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Wingnut Web – Kangaroo court time on the web Edition

The cup of crazy runneth over at Resistnet.com. Thrill as Resistors call for violent overthrow of the government. Chill as the Resistors declare that speaking to Democrats is a traitorous action. Be dazzled as Resistnet turns on Sarah Palin. Watch in awe as Resistnet contracts a plague of nausea as Obama gives a speech. Complete with random multi-page rants by our new favorite crazy person, Melina. Plenty of old favorites including Gun Avatar Guy, John P., and the rest of the gang!

Gun Avatar Fuckwit #1 knows that Peaceful Resistance requires ZERO TOLERANCE and NO COMPROMISE!

You heard it here first, Scott Brown will not be allowed to be elected senator.

Pray against the marxist slims!

I thought Jesus was about love, not total genocidal war…

Tom Bergstand has respect for the dead

How can I convince Democrats to become total crazies?

Keep yelling crazy stuff and eventually they’ll go nuts!

You want to try to convert people? Traitor! Death to those who wish to talk to others! My Gun avatar has spoken!

And yet Larry & Stacy Braid can’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to be part of a group where a crazy chickenhawk fuck with guns will be screaming that they are traitors.

The Progressives eat our country for breakfast!

So God brainwashed America to vote for Democrats?

The WTF? Award goes to…

It’s a future 2010 Can’tidates entry!

Stay classy, Resistnet.com!

Spreme Court also threw out the spellcheck!

So for those of you who don’t follow the Teabaggers, they HATE John McCain, and Sarah Palin announced she will help campaign with him for reelection. The Teabaggers flipped the frak out and started to turn on Sarah Palin for showing loyalty to the guy who put her on the national stage!

Gun Avatar Fuckwit #1 starts us out…

Wanda sees through Sarah Palin now that she’s not the flavor of the month…

RG seems unaware the Democrats that lost those elections were horrible candidates, and suffers from NY-23 amnesia

Someone flipped Wanda’s crazy switch!

Sarah, NOOOoooOOOoOOOOooOOO!!!!

Wait, Mitt Romney is now the super-conservative choice?

Melinda is deluded into thinking Sarah Palin reads Resistnet.com or has even heard of it.

The DaVinci RINO code…

Choose Your Own Adventure: Crazytown Express to Hell!

Clear as inky mud!

Melinda continues

Obama winning an election is a war crime!

JoanO sees Melinda’s wacky comments and joins the fun!

Will you watch the State of the Union?

Sick to stomach #1

Hey, Confederate Flag Avatar!

Sure, that will happen…

A student of human nature

Wall of text fun!

How dare Obama try to make jobs?!?!?

Sick to stomach #2 and #3 (plus others I didn’t bother to copy) along with a guy joking about how many people are getting sick!

Sick to stomach #4 (bonus Onion action!)

Sick to stomach #5, Sick to eyes #1


Sick to stomach #6

I am not sure of the point of this crazy fuck…

Hey, I thought you Teabaggers were all for the Free Market? Now you want Big Government to spend your tax money on rockets to the moon?

2010 Can'tidates – Ernest Huber

So we’re going to have a little fun as we enter the 2010 election season. TarsTarkas.NET will be profiling some of the minor candidates running for office, most of which have absolutely no chance of winning, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t awful.

First up is Ernest Huber – Official Site
Ernest is a Republican candidate for the 8th Congressional District in Washington State, trying to primary incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert, who is accused of being a RINO.

Let’s take a look at Ernest’s website:



Looks like a standard right wing guy so far, with enough kids to get a TLC show, but then we go into the section of his website that is nothing but giant wall of text essays.

Ernest Huber actively believes Barack Obama is a grave threat to America and wants to break out the Red Scare witch hunts! And if you object, you must be guilty guilty guilty! Then I guess Ernest Huber won’t object to me going through his wife’s underwear drawer. Because if he does, he’s a commie!

Ernest Huber thinks the entire point of the War on Terror is to just kill more of them than they kill of us. Like deaths are a score. So war is a video game. Who cares about lose of life or not hurting innocents or even having a war justified by facts, it is nothing except a giant scoreboard. Like Frogger. Hey, Napoleon Huber, what happens with the US and China each kill 300 million of the other side? They win, because we have nothing left.

As a biologist, this is among the dumbest thing I have ever read about how speciation works. But good luck declaring war on nature, Ernest Huber. Bonus Al Gore is Evil action!

One of several times Huber goes off on pedophilia and necrophilia and other things to try to smear gays. Squeaky wheels.

What the frak? If you ever organize anything, you are a communist! Huber would be perfectly happy putting every Democrat into camps. Tell me more about how I am very bad, Huber!

If you are gay, you are committing a hate crime! That’s a new one.

