believe that every american has the right to food housing and medical care. i give my time freely to help the poor. i dont need a community organizer to tell me how to do it. if you want to make a diffference in america then quit drinking the kool aid and invest the time in really checking out who you support.

Ha, sure you didn’t like Bush.

instead of acting infantile why dont you openly and honestly make your case. i will gladly share any research i have. i do not buy into prison planet anymore than any other sight. in fact i debunked the fema coffin junk. i ask all this. every president since eisenhower has made their birth cert. college trans. and other personal data available. why wont obama, how could he travel to pakistan and afghanistan when they were banned for travel from by the state dept.

You haven’t shared crap of the pictures you supposedly have, and your entire claim is full of as much crap as every other thing you say.

Added bonus: Resistnet.com also discusses the 365Black.com McDonald’s website!

CSA avatar guy shows his patriotism

gary kaalberg shows he is an insane racist besides being army, navy, air force, CIA, dale henderson, a genius, dying of cancer, and Jesus

They don’t hire white only, the fraks!

Poor white southerners and their racism. When will they catch a break?

Slave Owner Pryde 4 Lyfe!

Ah, Resistnet.com. Go fuck yourselves!

Wingnut Web – I'm STILL NOT Lovin' It! Edition

foxnation.com left their article about 365Black.com open all weekend and it collected many many many more racist statements, all 100% approved by the FoxNation.com moderators! Just imagine what didn’t get through! If you want to read the first part, it is here, and we got plenty of the same. Don’t worry, FoxNation.com will continue to keep putting up story after story that encourages their angry old white guy posters to continue to post whatever terrible bile leaks out of their tiny tiny brains. Thus, giving us more material than we can ever handle. But that’s won’t mean we won’t try! Wingnut Web is a job that will never end. So let’s get started…

Gman blames the “coloreds” and Obama.

FoxNation.com posters are dumb racists. But that doesn’t mean all dumb racists are FoxNation.com posters…

A black guys shows up and is shocked, SHOCKED that there are conservative racists

Another defender of racist comments declares “get out!” if you don’t like our racism!

Sunny declares racism is over right now, and now it is racist

I want you to get hit by a bus. A black bus.

You heard it here first, 80% of all commercials are targeted to blacks.

macgig is the White Sharpton, or wears sheets on his head that come to a sharp point. One of the other…

Blacks just make us so racist! Damn you, black people!

Somehow I don’t think McDonald’s will miss HD Rider’s business.

I was brought up racist but am not racist except this BLACK WOMAN totally tried to get me to be racist

JJ Abrams completely ruined Star Trek when he rebooted it.

A voice of reason?

Black people are all gang bangers anyway.

HD Rider is still classy

Because black people can’t speak English, see…

Okay: McDonald’s White People website

Clifford the big red dog hates the big bad blacks

Black people never heard of belts!

The thread is still open, so when more racism pops up and I’m not too bored, we might even get a parts 3!

Wingnut Web – Obama's Mama is still alive Edition

Did you know Obama’s mother faked her death in order to make Obama a secret Muslim communist sleeper agent? Resistnet.com thinks so! They got their crack team, some nutter named gary kaalberg, who not only had Obama steal his shift key and spellcheck, but gary kaalberg and his intracit web of secret agent friends aged a photograph of Ann Dunham, and the results supposedly look like some woman who was near Barack Obama at some point in time once. So you want to see all these photos and aged photos and secret alive presidential momma? Well, gary kaalberg hasn’t bothered to upload any of it. But that hasn’t stopped several Resistnet.com members from believing the whole thing. I was going to ignore Resistnet.com for a little while, but this is just too stupid to ignore.

gary kaalberg gets the crazy train started…

instead of posting any proof at all, he makes up some biometrics garbage…

gary quickly convinces Gun Avatar Guy

Well, if Orly Taitz, the craziest birther of them all, says something is so, it can’t possibly be so

Ann Dunham faked her death and caused the housing crisis to get her son elected president!

Here is some background on our fine hero gary

gary seems to have found his caps lock key, but doesn’t know how to turn it back off. Also, the conspiracy deepens…

Trooper sees the insanity and decides he has to step it up a notch to try to be the most insane member of Resistnet

Totally not as weird as it sounds. I am convinced 100%. Especially with all the photographic proof you uploaded just now

I used my secret agent contacts to age this photo of Ann Dunham:

The Result:
Proof she is a living sleeper agent who faked her death to cause the housing crash so her muslim communist biracial son could become president. Barack Obama will be so shaken he becomes William F. Buckley overnight. Game, set, match, Liberals!

And here is a bonus “I hate the Mexicans!” post

Now, please, Resistnet.com, please stop being so damn pathetic! I want to spend time mocking FreeRepublic.com, but you idiots won’t stop being so entertainingly insane!

Wingnut Web – I'm NOT Lovin' It! Edition

McDonald’s has a website set up focused on African-Americans, 365Black.com. They have had the website for a while, the blogs first seem to talk about it in May, and it looks like it showed up in February. It is just another extension of Black History Month with the mindset that every month should be Black History Month blah blah buy our stuff that other companies do, but it is not very subtle. It is not McDonald’s only ethnic website, there was also the dumbly named i-am-asian.com, which has been turned into Myinspirasion.com. Of course, that doesn’t stop the lovely pack of morons from thefoxnation.com to suddenly find out about 365Black.com today, and proceed to start posting all sorts of racist drivel. But, then, they are conservatives.

The blurb on the 365Black site states:

At McDonald’s, we believe that African-American culture and achievement should be celebrated 365 days a year — not just during Black History Month. That’s the idea behind 365Black.com. It’s a place where you can learn more about education, employment, career advancement and entrepreneurship opportunities, and meet real people whose lives have been touched by McDonald’s

.Black People (who are Black) keep mentioning they are Black!

Real Life, the Weekly Standard, Real Harvard, Bob Karstens, Eminem, and White Men Can’t Jump

I agree, Annabell, no discrimination!

Annabell, I thought you were against discrimination?

Annabell, you racist bitch! And Navy(Retired) hates going into places that employ negros

Seriously, STFU Annabell

David on the James River says “be racist or get out!”

I will sue you in Fereral court, Annabell

I thought McDonalds was all black people, not all Mexicans?

I say HELL NO more Gregory H posts

Only one man would dare give me the racist raspberry!

If only the racism was out of the blue and not par for the course

I wonder if there is some sort of historic reason for all of that, possibly one that you old idiots should have been around to witness in person?

HAW HAW, because black people like…summer?

Blacks are responsible for McDonald’s corporate policy.

Any time you say “not racist”, it is.

Got to my website, please please please? I got THREE visitors today!

And here is an added bonus, thefoxnation.com members openly advocating taking up arms against the government! Keep in mind these posts made it through the strict moderation policy at thefoxntion.com!

And that’s it for another round of Wingnut Web. As for me, I’m gonna order a Mighty Kids Meal. The toys rule.