Now, this is where it gets creepy. Just who is projected to be going into extinction by 2050? White America. Yes, white people. And not extinct, just a minority, but Huber is wrong about everything so why start now? Huber continues with talking about brown slaves and Mexican invaders in case you didn’t get his not-so-coded racism.

Atheists, Communists, and Gamaliels, Oh My!

Jesus loves you, but he also hates you.

Lonely? It’s because of feminism. It’s also why you are metrosexual!

I think the first thing that will happen to you on the floor will be getting arrested for trespassing what with you having no chance ever of getting elected.

Huber is also so lazy he’s not even going to bother to do any work, requiring YOU to do all the work to get him elected! So get off your lazy butt, maggots!

And Ernest Huber posts on Resistnet.com!

Here he is calling for the overthrow of the US government…

Yeah, that will work…

Thanks to the magic of the internet, we got lots more terrible can’tidates to profile, so until next time, remember that it’s your job to get this racist wackjob elected, as he’s too busy ranting on the internet to bother to campaign!

Wingnut Web – Reminder That FoxNation.com Is Still Awful Edition

FoxNation.com (or TheFoxNation.com) has been absolutely awful since it first appeared on the scene. The commentors are racist, sexist, horrible human beings who desire nothing better than to kill everyone who is to the left of Hitler Stalin. And they also love typing gibberish. Many of these comments require a codebreaker to decipher all the typos and random nicknames. Some nicknames even threw me for a loop, and I’ve been doing this for a year or so now. But don’t take my word for it…

Janeane Garafalo – the most powerful woman in the world!

Bright red user names!?! Looks like FoxNation updated their coding since last we were there…

MiSalesGal is eagerly counting the days until she can shoot libs (minorities) in the street

Literally ever Republican who posts on FoxNation.com is a tweaking psychopath

Crazy .JPGs as user names! Wow, looks like the code is broken instead of updated…

Liberals want to kill everyone. That’s why they start all the wars…

If you’re gonna call out people for namecalling, don’t be namecalling in the exact same post!

Red Dawn MoFo here cracked me up with the “joy rides in our AirCrafts” bit. Mission Accomplished!

Someone got served!

The British control America? That’s a new one…

Oh, Wacky.JPG User Name, will you ever be not a moron?

Zerep11′ is going to be a very disappointed old man in 2011…

Wait, are liberals turds or donkeys? And are you going to destroy us or flatten us? Make up your mind!

I love Pick Slips!

Wait, I thought it was Communist Nazi Socialist Marxism!?

DE MEO is still around and still as stupid as ever

What does it spell?

“Only Leftist Ridicule!” says Insulting .JPG User Name guy!

I like military metaphors!

He’s got my names! NOOOOOoooOOOOoooOOooOOOoooOOooO!!!!!

Why won’t young people listen to my bitter old man rants?

Blacks are not Americans.

Minorities are slaves and Liberals are the real racists!

Bi-polar Oath Keepers, raping children at a rally near you!


Seriously, why are you guys complaining about no one speaking English so much when none of you can type English to save your life!

If you don’t hate Obama, you are a non-colored Anti-American.

Jackie Chan was surprised to wake up today and find out he was white. Also LOL racism in the last sentence.

Racists slap liberals in the face every day? That’s pretty mean!

There is none so blind except those who accidentally shot themselves in the eye while cleaning their guns in AZ.

What the frak?

Blacks are the real racists and also I keep pie charts about Obama’s ethnicity.

My son brought home stuff on MLK right after MLK day, obviously Schools are the real racists!

Obama caused all racism. Ever.

“Stop calling me a racist because I don’t support Obama!”

What’s the matter with larrykansas?

Ah, FoxNation.com. Horrible!

This just in…

Muppet Newsflash

Special Report!

Someone is impersonating someone in the United Conservative States of America Militia!

But who is being impersonated? The email sender didn’t bother to even say! It is a complete mystery. But if you are getting emails, WATCH OUT! They are all impersonated! Even that email from your mom asking you what shoes you want for your birthday? All fake. Your Mom is really a Government Agent sewing chaos. Beware!

Don’t worry, we got a guy on the case:
So soon we shall find out the mystery of the impersonations of no one!

Until then, we leave you with the rest of TarsTarkas.NET, already in progress!

Oath Keepers, child rape, and stolen grenade launchers

Speaking of militia crazies and child molestation, a leader in the Oath Keepers movement has been arrested for child rape, and then the police found a stolen grenade launcher in his house. Obviously to hunt deer with.

First, some background on the Oath Keepers, for those of you who are thankfully unaware of this certain clique of right wing crazy. The Oath Keepers are military and former military “patriots” who are

Launched in March 2009 by Las Vegas resident and former paratrooper Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers claims to be a nonpartisan group of current and retired law enforcement and military personnel who vow to fulfill their oaths to the Constitution.

More specifically, the group’s members, which number in the thousands, pledge to disobey orders they deem unlawful, including directives to disarm the American people and to blockade American cities. By refusing the latter order, the Oath Keepers hope to prevent cities from becoming “giant concentration camps,” a scenario the 44-year-old Rhodes says he can envision happening in the coming years.

“The whole point of Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here,” Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper and Yale-trained lawyer, said in an interview with the Review-Journal. “My focus is on the guys with the guns, because they can’t do it without them.

”We say if the American people decide it’s time for a revolution, we’ll fight with you.“

More random stuff including their pledge on the official site.

But back to the story here:

Marine Sgt. Charles Dyer, aka “July4Patriot,” has been accused of raping a 7-year-old girl. He has spoken at at least one teabagger protest (July 4th) and is also a bigwig in connecting the Oath Keepers movement and the Tea Parties. But the Oath Keepers are disavowing him thanks to these charges:

An ex-military man has been arrested on charges of rape of a child and forcible sodomy.

Charles Alan Dyer, 29, of Marlow, was arrested Tuesday afternoon by Stephens County Sheriff’s deputies, said Sheriff Wayne McKinney. Dyer served in the United States Marines in Iraq.

The second amendment of the Constitution is the only amendment:

During the search the sheriff’s deputies noted several firearms and a device believed to be a Colt M-203, 40-millimeter grenade launcher, a complaint filed in the United States District Court of Western Oklahoma by Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco Special Agent Brett Williams said.

(also some of the Oath Keepers show up in the comments on CrooksandLiars and get mocked to shreds, for those of you who like that stuff check it out!)

CrooksandLiars also adds:

Meanwhile, unsurprisingly, the folks at American Resistance Movement — a group Dyer was also prominently involved in — are claiming that Dyer was set up, and the girl who accused him was “programmed” to do so. Accordingly, they’ve set up a “Free July4Patriot” fund, with a little button on their front page so you can donate.



http://www.americanresistancemovement.com/ (hey, a message board!)

Look at all them July4Patriot defense threads stickied! At least one of them has a bajillion YouTube videos of various Patriots defending their boy from the evil programmed 7 year old girl.

The PayPal donate button.

Let’s see what these American Resistance Movementers are all about

I see…

We need a crazy leader to lead us in killing government dudes!

Obama is chemtrailing the frak out of these guys!

Fun Fact: All traffic jams are caused by police cars just frakking with traffic!

UPDATE: CrooksandLiars posted more info on the Oath Keepers running for their lives away from July4Patriot

Whites Only Basketball

What the fuck?
via ThinkProgress

A new professional basketball league called the All-American Basketball Alliance (AABA) sent out a press release on Sunday saying that it intends to start its inaugural season in June, with teams in 12 U.S. cities. However, the AABA is different from other sports leagues because only players who are “natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league.” AABA commissioner Don “Moose” Lewis insists that he’s not racist, but he just wants to get away from the “street-ball” played by “people of color” and back to “fundamental basketball.” Lewis cited the recent incidents of bad behavior by NBA players, implying that such actions would never happen with white players:

“There’s nothing hatred about what we’re doing,” he said. “I don’t hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here’s a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like.” […]

He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas’ indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans’ dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run.

“Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?” he said. “That’s the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction.”

More info here

About that Moose Guy…

Sports Moose Productions Announces Shooting for Erotic Horror Flick!

(Atlanta, Georgia) (May 21, 2003)- Don “Moose” Lewis, Managing Member of Sports Moose Productions, LLC, in Atlanta, Georgia, announces shooting will begin on October 18, 2003 for the original motion picture, “Down For the Count!” , an erotic horror flick with live professional wrestling scenes included in the picture from professional wrestling organization, Xtreme Wrestling Union, a partner in the project. The majority of the film will be shot in Atlanta, Georgia with some scenes shot on location at beach locales.

“We are casting for a leading actress along with supporting actresses immediately!” stated “Moose” Lewis. “This is not your ordinary “FFF”- femme fatale film-female actresses receive great parts and action in this movie. While this is targeted for a mature audience, this is much more than your ordinary “flesh mongrel” film. You do not want to miss a single second of this once you sit down to watch it!”

Sports Moose Productions, LLC recently completed a year of producing a weekly television wrestling show for USA Networks Broadcast stations, named “IWU Wrestling – The Max!” which produced weekly ratings higher than major sports events in the same time period. Production of the series was not renewed due to the stations being sold to the Spanish network, Univision. “Moose” Lewis is also the President of International Boxing Union , Inc. -a world wide boxing sanctioning body in which professional boxers fight for World Championship Titles. Additional members of the Limited Liability Company include C.C. McCubbins of Image Ten Productions and the son of golden era Hollywood legend Rod Cameron, Tony Cameron of Mammoth Pictures.

Erotic Horror, wrestling, and racism! They go together like peanut butter, car mufflers, and handguns.

I have no clue if this ever got made.